Control On Skarn - Cadia Deposits, New South Wales-Australia PDF

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iy moe peered Tet Coy Controls on Skarn Mineralization and Alteration at the Cadia Deposits, New South Wales, Australia Davip B. Forster,' Puiuir K. SECCOMBE, onic and Earth Resources Research Group, University of Neweastle, Callaghan, New South Wales 2308, Australia AND Davi PHILLrs School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia Abstract ‘The Cadia Fe-Cu-Au skams in eastern New South Wales, Australia, are associated with the Late Ordovician, shoshonitic Cadia Intrusive Complex, which hosts the largest mineralized, intrusion-related system in eastern ‘australia Both the Big Cada and Little Cada skarns are developed within & -A0-m-thick voleane-derved cal, careous sandstone and adjacent units, which represent the most important control on skarn formation. The ore zones have undergone postore displacement along steeply dipping, predominantly reverse faults, without sig- nificant remobilization of ore, Chalcopyrite and minor native gold formed in intimate association with epidote > chlorite-quartz-calcte and in the interstices of bladed hematite and magnetite aggregates. The age ofthe Au- ‘Cu mineralizing event at Cadia is constrained by Ar/*Ar dating of accompanying muscovite at 438.2 = 4.2 Ma (20), Goll to copper ratios within the sams are generally lover than for porphyry Au-Cu deposts at Cadi, articularly the high tonnage, low-grade Cadia Hill deposit. Ore and calc-silicate gangue mineralogy are simi- lar to other oxidized Fe-Cu-Au skarns associated with porphyry deposits, Iron skarn at Big Cadia occurs several hundred meters distant from the margin of a mineralized intrusion of quartz monzonite porphyry. Magmatic-dominated fluids reacted with carbonate in the wall rocks and produced classic skarn zonation over an 800-m interval from the intrusive contact, located at Cadia Quarry, toward more distal environments at Big Cadia. Skarn zonation comprises (1) proximal gamet >> pyroxene, (2) intermediate gamet > pyroxene ~ scapolite, and (3) distal Fe-Au-Cu skarn, Alteration of noncalcareous metavolcanie rock ‘units (fine-grained pyroxene-phiyric woleanic rocks and voleaniclastc rocks) adjacent to the mineralizing quartz ‘monzonite porphyry includes hydrothermal biotite-K-Feldspar-quartz homfels and magnetite-quartz-biotite horafels, Gold-eopper mineralization formed adjacent to garmet-bearing veins peripheral to the main garnet- rich zone, indicating that gamet-forming fluids carried the ore metals. At Little Cadia and Cadia East, miner- alization and skarn zonation similar to Big Cadia developed above additional intrusions of quartz monzonite porphyry. Retrogracle hydrous alteration replaced much of the prograde gamet-dominant mineralogy at Cadia, ‘with the strongest overprint at Little Cadia The styles and distribution of alteration and mineralization suggest that the Big Cadia skarn formed from flu- ids that migrated laterally within calcareous units from strongly altered quartz monzonite phases of the Cadia Intrusive Complex at Cadia Quarry. At Little Cadia, skarn formation was probably related to fluids derived from the Cadia Intrusive Complex that migrated vertically and laterally within permeable calcareous units Structural controls were focusing fluids and localizing the emplacement of late mineralizing phases of the Cadia Intrusive Complex. Introduction Tae assoctaTton of Au and Cu with highly alkaline magma- tism of Ordovician to earliest Silurian age has long been rec- ognized in eastern Australia. Wyborn (1992) noted the associ- ation of subduction- and rif-related igneous rocks of shoshonitic affinity with mineralization across the easter, Lachlan fold belt in New South Wales, Heithersay and Wal- she (1995) and Lickfold (2000) discussed the relationship of ore-grade Cu-Au mineralization in the Goonumbla porphyry district (Fig. 1) to multiphase, Huid-rich, fractionated pipelike porphyry intrusions of high K cale-alkaline to shoshonitic composition. Butera et al. (2001) obtained U-Pb zircon ages for magmatism in the Goonumbla area that ranged from ear- lier than 484 to 439 Ma, as part of a major regional event rec- ognized by Perkins et al. (1995). The younger date is indistin- guishable from a ®Ar/*Ar age determination of 439 Ma for * Corresponding author: email, David (0361-0128101/9439/761-28 $6.00 hydrothermal sericite associated with mineralization at Goon- umbla (Perkins et al, 1990). Skarn mineralization of diverse styles occurs at several lo- cations within the Lachlan fold belt (Fig. 1). Goldceopper mineralization is hosted within a major shear zone at Browns Creek, adjacent to the contact of the Carcoar Granite (Kjole et al., 1994; Smart and Wilkins, 1997). Perkins et al. (1995) obtained a #Ar/Ar age of 419 Ma from alteration minerals near this deposit, but monzonite dikes of Ordovician age, lo- cated at depth during underground development, are spa- tially associated with skarn. Smart and Wilkins (1997) inter- preted the younger “ArAr age to reflect overprinting effects. The Junction Reefs deposit (Fig, 1) is a classically zoned skarn (Meinert, 1992), developed around pipelike, in- termediate plutons of Ordovician age, emplaced into ealcare- ons host rocks (Gray et al., 1995), Uneconomic skarns of Or- dovician age in the Lachlan fold belt are also present near the Goonumbla porphyry Cu-Au deposits (Heithersay and Wal- she, 1995) 761 762, FORSTER ET AL [[]pevonian to — Carboniferous lithostratigraphic! units +_| Carboniferous granitoids, (yy Siurian to Devonian units | -® Ordovician kam doposis ] Ordovician volcanic belts ter Lachlan fold Fic. 1 TRegional geology tectonie divisions, and Toestion map of Ondaseian skarn deposi belt, New South Wales. The Lachlan transverse zane is a subile west-nontwesterly teneling st xeophysical and semieroral smdtes (Glew and Wyler, 1997; Glen The Cadia skarus occur with major porphyry-style Au-Cu resources (Table 1} developed in the Late Ordovician-earliest Silurian. shoshonitie Cadia Inteusive Complex and the adja- cent Late Ordovician Forest Reef’ Voleanies (Fig, 2). Mining of Cu, Fe, and An began before 1851 ala number of deposits pal caridor defined hy ud Walshe, 109) in the area, meluding skarns at Big, Cadia and Little Cadia, and intrusion-hosted! mineralization at White Engine and Cadia Quarry (Fig. 2), and continued sporadically into the early twentieth century. Exploration was conducted in the area by a mimber of mining companies after World War T, Tants 1. Summary of Geologic and Resouree Dats for the Cuan Deposits Deposit Hast cock Depost syle Alteration Copper Gold Contained Sie Gt) tgt) gold) aa Hull: Queer monzonte sheeted veins Props 016 0653 posplnsy pile Ridgeway! Mononite, Quareesulide Potaae 25 RB moran, volcanics sloclork props aa Quan! Quart monte ‘Quart sulide Putas, pit on “0 60a poeple. voles Stele Coin ast uae mown Wall eek-osted Pots. ple os ee porpliey vein stem propplite Caen Far Haset Quartz mouse Wall reekosted Pots plc os ip tora 8 powphy ‘wea ste propslie Big Cada Noteaelatic Staton Propyttc 050 bap 1a x! sandstone replacement Lutte Cada stam Valeanilatic Strstathound Propylitie 010 B30 ad sandstone veplacement| Wesource data Holly eal, (2002) #Resourve dats: Tedder otal, (2001) CADIA SKAHN, SEW SOUZH WALES. AUSTRALIA 763, Fi i} x a Tertiary i [1 Basat Quveresmenzonte ff Woorata Formation >, Fault sika/d : Fault Silurian agnotte-nerutta |. onze LP aut ora TT Sandstono, sitstone & Morzont = aes Sea tr ana tis i al T] Menzodionte& FE] Magnotitoskam at Mining Sat (1999) ae ae depth ‘Skarn alteration and uartzmonzonie at dept Eo rorestRects Sanoralsrocura Volcanics me SSttheldip, data - this study. 1.2. Genlog’ ofthe Cet ite, fer Maso 186, laos (309), Newerest Mining Sha (1908) and Tolley with the largest then-hnown deposit, Big Cadia (also known as tron Duke), mideryoing anly minor development (Fig. 2) Since the discovery of the Cadia Hill deposit by Newerest Mining Ltd. in 1991, the area has emerged as a anajor Au-Cu porphyry district (Table 1) Cherent aining operations at Cadia are focused on three porphyry-style deposits. These inelude the Cadia Hill re- source, which comprises a sheeted quartz-sulfide vein system developed in propylitically altered quartz momzonite, an adja- cent stockwark system at Cadia Quany, and the higher grade ‘Quits anonzonive and maggetite skamn at depth ferred by thi study. Ridgeway deposit 2 km to the northwest, which exploits a stockwork of quartz-sulfide veins within and adjacent to pipelike intrusions of monzonite and quartz monzonite. In addition, several other mineralized porphyry systems are pre- sent within the mining district, ineinding Cudia East and Cadia Par East, L and 2 km, respectively, southeast of Cacia Hill (Table 1). The geology of the Cadia skarns has not heen described previously: in detail, particularly at depth, where recent Telling has rovealed critical mineralogical, structural, and 764 stratigraphic asyocitions. Skum or replacwe: carbonate mnineralization at Big Cadia and Litele Cadia (Fig. 2) was fint recognized by Raggat (1938), Newcrest Mining Staff (199), Green (1999), and Holliday et al, (2002). The Big Cadia ore- ody has been investigated by several workers ineluding Suv- age (1971), who interpreted the iron mineralogy to have enys- tallized from a magmatic source, either a sill or surface flow, Savage (1971) concluded that Au-Cu mineralization at Big Cadia occurred as a separate event, due to. hydrothermal processes associated with monzonite Cadia Intrusive Com- plex intrusions. Mason (1981) and Bujwah (1985) interpreted Little Cadia and Big Cadia, respectively, as voleanic-hosted inassive sulfide deposits. Green (1999) described skarn alter- ation and mineralization in the immediate vicinity of the Big Cadia