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A-level Maths

Core 1
Homework Booklet

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 1: GCSE revision
Exercise level 1
Do not use a calculator in this exercise.
1. Simplify the following expressions:
(i) 2x + 3y x + 5y + 4x
(ii) 5a 2b + 3c 2a + 5b
(iii) 4p + q 6p 5q + 5p + 4q
2. Multiply out the brackets and simplify where possible:
(i) 3(2x + 3y)
(ii) 4(3a 2b) 3(a + 2b)
(iii) p(2p q) + 2q(p 3q)
3. Multiply out these expressions.
(i) (x + 1)(x 3)
(iii) (x 3)(x 4)
(v) (2x + 1)(4x 1)
(vii) (3 + 2x)(x 1)


(x + 2)(2x + 1)
(3x + 2)(x 2)
(1 2x)(1 + x)
(5x 3)(2x + 5)

4. Factorise the following expressions:

(i) 10ab + 5ac
(ii) 2x + 4xy 8xz
(iii) 3st 9st + 12st
5. Simplify the following as much as possible:
12 p 2 qr 3
2a 2b
9 pq 2 r
4ab 2

x 2 y xy 2
x y


a 3bc a

2b a 2 6c

6. Factorise:
(i) 3xy xy 2
(ii) 4a 3b 2a 2b 2 a 4b 2
(iii) 2 x2 xy 2 xy 6 y 2
7. Simplify:
a 2 b2
a 3b a 2 b 2
ax 3ay
( x y )( x 3 y )
8. Solve the following simultaneous equations:
(i) 2x + 5y = 11
(ii) x + 2y = 6
2x y = 5
4x + 3y = 4

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01/06/15 MEI

AQA C1 Algebra 1 Exercise

(iii) 3a 2b = 4
5a + 4b = 3

(iv) 2p 5q = 5
3p 2q = 9

(v) 5x + 3y = 9
y = 3x 4

(vi) 3a + 2b = 1
9a 4b = 4

9. Solve the following linear inequalities.

(i) 2 x 3 10
(iii) 3x 1 7 x
(v) 5 x 2 7
(vii) 3(2 3x) 5 x 1

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(ii) 5x 3 2 x 9
(iv) 4 x 1 6 x 7
(vi) 3x 11 5 4 x
(viii) 13 (7 6 x) 2 x

01/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 1: GCSE revision
Exercise level 2
Do not use a calculator in this exercise.
1. Write as single fractions:
2 x 3x

2x 1 x 2

1 1

p q
2. Solve the following equations:
(i) 2x 3 = 8
(iii) 3 2a = 3a 1
(v) 2(1 z) + 3(z + 3) = 4z + 1

3a 2b

3x 4 5 x 6

a 5b

2b 3a


(ii) 3y + 2 = y 5
(iv) 3(p 3) = 2(2p + 1)
2b 1 3 b


3. Simplify:

2( x 2) 2







xy yz


4. Solve the following linear inequalities:

(i) 5( x 3) 2(2 x 3)


(iii) 4(2 x 5) 3(3x 1)


12 (4 3x) 2 x 1



2(1 x) 3 x 4
2x 1 x 4

x 1
3 x


5. Solve the following simultaneous equations:

x y 1
(ii) 2 x y 0

3x 2 y 7
(iii) y 5 x 8

x 3y 0

x 3y 7
x 2 y 1


x 3 y 1

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AQA C1 Algebra 1 Exercise


2 p 4q 14
p 3q 5

(vi) 3u 2v 26

u 6v 46

6. The largest angle of a triangle is three times as big as the smallest angle.
The third angle is 20 greater than the smallest angle.
Find all three angles of the triangle.
7. In a restaurant, there are 24 tables, some of which seat four people, and the rest
seat 6 people. The restaurant can hold 114 people altogether.
How many tables seat four people?
8. Michelle is doing a Statistics project on the heights of students in her class.
She has written:
Mean height of boys = 165 cm
Mean height of girls = 159 cm
Mean height of whole class = 162.2 cm
There are 30 students in Michelles class.
How many boys and how many girls are there?

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27/11/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 1: GCSE revision
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
1. Some friends are planning an evening out, and they are calculating whether it is
cheaper to travel by bus or taxi. The bus fare to the event is calculated by the bus
company at 40p per mile, and each customer would have to pay separately. The
taxi company charges 1.20 per mile, plus a standing charge of 3.00 for each
journey, though the taxi would hold up to 6 persons all for a single charge.
(i) Write down a formula for the charge B pence by the bus company if an
individual travels a distance of x miles, and also a formula for the charge T
pence by the taxi company for the same journey.
(ii) In fact, 6 friends are planning to travel together to the same event. Using
your formulae from part (i), find the distance travelled at which the choice of
bus or taxi is equally priced.
(iii) If, on a second occasion, a group of 10 friends travel together, at what
distance does the journey break even?
2. John is less than half his mothers age, though the sum of their ages is greater than
sixty. John was born on his mothers twenty-sixth birthday.
By expressing these facts as two inequalities and one equation, find the range of
possible ages for John.
3. An arena is to be built for an event, surrounded
by crush barriers each of which is 2 metres long,
as in the diagram. The arena is to be square, and
there is an approach corridor created as in the
diagram, which is 2 metres wide, and so one
barrier is omitted from the edge of the square
arena. The edge of the square arena is made from x crush barriers, and the side of
the approach corridor from y barriers.

(i) Devise a formula for the total number of barriers used.

(ii) The arena and the approach corridor is to be carpeted using a red carpet.
Find a formula for the area of carpet required.
(iii) There are 100 barriers available. If the approach is to be 16 metres long,
what is the biggest possible size of the square arena? What is the area of the
red carpet used?
4. When a train accelerates from rest to 30 ms-1, the formula v (0.3)t1 gives the
speed v ms-1 after t1 seconds. The train then travels 9 km at constant speed, where
the distance travelled d metres, the speed v ms-1, and the time taken t2 seconds are
related by d v.t2 . Finally, the train slows to a stop, during which the formula

v 30 (0.1)t3 applies.
The train departs on time, and is timetabled for 14 minutes for the journey
between start and stop. Does the train arrive early or late, and by how much?

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01/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 2: Surds
Exercise level 1
Do not use a calculator in this exercise.
1. Write these in terms of the simplest possible surd.
(iv) 216

2. Simplify the following

1 2 3 2 2

(iii) 2

5 3 3 3 2 5 3




2 2 3



1 2

3 2


4. Rationalise the denominators of the following.


18 72 98

3. Multiply out the brackets and simplify as far as possible.

1 2 3 2
2 3 3 2 3

3 2 5 1 3 5

2 3 3


3 1

2 2

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18/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 2: Surds
Exercise level 2
Do not use a calculator in this exercise.
1. Write these in terms of the simplest possible surd.
12 15
6 27

10 24 15

2. Multiply out the brackets and simplify as far as possible.

22 3 5 2 3
7 2

2 8
1 2 3 5



7 2
3 3 3 3

3. Rationalise the denominators of the following.

1 3
1 2 5
2 3
3 5

1 2
3 2


6 3
6 3

4. Express each of the following expressions as a single rational fraction, leaving a

rational denominator.

