Cooperative Learning Lesson Guide

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Daily Lesson Guide

Name: Aaron Sparks

Date: October 11, 2016
Lesson Length: 90 min.
Class: WH1
SOL- WHis. 6 j) listing contributions in art and architecture, technology and science, medicine,
literature and history, language, religious institutions, and law.
Lesson Aim for Today (teacher): teach the contributions to Roman Society that are relevant to
our society
Student Learning Objective: to learn the relevant contributions made by the Romans in
various fields ranging from art to law and how they are important today.
The students will go over their contributions that they did on Friday. They will also break up
into groups and do some work in a jigsaw
A) Introduction: Morning Eye Opener and run down
B) Review: go over the flashcards that they have turned in with them so they are reviewing
C) Lesson Content: the contributions of Rome to modern societies
D) Question(s): How did Roman achievements influence/impact Western civilization?
Teach the Lesson:
E) Activities:
1. Morning Eye Opener
2. Give back the flash cards and go over those so what they have to study as we go along
is accurate.
3. Give them the jigsaw activity and break them into groups and have them go through the
chapter following the jigsaw outline
4. Handout the second part of the study guide. Let them get started on that and have them
work on that and tell them we will have a couple minutes to work on the next day as we
review for our test that will be on Friday.
F) Materials needed: text book, internet computer and projector, study guide and jigsaw
G) Check of Understanding: go over the contribution flashcards and go over the study guide.
Lesson Closure:
H) Conclusion of Lesson: wrap up by hitting the high notes and letting them know about the
things that we are going to do tomorrow.
I) Reinforcement: look over the study guide especially the first part which should be done
correctly considering we went over the first part in class.
Self Evaluation of Lesson: It took us a while to figure out how to jigsaw in class today but once
we got it figured out how the groups would be broken up we were able to work much more
effectively and I was able to walk around and help the groups and make sure they were learning
what they needed so they could take it back to their groups.
Roman Culture and Society
Art and Architecture
Rome adopts many features of Greek style of art.
Rome started producing realistic works even if the person portrayed had unattractive features.
Continued to use Greek architecture, but began using the arch, vault, and dome.

First to use concrete on massive scale.

Great at engineering- built 50,000 miles of roads, as well as bridges and aqueducts.
Literature (pg 160-162)

Family Life and Womens Roles (pg 162-163)

Slavery and Slave Revolts (pg 164)

Living Conditions in Rome (pg 165)

Games of Death in Ancient Rome (pg 166-167)

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