orebody. Based mainly on whole-rock oxygen isotope geochemistry Green (1999) inferred that the ska had formed from Aids that migrated from south of Big Cadia Comprehensive mapping of the entire skam system at Big Cadia and Little Cadia, the genesis of the Cadia skarns, and the relationship between the Big Cadia and Little Cadia de- posits and other porphyry:style mincralization, have not been Clearly deseribed or demonstrated previously. This paper de- 's the physical distribution of skarn alteration and min- cralization at Cadia and presents mineralogical evidence for the probable fluid source(s) responsible for skarn mineraliza- tion. Furthermore, it establishes the age of mnineralization at Cadia and outlines the significance of the skams for under- standing the intrusive history of the Cadia Intrusive Complex. In this paper, grid references for localities relate to the Cadia Mine Lease (CML) grid, which is aligned 32° east of true north. Orientations of structures described relate to Aus- tralian Magnetic Grid (AMG) coordinates. Regional Geology The Lachlan fold belt of easter Australia represents part of 4 >1,000-km-wide orogenic system that developed along the Pucific margin of the Australian craton during the Paleo: oie (Foster et al., 1999). The Cadia district is located within the castern Lachlan fold belt, an onthoard, convergent-mar- gin terrane, dominated by mafic to felsic volcanic rocks aud thick turbidite successions of Ordovician to Devonian age (Glen, 1998; Foster et al., 1999). Valeanie ‘rocks of Ordovician age within the north: soutli-trending Parkes-Narromine and Molong voleanic belts represent the oldest lithostratigraphic units of the eastern Lachlan fold belt in central New South Wales (Fig. 1), Tox gotlier with the Capertee zone farther to the east, these vol Ganie belts are termed collectively the Macquarie arc, i tee tonic feature that likely originated as single, partially emergent voleanic are, which nnderwent rifting during sub- sequent Silurian anc Devonian extension (Glen et al., 3002). Ordovician voleanic belts are intruded by Late Ordovician to Early Silurian plutons of high K cale-alkaline to shoshonitic composition (Blevin, 2002), including the shoshonitie Cadia Intrusive Complex, Glen and Wyborn (1997) hypothesized a cmstal-seale cast-southcast-striking structural zone termed the Lachlan transverse zone, which was fundamental in Tocal- izing Late Ordovician-Karly Silurian plutonism and voleanistn within the Macquarie are (Fig, 1), Glen et al, (1998) inter preted the Lachlan transverse zone to reflect Mid-Late PORSTER ET AL, Ordovician subduction of a seamount, which temporauily in- terrupted low-angle west-directed subduction, Glen and Wal- she (1999) also suggested that this zone acted in a structurally weak fashion in response to north-northeast-directed com- pression during the Early Silurian (435~430 May. Silurian to Early Devonian volcanic and sedimentary rocks comprise the synclinorial fll of the Cowra-Yass and Hill End troughs (Fig. 1), back-are rift basins that formed in response to slab roll back at the leading edge of the paleo-Pacifie oceanic plate, and a retreating subduction boundary (Collins, 2002}. Depositional sequences within these back-are basins are characterized by quartz-rich turbidites, felsic and mafic voleanie rocks, voleaniclastie rocks, and bluck shales (Suppel tal, 1998). Early Paleozoic rocks of the eastern Lachlan fold belt are partially overlain by Late Devonian to Early Car- Dboniferous lithostratigraphie units, intruded by Carbonifer- ons granitoids, and partially conecaled by sedinentary rocks comprising cover-basin sequences of Permian to Jurassic age (Fig. 1). Geology of the Cadia Mining Distriet Mine stratigraphy All recognized skamns at Cadia are carbonate replacive and therefore there is an important stratigraphic control on their formation. The general stratigraphy of the Cadia system has been described by Holliday et al, (2002). The lowermost stratigraphic member in the Cadia area comprises up to 1,000 m of fine-grained, laminated, and variably calcareous felds- pathic sandstones, siltstones, and minor conglomerates of the Weemalla Formation (Fig. 3), Sandstones, siltstones, and limestones within the upper portion of the Weemalla Forma- tion at Cadia are correlated with skarn-hosting nits at June- tion Reefs, 20 km to the south (Packham et al., 1999; Foster and Gray, 2000). ‘The Weemalla Formation appears to grade conformably into mafic to felsic, shoshonite-series volcanic rocks of the Forest Reefs Voleanies (Holliday et al., 2002), Squire (2001) suggests that the Weemalla Formation repre= sents part of the Forest Reef Voleanies, reflecting progres- sive shoaling of a volcanic-are edifice from a slope-type ma- rine setting, Packham et al, (1999) favor a Late Eastonian age for the Forest Reefs Voleanies, which implies an absolute age of about 448 Ma, using the time scales of Young aud Lanrie (1996) and Cooper (1999). The Forest Reels Voleunies are at Teast 2,000 m thick around Cadi and have been deseribed in detail by Squire (2001). Units within the Forest Reefs Vole canies relevant to discussion of the skarns are described in the fallowing svetious und include (1) fine-grained pyroxene phyric voleanie rocks, (2) limestones, (3) volcanic-derived sandstone, (4) voleanic conglomerate, and (5) lapillistone (ig. 3 Fine-gratued pyroxene-phyric volcanic rocks: These rock typesare the dominant units stratigraphically below the Cadia skams, particularly at Cadia Quarry and Big Cadia. Mappable units include thinly interbedded coherent flows and valeani- clastie rueks, us well as « predominantly massive sequence nearly 600 mn thick, immediately underlying the skarns (Pig. 3). These rocks are greenish gray and contain 5 to 15 vol per- cent pyroxene and leldspar phenocrysts up to 4 mm in size, GAMMA SKA NEE GUTH Wels, AUSTRALIA 765 Units iMerbedded sandstones and sitstones | SS] be conglomerate Fea eemal iacsive volcanic unit RE orminated sitstone Lapill vlcaniciasticrocks Miner, bedded calcareous units je Units Thickness Graphic ‘siuran|e| Cada ‘Coach Shae — bcalearoous conglomerate Voleanic-darived sandstono, rraghetite-hematite-garnet ‘kam - Big Cacia’ Lite Cat Pyroxene - phyeic volcanic racks eas Pyroxene - phyric kes ‘Big Gacha - Cadia East Sequence Pyroxene -feldspar pyri ckes Pycoxone - feldspar phytic voicanilastic ‘and voleanic rocks. ee Voleanics SIC Manzorite at Cadla Far Es ic Monzonite at Cada Quarry Reefs Relationship unclear? yroxene - phytic volcanic ‘rocks dikes, and voleaniclastic +] breccias Ordovician Forest = poicanic-oesved sandstone Voleanicasticoreccia, Felespar-pnyric woleariciastie bree CIC Monzonte and monzodiorte} Voleaniclasticoreccias Pyroxene and vespar hire cikes| | Transitional unit siltstone = cic wonzonite Quartz monzonive-syenite ike a graphic section for the Cadia dstet, modified after Holliday ai, (200, Kas = Fastonian 9 finial stage, after Packhaon etal, (1998, nthit tine ysined, chlorite-tered feldspathic matrix, The mineralogy is. consistent with a sock composition raging rom basaltic andesite to latite. The voleanie rocks are mod: erately to strongly altered to an assemblage comprising per vasive chlorite, cileite, and epidote. Several narrow (225 m} subvaleanic basaltic and basulticwndesite pyroxene-phyric «likes are present at Big Cadia and Little Cadia. At Little Cadia, similar intrusions also occur as sills up to 50 m thick, with some peperite textures observed at contacts (Squire 2001 Limestones: Limestoues at Caclia are pork bedded, with, variable proportions of feldspathic sand and carbonate com: ponents, Conodont, echinoderm, radiolarian, and bryozoan Fossil assemblages within the limestones are consistent with a Late Eastonian (latest Ordovician) age (Green, 1999; Pack: hain et al, 1999). The limestones range from ~5 to over 40 m in thickness bnt thin on the faulted, down-throwa southern extension of the Big Cadia deposit (Figs. 44, C, 5), Packham cet al, (1999) established faunal correlation between the lime- stone units at Big Cadia and Little Cadia 2 km te the south- ast Basal contacts of the limestones are typically characterized dy volemie conglomerates and variably calcareous voleanic Dreceias. Whereas limestone stratigraphically underlies skarn developed in a major calcareous sandstone imit at Big Cadi Fig. 4A), a 50 cm are noted. Conglomerate units at Little Cadia luck clasts =15 em in size and are generally thinner and less calcareons than those at Big Cadia and Cudia Quarry, Lapillistone: Lapillistones predominate within 4 complex and varied voleaniclastic sequence that overlies the skarn ut Cadia Quarry and Cadia East (Figs. 3-44, 6A). The composi- tion of this unit is similar to that of the pyroxene-phyric 766 Lithology Silurian Sandstone, sitstone limastone & conglomerate Ordovician Hycrothernal biotite breccia [EI aecepsranns FORSTER ES A, Big Cadi Dione & monzociorka Lait volcaniclastic racks Calcareous sandstones, & miner conglomerates Conglomarate& voleanic breccia Limestone oe So ASL 3 cae ee ite B Fina-grained pyroxene piyric volcan rocks, & pyroxene foldscar & phyric intrusions Interred faut Doxtra fault Diamond it note - End ‘of hole Diamond dei hole = Continues oUt of section Meters above sea love! FGA, A. Geol ton Betvwen Cala Quy ad Bi teen Cua Quare and Big Caan section CML. IADR, Gee set 5° west of section CML. 3170E. D, Distebution of alteration ctwren Cinthia Query ad Big 120008, Cadia Quarry - Big Cacia 1O170E 4/-40m i etn CML 05D B,Diton of kent ee CADIA SRARN. NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA 767 Is Cadia Quarry - Big Cadia N 13050E +/-40m Homatt-magnetteskarn Voleanirocks wth magnet & siurian (oratory seein . : une Sette Sage Alteration 7] epeote-domare age) SNARE Monzonte Ps Petes aeration 20.2 ppmaus 023601 Tl &pecote-enorte ‘after garnet (Stages 2 and 3} FFF) phytic alteration a ‘Quartz vein zone [5] Garnet - pyroxene (Stage 1) =] Propyiitc alteration Intense quartz vein zone Garnet zone (8:90 1) orto Ordovician volcanic rocks 5 are Pre iteration q thermal carbonate GH gonigecteaiontmsiny eae Set tans, 2] Pryicatorten Cadia Quarry - Big Cadia 13170E +/-40m Big Cadia Fics. {Cans 768 See Fig. 44, ‘for location of Lithology Lap Fi] Songlomerate & votsane breceia Fic.5. Copper voleate 1ucks. with euhedral pyroxene phenocrysts common. Incided within the sequence are several thin coherent py roxene-phyri¢ volcanic units, which we interpret as flows. Minor calearvous bedded snits (Figs. 3-44} include wariubly calcareous conglomerates, poorly sorted sandstones, und vol- eaniclastic breccias with a sandy, caleareous matrix, Chlorite- caleite-dominant alteration is typically pervasive within non- calearcous units and where other alteration styles are weak or absent. Intrusive rocks The Cacia Intrusive Complex is characterized by a wide: range of intrusions of shoshonitic affinity (Blevin, 2002) that most likely represent a fractionated snite (Holliday et al., 2002}, Intrusive phases range in composition from diorite to aplite and include biotite and muscovite-bearing pegmatites ‘Those intrusions that are physically adjacent to the skams and/or are considered relevant to their formation have been. investigated petrographically and are deserilzed in detail here, Quartz monzonite porphyry: This rock type represents the main intrusive phase at Cacia Hill, Cadia Quarry, and Cadia East and/or Cadia Par Eust (Fig, 2) and is a minor phase at depth bencath the skarns at Big Cadia and Lite Cadia cigs: 4C, 6A}, Major minerals include variable proportions of K-feldspur and plagioclase. phenverysts (both variably. al- tered), which constitute about 80 vol percent of the rock, ac— ST timestone Frrosyainod pyre ‘oleae rook, ane else {td pyoxcne phytic mirusons 1d yold grade dianibution in the Big Cadia shen FORSTER ET AL Big Cadia Cu & Au distribution - 13000E | Pode Faut Zone s 2 Calcaroussardstone —-”—_Faultinferd 820.5 apm ‘Gu 36008 pam Dy ogee SY Gi 2000'° 5009 pp ss section CMI. 190008, companied by about 5 vol percent each of pyroxene, hum Ilende, quartz, and magnetite, Petrographically similar, but variably altered, quartz monzonite bodies are present along it 2-km-wide zone that extends for about 6 km in a northwest erly dircetion and is centered on the known mineralization, This zone, characterized by a well-defined aeromagnetic anomaly, may represent a structural corridor that focused phi- ton emplacement (Holliday et al., 2002), Within the quartz monsonite porphyry body at Cadiu Quarry, K-feldspanplagioclase ratios range from ~2/1 to 4 in part due to melt resorption of plagioclase (Blevin, 2002) High K-feldspan’plagioclase ratios are accompanied by an in- erease in prinary quartz and a decrease in the abundance of pyroxene. At Cadia Quarry, the most felsie variants have K- cldspar/plaginclase ratios up to 4/1 and are classified as quartz syenite. Crosscutting relationships are not observed between the quartz monzonite porphyry and more fraction- ated quartz-beuring phases, Holliday ef al, (2002) interpret the quartz manzonite porphyry to represent the most signifi- cant host to mineralization at Cadia, possibly related to an ex (onsive anagma chamber at depth that underwent progressive fractionation to produce the entire geachemically consistent suite of intrusive phases, Minor K-feldspar-rich quartz, syen- ite dikes occur adjacent to eale-silicate (pyroxene-garnet- seapolite-caleite) skaru in voleanic rocks (Fig, 7A-B), Dikes wary in width from ~5 mm to ~10 m, erosseutting the main (CADIA SKARN, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA Interpretive cross section of Lithology = Little Cadia - Cadia Far East 15600E +/-100m Lisle Codie Ordovician Tertiary E} Gueremornks Bl Lastivocanvasteha Deas [Gi Fatscarpornsercse [7 congorenta Silurian Hy Prowcnsonnor Caen aestene Sandor stone Sanaa, ES fiona’ connomoste I Lmastone Fhe-grained pyre oleic Interpretive cross section of Alteration - Littie Cadia - Cadia Far East 15600E +/- 100m N Line Gass ovilen Alteration corr ne Bi rcocrmennom SF iettrapes, MEET Silurian Gl Pyroxone porpnmyss 2 See Sma a) eon Be Femaecrgoinea C) Constonere BH ferme raat nee ears monzonito 3 Sadia” (zy Quae menconte Fic. 6, A. Projected geologic section throngh the Litele Cacia skarn system alony line CML. 156006. B. Distribution of ite Culia Skaru systeun iu seetion CML, T36Q0E, 770 FORSTER EY AL Fe representin ntomscrographs and hand stn mote Fractionated pha rite developed in ealearcous interbed of the Cadia Hill open pit (approx 76 A. Least altered quartz-syenite dike B, Scapolite nel pyroxene with minor chaleopy Hon, -8m fom asl Kelp dike the wet wall Catia Tntrsve Gow e Weemalla Forn k mR) ©. Cal Cadi. D. Coes and Big Cala E, Contac Big Cada dil hole NC3DS 14m). Asslage incl stage 1 spoear he eager Spear mate tg 1 Hematite and bonate breccia fom southern slam zone between Cadi ( blades, stage 2 euedral andraditc gar- partially replaced by replaced by stage 4 ch ‘wth pyrite s Dan 3) part opyrite (dil hole Thentatite by preudomorp of 2 magnetite and pyrite (dill hole NCIS CADIA SKARN, NEW SOUTH WALI AUSTRALIA cota Fie.7. (Cont) 1. Distal, mineralized hydrothermal carbonate breccia with ankerite and pyrite at let and center of bree cia, surrounded by rnagnetie-hematite, with ehaleopyrite at right, Inferted flaw direction i left to right, toward an inferred paleosurface (Big Cada, dell hole NC303 247 i). J, Stage 3 chlorite-caleite assemblage (drill hole NC3O8 1743 m), K. Zoned quartz (predominantly stage 4) with chalcopyrite mineralization near the skam front, Big Cadia, L. Drill sample NC30S 138 m, Big Cada, showng evoxsentting paragenetic relationships. Garnet vein with associated seapolite (stage 1) ‘ovegprinted by stage 2 epidote-chlomte and tage 5 caleite vein, Gaumnet vei i partially replaced by retrograde stage 3 chlo- nite-aleite alteration, M. Detail of stage 4 chalcopyrite and rninor pyrite infilling fractures in stage 1 gamet, southern Big, Cada (Qrll hole NESM 138 m), N- Low-grade metamorphic (stage 6) chlorite-aleite-lbite-actinolite-quartz-ealeite- hematite assemblage partially replacing stage 3 hydrothermal calite. O. Pyrite-chaleopyrite dominant skarn (dail hole NCS48 309 mm), . Coesisting garnet and magnetite from the intermediate zone between Cadia Quarry and Big Cacia (dell, hole CQUTS 299m). CO SO — ae diorite body west of Cadia Hill and intruding several meters into the Forest Reefs Volcanics and the stratigraphically un- derlying Weemalla Formation, Narrow dikes of similar com- position at Cadia Quarry contain quartz veins accompanied by minor magnetite and chalcopyrite. Steeply dipping, synphutonic dikelike biotite-bearing bree- cia zones are identified within and near the margin of the main body of quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry (Fig. 4A, C), ‘These breccias previously termed “pegmatitic breccia” by Holliday et al. (2002), comprise fragments of quartz. monzonite porphyry cemented by a coarse-grained assemblage of biotite-K-feldspar-quartz-plagioclase, with poste, minor chalopyrte, and ‘mobybdenite (ig. 8). The breccia zones are up to 20 m wide, extend from the surface to a depth of at least 500 m, and are aligned parallel to the west- northwest-mineralizing trend. Biotite, with grain sizes of 2 to 10 mm, cements the breceias and is significantly coarser grained than biotite in potassic alteration zones observed at Cadia East, Ridgeway, and Cadia Quarry (see below), Never- theless, these breccias appear to form a core to the most in- ¢ alteration and mineralization within quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry (Fig. 4B, D) and the ubiquitous presence of brecciated fragments within these zones suggests that they are associated with early potassic alteration, T! are distinct from hydrothermal carbonate breceias that also formed early in the ska paragenesis within and adjacent to distal Fe skarn at Big Cadia (see following sections). Monzadiorite and diorite: A large intrusive body that ex- tends to the southwest of the quartz, monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry (Fig. 2) is of dioritic to monzodioritic composi- tion, consisting of 80 to 40 vol percent plagioclase, 10 to 30 vol percent K-feldspar, and ~10 vol percent pyroxene, biotite, and minor hornblende. Accessory phases include magnetite, sphene, and minor zircon. The western extent of the body is obscured by post-Ordovician cover rocks and its overall dimensions are unknown (Newcrest Mining Staff, 1998). Monzodiorite extends several hundred meters in a northerly direction, where it occupies the southern part of the Ca Quarry area along CML 13000E and exhibits a stee} dipping contact with units of the Forest Reefs Volcanics at ~ CML 22100N (Figs. 2, 4A), > ec eg Bree Kelr sey Cee mee See ec) Ce aed Cees Fic. 8 and phyllicaltered g within biotite breceia matrix containing rolybelenite (mo) Potassc parte moneonite clasts (outlined) haleopyrite (cp), pyrite (py), and FORSTER ET AL Aplite dikes: Fine-grained, moderately porphyritic aplite dikes up to 30 em in width cut the quartz monzonite porphyry (Holliday et, al., 2002) and the Big Cadia skarn (Fig. 4C) and are identified beneath skam horizons at Little Cadia, They consist of ~80 vol percent K-feldspar, 15 vol percent quartz and very minor, altered plagioclase. Dikes examined in this study are unmineralized and display quartz-chlorite-caleite- hematite sericite alteration of the quartz-feldspar ground ‘mass and narrow (<5 cm) epidote-rich alteration envelopes in adjacent voleanic rocks. Cover sequences A. postmineralization Silurian cover sequence uncon- formably overlies the Ordovician