3 2 2 3

x y x y

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18/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 2: Surds
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
1. When a simple pendulum swings gently, the period in seconds of the swing is
given by the formula
T 2
where L is the length of the pendulum in metres, and g is a constant which is the
acceleration due to gravity. (Throughout this exercise, it is sufficiently accurate to
use the approximation g = 10 ms-2.)
The diagram shows an experiment in which PQ
is a simple pendulum, with a pendulum bob at Q,
and the pendulum swinging L metres below the
point P.
The end of a string of length 20 metres is fixed to
the bob Q and passes over a peg at the fixed
point P, around another peg at point B, with the
other end fixed at A. Point A is 3 metres below
point P, so that ABP is a right-angled triangle.
The length L can be changed by sliding the point
B along the horizontal line AC. The length of AB is x metres as in the diagram.


m A

(i) Write down a formula for L, the length of the pendulum PQ, in terms of x.
(ii) Find the period of the pendulum when AB = 4 metres. Give your answer in
surd form.
(iii) Write down a general formula for the period in terms of x.
(iv) Find the period of the pendulum when AB = 8 metres. Give your answer in
surd form.
(v) If the period of the pendulum is T1 when the length is L1 and the period is T2
when the length is L2 then find a formula in terms of the lengths for the ratio
of the time periods. Check that your answers to parts (ii) and (iv) above are
consistent with your formula.

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18/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 3: Quadratics
Exercise level 1
Do not use a calculator for this exercise.
1. Factorise these quadratic expressions.
x + 5x + 6
x + x 12
(iv) x 6x + 8
2x + 3x + 1
(vii) 4x 8x + 3
(viii) 4x 25
2. Factorise:
x2 4x
(iii) x 2 4( x 1)



x2 9
3x + x 2
6x x 12

x 2 17 x 60
3x 2 11x 6

3. Solve these quadratic equations by factorising.

x + 4x + 3 = 0
x + 5x 6 = 0
(iii) x 6x + 8 = 0
x 7x 18 = 0
(v) 2x + 5x + 3 = 0
2x + x 6 = 0
4. Use the quadratic formula to solve these equations. Give your answers in exact
x2 4x 1 0
x 2 3x 1 0
3x 2 4 x 2 0
(iii) 2 x 2 2 x 3 0
5. Write down the equation of the line of symmetry and the coordinates of the vertex
of each of the following quadratic graphs:
y x 4 1
y x 2 3

y 2 x 1 5


y 3 x 1

6. A quadratic graph has minimum point (-1, 2). Find the equation of the graph.
7. A quadratic graph has maximum point (2, 5). Find the equation of the graph.
8. Write each of the following quadratic functions in completed square form:
x + 2x 3
x 6x + 1
(iii) x + x + 1
x + 5x
(v) 2x + 4x + 3
3x + 8x 2
9. Using your answers for each of the quadratic functions in question 8, write down
the coordinates of the minimum or maximum point (the vertex) of the graph
y = f (x).
x + 2x 3
x 6x + 1
(iii) x + x + 1
x + 5x
(v) 2x + 4x + 3
3x + 8x 2

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16/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 3: Quadratics
Exercise level 2
Do not use a calculator for this exercise.
1. Factorise:
ax 2 2ax 3a


2cx2 c(6a b) x 3abc

2. Simplify these expressions where possible.

x2 x 6
x2 4x 4
x2 x 2
x2 x 6
4x2 1
x2 x 2
4 x2 4 x 3
x2 4x 3
x2 x 6
2x 3

3x 2 2 x 1
2x2 x 1
2x 1
3x 1
3. Solve these quadratic equations by factorising.
4x 3x 10 = 0
6x 19x + 10 = 0
4. Solve the following quadratic equations, where possible. Give answers in exact
x + 2x 2 = 0
x 3x + 5 = 0
(iii) 2x + x 4 = 0
2x 5x 12 = 0
(v) x 5x 3 = 0
3x + x + 1 = 0
(vii) 4x + 12x + 9 = 0
(viii) 4x + 10x + 5 = 0
(ix) x 1
2x 7 x 4
5. Without solving the equation, state how many solutions there are for each of the
following quadratic equations:
3x 2 2 x 5 0
2 x 2 3x 2 0
4 x2 8x 4 0
5x2 6 0
x 2 3x 3 0
5 x 2 8 x 10
6. The length of a rectangle is 3 cm greater than its width. The area of the rectangle
is 40 cm. Find the length and width of the rectangle.
7. (i) Write x + 4x + 1 in the completed square form.
(ii) Hence write down the equation of the line of symmetry and the coordinates of
the vertex of the graph y = x + 4x + 1.
(iii)Sketch the graph.
8. (i) Write x 3x + 1 in the completed square form.
(ii) Hence write down the equation of the line of symmetry and the coordinates of
the vertex of the graph y = x 3x + 1.
(iii)Sketch the graph.

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02/06/15 MEI

AQA C1 Algebra Section 3 Exercise

9. (i) Write x2 11x + 24 in factorised form.
(ii) Sketch the graph of y = x2 11x + 24, labelling the values of x where the
graph crosses the x-axis.
(iii)Use your graph to write down the solution of
x 2 11x 24 0
10. (i) By completing the square, find the coordinates of the vertex of the
graph y x 2 x 1
(ii) By putting the two expressions equal to each other in a single
equation, find where the two graphs below cross:

y x2 x 1
y 5x 3
(iii)Interpret your result by sketching the graphs.

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02/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 3: Quadratics
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
1. The garden shown in the diagram is in the
shape of a rectangle, with an attached
triangular area. It is surrounded by a
continuous fence, and the dimensions shown
are measured in metres.

x m

(x + 4) m

(x + 2) m

(i) Write down a formula for the area A m

of the garden.
(ii) Find a second formula for the length P of the fence in metres, leaving a
square root in your formula.
(iii) The area of the garden is 200 m2. Find the length of the fence, giving your
answer to 3 significant figures.
2. In a cinema, there are n rows of seats set out in a rectangular block 300. After the
cinema is enlarged, half as many rows plus two more are added, though with 5
fewer seats in each new row. This gives the cinema 120 extra seats. How many
seats are in each of the old and new rows?
3. When a stone is thrown upwards over the edge of a cliff, its height h metres above
the point where it was thrown after t seconds is given by the formula

h 20t 5t 2
How many seconds after it is thrown does the stone pass the cliff edge on the way
downwards? How long after it is thrown will the stone hit the sea which is 50
metres below the clifftop? (Give your answer to 3 significant figures.) How could
you interpret the other solution of your quadratic equation?
4. A rectangular enclosure is to be constructed against a long straight wall. The
enclosure is to be built using 100 metres of fencing.
(i) Let the width of the enclosure be x metres. Draw a sketch, and write down a
formula for the area of the enclosure.
(ii) By completing the square, find the maximum possible area that can be
enclosed, and find the dimensions of the enclosure to give that maximum
(iii) Sketch the graph of your formula for the area. Interpret and explain the
values of the intercepts of the graph with the x-axis in terms of the shape of
the enclosure.
5. (i)

Write the expression

x2 8x c
in completed square form.
(ii) The equation
x2 8x c 0
has real roots. Using the completed square format, find a condition in the
form of an inequality for c.
(iii) How must this condition on c be amended so that the equation above in
part (ii) has real unequal roots?
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AQA C1 Algebra Section 3 Exercise

(iv) Sketch two graphs showing an example of two real equal roots in (ii) and
two real unequal roots in (iii) above.
(v) By considering your sketch graphs, explain why there is no value of c which
gives two real positive roots.
6. A rectangular car park has a perimeter of 184 metres, and the diagonal of the car
park measures 68 metres.
(iv) By labelling the length of the car park as x metres, formulate an equation and
check that x = 24 satisfies the equation. Hence find the dimensions of the car
(v) Sketch the graph of the quadratic expression in part (i), and interpret each
intersection with the x-axis in terms of the car park.

