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What are the strategies/methods/tools by which you coordinate the functions

and tasks of other members of your team during your clinical duty as a team
leader tasked to manage the nursing services to be rendered to your
In coordinating the functions and tasks to other team members,
Patricia as a team leader must know some characteristics on managing
nursing care or services so that all patients will get the services they need. As
a team leader, you must plan ahead of time in order to know the tasks
needed to be done and to know the skills in order to know who is the most
capable person or member to delegate a specific task. Once done delegating,
as a team leader you must reach out to your members and communicate to
them clearly the goal. In this case, as for Patricia, she could also empower her
subordinates and as well as monitor the progress and provide guidance so
that each person from the team will render the nursing services needed to
the patients assigned to them.

7. What are the different elements of positive practice environment? What

strategies can be adopted to develop a PPE? What essential elements do we look for
if there is a PPE in the workplace? How do you promote a positive practice
The elements of positive practice environment are:

Occupational health, safety and wellness policies that address workplace

hazards, discrimination, physical and psychological violence and issues
pertaining to personal security
Fair and manageable workloads and job demands/stress
Organizational climate reflective of effective management and leadership
practices, good peer support, worker participation in decision-making,
shared values
Healthy work-life balance
Equal opportunity and treatment
Opportunities for professional development and career advancement
Professional identity, autonomy and control over practice
Job security
Decent pay and benefit
Safe staffing levels
Support and supervision
Open communication and transparency
Recognition program
Access to adequate equipment, supplies and support staff

In order to develop a positive practice environment, they must ensure better health,
safety and personal well-being of staff, support quality patient care and to improve
productivity and performance of individuals and organizations. Also in order to
develop positive practice environment through improving the recruitment and

retention of nurses by continuing to promote the nursing care that will be rendered
to the patients. Also, developing and disseminating a position statement on the
importance of a safe work environment. In addition to that, they could also must
have a supporting research, collecting data for best practice and etc. One action
that would also help in the development of PPE is by encouraging the institution to
enhance the team work which provides an opportunities for collaboration which also
to emphasize as well the teamwork theory. The strategies that can be adopted is to
define the scope of nursing practice as well as the nursing role. Another strategy
would also help by ensuring that other disciplines are involved in the development
of policies for safe work and environments and many more.
The Essential Elements to look for when there is a PPE in the workplace is to
ensure a better health, safety to the patients as well as your personal well-being.
In addition to that, some essential elements must look for in terms of positive
practice environment by having a Fair and manageable workloads and job
demands/stress, practices, good peer support, worker participation in decisionmaking, Healthy work-life balance, Equal opportunity and treatment, Safe staffing
Access to adequate equipment, supplies and support staff.

How do you promote a positive practice environment?

As a student nurse, you can promote a positive practice environment, by ensuring a
safe and quality nursing care to the patients because this will give the patients an
idea that they are taken care of holistically. Also, to promote PPE is to have a good
safe staffing
8. What evaluation methods can be used to determine if the unexpected
competencies on managing a nursing service is effectively achieved? Recommend
the best way to achieve this purpose.

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