Bureaucratic System in Pakistan

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Bureaucracy is come from the French word Bureau.

Bureau meaning a desk

so, it means desk Government. It is Government by bureaus and has a
French pronominal. Afterward It transfer to Germany, where the social
Scientist Max Weber circularize or spread it. The bureaucracy is a powerful
The process of government is influence by it. Bureaucracy is a form of
organization characterized by division of labour with a clearly defined
hierarchy complete rules and regulations and formal relationships. An
administrative or social system that relies on a set of rules and procedures,
separation of functions and a hierarchical structure in carrying out control,
controls over an organization, government or social system. Bureaucracy is
essentially an organisation, with definite rules, regulations, powers &
functions. The bureaucracy is not limited to the Federal bureaucracy. Private
businesses and schools often consist of a bureaucracy as well. Also, the
Federal bureaucracy is not limited to the Executive Branch, but rather each
branch of the government has its own bureaucracy.
Bureaucracy in Pakistan
Bureaucracy comprises Central Superior Services and the Provincial Civil
Services. The CSS Examinations are open to both male and female. The
exams are conducted and supervised by the Federal Public Service
Commission. Bureaucracy in Pakistan is the successor. At the time of
division of bureaucracy Pakistan was in extreme poor position.
Characteristics of bureaucracy in Pakistan
It is like a pyramid with the top bureaucrat having the most power. Every
individual has a specific, specialized role. Performance is judged by the
quality of job performed Mixture of military and civilian officers. Its politically
neutral. Everyone has their own set of goals only the best qualified people get
hired and promoted; not to family members or friends.
Bureaucracy of Pakistan as agent
The bureaucracy worked as a change agent in the following fields.
Health and Sanitation.
Population Control.

Betterment of workers and Labourers.

Rights of women etc.

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