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AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 4: Further use of quadratics
Exercise level 1
Do not use a calculator in this exercise.
1. Solve the following quadratic inequalities.
x2 7 x 6 0
(i) x 2 4 x 12 0
2 x2 5x 3 0
(iii) x 2 x 15 0
4x2 4 x 3 0
(v) 3 x 2 5 x 2 0
2. Solve the following simultaneous equations.
(i) 7x + y = 64
3x 2y = 5
(iii)p + pq = 2


8a b = 2
2a + b = 1

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01/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 4: Further use of quadratics
Exercise level 2
1. Solve the following quadratic inequalities
(i) 1 x 2 x 2 0
x2 2x 1 0
(iii) x 3 x 10
x( x 3) x 8
2. Solve the following simultaneous equations.
x y 9
xy 8
3x y 10
x 3xy 2 y 0

y 4x
3 y 2 2 xy 160

3. In each of the following questions, find where the two graphs cross, and show the
crossing points on a sketch.
y 2x 3
(i) y 3x 2

y x 2 3x 9

y 6 4x x2

(iii) y 2 x 2

x 2 y 2 25
4. Find the set of values of k for which each of the quadratic equations below have
no real roots.
(i) x 2 5 x k 0
(ii) x 2 kx k 3 0
5. In each of the following parts, use a sketch of appropriate quadratic graphs to
solve the quadratic inequalities, and indicate on the sketch the values of x which
represent the solution.
(i) x 2 5 x 6 0
(ii) 2 x 2 x 3 0
(iii) x 2 8 2 x 2 x 6

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01/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Algebra

Section 4: Further use of quadratics
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
1. The diagram shows a plan of a square lawn, with a
rectangular flowerbed cut from it. The flowerbed is half
the length of the lawn. The lawn is x m long, and the
flowerbed is y m in width.
I have 100 m of plastic lawn edging which I intend to
use on all 4 sides of the lawn, and also all 4 sides of the
flowerbed. I also have a packet of grass seed, which states
that it will cover 279 m2. What should be the dimensions
of each of the lawn and flowerbed?


2. A room in a new hotel is designed so that its length x metres is 3 metres greater
than its width. Because of the budget for carpet, the area is to be no more than 88
square metres, while for display purposes the perimeter of the room must be at
least 30 metres.
Write down two inequalities, and find the possible values for x.
3. For centuries, people have used the properties of
right-angled triangles to set out building works
In the diagram, a 40 m length of rope is used to set
out a right-angled triangle ABC. The length of rope
AC is h m, and the length of rope AB is 2 m shorter
than AC. The length of the remaining part of the
rope BC is x m. The area of the triangle ABC is
60 m2. Find the possible dimensions of the triangle.

4. A fishtank is 30 cm deep, and is formed from a cuboid with horizontal dimensions

x cm by y cm. Find formulae for the surface area (the tank has no lid) and the
volume of the tank.
If the surface area is 6300 cm2 and the volume is 45000 cm3, find the size of the
5. A work of art includes a large cone. The volume of the cone is to be at most 25
cubic metres, and the length of the slant height of the cone is to be less than twice
the radius. Write down two inequalities, and find the maximum height of the
cone, to 3 significant figures.

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AQA Core 1 Algebra

Topic assessment
Do not use a calculator in this test.
1. Write the following in terms of the simplest possible surd.
(i) 27
2. Simplify:
(i) 98 32
(ii) 75 10 24

(iii) 1 2 3 2 2



3. Rationalise the denominators of the following and simplify as far as possible

2 3



1 2
3 2


4. Solve each of the following quadratic equations, if possible, giving answers in

exact form.
(i) 2x x 3 = 0
(ii) 3x 2x + 4 = 0
(iii) x + 5x 1 = 0

5. (i)


Write the quadratic expression x + 4x + 5 in the form A(x + B) + C.


(ii) Hence write down the coordinates of the minimum point of the graph
y = x + 2x + 5.


(iii) Find the discriminant of the quadratic equation x + 4x + 5 = 0.


(iv) What does the value of this discriminant tell you about the solutions of the
equation x + 4x + 5 = 0?
(v) Sketch the graph of y = x + 4x + 5, and explain how this confirms your
answer to (iv).
6. (i) By factorising, solve the equation 2 x2 x 6 0 .


(ii) Sketch the graph of y 2 x 2 x 6 , showing the coordinates of any points

where the graph cuts the coordinate axes.

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AQA C1 Algebra Assessment

7. The quadratic equation 2 x2 5x k 0 has equal roots.
(i) Find the value of k.


(ii) Solve the equation 2 x2 5x k 0 .


8. (i) Write the expression 2 x2 2 x 1 in the form a( x p)2 q .


(ii) Hence, or otherwise, solve the equation 2 x2 2 x 1 0 .


9. Solve the following inequalities.


2x + 3 < 1 x
3(y 1) 5y 8
x + 2x 15 0
2p 7p + 3 > 0
z(2 z) < z 12


10. The quadratic equation x2 (3k 1) x k 0 has no real roots.

Find the possible set of values for k.


11. Find the coordinates of the points where the graphs of x + 2y = 13 and x y = 9
12. The line y 3x k is a tangent to the graph y 2 x2 5x 6 .
Find the value of k.


Total 100 marks

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10/01/13 MEI

AQA Core 1 Coordinate geometry

Section 1: Points and straight lines
Exercise level 1
Do not use a calculator in this exercise.
1. (a) For the points A(3, 1) and B(7, 4) calculate
(i) the gradient of AB
(ii) the gradient of a line perpendicular to AB
(iii) the midpoint of AB
(iv) the distance AB
(b) Repeat part (a) for the points A(-2, 9) and B(3, -1)
2. Given the points A(3, 1), B(6, y) and C(12, -2) find the value(s) of y for which
(i) the line AB has gradient 2
(ii) the distance AB is 5
(iii) A, B and C are collinear
(iv) AB is perpendicular to BC
(v) the lengths AB and BC are equal
3. The point E is (2, -1), F is (1, 3), G is (3, 5) and H is (4, 1).
Show, by calculation that EFGH is a parallelogram.
4. Sketch the following lines.
(i) y x 3
(ii) y 2 x 1
(iv) 4 y x 12
(v) 3 y x 6 0

(iii) x y 5
(vi) 5 y 15 2 x

5. Find the equations of the lines (a)-(e) in the diagram below.




4 x


6. The following questions are about the coordinate geometry of the following
points: A (2, 2), B (3, 1), C (4, 4), D (5, 5), E (6, -1), F (7, -3)
(i) Find the lengths of the line segments AE and AB.
(ii) Find the gradients of each of AB, AC, AE, DE, and CD.
(iii) State which of the lines in part (ii) are parallel or perpendicular to each other.
(iv) What is the angle between AC and BF?

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08/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Coordinate geometry

Section 1: Points and straight lines
Exercise level 2
Do not use a calculator in this exercise.
1. P is the point (2, 1), Q is (6, 9) and R is (10, 2).
(i) Sketch the triangle PQR.
(ii) Prove that triangle PQR is isosceles.
(iii) Work out the area of triangle ABC.
2. Find the equations of the following lines.
(i) parallel to y 4 x 1 and passing through (2, 3)
(ii) perpendicular to y 2 x 7 and passing through (1, 2)
(iii) parallel to 3 y x 10 and passing through (4, -1)
(iv) perpendicular to 3x 4 y 12 and passing through (-3, 0)
(v) parallel to x 5 y 8 0 and passing through (-1, -6)
3. Find the equation of the line AB in each of the following cases.
(i) A(1, 6), B(3, 2)
(ii) A(8, -1), B(-2, 3)
(iii) A(-5, 2), B(7, -4)
(iv) A(-3, -5), B(5, 1)
4. A quadrilateral has vertices A(3, 5), B(9, 7), C(10, 4) and D(4, 2).
(i) Sketch the quadrilateral.
(ii) Find the equation of each of the quadrilaterals sides.
(iii) Use your equations to show that ABCD is a rectangle.
5. Three points are A (-1, 5), B (1, 0), and C (11, 4).
(i) Find the gradient of BA.
(ii) Find the gradient of BC, and show that BA is perpendicular to BC.
(iii) Find the equation of the line through C, parallel to BA.
(iv) Find the equation of the line through A, parallel to BC.
(v) By solving two equations simultaneously, find the coordinates of point D, the
remaining vertex of the rectangle ABCD.

