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Graphing Rational Functions

Please follow all of these steps whenever you graph a rational function in this class.
(1) Identify the zeros of the function. Identify how many real zeros and how many imaginary
zeros the function must have (use the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra).
(2) Identify any vertical, horizontal, and oblique (slant) asymptotes of the function. Label
these on the graph with a dotted line.
(3) Graph the rational function, and indicate the end behavior of each branch of the function.
(4) When graphing the branches of each graph, use numerical methods to determine the
appropriate curve. (For instance, sometimes the zeros and asymptotes alone wont tell
you whether a portion of the graphic is parabolic or cubic).
(5) Determine if there are any removal discontinuities (holes in the graph). These can usually
be found by factoring and simplifying the original function.
(6) If you provide a scale, you do not have to label your points. If you dont provide a scale
on your graph (i.e. the increments on the axes), then please label the points. Realize that
your graph might get a little too busy.

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