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ATi areltc- Tem my EXPRESS eee serene STAR UAW Tle ET) att be) PoP it ty Ask and you will be granted! ie eEul ail ST eM ere ea oe ROU eer ee Enjoy sound health & peace! Tarot Solutions 2015 for Fortune, Finance, Love and Relationship Prosperity & Happiness Elaborate Annual Forecast 2015 for 12 Rasis research study The objective of this rare article is to reveal for the first time in modern history of Vedic Astrology the following: What is the basis/formula for VMD planets getting certain number of years allotted to them, such as Ketu 7 years, Venus 20 years ete? What is the logic/rationale for the VMD to operate in a particular manner (sequence) starting from Mercury Mahadasa and ending with Ketu Mahadasa? Vimshottari Maha Dasa Secret Code Revealed By Dr, Andrew Dutta Those who know and practise the Vedic astrology know very well that Vimshottari Dasa adds upto a total of 120 years. But what has kept all of them perplexed for thousands of years since the time of great Sage Parashara is the reason/formula, as to why the 9 planets in the Vimshottari Maha Dasa (henceforth VMD) have been allotted 120 years. Also, why the VMD starts with Mercury Mahadasa and ends with Ketu Mahadasa. Also astrologers have always questioned why in VMD Rahu is allotted 18 years but its opposite end, Ketu, is allotted only 7 years. Why Saturn—the slowest planet— has got 19 years allotted to it, but Mercury, the smallest and fastest planet — has been given 17 years? There has been no real and valid answer on this available in modern times with anyone, except a few evolved Jyotishis, who are actually Sadhakas than mere fortune-teller. Itis to be carefully noted that the key to Vimshottari Dasa may not be known to many modern day astrologers but evolved Sages, seers and Jyotishis (astrologers who can truly see the future) have kept these formulae of VMD well documented in their works that were handed down, only to their most sincere and devoted disciples. Such works are either in the possession of astrological families, like ours, or are available in papyrus leaves, palm leaves and in hand-made clay tablets, that are found in royal estate libraries of erstwhile kings and Maharajas, and not in any modern library indexed with computer systems, The revelation of VMD code which I am revealing in this article have been taken from my maternal great grandfather, late Surendranath Jyotir Bachaspati ji’s personal note diary, wherein he had written down in cryptic manner the formula of VMD. This diary was given to me by my family in 1997. It was only in some archaic formula the code was written in Bengali, which he never explained to anyone during his life time, though he revealed it to many people, many of whom were astrologers from South India, who came to meet him regularly. This dairy is our family possession and I have spent over one decade trying to understand the meaning of the VMD formula. Thave worked and re-worked the cryptic formula from that diary and arrived at the final formula with the help of my own Sadhana, into which I was initiated in February 2008 by my Guru ji late P.V.K. Punneswara Rao ji of Hyderabad. I am revealing the formula for the first time in the modern history of astrology through this article now, which I have been able to solve after my initiation in 2008, because itis not for me to hold it anymore to my bosom, but it should now go into the world for the betterment of humanity and for the progress and solution of untold mysteries of astrology. Understanding Lord Brahma’s One Day To understand the secret code behind VMD, it is very necessary to first understand what is Lord Brahma’s 1 day of existence and what it transpires for our Yuga (con), which is Kali Yuga. Those of us who have read Vishnu Purana, 1” Khanda-3* Adhaya will easily recall that: 1 Human Year of 360 days = 1 Day for Gods/Devata It has been mentioned in the same Adhaya of Vishnu Purana that Devata’s Ayu (God's lifespan) is 12000 Deva Varsh. This means: 12000 Deva Varsh = 12000 X 360 human days = 4320000 human years = 1 Maha Yuga EXPRESS STAR TELLER Q) JANUARY 2015 81 a research study Rahu (18 years), Mars (7 years), Saturn (19 years) and Jupiter (16 years) make a total of 60 years—one half of Vimshottari Dasa. You will notice that these planets are in the outer zone of the Earth, Similarly, the other group headed by Ketu (7 years), Venus (20 years), Sun (6 years), Moon (10 years) and Mercury (17 years) make total of 60 years—the other half of Vimshottari Dasa, which are in the inner zone of Earth. The