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08/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Coordinate geometry

Section 1: Points and straight lines
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
1. A triangle has vertices E(2, 5), F(4, 1) and G(-2, -3).
(i) Find the midpoint of each side and hence find the equations of the three
(Medians are the lines from the midpoint of each side to the opposite vertex).
(ii) Show that the point 43 ,1 lies on each median.
2. The sides of a triangle are formed by parts of the lines y 3x 11 , 3 y x 3 and
7 y x 37 .
(i) Find the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle.
(ii) Show that the triangle is right-angled.
(iii) Work out the area of the triangle.
3. ABCD is a parallelogram. The equation of AB is y 4 x 3 and the equation of
BC is y 2 x 1.
(i) Find the coordinates of B.
(ii) The coordinates of A are (3, 9). Find the equation of AD.
(iii) The coordinates of C are (7, 15). Find the equation of CD.
(iv) Find the coordinates of D.
4. The perpendicular bisector of AB, where A is (4, 2) and B is (10, 12), crosses the
axes at points P and Q. Find the area of triangle OPQ.
5. Point A is (3, 1) and B is (8, 4). A line passes through B perpendicular to AB, and
meets the axes at points P and Q. A second line through A perpendicular to AB
meets the axes at R and S. Find the area of PQRS. What shape is it?
6. Point A is (5, 2), B is (1, 5), and C is (6, 6). Point D lies on AB, with CD
perpendicular to AB. Find the coordinates of D.
7. Point A is (4, 5), B is (2, 1), C is (7, 1), and D is (-1, 5).
(i) Find the midpoint of AB and CD.
(ii) Find the gradients of AB and CD.
(iii) What shape is the figure ACBD?
(iv) Find the area of figure ACBD.

1 of 1

08/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Coordinate geometry

Section 2: Circles
Exercise level 1
Do not use a calculator in this exercise.
1. Find, in the form x2 y 2 px qy c , the equation for each of the following
(i) centre (0, 0), radius 6
(ii) centre (3, 1), radius 5
(iii) centre (-2, 5), radius 1
(iv) centre (0, -4), radius 3
2. For each of these circles, write down the coordinates of the centre and the radius.
(i) x 2 y 2 100

x 2 y 7 16
x 3 y 4 4
x 4 y 5 20

3. For each of these circles, find the coordinates of the centre and the radius.
(i) x2 y 2 4 x 5 0
(ii) x2 y 2 6 x 10 y 20 0
(iii) x2 y 2 2 x 3 y 3 0
4. The point C is (4, -2) and the point A is (6, 3).
Find the equation of the circle centre C and radius CA.
5. The points A (2, 0) and B (6, 4) form the diameter of a circle. Find the equation
of the circle.
6. A circle passes through the points Q(0, 3) and R(0, 9) and touches the x-axis.
Work out two possible equations.
7. From the following equations, which represent the Cartesian equation of a circle?
For each circle, find the coordinates of the centre, and find the radius.
(i) x2 y 2 4 x 6 y 51
(ii) x2 2 y 2 3x 11
(iii) 4 x2 4 y 2 65
(iv) 8x2 8 y 2 48x 16 y 104

1 of 1

04/01/16 MEI

AQA Core 1 Coordinate geometry

Section 2: Circles
Exercise level 2
Do not use a calculator in this exercise.
1. (i) Show that the line y 4 x is a tangent to the circle x2 y 2 8 .
(ii) Show that the line 4 y 3 x 25 is a tangent to the circle x2 y 2 25 .
2. The line 2 y x 10 meets the circle x2 y 2 65 at P and Q.
Calculate the length of PQ.
3. The points P (-2, 6), Q (6, 0) and R (5, 7) all lie on a circle.
(i) Show that PR is perpendicular to QR.
(ii) Explain why the result from (i) shows that PQ is a diameter of the circle.
(iii) Hence calculate the equation of the circle.
Write down the equation of the circle centre (0, 0) and radius 17 .
Show that the point P(-4, -1) lies on the circle.
Find the equation of the tangent at P.
The line x y 3 meets the circle at two points, Q and R.
Find the coordinates of Q and R.
(v) Find the coordinates of the point, S, where the tangent at P intersects the line
x y 3.

4. (i)

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18/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Coordinate geometry

Section 2: Circles
Exercise level 3 (Extension)

1. Find k so that point P 3, 27 lies on the circle x2 y 2 k 2 . If P, Q, and R lie

on the circle, and triangle PQR is equilateral, write down the coordinates of the
two vertices Q and R.
2. (i) P is point (2, 1) and Q is (10, 5). Find the midpoint M of PQ, and hence write
down the equation of the circle with PQ as diameter.
(ii) Line L1 has equation y 3x 15 . Find the points U, V where line L1
intersects the circle. What is the angle PUQ?
(iii)Line L2 has equation y 2 x 5 . Point R lies on line L2. Find angle RPQ.
3. A set of circles all pass through the points P (1, -3) and Q (5, 7). Show that all
their centres lie on a straight line, and find its equation.
4. A gardener is planning an exhibition garden based on a design made up of circles
and straight lines. She decides to create a plan, using coordinate geometry, where
each unit on her graph represents a distance of 1 metre.
(i) Write down the equation of a circle centre C (5, 0), with radius 5.
(ii) On her plan, she draws two straight paths from point P (20, 0) to points Q
and R on the circle. Point Q has coordinates (a, b). If she draws PQ so that
CQ and PQ are at right angles, what is the length of the path PQ?
(iii) Find the gradients of the lines CQ and QP in terms of a and b, and hence find
the position of Q, and then R.
(iv) Write down the shape of PQCR, and find its area.

1 of 1

18/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Coordinate geometry

Topic assessment
Do not use a calculator in this test.
1. A line l1 has equation 5 y 4 x 3 .
(i) Find the gradient of the line.
(ii) Find the equation of the line l2 which is parallel to l1 and passes through the point
(1, -2).
2. Describe fully the curve whose equation is x 2 y 2 4 .


3. The coordinates of two points are A (-1, -3) and B (5, 7). Calculate the equation of the
perpendicular bisector of AB.
4. Show that the line y = 3x 10 is a tangent to the circle x 2 y 2 10 .


5. The line y 2 x 3 meets the x-axis at the point P, and the line 3 y 4 x 8 meets the x-axis
at the point Q. The two lines intersect at the point R.
(i) Find the coordinates of R.
(ii) Find the area of triangle PQR.
6. The equation of a circle is x2 y 2 4 x 2 y 15
(i) Find the coordinates of the centre C of the circle, and the radius of the circle.
(ii) Show that the point P (4, -5) lies on the circle.
(iii) Find the equation of the tangent to the circle at the point P.