voleano-sedimentary pack- age and plutons of the Cadia Intrusive Complex (Figs. 2-3), The Silurian sequence commences with an - to 10-m-thick hematite-stained, basal conglomerate comprising pebble- to cobble-sized clasts of monzonite, Forest Reefs Volcanies, and magnetite-hematite-rich kam, The basal conglomerate grades upward through coarse-grained calcareous sandstone to the Cadia Coach Shale, a well-bedded unit that reaches up to 200 m in thickness in the Cadia area (Figs. 3, 4A, C, 64). Flows and pyroclastic deposits of the alkaline Mount Canobolas Volcanic Complex of Miocene age occu hof the northern part of the Cadia area (Fig, 2), Structural geology Emplacement of the Cadia Intrusive Complex at a regional seale is considered to have been localized by’ a northwest- trending dilation zone (Holliday et al., 2002). In general, the specific structural controls associated with the emplacement Intrusive Complex intrusions are currently not well stood, although they are potentially of great significance for exploration in the region. Structural controls during skarn mineralization are most apparent at Little Cadia and Cadia East where the main pluton is at depth relative to the skarn, Awest-northwest to northwest structural control is indicated by (1) emplacement of elongate, quartz monzonite dikes (inainly at Little Cadia and/or Cadia East) and associated bi- otite-magnetite alteration; (2) steeply south dipping alteration zones which may include prograde cale-silicate skarn (Fig, 4B, D); and (3) mineralized quartz veins (predominantly at depth). Structures thought to be antive during skarn forma- tion include steep, mainly south-dipping, west-northwest trending zones that most likely ontrclled the orientation of hydrothermal carbonate breccias containing synmineraliza- tion alteration assemblages at Big Cadia. At Cadia Quarry, the west-northwest trend is reflected in the distribution of alter- ation within the pluton and in the alignment of hydrothermal biotite breccia zones within the margins of the quartz mon- zonite porphyry (Fig, 4A, C). At least one phase of regional deformation has affected both the Ordovician and Silurian rock packages. Glen and ‘Wyborm (1997) suggest that since the Lachlan transverse zone contains numerous intrusive complexes, it likely acted as a rigid body during Late Silurian through Early Carboniferous east-west compression, shielding northern portions of the Molong voleanic are (including Cadia) from intense deforma tion. Regional deformation resulted in brittle dislocation of the Cadia Intrusive Complex and Forest Reefs Volcanics, and CADIA SKARN, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA. north-trending open folding with an associated weak axial- plinar cleavage in the less-competent overlying Silurian se- quence (Mason, 1981). The intensity of postmineralization faulting is greatest along intrusive contacts, although dis- placements across individual faults rarely exceed a few tens of meters. An exception to this is a major district-scale struc the north-south-trending Cadianguillong fanlt system (Fig. which shows nt (dextral) strike-slip and later (west blockup) dip-slip dispkicement (Fig, 4C). A number of kilo- meter-scale reverse listric faults are interpreted to splay from this structure and disrupt the intrusions in the Cadia Hill and Cadia Quarry area (Fig. 2; Newerest Mining Staff, 1998). Significant displacement has occurred within the voleanie rocks around 23000N/13000E, although structural relation- ships in this area are still unclear (Fig. 2). This area has a high density of fractures and faults, and west blockup dis- placement is indicated west of about CML 13000E. Dom nant structural features at Cadia Quarry and Big Cadia in- volve late, west-northwest-trending reverse faults (Le., PCAO fault zone; Figs. 2, 4A, C), which are generally subparallel to the main intrusive contact. The Big Cadia orebody is termi- mated to the north and oflet to the south by brite, steeply north dipping, west-northwest-trending reverse faults (Figs. 2, 4), Steep to moderately northeast dipping, northwest trending faults are also exposed in the Big Cadia open pit 2), Reactivation of these west-northwest-trending ctures is indicated by late-stage, brittle faulting of ear synmineralization carbonate breccias oriented in that dire tion (Fig, 4-B) and tr tion of some north-trending faults by west-northwest-trending faults (Fig. 2). Chlorite (includ- ing slickenfibers on faults) and calcite + clay with minor pyrite are developed within a few meters of these faults and fractures. Distribution and M Big Cadia The Big Cacia ska is confined to caleareous sandstone host rocks approximately 1 km northwest of the current boundary of the open pit developed on the Cadia Hill por- hyry Au-Cu resource (Fig. 2). The outeropping ska ore- ody forms. an elongate, Fault-bounded, west-northwest trending lens approximately 1 km long and 250 m wide, which defines a similarly oriented ridge projecting into the northerly trending Cadia valley. Unfaulted contacts with marble are present on the norther side of the Big Cadia skarn, Minor skarn mineralization also occurs mainly within minor calcare- ‘ous units close to the contact with the Cadia Intrusive Com- plex at Cadia Quarry near 22500N (Fig. 4D), The skarn com- prises strata-bound bodies of bladed hematite and mas Gold is associated with chalcopyrite and bornite that formed interstitial to hematite blades within the calcareous sandstone and in association with disseminated sulfide in epidote-rich alteration zones developed in adjacent voleanic conglomerate and volcanic breccia. Oxidation extends to depths of 10 to 50 m but averages about 30 m, Supergene enrichment of gold in goethite and hematite and supergene replacement of chal- copyrite by chalcocite have occurred in areas around old workings at Big Cadia where the main orebody is exposed (Bajwah, 1985). neralogy of the Cadia Skarns Little Cadia ‘The Little Cadia orcbody is hosted by a well-bedded, eal- careous voleanic-derived sandstone unit, correlated with the same skar host at Big Cadia. The style of Gu-Au mineraliza- tion is generally similar to that deseribed for Big Cadia, Typi- cally, gold and chalcopyrite are associated with epidote andlor quartz in the interstices of bladed hematite-magnetite aggre- gates that have replaced the ealeareous sandstone. Minor magnetite-hematite skarn occurs within the host sandstone and in other minor caleareous units as far south as CML 21000N at depth from surface exposures of skarn (Fig, 6A- ‘The catent of aapergece enrichrvent and the secondary cerals at Little Cadia are similar to those at Big Cadia. The skamn at Little Cadia has been offset by steeply dipping faults (Fig. 6A) but there is less faulting than at either Big Cadia or Cadia Quarry. A dikelike body of quartz, monzonite porphyry that displays strong potassie and phyllic alteration is encountered beneath the Little Cadia skam (Fig, 6A). At a depth greater than $00 tm, this intrusion is the main host for stockwork Au-Cu rit eralization of the Cadia Far East resource (Holliday et al 2002). Related smaller, propylitically and phyllically altere {quartz monzonite porphyry dikes intrude beneath the Little Cadia ska and intersect its northem margin around CML 15500E/22700N (Fig. 6A). More mafic dikes emplaced within the Little Cadia section comprise variably porphyritic, feldspar and pyroxene-dominant basaltic andesites, associ- ated with the Forest Reefs Voleanies (see also Squire, 2001). Mineral Paragenesis of the Cadia Skarns The geology and mineral paragenesis of the Cadia skarn gatem lave been determined from core logging of over 90 drill holes, field mapping, extensive sampling, and petrogra- phy. Many aspects of the paragenesis in distal skarn at Big Cadia are similar to the findings of Green (1999), however, the mineralogy and paragenesis covering all presently identi- fied parts of the overall skar system are described here. A paragenetic scheme is illustrated in Figure 9. Stage 1 cale-silicate and hematite skarn Garmet- and pyroyene-dominant prograde cale-silicate as- semblages are developed proximal to quartz monzonite por- phyry intrusions, Within 30 to 40 m of the intrusive contact at Cadia Quarry (Fig, 4B, D), semicontinuous, patchy zones of brown to red-brown gamet and rare albite are present in the voleanielastic host rocks. Garnet is generally deformed and fractured. Garnet compositions at Cadia Quarry vary from Andyp to Andyp, the latter occurring close to lithologie con- tacts and in veins formed in less calcareous units (Fig, 10) Garnet from this zone commonly has a high Ti content (up to 3 wt % TiO,), reflecting the chemistry of the host volcanic rocks, In the main calcarous sandstone unit where large gar- netiferous zones are developed, compositions are less variable and the gamet is associated with pyroxene and blue-gray quartz. Rare gamet identified at Big Cadia forms aggregates of yellow, commonly dodecahedral (0,5-3 em) crystals along permeable, reactive lithologie contacts and within hydrother- imal carbonate breceias, which typically consist of caleite- ankerite-Mluorite-gamet-pyrorene-epidote + scapolite (Fig, 74 FORSTER ET AL. ‘Skarn-related alteration - Forest Reefs Volcanics (Stages 1 - 5) Proximal Hyrothermal Seco TT] enone neers nce epidot ota Berner bitte apatite peut 2s a Distal = fsa [1] magnet pre salto ma sido teen ate bate pyroxene spare scapoite Key - Mineralogy Restricted To: C - Cada Quarry; L- Lite Cacia: 8 -Big Cada, Fig. 9. Mineral paragenesis for Cada skar orebodies, Separate tables are for typical assemblages proximal (Cadi Quarty and Cada Far 7C-D). Garnet in this distal setting exhibits a range in com- position from Andy, to >Andgg (Figs. 7E, 10). Totals from clectron microprobe analyses typically range from 95 to 98 percent; low