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Week Input

Aquarela do Brasil- Gal Costa (Ary Barroso)


Brasil, meu Brasil brasileiro,

Brazil, my Brazilian Brazil,

Meu mulato inzoneiro,

My good-looking mulatto.

Vou a cantar-te nos meus versos.

Im going to sing you in my verses.

Brasil, samba que d

O Brazil, samba that gives

Bamboleio que faz ging.

A swing that makes you sway.

Brasil do meu amor,

O Brazil that I love,

Terra de Nosso Senhor,

Land of Our Lord,

Brasil, Brasil, pr mim, pr mim!

Brazil, Brazil, for me, for me!

abre a cortina do passado.

O, open the curtain of the past.

Tira a me preta do cerrado.

Bring the black mother out of the pastures.

Bota o rei congo no congado.

Put the Congo king dancing the Congo.

Brasil, Brasil, pr mim, pr mim!

Brazil, Brazil, for me, for me!

Deixa cantar de novo o trovador

Let the troubador sing again
Week Input

merencria luz da lua

To the melancholy light of the moon

Toda cano de meu amor.

Every song of my Love

Quero ver a S Dona caminhando

I want to see the Holy Lady walking

Pelos sales arrastando

Through the halls, wearing

O seu vestido rendado.

Her garments of lace.

Brasil, Brasil, pr mim, pr mim!

Brazil, Brazil, for me, for me!

Brasil, terra boa e gostosa,

Brazil, good and pleasant land

Da moreninha sestrosa,
Of the beautiful brown girl

De olhar indiferente.
With the indifferent gaze.

Brasil, verde que d

O Brazil, greenness that gives

Para o mundo admirar.

The world cause to wonder.

Brasil do meu amor,

O Brazil that I love,

Terra do Nosso Seor,

Land of Our Lord,

Brasil, Brasil, pr mim, pr mim!

Brazil, Brazil, for me, for me!
Week Input

, esse coqueiro que d coco,

O, this palm tree that yields coconuts,

Oi onde amarro a minha rede

Where I tie my fishing net

Nas noites claras de luar.

On clear moonlit nights.

Brasil, Brasil.
Brazil, Brazil!

oi estas fontes murmurantes,

O, these murmuring fountains

Oi onde eu mato a minha sede

Where I quench my thirst

E onde a lua vem brinc.

And where the moon comes to play.

Oi, esse Brasil lindo e trigueiro

O, this Brazil, beautiful and wheaten,

o meu Brasil brasileiro,

Is my Brazilian Brazil,

Terra de samba e pandeiro.

Land of the samba and the tambourine.

Brasil, Brasil, pr mim, pr mim.

Brazil, Brazil, for me, for me!
Week Input

1) Make sentences in Portuguese. Use the words and expressions above.

Send an email to with the subject Aquarela do Brasil-

Gal Costa(Ary Barroso) and the phrases. We will be glad to read it and give you
some suggestions.

Thank you very much. Until next time.

Daniel Rocha -

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