7. The coordinates of four points are P (-2, -1), Q (6, 3), R (9, 2) and S (1, -2).
(i) Calculate the gradients of the lines PQ, QR, RS and SP.
(ii) What name is given to the quadrilateral PQRS?
(iii) Calculate the length SR.
(iv) Show that the equation of SR is 2y = x 5 and find the equation of the line L through Q
perpendicular to SR.
(v) Calculate the coordinates of the point T where the line L meets SR.
(vi) Calculate the area of the quadrilateral PQRS.
8. AB is the diameter of a circle. A is (1, 3) and B is (7, -1).
(i) Find the coordinates of the centre C of the circle.
(ii) Find the radius of the circle.
(iii) Find the equation of the circle.
(iv) The line y + 5x = 8 cuts the circle at A and again at a second point D. Calculate the
coordinates of D.
(v) Prove that the line AB is perpendicular to the line CD.
Total 60 marks

1 of 1

10/01/13 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Section 1: Introducing polynomials
Exercise level 1
Do not use a calculator or graph-drawing package for this exercise.
1. Given that f ( x) x3 2 x2 5x 4 and g( x) x3 3x2 1 , find
(i) f(x) + g(x)
(ii) f(x) g(x)
2. Given that p( x) 2 x3 5x2 3x 2 and q( x) x3 2 x2 1 , find
(i) q(x) p(x)
(ii) 2p(x) + 3q(x)
3. Given that f ( x) x3 5x2 3 and g( x) 3x4 2 x3 x , find
(i) g(x) 3f(x)
(ii) (2x + 1)f(x)
4. Expand the brackets and simplify the following as far as possible:
(i) ( x 2)(2 x2 3x 1)
(ii) (3x 2)( x3 2 x 4)
(iii) (2 x 1)( x3 2 x2 3x 5)
(iv) ( x 3)(2 x 1)( x 4)
5. Given p( x) 2 x2 x 1 and q( x) 2 x 1 find
(i) p( x) q( x)
(ii) p( x)q( x)

1 of 1

19/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Section 1: Introducing polynomials
Exercise level 2
Do not use a calculator or graph-drawing package for this exercise.
1. Expand the brackets and simplify the following as far as possible:
(i) (3x2 x 2)(2 x2 5x 1)
(ii) (2 x 3)( x 2)( x2 1)

2. Given that f ( x) x2 x 1 and g( x) 2 x4 x3 2 find


f ( x)

(ii) g( x) f ( x)
(iii) f ( x)g( x)
(iv) f ( x) g( x) f ( x)

1 of 1

19/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Section 1: Introducing polynomials
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
1. John is investigating a degree 5 polynomial, and its associated graph
y 120
x5 16 x3 x
(i) Sketch a degree 5 polynomial graph with positive coefficient of x5 and with
the greatest possible number of local maxima and minima.
(ii) Johns first enquiry was to substitute (-x) for x. Deduce what John found out
about the shape of the graph.
(iii) Johns second step was to investigate the intercepts of the graph with the xaxis. Factorise the polynomial, and prove that there is only one real solution
for the equation
x5 16 x3 x 0
(iv) Next, John used a spreadsheet to further investigate the shape of the graph.
He produced the following table:











He used the table to make very rough estimates of the positions of any local
minima and maxima. Write down approximations for the coordinates.
(v) From these coordinates, and his deductions in (ii) and (iii), John made a new
sketch of the graph. Sketch the graph using your deductions.
(vi) Finally, John was excited to spot that the x-values of his intercept and
maxima and minima seemed to be close to some of those of y sin x where
x is given in radians. Use a calculator (in radians mode) to compare the
values of the graph with the values of y sin x when x 0 , , ,
4 2 4
giving your answers to 3 decimal places. Sketch the two graphs on the same
set of axes, and suggest for what values of x the polynomial would be a
reasonable approximation for sin x.

2. Two researchers are separately carrying out the same experiment, and are each
trying to find a polynomial graph to represent their results.
(i) Jane finds that her experiments yield the three data points A (2 , 2), B (3 , 2)
and C (6 ,2). She finds that all three data points fit on a quadratic graph
which passes through the origin with equation
y ax2 bx
Find the equation of her graph, and draw a sketch of it.
(ii) Samira also discovers the three data points A, B and C, but she has time to
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19/06/15 MEI

AQA C1 Polynomials 1 Exercise

find one additional data point D (0 , 3). With the extra point, Samira is able
to find the following cubic polynomial which is satisfied by all four data
y 121 x3 127 x 2 34 x 3
Draw a sketch of Samiras graph.
(iii) In checking Janes and Samiras results, Mary decides to subtract Janes
polynomial from that of Samira, to obtain another cubic polynomial and
graph. Find Marys new polynomial and write down its roots. Sketch the
graph of Marys new polynomial.

3. (For this question you should use a graphical calculator, or a graph-drawing

program on a computer.)
Research into the history of a city suggests that its population over the last few
centuries is given approximately in the following table:
Population (millions) y





These data could be modelled by using either a quadratic or a cubic polynomial

graph, and my computer gives me approximations with equations
y 83 x 2 401 x 40
y 605 x3 125 x 1
(i) Use your calculator or computer to draw the original points (x , y) and to add
the two approximations.

(ii) What does each approximate polynomial suggest was the population of the
city in 1600 and 1500? Comment on the results.
(iii) In fact, the data are a very close fit to a non-polynomial graph
y a(b 2x )
Find the values of a and b.
(iv) What does each of the three separate models predict as the population of the
city in 2100?

2 of 2

19/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Section 2: The factor and remainder theorems
Exercise level 1
Do not use a calculator for this exercise.
1. Given that in each case there is no remainder, divide
(i) 2 x 2 x 1 by 2 x 1
(ii) 2 x3 x 2 7 x 4 by 2x + 1.
(iii) x3 2 x 2 3 by x 1.
2. (i) Show that x + 1 is a factor of 2 x3 5 x 2 x 6.
(ii) Hence factorise 2 x3 5 x 2 x 6 completely.
(iii)Sketch the graph of y 2 x3 5x2 x 6
3. x 2 is a factor of the polynomial x3 ax 2 4 x 12 .
(i) Find the value of a.
(ii) Factorise the polynomial completely.
4. Find the remainder when 2 x3 5 x 2 x 2 is divided by
(i) x + 2
(ii) x 1.
5. (i) Show that x 2 is a factor of the polynomial f(x) = x3 x 2 x 2 .
(ii) Hence factorise f(x) as far as possible.
(iii)What can you say about the graph of y = f(x)?
6. (i) The expression (x 1) is a factor of f ( x) x4 x3 bx2 3x 3 .
Find the value of b.
(ii) Find the remainder when the polynomial is divided by (x + 3).
7. (i) Find the remainder when f ( x) 2 x3 x2 x 18 is divided by (x 2).
(ii) Hence solve the equation 2 x3 x 2 x 18 0 to find any further roots.

1 of 1

19/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Section 2: The factor and remainder theorems
Exercise level 2
Do not use a calculator for this exercise.
1. Divide 6 x 4 4 x3 3x 2 4 x 4 by 3x 2 .
2. When the polynomial x3 kx 2 5 x 4 is divided by x 3 the remainder is 2.
Find the value of k.
3. When the polynomial 3x3 ax 2 bx 1 is divided by x 2 the remainder is 5.
When it is divided by x + 1 the remainder is 1.
Find the values of a and b.
4. Solve the equation 3x3 2 x 2 11x 10 0 .
5. Solve the equation 2 x3 5 x 2 14 x 8 0 .
6. Solve the equation 4 x3 12 x 2 7 x 30 0 .
7. (i) Using polynomial long division, or otherwise, express
6 x3 x2 3x 3 (2 x 1)(ax2 bx c) remainder
(ii) Check your remainder using the remainder theorem.