two groups together make the 120 years of Vimshottari Dasa. From the fastest Graha to the slowest graha is the flow of the Atman, and so is the natural flow of the VMD. Lord Brahma’s 1 day = 1000 Maha Yugas = I Kalpa It is mentioned in Vishnu Purana that every Maha Yugas consists of 10 Charanas (or sections), therefore we get: 12000 Deva Varsh = 12000 X 360 human days = 4320000 human years = 1 Maha Yuga = 10 Charans This simply means that: 1 Charan of Lord Brahma = 1200 Deva Varsh = 432000 Human/Solar Years! Now, we all know that 1 Maha Yuga is made up of 4 Yugas in the name of Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali, which are descending layers of degradation in purity of human existence and religiousness. Also, in the first Yuga i.e. Satya Yuga, all the 4 Tattwas were operative and all people were religious and pious. Gods and human beings co-inhabited the Earth. So, this Yuga got full 4 Charans of Lord Brahma allocated. This gave the total value of Satya Yuga as: 4.Charans X 1200 Deva Varsh = 4800 Deva Vash = 1728000 Human/Solar Years Similarly, in Treta Yuga, human beings became degraded in their religiousness. Only 3 Tattwas operated during this Yuga. Nonetheless, people could directly connect to God and God was easily available at the call and request of the human beings. But Lord Brahma reduced the Charan allocation to 3, Therefore, the total value of Treta Yuga became: 3 Charans X 1200 Deva Varsh = 3600 Deva Varsh = 1296000 Human/Solar Years In Dwapara Yuga, human beings became degraded further down in religiousness and Gods left the Earth and went to stay in the heaven. With sincere devotion of the devotee, however, God did come to human beings, but it was difficult to keep God happy. Lord Brahma allotted only 2 Charans for this Yuga, as only two Tattwas were found to be operative during this Yuga. Therefore, the total value of Dwapara Yuga became: 2 Charans X 1200 Deva Varsh = 2400 Deva Varsh = 864000 Human/Solar Years Finally, in our Yuga—the Kali Yuga—each and every mortal is a sinner of different degree and no one is exception to this. Gods no longer appear in person, as there is too much “Paap” or sin in the world and Gods cannot breathe in this sin-filled Earth. Only a single Tattwa operates in Kali Yuga due to human degradation in thoughts, actions and spirit. Lord Brahma allotted only 1 Charan for this Yuga, so that this Yuga gets over fastest, Therefore the total value for Kali Yuga i 1 Charan X 1200 Deva Varsh = 1200 = 432000 Human/Solar Years So, the Yuga duration reduces in a certain proportion as below: Satya Yuga = 1728000 Human Years = 40% of a Maha Yuga Treta Yuga = 1296000 Human Years 0% of a MahaYuga Dwapara Yuga = 864000 Human Years 10% of a Maha Yuga Kali Yuga = 432000 Human Years = 10% of a Maha Yuga Notes ! My maternal great grandfather ’s notes stopped here. It is from here that I carried forward with God's illumination and blessings. 82 EXPRESS STAR TELLER O) JANUARY 2015 a research study How Vimshottari Dasa get 120 Years in total? ‘The VMD got its 120 years allocation, on the basis of a perfect mathematical calculation. However, to arrive at this, my Sadhana helped me to connect two seemingly unconnected realms of the occult: Jyotish and Samudrik Vidya. In Samudrika Vidya, Angalakshana (prediction about a human being based on bodily features) can and does reveal almost everything about an individual. Such revelations come through comparison of the measurements of the human body vis-a-vis the laid out standards. When I connected a specific aspect of Angalakshana with Jyotish, I was illuminated with the planetary allocations of years for VMD. But first let us link with our Rig Veda, We all know that in the Rig Veda in the Ist Mandal, 164 Sukta, 48 Rik, itis mentioned that Dwadaspradhyaschakramekam Trini Nabvhani Ka-au Tachhiket Tasminatsakang Trisata na Sankabo, Arpita Shashtirna Chalachala Sha This means that our sky has a circle (i.e. Zodiac), which has 360 spokes (Sanku), which is nothing but the 360 degrees of the Zodiac. Human life in all the Yugas are intricately linked to the Zodiac in a particular manner, about which I am not elaborating here due to paucity of space. Now, the total life span of a Manav (human) in a Yuga is derived from the formu % proportions of a Yi laha Yuga Degrees of the Z ‘Therefore, the human life span in VMD for the 4 Yugas based on the above formula is as below in Table 1: Table 1 : Yuga % proportion in Maha Yuga | Divided by 360 Degrees | Total Human Life Span Satya 691200 +360 1920 Years Treta 388800 3360 1080 Years Dwapara 