Final - Review

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A. Listen to a TV presenter explaining her plan for the week ahead. Shes
talking about a recent survey. Choose the correct answer a, b or c.
The presenter is worried about
a going shopping.
b a survey.
c a surveillance society.
1) The presenter mentions things we do every day.
a four
b five
c six
2) There are CCTV cameras in London.
a 4 million
b 18,000
c 80,000
3) When we use a credit card, the shop
a knows where we live.
b keeps information about what we bought.
c can find out about our surfing habits.
4) The private detective is going to
a find out free information about the presenter.
b work with a colleague to follow the presenter.
c report on how the presenter spends her day.
5) The TV presenter is
a going to stop using her credit card this week.
b setting up an experiment.
c going to be filmed going about her daily life.


Complete the conversation about work, putting the adverbs in the correct

I review what I have learned. (every day)
I review what I have learned every day.

A: What do you do?

B: I work in a club.
A: Do you work late? (often)
6 ...
B: I finish at four in the morning, (usually)
7 .
and I work till six. (once a week).
8 .
A: You must be very tired.
B: Im exhausted. (always)
9 ..


Complete the sentences with these words.

eat breakfast bitter serve lunch
I eat all kinds of food.
10 I dont like that. It tastes very .
11 I often just have a sandwich at my desk for .
12 I usually have toast and coffee for .
We usually . potatoes or pasta with this dish


Underline the odd-word-out.

arm hand




E. Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verb in
Eighteen years ago, Graham Tean (ex.) bought (buy) a metal detector at a
sale. Last year he (18) (search) in a field near his home in
Cambridge when he (19) (discover) a large amount of Roman gold.
He (20) (dig) all night for five nights to get all the treasure. He thinks
perhaps somebody (21) (listen) to him reciting a poem about finding
gold, and (22) (direct) him to it.

F. Underline the most appropriate word to complete the sentences.

Animals are often miserable / scared / happy of loud noises.

23 She was feeling really miserable / sleepy / tired because she failed the
24 Nafraz used to be angry / frightened / anxious of dogs.
25 Violinists usually do relaxation exercises before a concert, as its very
important not to be tense / sad / bored.
26 When he discovered the treasure, the archaeologist was really scared /
relaxed / excited.

G. Complete the dialogues with an appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

a Are you coming to the party tomorrow?
b Yes, of course, Ill / will be there. (be)
27 a What are your plans for the weekend?
b I . with my friend in Manchester. (get together)
28 a Do you think her new song will be a hit?
b Well, I think it . lots of money. (make)
29 a Let me pay the bill.
b No, I . it. (do)
30,31 a Do you think global warming is a real problem?
b Yes, I do. If you . the evidence, it . worse, too. (study, get)
32, 33 a Is Maria pregnant?
b Yes, she . a baby in four months time. Its a boy and they .
him Thomas. (have, call)
34 a You dont like Olga, do you?
b No, I dont, and Im sure when you meet her you . her either. (not


Underline the correct form to complete the sentences.

She wants to have / having lots of children.

Im really looking forward to seeing / see our old English teacher again.
Ive got two tickets for the music festival. Would you like to come / coming?
Were planning to go / going round the world in a boat when were older.
Im hoping to being / be a teacher when I leave college.
Shes going to leaving / leave school when shes eighteen.
I dont want to get / getting married.


Dannys talking about his job as a trainee jockey. Complete what he says
with these modal verbs. Use each verb once:

must mustnt can cant have to dont have to

I (0) have to work in a team with five other trainees. We work very long hours.
We (41) . be there by 6.00 am, and if were late, we (42) . join in
the training they make us clean out the stables all day. We (43) . wear
a uniform or overalls, just denim jeans, as theyre tough. We (44) .
choose the horse we work with every week, but once weve chosen we (45)
. change or swap.


Complete the conversation about sport. Write the correct form of the verb
in brackets.

A: (0) Have you ever done (you / ever / do) much sport?
B: I go (56) (swim) twice a week, and (47) (cycle) is
fun. (48) I (cycle) all my life. But (49) I (never / take)
it seriously.
A: What about running?
B: Im not very good at (50) (run), so I dont really like it. What
about you? Whats your favourite sport?
A: (51) (play) tennis is great I play every weekend. I also like (52)
(play) football and watching it! (53) I (be) to every
match at my club this season!

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