1 of 1

19/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Section 2: The factor and remainder theorems
Exercise level 3
1. (i) The expression (2 x 1) is a factor of f ( x) 2 x3 9 x2 7 x k .
Find the value of k.
(ii) Solve the equation f ( x) 0 .
2. (i) Show that x a and x a 2 are roots of the equation
x3 (2a 1) x2 (a2 2) x a(a 2) 0
and write the equation in fully factorised form.
(ii) Write down in polynomial form an equation of a graph with intercepts given
by x 1, 23 , 83 .
3. The diagram shows the graph y f ( x) where f ( x) is a cubic polynomial.
(i) Write down a factorised expression for f ( x) ,
with the coefficient of the term in x3 equal to
(ii) The remainder when f ( x) is divided by
(x 2) is (a 2)2 .
Find the possible values of a, sketch both
graphs on the same axes, and label the points
with x-coordinate equal to 2.
(iii)The remainder when f ( x) is divided by
(x 1) is a 2 10a 12 .
Again, find the possible values of a, sketch both graphs on the same axes, and
write down the points with x-coordinate equal to 1.
(iv) Both conditions in (ii) and (iii) apply. Write down the equation of the graph.

1 of 1

30/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Section 3: Translations of graphs
Exercise level 1
Do not use a calculator or graph-drawing package for this exercise.
1. Sketch the following graphs:
(i) y ( x 1)( x 3)( x 4)
(ii) y ( x 2)2 (2 x 1)
(iii) y x(3 x)(2 x 3)
2. For each of the following graphs
(a) describe the transformation which maps the graph of y x2 on to the given
(b) Sketch the graph, giving the coordinates of the minimum point of the graph,
and the coordinates of any points where the graph meets the coordinate axes.
(i) y x2 2
(ii) y ( x 2)2
(iii) y x2 1
(iv) y ( x 1)2
(v) y ( x 2)2 1

1 of 1

19/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Section 3: Translations of graphs
Exercise level 2
1. Find the equation of each new graph when the graph of y = x x + 1 undergoes
each of the following transformations (starting with the original graph each time).
(i) Translation through
(ii) Translation through
(iii)Translation through

2. Describe the transformation which maps the graph of y x2 on to each of the

given graphs.
(i) y x2 6 x 4
(ii) y x2 x 1

3. The circle x2 y 2 1 is translated on to the circle x2 y 2 6 x 4 y k .

Describe the translation, and find the value of k.

1 of 1

16/06/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Section 3: Transformations
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
Do not use a calculator or graph-drawing package for this exercise.
Note: this exercise covers transformations that are both translations and
stretches. Stretches are not covered in this section (they are covered in C2),
and you will need the following information:
The graph y af ( x) is obtained from the graph of y f ( x) by a stretch
scale factor a parallel to the y-axis
The graph y f (ax) is obtained from the graph of y f ( x) by a stretch
scale factor a parallel to the x-axis
Before starting this exercise, you may wish to investigate these rules using a
graph-drawing package, and think about why they are true!
1. The diagram shows the graph of y f ( x) , and the
lines x = -3 and y = 5 which are asymptotes.
Sketch the following curves, and in each case
sketch and label the asymptotes.
(i) y f ( x) 3
(ii) y 2f ( x)
(iii) y f ( x) 2
(iv) y 2f ( x 3)
(v) y f ( 12 x 3)
2. (i) Sketch the graphs of y p( x) and y q( x) where
p( x) x3 and q( x) x2 4
and find the coordinates of their intersection.
(ii) Write the expression f ( x) x3 9 x2 27 x 30 in the form ( x a)3 b and
hence sketch the graph y f ( x) .
(iii) Write the expression g( x) x2 6 x 10 in the form ( x c)2 d and hence
sketch the graph y g( x) .
(iv) Explain how your solutions in parts (ii) and (iii) enable you to write down the
intersection of the graphs y f ( x) and y g( x) without needing to solve the
two equations simultaneously.
3. (i) Write each of


in the form

y x2 2x 6
y 2 x2 x 3
y a ( x b)2 c

(ii) Hence write a sequence of transformations to transform graph (A) into graph

1 of 2

01/07/15 MEI

AQA C1 Polynomials 3 Exercise

4. The function y f ( x) below is a repeated signal generated in a laboratory




q b

The experimenter wishes to change the characteristics of the signal.

Write in terms of f(x) an equation for the signal if
(i) she wishes to multiply the amplitude (height) of the signal by3.
(ii) she wishes the zero time of the signal to occur at the middle of the
(iii) she wishes the signal to recur twice as quickly (double the
(iv) she wishes to increase the amplitude of the signal by a constant
value k.
(v) she wishes to combine all four changes into a new signal.
Sketch a graph of the new signal in part (v), showing 2 complete cycles
beginning at time t = 0, carefully labelling the values of the important
points of one cycle.

2 of 2

01/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Polynomials

Topic Assessment
1. (i)

Add (x + 2x 3x + 1) to (2x + 5x 3)
Subtract (2x 3x + x 2) from (x4 + x 2x + 1)
Multiply (x + 4x 2x + 3) by (2x 1)
Multiply (x + 2x + 3) by (x x + 1)
Divide ( x 2 3x 1) by (x + 2)
Divide (2 x3 x 3x 4) by (x 1)


2. (x 3) is a factor of the polynomial x + ax 5x + 6.

Find the value of a.


3. Find the remainder when 2x 3x + x + 1 is divided by (x + 2).


4. (i) Solve the equation 2x x 5x 2 = 0

(ii) Sketch the graph of y = 2x x 5x 2


5. (i) Solve the equation 2x + 5x 4x 12 = 0

(ii) Sketch the graph of y = 2x + 5x 4x 12


6. Sketch the following graphs.

(i) y = x
(ii) y = (x + 1)
(iii) y = x 2
(iv) y = (x 2) + 3


7. (i) Write the expression x2 6 x 5 in the form ( x p)2 q .

(ii) Describe the transformation that maps the graph of y x 2 on to the
graph of y x 2 6 x 5 .
8. f(x) = x + ax + bx + 8
(i) When f(x) is divided by (x + 1), the remainder is 18.
When f(x) is divided by (x 2), the remainder is 0.
Find the values of a and b.
(ii) Factorise f(x) completely and hence solve the equation f(x) = 0.
(iii) Sketch the graph of y = f(x).



Total 60 marks

1 of 1

10/01/13 MEI

AQA Core 1 Differentiation

Section 1: Introduction to differentiation
Exercise level 1
1. Differentiate with respect to x:
(i) 2x + 1
(ii) x3 5x

(iii) x(x + 2).

2. Given that y = 12x x3,

(i) Find the gradient of the curve at the origin.
(ii) Find the coordinates of the two points where the gradient is zero.
3. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = x4 x + 1 at the point with
xcoordinate 1.
4. Show that the equation of the normal to the curve y = x2 x at the point (3, 6) is
x + 5y = 33. Find the coordinates of the point where the normal meets the xaxis.
5. The displacement s metres of a particle from a point O after t seconds is given by
the equation s = t3 3t2 9t. Find the velocity v ( ) in terms of t, and hence
find the time at which the particle is stationary (i.e. the velocity is zero).

(i) y ( x2 1)( x 1)
(ii) y ( x 1)( x 1)( x 2)

6. Find

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27/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Differentiation

Section 1: Introduction to differentiation
Exercise level 2
1. Copy the curve graphed below, and sketch the shape of the derivative on the same

. Hence find the xcoordinates of the two points
on the curve where the gradient is 4.

2. Given that y = x3 + 2x2, find

3. (i) Show that the point (1, 2) lies on both the curves y = 2x3 and y = 3x2 1.
(ii) Show that the curves have the same gradient at this point.
(iii) What do these results this tell you about the two curves?
4. A curve has equation y = ax3 + bx, where a and b are constants. At the point where
x = 1, the y coordinate is 8 and the gradient is 12. Find a and b.
5. Show that the tangent to the curve y = x3 + x + 2 at the point P with xcoordinate 1
passes through the origin, and find the equation of the normal at this point. Given
that the normal cuts the x axis at the point Q, find the area of triangle OPQ.
6. (i) For the graph y ax2 bx c , find the equation of the tangent when x = p.
(ii) Find the equation of the tangent from (i) above, in the case that b = 0.
(iii) Explain by reference to the graph why the answer to (ii) is unchanged for all
values of a if p = 0.
7. (i)

Show that the graphs

y 13 x3 2 x 1


y x 2 12 x 1
cross at the point P with coordinates (0, 1).
(ii) Find the gradients of the two curves at P.
(iii) What can you deduce about the two curves from your results in (ii) above?
(iv) Show that for any value of a, the curve y ax 2 12 x 1 crosses the curve (A)
above at a constant angle.