172800 +360 480 Years Kali 43200 +360 120 Years _ Itis for this reason that the VMD is of 120 years for human life span in Kali Yuga. In Dwapara Yuga, human beings had 4 times the life-span as that of Kali Yuga; in Treta Yuga; human beings had 9 times the span of life as that of Kali Yuga and in the purest of the Yuga—the Satya Yuga—the human life span in Vimshottari Dasa was 16 times that of Kali Yuga. Readers may carefully note that the total number of human life span over an entire Maha Yuga as shown in Column 4 of Table | that adds up to a total of 3600 years. This is basically the 360 degrees of the Zodiac multiplied by the Divine number *10’—the number that Lord Brahma has used to define his Charan, over an entire Maha Yuga. This number 3600 is also the total value of seconds that we have in 1 hour. This same Divine number 3600, when divides the total number of human years in Kali Yuga 432000, we get the value of 120, which is once again showing the mathematical veracity of Vimshottari Dasa formula. Not only this, readers may further note that the proportional value of Kali Yuga (10% of 432000), which is 43200, when divided by the Divine number 3600, gives us the value of 12—the total number of Rashis in our Zodiac. Also note carefully that sum total value of the Maha Dasa in Satya Yuga is 16 times that of Kali Yuga VMD (that is 120 X 16 = 1920 years, SEE Table 1 Column, 4); in Treta Yuga, itis 9 times of Kali Yuga; in Dwapara Yuga the Mahadasa is 4 times that of the Kali Yuga VMD. The total adds up to 16+9+4+1 = 30. This is the total number of Degrees (Amsha) that we have in a Rashi (sign) of the Zodiac. So, as I said earlier, there is no chaos theory in God’s realm of existence and I am supremely lucky to have been allowed to take a peep into that Divine realm through my Sadhana. Planetary Year Allocations in 120 Years of Vimshottari Dasa. Let us now understand how each of the 9 planets got their year-allocations in the 120 year VMD. For this, one has to know and understand the ancient Singhalese (Sri Lankan) “Samudrik Shastra and Angalakshana”. According to ancient and now forgotten science of Angalakshana (prediction about a human being based on EXPRESS STAR TELLER Q JANUARY 2015 83 a research study bodily features), the human body in the 4 Yugas decrease in size. This fact has been corroborated by many Biologists and Archaeologists as well that over millions of years, the human body has reduced in size. According to Angalakshana Vidya, the human body can be measured in “Anguls” or finger measurements. Every portion of our body is under the control of a specific planet and an ideal-shaped human being would have ideal measurements of his/her body, as measured by an ideal palm with 5 fingers. This system is called as “Angulamsha”. Thave always used this rare knowledge belonging to my family to rectify birth time of my clients and also to make predictions about people, especially when I have seen any planet's portion in the body or the face is out of proportion than the normal allocated limit. Now for an ideal-shaped human in Kali Yuga, the “Angulamsha” measurement for each of the 9 planets based on Kala Purusha Anga Bibhag is 4 times as follows: Sun —Ruling the upper head portion 1.5 Anguls Moon —Ruling the eyes portion upto nose end 2.5 Anguls Mars —Ruling the joint of the neck 1.75 Anguls Mercury —Ruling the movement portions and limbs 4.25 Anguls Jupiter —Ruling the lower portions upto thigh 4Anguls Venus —Ruling the reproductive portions 5 Anguls Saturn —Ruling the feet portion 4,75 Anguls Rahu —Ruling all the portions which have holes 4.5 Anguls Ketu —Ruling the portions that are opposite to Rahu’s portion 1.75 Anguls Total 30 Anguls yw once we multiply the Angul values with the value of 4 (because the human soul mu: 4 Yugas of 4320000 years, before it is ‘naturally’ gets out of the Janma Chakra, i.e, the © -ar allocatis Janets in Vimshottari Dasa as below. So, an ideal shaped human being would be 120 Anguls in Kali Yuga, which is about 5 ft 8 inches. Planets ‘Angulamsha Values Angulamsha Values after based on ancient multiplying with 4 gives Angalakshana Shastra us VMD years for planets Sun ibe 6 ae Moon 25 10 Mars 1.75 7 Mercury 4.25 7 Jupiter 4 16 Venus 5 20 Saturn 475 19 Rahu 45 18 Ketu 1.75 7 Total 30 120 Years The number 4 also represents the 4 Tattwas that comprises Kaalapurusha—Agni, Prithwi, Vayu and Jal (Fire, Earth, and Water) and hence this number 4 has special significance with Yugas and Maha Yugas. Readers may please note further that the two Divine numbers 10 and 4, when used with