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Freshwater Pollution Guided Notes

Holt Environmental Science Section 5.2, pg. 131

1.What is water pollution?
- Introduction of chemical, physical, or
biological agents into water that degrades
the quality of the water and affects the
organisms that depend on it.
2.What are the major causes of water pollution?
- Pathogen
- Organic matter
- Organic chemicals
- Inorganic chemicals
- Toxic chemicals
- Physical agents
- Radioactive waste
3.What is point pollution? Provide one example.
- Pollution that is discharged from a single
- Examples: factory, wastewater treatment
plant, or oil tanker.
4.What is nonpoint pollution? Provide one
- Pollution that comes from many sources
rather than a single specific place.
- Example: homes, lawns, farms
5.Why is nonpoint pollution a more serious

- Because this pollution can get in water from

many different places and is difficult to
**Leave some room here for a sketch (wastewater

6.What is sludge and how do we deal with it?

- Thick mud or a similar mix of liquid and is a
product of an industrial or refining process.
7.What are pathogens? List some examples.
- Disease causing organisms like bacteria.
8.How can biological magnification affect
polluted aquatic ecosystems?
- It increases the pollution and could kill off
aquatic animals.
**Leave some room here for sketches
(biomagnifications & eutrophication)**

9.What is thermal pollution and why is it a

- Excessive amounts of heat are added to a
body of water. I can cause massive fish kills
because the water is too warm.
10. What is the Clean Water Act? When was it
- Act created with a purpose of restoring and
maintaining the chemical, physical, and
biological integrity waters. It was passed in
11. Why will groundwater pollution be a longlasting problem?
- Its likely to plague waters for centuries.
Groundwater recharges very slowly, so it will
be a very long time before there isnt any
pollution even if we stopped causing
pollutants tomorrow.
12. Where does most bottled water come

- Tap water filtered and treated with various


Freshwater Pollution Guided Notes

Holt Environmental Science Section 5.2, pg. 131
1.What is water pollution?
2.What are the major causes of water pollution?
3.What is point pollution? Provide one example.
4.What is nonpoint pollution? Provide one
5.Why is nonpoint pollution a more serious
**Leave some room here for a sketch (wastewater
6.What is sludge and how do we deal with it?
7.What are pathogens? List some examples.
8.How can biological magnification affect
polluted aquatic ecosystems?
**Leave some room here for sketches
(biomagnifications & eutrophication)**
9.What is thermal pollution and why is it a

10. What is the Clean Water Act? When was it

11. Why will groundwater pollution be a longlasting problem?
12. Where does most bottled water come

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