1 of 1

27/01/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Differentiation

Section 1: Introduction to differentiation
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
Sketch the graph of y x2 5x 6 , and find P and Q where it crosses the
(ii) Find the gradients of the tangents at P and Q, and hence find the coordinates
of the points A and B where the tangents and normals at P and Q intersect.
(iii) Find the area of quadrilateral PAQB.

1. (i)

Sketch the curve y x 2 , and find the equation of the line through F (0, 2)
with gradient . Add this line to your sketch.
(ii) Find the x-coordinates of the points P and Q where the straight line and the
curve in part (i) intersect.
(iii) Find the gradients of the tangents to the curve at P and Q.
(iv) Show that the tangents at P and Q are perpendicular.
(v) Find the x-coordinates of points R and S, where the line y ax 2 intersects
the curve.
(vi) Find the gradients of the tangents to the curve at R and S.
(vii) Show that the tangents at R and S are perpendicular.
(viii) By considering your results, make a general statement about lines through
the point F, and tangents to the curve.

2. (i)

3. (i)

Find the gradients of each of the following graphs, at the points where
they cross:
y x2 2 and y x 4
(ii) Find the acute angle between the two graphs at the crossing point with the
larger x-coordinate.

1 of 1

18/11/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Differentiation

Section 2: Maximum and minimum points
Exercise level 1
1. A curve has equation y = x3 + 6x2 + 9x.

Differentiate the function to obtain


= 0 and hence the
co-ordinates of the turning points on the curve.
(iii) By considering the sign of
on either side of the turning points, determine
whether the turning points are maximum or minimum points.
(iv) Sketch the curve showing the turning points and points of intersection with
the axes clearly.

(ii) Find the x co-ordinates of the points where

2. The equation of a curve is given by y = 2x + x2 4x3.

(i) Find the co-ordinates of the turning points on the curve, and distinguish
between them by considering the gradient on either side of the turning points.
(ii) Sketch the curve marking the turning points and points of intersection with
the axes clearly.
d2 y
3. For the function y x 3x 4 x 1 , find 2 .

4. A curve has equation y = x3 3x2 + 6. Find the co-ordinates of any turning points
and determine their nature showing clearly how your decisions were made. Sketch
the curve.

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27/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Differentiation

Section 2: Maximum and minimum points
Exercise level 2
1. The curve y = x3 + px2 + q has a minimum point at (4, -11). Find the co-ordinates
of the maximum point on the curve.
2. The curve y = x3 + ax2 + bx + c passes through the point (1, 1).
(i) Construct an equation connecting a, b and c.
The curve also has turning points when x = -1 and when x = 3.
(ii) Construct two further equations connecting a, b and c.
(iii) Solve the three equations simultaneously to obtain values for a, b and c.
3. A variable rectangle has a constant perimeter of 20 cm. Find the lengths of the
sides when the area is a maximum.
4. A square of side x cm is cut from the corners of a piece of card 15 cm by 24 cm.
The card is then folded to form an open box.
(i) Show that the volume of the box is (4x3 78x2 + 360x) cm3.
(ii) Find a value for x that will make the volume a maximum.
5. A cylinder is cut from a solid sphere of radius 3cm. The height of the cylinder is
(i) Find the radius of the cylinder in terms of h.
(ii) Show that the volume of the cylinder is V = 2h(9 h2).
(iii) Find the maximum volume of the cylinder as h varies.
6. A farmer has 100 m of fence available, with which
he intends to build a pen for his sheep. He intends
to create a rectangular pen against a permanent
stone wall, as in the diagram. Find the dimensions
x and y metres so that the pen has the maximum




7. A cylindrical oil storage tank of radius r and height h is made so that the sum of
its radius and its height is 24 m.
(i) Find an expression for the volume V in terms of the radius r.
(ii) Find the maximum volume of the storage tank.

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27/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Differentiation

Section 2: Maximum and minimum points
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
1. In a right-angled triangle, the two sides adjacent to the right angle have a fixed
total length of k. Show that the largest possible area occurs when the triangle is
isosceles, and find its area.
2. A grain hopper, as shown in the diagram on the right, consists of a
cylinder of radius 12 h and height h, fixed above an inverted squarebased pyramid forming a funnel where the square base has side
equal to the diameter of the cylinder, and depth d, with all
dimensions in metres.
In order that the grain flows out freely from the hopper, the total
height of the structure must equal 15 metres less the square of the
edge of the base of the pyramid.
(i) Find an expression for V m, the volume of the hopper and
funnel together.
(ii) Find the dimensions to give the maximum volume of the hopper
and funnel together.
3. Part of a leisure park ride is modelled by
y 14 x 4 3x3 232 x 2 15 x k
between x = 0 and x = 6, where each unit represents 10 metres on the full-sized
ride. [After x = 6, the ride disappears into a tunnel, and we shall not consider this


The part modelled above starts 30 metres above the horizontal ground
through the origin. Find the value of k.
(ii) The ride is approached when x < 0 by a straight ramp of constant gradient up
which the ride cars are hauled. The ramp meets the curve at x = 0
smoothly, with the same gradient. Find the equation of the ramp in the
(iii) The ride is designed so that the first peak occurs 10 metres horizontally
after the start of the curve. Find the positions of the peaks and dips on the
real ride.
(iv) Find the places on the ride where the track is steepest.

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27/07/15 MEI

AQA C1 Differentiation 2 Exercise

4. A ski jump ramp is modelled by the equation
y 0.03x3 0.07 x2 1.2x 6
between x = 0 and x = 5, where each unit of x and y represents 10 metres,
measured horizontally or vertically from an origin located at the base of the ski
jump ramp.
A ski jumper skis down the ramp, and takes off from the end of the ramp. His
subsequent jump is modelled by the equation
y 0.2x2 2.5x 5.5
when x > 5.
(i) What is the height of the start of the ramp above the ground?
(ii) How far below the top of the ramp is the jumper at the point where he leaves
the ski jump ramp?
(iii) What is the gradient of the ramp at the take-off point?
(iv) What is the initial gradient at the take-off point of the equation which
models the subsequent jump?
(v) Suggest a reason why the answers to parts (iii) and (iv) are close, but not
quite equal.
(vi) The jumper lands on sloping ground, where the ground at his landing point
is modelled by the straight line y x 9.8 . By finding and solving a
quadratic equation, find the possible x-coordinates of the landing point.
Explain why only one of these is valid.
(vii) Find the coordinates of the jumpers landing point, and the gradients of the
flightpath and the landing zone.
(viii) Write down the horizontal distance travelled in the jump from the take-off
point to the landing point.
(ix) How far below the top of the ramp is the landing point?
(x) Why must the hill be constructed so that the two gradients you found in part
(vii) are nearly equal?

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27/07/5 MEI

AQA Core 1 Differentiation

Topic Assessment
Do not use a calculator for this test
1. Differentiate with respect to x:
(i) x 5
(ii) 2x 6
(iii) 3
(iv) x4 2 x 3x3


2. Differentiate with respect to x:

(i) y 2 x(3x 2 5)



x 2x

3. Given that x = (3u + 2)(u2 3), find


d2 x
in terms of u.
du 2


4. A curve has equation y = x 3x + 1.

(i) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at the point where x = 1.
(ii) Find the equation of the normal to the curve at the point where x = 3.