totals and the yellow color of anclradite-rich gar- net may be due to significant ferric iron in the crystal lattice (Deer et al, 1992), This also may account for the gap around And:s in the observed garnet compositions (Fig, 10), Garnet is commonly altered to hydrous assemblages (see stage 3). Pyroxene crystallized progressively with distance from the pluton contacts (ie., at Big Cadia; Fig, 9) andl at the margins ast) and distal (Big Cada and Little Cadi) relative tothe main Cacia Intusixe Complex intrusions of some garnet-bearing veins, where it may be associated with yellow andraditic garnet (>And,,). Garnet/pyroxene ratios range from >20/1 to 6/1. Despite severe retrograde alteration to chlorite and calcite, electron microprobe analyses of py- roxene obtained within the proximal zone indicate diopside rich compositions, ranging from Hdjo to Hdys (Fig, 10), Hematite is rare at Cadia Quarry; rather magnetite is commonly associated with garnet. Coarse-grained bladed hematite (Fig. 7E) associated with quartz and calcite is most prevalent close to the marble contact at Big Cadia, Seapolite, CADIA SKARN, Cadia skarn mineral composition Pyroxene Jot Garnet sp Gr & a oe rene NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA Key (ards ae tstesin Aopen) 1 Prrorene- Cada Quay V7 rroxene - Weemata Fr Hd @ Ganet-agcacia ‘J Gamet -Litle Cada LN Gamet 8 of Big Cadia & Weemalla Fm. =D Garnet -Cada Quary nest Ad camer-Cadia East 1-20 [EE EN eS a ‘Skarns Worldwide (Modified after Meinert, 1989) Fic. 10, Garnet and pyroxene oo lite, Di = diopside, Gr = geossular Appendix vesuvianite, and wollastonite are not common in either prox- imal or distal locations but are identified in calcareous sandy’ units approximately midway between Cadia Quarry and Big Cadia (Fig. 7D). Seapolite and vesuvianite also may occur in bedding-discordant, gamet-bearing hydrothermal carbonate breccias, formed adjacent to, and south of, Big Cadia (Figs. 4D, 7C). Stage 2 magnetite-epidote Cu-Au skarn In proximal settings and overprinting stage 1 assemblages at Cadia Quarry, magnetite oceurs in irregular pods in minor caleareous units and as disseminated wall-rock alteration in association with quartz, biotite + K-feldspar. Magnetite- quart zones, commonly accompanied by pyrite and chal copyrite are generally developed adjacent to intrusive con- tacts, By contrast, biotite-magnetite alteration is. primarily restricted to the intrusions. Magnetite-quartz may also form a distal halo to biotite-bearing breccia zones in the mangins of the quartz monzonite porphyry intrusion at Cadia Quarry (Fig. 4B, D). Epidote-dominant alteration is developed peripheral to magnetite-rich zones at all scales from hand samples through to the deposit scale (Figs. 4B, D, 6B). In all cases the epidote shows a conspicuous decrease in grain size away from the magnetite zone. Recently drilled areas between Cadia Quarry and Big Cadia contain stage 2 pyrite, magnetite, chalcopyrite, caleite, and ankerite, which occupy the interstices between blades of stage 1 hematite and magnetite formed early in stage 2 of the positions for the Cada skarns and for skams worldwide. Abbreviations: And = andra redenbergite, Jo = johannsenit ‘Sp = spessartine, Data are provided in the paragenesis. Pyrite also replaces magnetite and hematite, with some examples exhibiting sequential replacement and overgrowth of stage 1 hematite. initially by magnetite and lastly by pyrite (Fig. 7F-H). Minor gold hosted by fine- grained quartz at the margins of garnet-bearing, carbonate (calcite-ankerite-fuorite-gamnet-pyroxene-scapolite) breccias and veins is a component of this stage between Cadia Quarry and Big Cadia In the distal Big Cadia skarn, massive and banded agere- gates of magnetite, commonly sceompanied by quartz and lesser calcite, also overgrow stage 1 bladed hematite (Fig, 7F- G), Sulfides are assoctated with four different stage 2 mineral assemblages at Big Cadia, listed in the following order of abundance: (1) epidote-quartz > magnetite + pyrite, chal- copyites caltite developed mainly shove aad belo the principal skarn-Forming calcareous sandstone unit and corre- sponding with significant Cu and Au grades (Fig. 5); (2) pyrite > chalcopyrite >> borite-magnetite-quartz-epidote repre- senting minor Cu-Au mineralization within the Big Cadia skarn; (3) pyrite-magnetite-quartz + minor chalcopyrite and Seapolte Formed within the voleaniederived sandstone, mainly south of Big Cadia (Fig. 7H); and (4) pyrite > chal- copyrite > magnetite + ankerite in minor veins. Distal stage 2 hydrothermal carbonate breccias (Fig. 4B, D) are mineralog- ically similar to stage 1 carbonate breceias present in proximal zones but also contain coarse-grained stage 2 hematite, epi- dote, and ankerite and locally crosscut earlier magnetite- hematite skarn ( Fig, 71). They are interpreted to represent lo- calized, bedding-discordant and structurally controlled fluid 776 conduits associated with stage 2 magnetite-hematite skarn formation Stage 3 chlorite-caleite propylitic alteration Stage 3 is dominated by chlorite-calcite, with lesser quartz, albite, hematite, actinolite, illite, epidote, pyrite, rutile, tour- maline, and minor chaleopyrite. Clusters of hydrothermal chlorite within caleite veins commonly give a distinctive “Berlin blue” interference color (Fig. 7J). This stage is inter- wreted to represent a retrograde stage of overprinting propy: tic alteration, which is widespread at Cadia, At Little Cadia, semiconfarmable zones of epidote-chlorite-ilite-caleite alter- ation developed within fine-grained volcanic rocks enveloy the hematite-magnetite skarn and extend to depths of nearly 400 m, where they are underlain by the Cadia Far East por- phyry system (Fig. 6B). Stage 4 sulfide-quartz stage The fourth paragenetic stage within the skams has a high sulfide content relative to gangue minerals, However, itis vol- uumetrically less important than the earlier epidote-rich stage 2 alteration, Sulfides include chalcopyrite, pyrite, and minor bomnite and sphalerite, Vein assemblages comprising quartz, calcite, muscovite and/or illite, K-feldspar, and minor molyb- denite, sphalerite, and galena occur adjacent to the quartz monzonite porphyry intrusion at Cadia Quarry. Abundant ‘coarse-grained muscovite (up to 250 4am) in quartz-muscovite + K-feldspar alteration forms adjacent to intrusive contacts and grades to less abundant fine-grained illite within inter- mediate to distal skam. Quartz > calcite-pyrite-chalcopyrite = muscovite veins also occur at Gadia Quarry, where they con- tain relatively high Au values (~1 ppm Au). These veins are present mainly within the quartz monzonite and within sev- eral meters of intrusive contacts in the volcanic units. Locally the veins display narrow (<4 mm) K-feldspar-rich alteration envelopes. Ar/"Ar dating of stage 4 muscovite t with Au-Gu mineralization within quartz, monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry gives a plateau age of 438.2 + 2.7 Ma (see fol- Towing sections). In the more distal Big Cadia skarn, stage 4 is represented by sulfide-quartz > carbonate veins. Chaleopyrite appears to postdate pyrite within this stage, Zoned quartz-carbonate tex- tures with associated chalcopyrite >> bornite are common (Fig. TK) and suggest localized mineral deposition in open space within the skar, Chalcopyrite also occurs in fractures within earlier minerals including pyrite and garnet (Fig. 7L). Stage 5 calcite veining This stage is characterized by the extensive development of calcite + laumontite veins that crosscut mineralization (Fig, 7M). Stage 5 veins may be distinguished from later vein sociated with brittle faults, which contain abundant chlorite. Regional metamorphism Within the Forest Reefs Volcanies a mineral assemblage comprising chlorite, epidote, prehnite, calcite, quartz, actino- lite, albite, hematite, and pyrite replaces mafic minerals, The assemblage represents a regional, lower greenschist fucies metamorphic event that did not affect the overlying Silurian strata. Identifying features include: (1) the fine-grained habit FORSTER ET AL, of most minerals (most notably chlorite, commonly as elon- gate green-brown aggregates, Fig, 7N); (2) overprinting rela tionships with stage 4 and, more commonly, stage 5 alteration; and es lack of association with defined hydrothermal veins or conduits, Zonation of the Cadia Skarns— the Profile from Cadia Quarry to Big Cadia The profile from Cadia Quarry to Big Cadia may be con- sidered a type locality for porphyry skarn formation in the Cadia district. Three distinct zones are deseribed here: (1) proximal skarn (Cadia Quarry), (2) distal skarn (mainly at Big Cadia), and (3) an intermediate zone, which occupies the southern, downdip portion of the Big Cadia skamn, Genetic links between the development of the skam and alteration of the quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry are outlined in the following sections Alteration of quart: monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry Endoskamn has not been identified in the Cadia Intrusive Complex. Alteration of the Cadia Intrusive Complex varies in intensity throughout the Cadia system. At Cadia Hill, alter- ation is characterized by a propylitic assemblage of chlorite- calcite rutile accompanied by hematite dusting of feldspar, which is responsible for the characteristic pink-orange color of the monzonitic intrusions. Potassic (K-feldspar-dominant) alteration at Cadia Hill is almost exclusively restricted to nat- row alteration envelopes to some quartz-bearing veins that comprise the mineralized Au-Cu sheeted vein system, Hydrothermal biotite breccias within the margin of the quartz, monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry contain a stage 2 potassic alteration assemblage of biotite-K-feldspar-quartz, accompanied