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Jose Antonio Vargas (Dylan

Immigration Expert
My name is Jose Antonio Vargas and I am the founder and CEO of Define American, a
non-profit media and culture organization, the founder of Emerging US, a media startup, a journalist and a filmmaker. I am also an immigrant here from the Philippines,
having come to the United States when I was very young. I am here to address and to
recommend amendments to the bill 3-2016 titled Visa Reform and Enforcement Bill, codrafted by Senators Hatch and Cruz.
I would firstly like to state that I do support this bill, I believe the measurements it takes
to amend ruptures in our immigration system are just and well thought out. Both section
4 describing immigrant check ins and section 5 outlining prospect immigrant employers
use of E-verify, would have substantial benefits to the immigrants in the work force, both
skilled and unskilled. As E-verify is in both Democratic and Republican parties platforms
for immigration, the software's usage is indisputably bi partisan. In addition to that
precaution, the immigrant check ins described in section 4 appear to be a very
intelligent system as implementing these additional forms of communication allow for
the US and our immigrant population to have a more trusting relationship. This ensurse
not only the safety of the domestic population, but the safety of our immigrant
However, I do have some reservations in regards to the specifics of the bill. As
addressed in section 1, subsection A there will be a new distinction between short and
long term visas, short term visas being less than two years. I ask that this time frame be
reconsidered as it has been observed that immigrants allocated substantial time in the
United States are more likely to disregard their visas, than those allowed less time here.
It is in everyone best interest that immigrants do not establish roots in the United States
on a short term visa, for after their predetermined time here, they are ripped from the
new homes. It is in everyone's best interest to lower the short term visas to a single
year,which not only extends past seasonal visas but allows for a full work year without
time for settlement.
In addition, I propose an alteration to Section 3, Subsection A as I believe that if we had
a merit based visa system for student immigrants, we would receive the best and the
brightest from around the world. We should implement a merit based system that would
place students into highly skilled jobs, particularly in the STEM and medical fields. If we
are not selective with our collegiate students then we may be sacrificing jobs that would
go to the domestic middle class. A merit based system will rebuttal the concern that
international students coming through our national universities would be taking jobs
from the American people.

In conclusion I am certain that these amendments to to the Visa Reform and

Enforcement bill would be an intelligent and all inclusive change to our immigration
system. I ask you to consider my alterations. Two years is too long a span for short
term visas and a merit based system for those wanting to immigrate to the United
States for college would would be essential additions to an already forward thinking and
bi partisan bill.

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