5. A curve has equation y 2 x3 3x2 8x 9 .

(i) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at the point P (2, -3).
(ii) Find the coordinates of the point Q at which the tangent is parallel to the
tangent at P.
6. A curve has equation y = 2x3 6x.
(i) Show that the curve crosses the x-axis at the origin and the points ( 3 , 0)
and ( 3 , 0)
(ii) Find
. Hence find the stationary points on the curve.
d2 y
(iii) Find
, and use this to determine the nature of the stationary points.
dx 2
(iv) Sketch the curve.


7. Two real numbers x and y are such that 2x + y = 100. Find the maximum value of
the product of the two numbers.
8. A cuboid has a square base of length x cm and height y cm.
(i) Express the volume V of the cuboid in terms of x and y.
(ii) Show that the surface area of the cuboid is 2x2 + 4xy.
The surface area of the cuboid is 24 cm .
(iii) Show that V = 6x 0.5x3
(iv) Show that the maximum volume of the box occurs when x = 2, and find this
maximum volume.
Total 50 marks
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10/01/13 MEI

AQA Core 1 Integration

Section 1: Introduction to integration
Exercise level 2

= 3x2 4.
(i) Find an expression for y in terms of x.
(ii) Find the particular curve that passes through the point (2, -1).
(iii) Show that this curve also passes through the point (1, -4).

A curve has gradient function

= 4x x2. Find the equation of
the curve given that it passes through the point (3, 2).

2. The gradient function of a curve is given by

3. The gradient of a curve at the point (x, y) is given by 4(1 x). Given that the curve
has a maximum value of 8, find the equation of the curve.
= 25 10t, where t is the time
in seconds and h is the height of the stone in metres.
Given that when t = 0, h = 30, find the value of t for which h = 0.

4. A stone is thrown vertically upwards such that

5. Find y in terms of x given that

= (x + 1)2 and that y = 0 when x = 2.

6. The velocity of a particle moving along a straight line is given by

3t 2 6t
(i) Find its position, x, in terms of t, if x = 0 when t = 0.
(ii) Find the value of t when the particle returns to its starting point.
(iii) Find the value of t when the particle is furthest from its starting point
between the times you found in (i) and (ii) above.

1 of 1

27/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Integration

Section 1: Introduction to integration
Exercise level 2
1. The acceleration of a particle is given by
when t = 5, show that v = (t + 1)2(t 4).
2. The acceleration of a particle is given by

= 3t2 4t 7. Given that v = 36

= 6t 3t2. Given that the particle

starts from rest:

(i) Find an expression for the velocity v in terms of the time t.
(ii) For what value(s) of t will the particle be at rest?
= 4x2 + x.
(i) Find the equation of the curve given that y = 2 when x = 1.
(ii) Find the value of y when x = 3.

3. The gradient function of a curve is given by

4. Find an expression for y in terms of x if

= (x 1)(3x 5) and y = 2 when x = 1.

= 4x2 1 has a local minimum value of 1. Find
the equation of the curve and the co-ordinates of the local maximum value.

5. A curve with gradient function

3x 2 2 x k
(i) It has a maximum point at x = -2. Find the value of k.
(ii) The curve passes through the point (1, 3). Find the equation of the curve.

6. A curve has gradient function

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27/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Integration

Section 1: Introduction to integration
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
1. For each of the following gradient functions, find the equation of the graph
through the point given:
( x 2)( x 5) through (0, 3).
( x 2)( x 5) through (1, -2).
Make a comment on the relationship between the curves in (i) and (ii).

3x 2 3x a and
3x 2 2 x 1 . The
graphs cross at the point (1, a) and also at the point where x = -2.
Find the equations of the two graphs, and the value of a.

2. Two graphs have gradient functions

3. A cubic graph has turning points at (2, 1) and (-1, -2). Find the equation of the

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27/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Integration

Section 2: Area under a curve
Exercise level 1
1. Find the following indefinite integrals.
(i) 4 x3dx
(ii) ( x3 3x 2 )dx
(iii) (10 x 4 3x 2 4)dx
(iv) (3x 1) 2 dx

x(3x 4)dx

2. Evaluate the following definite integrals.




(4 x 5)dx
(6 x 2 2 x)dx

( x 2 x 3)dx


(2 x x 2 )dx
( x3 x 4)dx

3. Find the areas enclosed by the x axis and the following curves.
(i) y = (1 x)(x + 2)
(ii) y = 3x2 x3

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27/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Integration

Section 2: Area under a curve
Exercise level 2
1. Evaluate:



( x 3)( x 2) dx
x( x 2 1) dx

2. Find the total area enclosed by y = x2 2x 3, the x axis, x = 3 and x = 3.

3. Find the total area enclosed by y = x(x 1), the x axis and the line x = 2.
4. (i)

Sketch the curve y = x3 x for values of x from 3 to +3.

Find the area bounded by the curve, the x axis and the lines x = 1 and x = 2.
Find the area bounded by the curve and the lines x = -1, x = 0 and the x axis.
From your answers to (ii) and (iii) and your sketch deduce the total area
given by the integral

( x3 x)dx . Explain your reasoning.

Sketch the general shape of curve y x( x 2)( x 3) showing where it

crosses the x-axis.
(ii) Find the total area enclosed between the graph and the x-axis.

5. (i)

6. Find the area enclosed by the curve y ( x 3)2 and the lines y = 0 and y = 4.
7. Find the total area enclosed by the curve y x(4 x 2 ) and the x-axis.
8. Find the area enclosed between the graphs
(i) y x2 1 and y 2 x 1
(ii) y x2 and y x3

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27/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Integration

Section 2: Area under a curve
Exercise level 3 (Extension)
1. A designer is producing a stencil with which to decorate a restaurant wall. She is
creating a series of petals, using the two graphs:
y 151 x( x 1)( x 3)( x 5)
y 251 x( x 1)( x 3)( x 5)
where both x and y are measured in metres.
(i) Sketch the two graphs on the same set of axes.
(ii) Find three definite integrals

x( x 1)( x 3)( x 5) dx between suitable

limits to deduce the total area enclosed between this graph and the x-axis.
(iii) Hence deduce the total area of the petals design.

1 of 1

27/07/15 MEI

AQA Core 1 Integration

Topic assessment
1. Integrate with respect to x
(i) x5
(ii) 2x + 1
(iii) 3
(iv) x4 + 2x2 3


2. Evaluate:



x 2 dx



(1 2 x3 )dx


( x 1)(2 x 1)dx .


3. Find the equation of the graph

(i) with gradient function
= 2x 1 which passes through the point (1, 3). [4]
(ii) with gradient function
6 x 2 2 x 3 which passes through the point (1, 2).
4. The diagram below shows the curve y = x3 2x2 .

(i) Find the coordinates of the point P.

(ii) Find the shaded area.
5. (i) Sketch the curve y = 2 x x2.
(ii) Find the area enclosed by the curve and the x-axis.

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10/01/13 MEI

AQA C1 Integration Assessment

6. The diagram below shows the graph of y x3 3x 2 x 7 and the tangent to this
graph at the point where x = 0.

(i) Show that the equation of the tangent is y x 7 .

(ii) Find the x-coordinate of the point where the tangent meets the curve again.
(iii) Calculate the shaded area.
7. The diagram below shows the graphs of y x 2 x 1 and y 5 3x x 2 .

(i) Find the coordinates of the points of intersection of the curves.

(ii) Calculate the shaded area.


Total: 60 marks

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10/01/13 MEI

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