by minor chalcopyrite and molybdenite. The bi- otite brecclas are surrounded by a zone of stage 2 quartz magnetite alteration that extends into the adjacent voleanie rocks (Fig. 4B, D). Both of these styles of alteration are strongly overprinted by propylitie (stage 3) and quartz-mu covite + K-feldspar (stage 4) alteration. Unlike Ca strong potassic and/or coarse-grained _muscovite-bearing Phillis Ateration is associated with the development of Ate Cu-bearing quartz-sulfide + magnetite veins within quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry, High-grade Au-bearing quate > cate yrite veining occurs (1) within these zones of alteration, (2) as stocl works peripheral to the alteration zones, and (3) as more dis- tl variably micacous, sheeted vein packages, The link be; tween Au grades, quartz veining, and zones of potassie and phyllic alteration toward the margin of the quartz monzonite porphyry pluton at Cadia Quarry is illustrated in Figure 4B and D. Highest Cu and Mo grades are also associated with these zones of alteration at Cadia Quarry, as are the highest abundance and volume Cu- and Mo-bearing calcite-ankerite veining. Proximal skarn The major occurrence of garnet-rich skarn intersected by drilling is identified within the Forest Reefs Voleanies near the contact of the Cadia Intrusive Complex in the Cadia Quarry area. Prograde skarn is most strongly developed within calcareous units proximal to portions of the quartz CADIA SKARN, NI monzonite porphyry that show evidence of potassic alteration and/or contain quartz veins (Figs. 4B, D, 5B). Numerous drill holes intersect to a depth of about 250 m; however, skam dis- tribution within the principal volcanie-derived sandstone deeper than 250 m was established mainly from key intersec- tions including drill hole CQ036 in section 13050 (Fig. 44) and drill hole NCOSS for section line 13170E (Fig. 4C).- Proximal gumet-bearing cale-silicate mineral assemblages are also developed several meters into calcareous volcanic rocks and minor limestone, marginal to intersections of cal- careous volcanie-derived sandstone, Proximal cale-silicate as- semblages comprise prograde, red-brown to yellow gumet (Ands;-Andys; Fig. 10) >> apatite + clinopyroxene + albite. Several pods of stage 2 skarn magnetite which are developed in thin (<10 m) calcareous units within 100 m of the quartz porphyry contact contain Cu and Au minenaliza- tion (see Cadia Quarry profile near 22300N; Fig, 4D). ‘ne-grained noncaleareous pyroxene-phyric volcanic and jacent to quartz monzonite porphyry contacts cates but may contain complex prograde mag- netite > biotite and overprin -pyrite and propy Ateration assemblages. Stage 2 magnetite > biotte-quats ehalopyite alteration predominates adjcent to zones ofthe Cadia Intrusive Complex that show evidence of potassie al- teration (Fig. 4B, D), Gold-copper mineralization associated with this alteration is sporadic and generally of lower grade than magnetite-hematite skarn, Distal skarn The voleanic-derived sandstone unit overlies limestone blocks up to 40 m thick at Big Cadia around CML 13050E/ 23000N (Figs. 44, 5). In this section, voleanic-derived sand- stone is altered to « prograde skam assemblage consisting of stage 2 magnetite that overgrows and partially replaces stage T hematite-calcite + yellow andraditic garnet {>Andy.). Im- ‘mediately above and below the sandstone, the voleanic con- lomerates and, to lesser extent, the limestones display strong, Stage 2 epidote > 1 e-caleite- magnetite in al- rock, (2) peach-colored quartz = hematite-K- an alteration envelope to the veins, (3) an outer garnet (Andy-And,.), (4) inner andradite-rich garnet + scapolite-apatite, (5) quartz-magnetite, (6) epidote- ‘quartz-pyrite-chaleopyrite, and (7) calcite-fluorite chlorite (vein center), Where the rock has fractured during stage 2, small veins erosscut the outer, gamet-rich assemblage and penetrate the adjacent wall rock. These late-stage veinlets Contain assemblages identical to central zones of the veins, in- cluding epidote, chalcopyrite, and visible gold (Fig. 11). The mineralogy within these multiply zoned veins is representa- ive of stages 1 and 2 of the skarn mineral paragenesis and provides evidence for progressive evolution of a single Cu- Au-bearing Hid jstribution of Alteration and Mineralization at Cadia East-Little Cadia Catia East-Cadia Far East At depth withi neath and to the south of tl tle Cadia, alteration of vol with an intrusion of quarts With $ are commonly metamorphosed to biotite-mag- c hornfels. Above the quartz monzonite porphyry a zone 1+Mo mineralized stockwork veins, which ar East resource, is developed within and above ic zone (Fig. 6B; Tedder ct al., 2001). net-bearing alteration (Andy-Andys: Fig. 10) occurs voleanic-derived sandstone units above the potassic zone (Fig, 6A-B). Evidence for retrograde alteration of gamet is common, and skarn-related pyroxene is very rarely pre- served. Stage 2 biotite-magnetite-quartz-K-feldspar (potassic) —= — — ws 778, FORSTER ET AL. alteration, overprinted strongly by chlorite-carbonate alter- ation also occurs above and peripheral to this body of quartz Tponzheke porphyry and minor dikes of similar composition, Significantly, stockwork veining and associated patassic ater- ation directly intersect and overprint skarrelated garnet in caleareous units. With distance from quartz monzonite intru- sions, magnetite becomes dominant over biotite. Peripheral to and overprinting the potassic zone, stage 3 chlorite-calcte- sericite + t ine and stage 4 silica-albite-sericite alter- ation (seriitic zone, Fig. 6B) is developed as a broad halo in the area. Several hundred meters south of the Cadia Far East system, hole NC335W intersected Little Cadia-style, distal magnetite-hematite skarn (Fig. 6A-B). The overall morphol- ‘ogy of this section suggests symmetrical development of skam and attendant alteration about the main quartz. monzonite Bombory intrusion and a consistent analogy with the sty and listribution of alteration displayed in the profile from Cadia Quarry to Big Cadia. Little Cadia Mineralization within the host voleanic-derived sandstone in the Little Cadia area is dominated by magnetite-hematite ska, Minor gamet in the Little Cadia orebody is mostly re- placed by a stage 3 propylitic alteration assemblage, although, two EMP analyses of garnet gave andradite-rich and mixed compositions (Fig, 10). Cu-Au mineralization (>0.2 g/t At >0.2% Cu) oceurs primarily within the upper part of the mag- netite-hematite skarn, generally in close association with stage 2 epidote and quartz. Peripheral to magnetite-hematite skarn at Little Cadia, skarn and alteration are broadly distrib- uted and poorly defined compared to Big Cadia (Fig. 6B). Al- teration styles include (1) banded magnetite-epidote skarn in interbedded variably caleareous units, (2) pervasive epidote- chlorite-calcite alteration, and (3) a complex stages 2 and 3 al- teration assemblage of epidote-calcite-chlorite-silica-ortho- clase = tourmaline. Tourmaline is also associated with quartz-carbonate breccias at Little Cadia (Mason, 1981), Outside the immediate Little Cadia area, smaller mineral- ized bodies of magnetite-hematite skarn are also developed, the largest of which is intersected south of 21300N (Fig. 6B). Small, pyrite-dominant skarn bodies are also encountered (e.g,, hole NC556 drilled 40 m east of section line, Fig. 6A) within bedded calcareous units. They consist of coarse- grained pyrite-calcite-chalcopyrite and minor magnetite (Fig. Sage-1 70) formed adjacent to skarn-marble contacts, and resemble massive sulfide. These small skam bodies are poorly under- Corpet eared) stood but appear to reflect local physicochemical variations in Stage-2 the hydrothermal fluids during skarn formation FI Epidote “Ar/Ar Dating of Alteration Muscovite at Cadia The age of Cu-Au mineralization at Cadia was established by #Ar/Ar dating of coexisting muscovite from stage 4 of the alteration paragenesis in quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia FE] Magnetite-Quartz (vein) (1 sewage peach Quartz Quarry. Pag Sample descripstion BB Magnetite-ouare Muscovite was soe from ra intensely sercized Fol ive sages 1 an 2 vein formation peripheral to proximal _UAr% monzonite porphyry sample from drill hole NC35 at se Ceoprerh sage ad Eve orion peter to peor (arg ia (Fig. dC), The sock varmplo consists of 40 percent dote (ep), and gamet. quartz (by vol) 30 percent calcite, 20 percent sericite, 2 per- CADIA SRARN, NEW SO cent chlorite, and 2 pervent pyrite, together with minor chal- copyrite and relict igneons feldspars. Intense sericite, quartz, and calcite alteration dominates the rock, obscuring much of the original igneous texture. Stage 4 quartz > calcite-mus- covite veining within more intensely sericitized zones is over- printed by stage 5 calcite veins. The sumple is typical of in- tensely altered quartz-sericite assemblages within quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quany that typically host gold mineralization (this 5-m interval contains 1.1 ppm Au). Analytical procedures A concentrate containing 80 percent muscovite with a geain size greater than 20 zm was prepared using standard crush- ing, desliming, heavy liquid, and paramagnetic techniques. Carbonate was removed by washing in dilute nitric acid and the main contaminant was quartz. The sample was wrapped in an aluminum packet and placed inside an aluminum irra diation canister together with aliquots of is flux monitor GA1550 (age = 98.8 + 0.5 Ma; Rene et al., 1998). Packets containing K,SO, were placed at either end of ian monitor “Ar production from potassium. The canister was ir- radiated for 504 h in position X34 of the ANSTO, HIFAR re- actor, Lucas Heights, New South Wales, Australia, The canis ter, which was lined with 0.2 mm Cd to