each other, gives us another clue. 10 + 4 = 2.5, which is the number of Ghatis we have in one hour. We all know that 24 minutes make one Ghati and so in 60 minutes we have 2.5 Ghatis. This can be derived from 10 divided by 4. ‘The Planetary Order of Vimshottari Dasa I will now discuss the planetary order of the 9 planets, as they appear in the Vimshottari Dasa. This is also another revelation that the Cosmos has exposed to me due to my sincere Sadhana, Rules of the Cosmos and the Divine Supreme Lord are not random and there is no chaos theory or theory of random probability existing 84 EXPRESS STAR TELLER C) JANUARY 2015 aresearch study for God and for those who have felt Him. To understand the planetary order of the VMD, let us first see how our Solar System is arranged in the diagram below: (R stands for Rahu and K stands for Ket in the diagram below). As we are on the Earth and observe the stars and planets in the sky through our Zodiac, you will notice that the Rahu-Ketu axis clearly creates two groups of planets that match with our Solar system ordering of planets as well as inner and outer planets. See the diagram created by me below: Cin a awn \/ © Ro] an / () 7 wy So, Rahu (18 years), Mars (7 years), Saturn (19 years) and Jupiter (16 years) make a total of 60 years—one half of Vimshottari Dasa. You will notice that these planets are in the outer zone of the Earth, Similarly, the other group headed by Ketu (7 years), ‘Venus (20 years), Sun (6 years), Moon (10 years) Notes: 2Flow of the Atman: and Mercury (17 years) make @ total of 60 years— the other half of Vimshottari Dasa, which are in the inner zone of Earth. And the two groups together make the 120 years of Vimshottari Dasa. From the fastest Graha to the slowest graha is the flow of the Atman*, and so is the natural flow of the VMD. Therefore, the starting planetary natural order for the \Vimshottari Dasa is from Mercury, followed in the order Ketu, Venus, Sun and Moon. Then it moves to the other group starting with Mars, followed by Rahu, Jupiter and then lastly Saturn, In other words, the VMD progresses in the order of Mercury—Ketu— Venus—Sun—Moon—Mars—Rahu—Jupiter— Satur. Please note that ral flow is very simil to what Lord Krishna said in Srimad Bhagawad Gita that a human bein; hhysically from a child ented by Mercury) to an old man (represented by Saturn). So, which is the Dasa of a person at birth, therefore, becomes equally important as that of the Ascendant and has tremendous influence in how his horoscope will give results and in predictions of VMD? Unless an astrologer know the qualitative value of the Dasa at birth (not just only the quantitative balance of Dasa), no real and good prediction can be made by him, ‘What I have revealed in this article will always remain historical for all the ages to come. There are clear reasons, rationale, logic and formula for many other Dasa systems that I have been illuminated with, When the right time will come, I will hand it over to humanity. I thank the Supreme Divine Lord for coming into my life and illuminating me with the solutions of many mysteries of the Cosmos, which ordinary mortals may require many births of human life and still may not even know what they stand for. As we know that our Atman (Soul) is encased in the Sookshma Sarira (subtle body), which in turn is encased in the Sthoola Sarira (gross body of flesh and blood), the soul not only transmigrates from one body 10 other, it also moves from one subtle body form to another in a single birth. This flow is characterised by our change in thoughts, patterns and behavior that leads to a change in the form and shape of our body. Lord Krishna hinted this in an intelligent way in Srimad Bhagwad Gita by saying that from our childhood (represented by Mercury, the child ‘and the restless) we pass over youth (represented by Mars) and then into old age (represented by Saturn, the old and the aged and slow in thoughts and actions). So, VMD actually starts from Mercury and ends with Saturn as its natural flow and the Moon's Nakshatra (birth Moon star) tells us the Mahadasa at birth. For a learned astrologer, this is a big clue about the future life pattern of an individual as to which planet in the natural flow has become the Mahadasa lord at birth. 1 dedicate this historical and epochal article to my mother late Ujjwala Dutta who travelled to her Heavenly above on 22 April 2014, who brought me into this world so that I can get closer to the Supreme Lord. EXPRESS STAR TELLER QO) JANUARY 2015, 85

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