absorb thermal neutrons, was inverted three times during the irradiation, which reduced neutron flux gradients to <2 percent along its length Alter irradiation, the samples were loaded into tin-foil packets and were step-heated in'a tantalim furnace, Step heating analyses were carried out on a VG3600 mass spec trometer using a Daly photomultiplier detector. Mass dis- crimination was monitored by analyses of standard air volumes. Correction factors for interfering reactions are as follows: (MArAr)c, = 3.50 (+0.02) x 104, AN Ar)e, = 7.9 (20.5) x10+ (Tetley et al, 1980; McDougall and Harrison, OUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA 779 1999); (#An Ar), = 0.035 (20.005). K/Ca ratios were deter- mined from the hornblende standard 77-600 (Spell and Me- Dongall, 2003) and were calculated as follows: K/Ca = 1.90 x ArTAr ‘The reported data (Table 2) have been corrected for system backgrounds, mass discrimination, flux gradients, and atmos- pheric contamination, Unless otherwise stated, errors associ- ated with the age determinations are Ig uncertainties and ex- clude uncertainties in the age of the flux monitor (GA1550) and the decay constants. Decay constants are those of Steiger and Jiger (197). The @Ar/™Ar dating technique is described in detail by MacDougall and Harrison (1999). ArPAr age spectra Step-heating analysis of the muscovite concentrate from drill hole NC55 yielded a fat age spectrum over 94 percent of the *Ar released, corresponding to a plateau age with a weighted mean of 438.2 0.6 Ma (10; Fig. 12, Table 2). In- clusion of the uncertainty in the J value increases the error in the age determination to 438.2 £ 1.3 Ma (Io). If the uncer- tainties in the age of the fluy monitor and the decay constants (Steiger and Jiger, 1977) are also included, the error becomes 438. Ma (10). No evidence for isotopic resetting of muscovite is evident in the Ar/Ar spectra, Discussion Big Cadia-Cadia Quarry Overall zonation of the Big Cadia skam system over an 800- mm interval north from Cadia Quarry is consistent with estab- lished skarn morphologies (Einaudi et al.. 1981, Meinert, 1992). Alteration assemblages and mineral zonation in the profile clearly indicate that skarn-forming fluids originated from the quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry, as pro- posed by Green (1900) basll on omen isotope studies, Fluid a or Step-Heating Anastical Rests Temp "are San Wash —NolAR 9% Road. nes Age 10 co) Ar Mar Ar x 10Tnal PAP cu Ar (Ma) (Ma) NCSS seriite Mass = 124 mg Jyalue » 0.009881 + 0.090030, 500 0 0.00 9820 oo 439.25 Das 335 bol 0.00 9870 002 437.45 236 50 oot 0.00) 98.30 02 44035 En 35 ool 0.00) 9960 0.02 100) 600 002 0.00) 99.30 0.05 155 625 00 0.00) 970 6.00 49.46 24 850 048 0.00 9900) 0.05 436.21 207 700 0.00 0.00) 99.10 oo1 48554 212 750 0545, 0.00 0,00) 9970 0.00 199) 500 0621 oot 0.00) 90.30 ou 168, 900 os07 0.00 0.00 9920 0.00) 165, 1000) 098 0.00 9.00 99.30 0.00) 154 200 0.964 oot 00 95.40 0.05 1209 154 1450 L000 0.05 002 80.80 0.09) 121.96 1.96 ‘Total 001 00 9.40 436.9 ss (Notes: ®Ar* = radiogenie Ar, corrected for atmospheric contamination using an WAW/™Ar ratio of 298.5; "AP" may be assumed = radiogenic "AR errors are 19 uncertainties and exclude uncertainties in the | salle; data ane corrected far mass spectromet SOE-4, (AWAD) K interference corrections: (An/"Ar] Ca = 32E-4, (SATAN) Ci backgrounds, diserimination, snd radionetive decay Ine is based on an age of 98.8 Ma for GA-1350 biotite =350E-2,] ‘Age (Ma) 0.0 02 04 06 os Lo Cumulative Ar Fraction Fic, 12, ®An?*Ar step-heating age spectrum for musconte coexisting with stage 4 Cu-Au mineralization in altered quartz monzonite porphyry from dill hole NCSS at 21.4 m, Cadia Quarry. A plateau age of 4382 27 Mais ob- tained from 12 of 1 contiguous heating steps (see Table 2) evolution from pipelike, synplutonic biotite-rich hydrother- ‘mal breccias within the quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry generated prograde, anhydrous cale-slicate mineral- ogy dominated by relatively grossular-rich garnet in caleare~ ous units adjacent to the pluton, Progressive fluid evolution through space and time within the main host voleanic-derived sandstone produced andradite-rich garnet, lower garet/py- roxene ratios, and scapolite. In distal portions of the voleanic- derived sandstone (Big Cadia) Fe metasomatism produced magnetite-hematite assemblages, whereas a hydrous epidote- quartz assemblage associated with Au-Cu ore deposition de- veloped peripheral to the iron skarn. Most of the noncalcare- ous voleanie stratigraphy more than 100 m from the quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry is propylitically altered and essentially unmineralized. Based on the distribution of al- teration and ‘mineralization, lithology’ is interpreted as the ‘most important control on skarn formation at Cadia The distribution of potassic (qt par + biotite + magnetite) alteration (Figs. 4B, D, 6B) within and adjacent to the quartz monzonite porphyry pluton is typical of proximal porphyry skum assemblages where insufficient calcium was present within volcanic units for the formation of cale-sili- cates (Meinert, 1992). The intensity of feldspar alteration ap- pears to have been an important control on the development of cale-silieates. Portions of the quartz monzonite porphyry that have strong (primary) feldspar destruction are associated with relatively large intervals of gamet and/or potasssic or sericitic alteration. Narrow quartz monzonite porphyry dikes associated with weak or moderate feldspar destruction also have narrow alteration envelopes, indicating limited fuid- rock interaction, Minor skam occurrences associated with narrow syenitic dikes, which probably cooled rapidly, are characterized by a relatively low temperature and oxidized mineralogy (pyroxene-seapolite > garnet; Fig. 7B; Franchini et al., 2000) rather than a typical high-temperature prograde sha asceublage Gi, garnet pyroronc-aliioe wellatetie: Meinert, 1997). Potassic alteration may also be associated with more fractionated quartz, monzonite phases that display FORSTER ET AL. high K-feldspar/plagioclase ratios. Increasing alteration asso- ciated with progressive differentiation is consistent with late stage volatile enrichment in the quartz monzonite porphyry melt at Cadia, as suggested by Holliday et al. (2002). Potassic (biotite-K-feldspar) alteration is characteristic of ee then, wy ie conte aac ne semblages (ilmenite-pyrthotite > pyrite-arsenopyrite and gar- net 75% FeO, are com- mon: D.B. Forster, unpub. data) the skarn contains >45 Mt of Fe, The likely sources of Fe for Big Cadia are (1) the vol- canlo-derived sandetono; (2) the adjacent nesgrained val ccanie rocks, the voleanic conglomerate; and (3) the Cadia In- trusive Complex. Unaltered volcanie-derived sandstone contains <5 wt percent Fe, requiring the leaching of Fe from at least ten times the volume of rock occupied by the Big Cadia skarn (120M m°) ifthe host rock was the sole source of Fe for skarn formation. However, mineralogy and gamet chemistry indicate that gamet-rich zones contain between 10 «wt percent Fe in the proximal garnet zone and approximately CADIA SKARN, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA ‘Skarn formation - Big Cadia Ore - Mea ‘and quartz veins wens Fluid flow direction” oe Peers Fine-graned voteanic 781 0.296 Gu tor skam Fic. 13, Genetic model for the formation of the Big Cada system and interpreted fluid paths during stages 1 and 2 upward (Fig. 14), producing potassic alteration (biotite-K- iedipercpierts) ail Aura Whe quate vote, grading fe nee distal magnetite-quartz assemblages, Faults and hydrother- mal carbonate breccias (Fig, 7C) focused mineralizing fluids into receptive ealeareous rock types at shallower levels, pro- ducing gamet-dominant skarn, Fluids were also focused lat- rally through the voleanie-derived sandstone resulting in mineral zonation similar to the profile from Cadia Quarry to Big Cadia, including the formation of distal, Au-Cu-bearing rmagnetite-hematite ska. More restricted examples of this skarn zonation also occur southward within similar rock units (Fig, 4B). Comparisons of Big Cadia and Little Cadia The distribution of Ar ineralization at Little Cadia differs from that in the Big Cadia skarn, At Little Cadia Au- Cu mineralization occurs almost entirely within. hematite- magnetite skarn developed in the voleanic-terived sandstone, with far less mineralization in overlying conglomerate. This may be due to the less calcareous nature of the conglomerate Significant Au-Cu mineralization in epidote-rich alteration above the ska is rare, despite the presence of stage 2 tour- taline, which is commonly linked to Au-Cu grades deeper in the system, Additionally, retrograde alteration of gaet and pyroxene was more intense at Little Cadia than at Big Cadia, One possible factor in the different zonation and intensity of retrograde overprinting of prograde skarn between the two deposits may be depth of emplacement, Meinert (1992, 1997) argued that depth of emplacement is one of the most critical factors affecting skam morphology, given its control on rock smeability. In shallow environments, skarns may be af- fected by hydrothermal cycling of seawater oF meteoric water. skarn, Figure shoms mineral zonation of the ponphyry skam Lithostatic load on the Cadia system at the time of mineral- ization is unclear. More intense propylitic alteration at Little Cadia may suggest that it formed in a shallower setting than other deposits to the west. This fits with common east block- down kinematic indicators on postore faults. A shallower set- tng forthe Little Cala skarns could imply that the one tion of the bedded host volcanic rock sequence during mineralization was generally west dipping, and that seawater ‘or meteoric water were associated with propylitic (stage 3) and possibly phyllic (stage 4) alteration. Isotopic and fluid in- clusion studies are in progress to evaluate the nature and ori- gin of the hydrothermal fluid at Cadi. ‘The source of the very large iron budget in the Cadia skamns {s speculative and the subject of ongoing work; however, some rough calculations may be made for Big Cadia, based on the ible volumes of rock involved. The Big Cadia iron skarn es about one-third of the yolcanic-derived sandstone within the Big Cadia to Cadia Quarry transeet, or an area of approximately 300 by 1,000 m, has a thickness of ~40 m, and represents a volume of 12M m° ling at least 50 percent by volume Fe (intersections containing >75% Fes, are com- mon: D.B. Forster, unpub. data) the skarn contains >45 Mt of Fe, The likely sources of Fe for Big Cadia are (1) the vol- canie-derived sandstone; (2) the adjacent fine-grained vol- canic rocks, the voleanie conglomerate; and (3) the Cadia In- trusive Complex. Unaltered volcanic-derived sandstone contains <5 wt percent Fe, requiring the leaching of Fe from at least ten times the volume of rock occupied by the Big ‘Cadia skarn (120M m®) if the host rock was the sole source of Fe for skarn formation, However, mineralogy and gamet chemistry indicate that gamet-rich zones contain between 10 ‘wt percent Fe in the proximal gamet zone and approximately proba Tan. Characteristics of Alkaline Intrusion-Hosted Skarn Deposits skarn ype, Name ad lection, St and grade Tectonic Paton and Ska protolth Shara se reference! (wt Cu, ppm Au) setting aeration ‘mineralogy Aw Big Cadi) and 0 Me @ 058 Ce Allothonens Quartz monzonite _—Voleanieserived Ep, Gat (Ad> Mt, Hem, Cpy Early Sian Little Cadi(Q) NSW, Od Aw, 8 MU oxeanle are Propyliti, ptassic sandstone, Grist, Bn Liste Ondenician——Astaia 0466 Ga, 03. Au limestone Ps aw Junction Reefs) 24 Me@S3.Au Allochthonows ——-Monzodiorite Limestone yx (Utd) sGnt, yn Asp. Cpy Easy Sik NSW, Australia oxeanie ae Potasic,pliylic sistone Amp, Wol Late Ondovican aw Hedley-Nickel Pte(7) 134 Mt @ 53.40, Allochthonows —_Dioite-ensonkarn——Caleareous caste PyeGnt (Ge> As, Lil Po, Late ‘ruse Be, Canada 13g continentalare Pots unite Ae). Sep.Cpy Py Spb cu Ingerbelle(2) BC, 7MI@053% Cu, Allocthonous Dorit, pegmatite kp, Gat,Ab, Mb Herm, Py, Late Tisse Canada (0.45 Au (porphyry Continental ae Potasipropyitie ‘lew deposits ys, Sep py. Po and shir) cul 135 ME@ 106% Cu Allacthonos——_-Syeite Sandstone, meta Ep, Gat, KE rate Tvssio Canada 04 An (porphyry ‘ontinentalare ——_Potassie, propyltie and slr) Gut Big Gossan) ran SAT ME Postolsional Granodiorite Limestone, dol py. Bn Pliocene Ji, ndonesia 2.59% Co, LO Au Potasie,propyitie stone, sitstone sph. Mt can Eetshorg san(6) SIMeG@ 258% Cu, Postealsional —_—_Granaoite Limestone, dolo- Gant, By Bo, Gpy. Mt Pliocene Irian Jay, Indonesia S.A Potasic, propylitic stone, silstone aby, Wel Py Me wd Binh district HTM@124An ——Allecthonons——— Quartz monzonite Limestone Got, Py, Wl Py Gp. Ba, Late Eocene skans9) Utah continental are atassi, philic Mt, Mo Mineral abbreviations: Ab net, Gr= gossilarich garnet, Hid = hedenbeeste, Hem ene, Sep = scapotite, Sph = sphalerte, Wol = wollastonite (a) = Allen etl (1976), 2) = Fahim etal (1976), (3) = Gray etal. (1995), (4) = Holiday otal. (2002), ral (2001), (9) = Tooker (1990) abite, Ad = andadite-rich gamet, Ahy » anhydrite, Amp = amphibole, As aysenopyrite, Br = hornite, Cpy = chaleopyrite, Ep hematite, Kis = K-fldspar, Lal = lllingite, Me : wessite, Mo = molybalenite, Mt = magnetite, Po ar pyrthotite, Py = pyrite, Pyx = pyro = Meinert et al (1997), (6) = Mertig ot al (1994), (7) = Ray etal. (1996), (8) = Tedder PMISAV ‘SHIVA HAAS AEN ‘NUS VIVO 784 FORSTER EY Al. leached (Meinert, 1983). Cale-silicate ska mineralogy at Cadia is characteristic of Fe-Cu-Au skams worldwide (Fi 10), Driving plutons for ths family of deposits are typically sourced from oxidized, magnetite-stable melts (Wyborn, 1992). Wall-rock interaction may influence the oxidation state of melts and hence the style of ensuing mineralization. Wyborn, (2003) notes the common association of Australian Protero- zoie Au deposits with magnetite-poor plutons and intrusive phases within more oxidized magmatic suites. These reduced plutons commonly occur adjacent to country rocks contain- ing significant carbon, Conversely, highly oxidized Cu-Au plutons associated with ska assemblages of the Extsberg and Grasberg Complexes, Papua New Guinea (Meinert et al., 1997), occur in a district with abundant carbonate and evaporitic host rocks. Therefore, incorporation of oxidized or reduced lithologies during pluton emplacement by mecha- nisms such as stoping (Pinotti et al., 2002; Yoshinobu et al., 2003) appears likely to affect the final oxidation state of the intrusion. In the Junction Reefs skarn system, fine-grained carbonaceous siltstones present in the host sequence (Gray et al., 1995) may have generated reducing conditions favor- able for gold-skarn formation from monzodiorite intrusions. Thus, on a district scale, melts with a composition similar to the Cadia Intrusive Complex that encounter carbonaceous sediments representing distal parts of the volcanie environ- ment could produce gold skarns, rather than porphyry Cu- Au deposits. Further geochemical studies on well-con- strained suites, inchiding the Macquarie are, are required in order to test these hypotheses. The association of the Cadia skarns with porphyry deposits of shoshonitic affinity is similar to other deposits in other re- gions, including skarns in the Ingerbelle porphyry district {Barr et al., 1976) and at Galore Creek (Allen et al., 1976), British Columbia (Table 3). Conclusions ‘The Cadia skarns represent a zoned skarn system related to, orp Cu-Au mineralization asoited with the atest O- jovician-Early Silurian (~439 Ma) Cadia Intrusive Complex in the eastern Lachlan fold belt of New South Wales. Pro- grade skam at Cadia Quarry comprises paragenetic stage 1, red-brown to yellow grossularandradite gamet (Ands~ Andys) >> apatite and diopsidic pyroxene + albite, restricted to a Yi-m-thick calersous Yoleese derived sandstone alje- cent to an intrusion of quartz monzonite porphyry. Synplu- tonic bitte beccles and sssocated potande uration repre: sent the high-temperature core of the mineralizing quartz monzonite porphyry at Cadia Quarry, from which chaleophile metal-bearing Muids evolved. These fluids apparently mi- grated northward from Cadia Quarry over an $00-m-interval to Big Cadia, with fluid flow focused by the reactivity and per- ‘meability afforded by the host voleanie-derived sandstone. At Big Cadia, the main skarn unit hosts stages 1 and 2 magnetite- hematite-caleite + yellow andraditic gamet, distal from the driving intrusion. Anhydrous calc-silicate mineralogy for both the Big Cadia and Litile Cadia systems is strongly altered to a hydrous retrograde assemblage, which includes epidote, acti- nolite, chlorite, and sericte, particularly in distal locations. Cu and Au mineralization within the Big Cadia and Little Cadia skamns is associated with stage 2 quartz and epidote within and adjacent to the main magnetite-hematite ska Native gold also occurs in association with stage 4 quartz chalcopyrite and less commonly with stage 4 quartz-mus covite. At Big Cadia, Au and Cu mineralization is focused close to marble contacts in voleanic-derived sandstone and bedded limestone, Mineralization also occurs toward the ‘upper part of the main calcareous sandstone in the overlying, less permeable strata, where cooling and/or ponding of prob- able magmatic-dominated fluid occurred. The Little Cadia skarn, located approximately 2.5 km east southeast of Big Cadia, probably formed from fluids derived from underlying quartz monzonite porphyry dikes that are also related to the Cadia Intrusive Complex. Upwardly mi- grating fluids produced potassie alteration, mineralized uaz veins in fine-grained voeanie rocks, and gameth skarm mineralogy in calcareous units. Lateral fluid migration roduced more distal, mineralized Fe oxide skam severil undred meters north and south of the main fluid source Overprinting and retrograde alteration of the skarn assem blages was more intense compared to Big Cada Skarn formation at Cadia is linked to Late Ordovician in- termediate magmatism of shoshonitie affinity, generated inan oceanic-are environment. Iron, Cu, and Au as associated met als, and cale-silicate skarn mineralogy at Cadia are character istic of Fe-Cu-Au skarns worldwide. Potential for additional skam mineralization in the region includes reduced Au skaris and Cu-Au skarns associated with porphyry deposits, Acknowledgments ‘The anthors thank the staff of the industry partner, New crest Mining Ltd., as part of an Australian Research Coun- cil, Strategic Partners in Industry (SPIRT) Australian post- graduate award to DBF. The University of Newcastle also provided funding for some aspeets of this project. We espe: cially thank Newerest Mining Ltd. for their generous subse- quent additional funding of the Ph.D. project based on the Cadia skarns and for permission to publish this paper. We thank Neworest staff of Cadia Valley Operations, especially Colin Morehead, Paul Dunham, Colin McMillan, and Craig McIntosh, for their assistance. We particularly thank New crest Exploration staff, including Ian Tedder and John Hol liday, for their support and helpful discussions. DBF is also especially grateful to Alan Wilson for his many insightful discussions pertaining to the Cadia deposits. The step-heat ing plot was produced using K. Ludwig's ISOPLOT software package. Finally, we thank Economic Geology reviewers Alan Wilson and Jim Lang for extremely comprehensive and thoughtful reviews, which have led to major improvements in the original manuscript. 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