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Intro to APES: History, Ethics, and Laws

Ch 1 and 2 TEST
Name ______________________________________________ Period __________ Date
1. The suns energy provides earth with:
a) fossil fuels
b) energy-rich carbon compounds
c) patterns of temperature and precipitation
d) liquid water
e) All of these choices are correct
2. As the 21st century began, the global human population reached __________
a) 3
b) 5
c) 6
d) 8
e) 11
3. The interdisciplinary study of humanitys relationship with other organisms and
the non-living physical environment is termed:
a) ecology
b) sociology
c) political science
d) risk analysis
e) environmental science
4. The ability to meet humanitys current needs without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their needs is termed:
a) ecology.
b) environmental sustainability.
c) natural balance.
d) synergism.
e) environmental science.
5. Examples of non-sustainable human activities or behaviors include:
a) recycling
b) attempts to limit human population growth
c) using technology to improve car mileage
d) use of nonrenewable resources as if they were present in unlimited quantities
e) conservation practices

6. The difference(s) between highly developed countries and less developed

countries include
a) income levels
b) industrialization levels
c) fertility rates
d) infant mortality
e) All of these choices are correct
7. The one central problem of environmental science that links all other problems
together is that:
a) we are using up our supplies of fossil fuels
b) we are polluting the environment
c) we are using too much fresh water
d) we are continually increasing the number of humans
e) we are depleting needed resources
8. I = P x A x T model can be used to calculate which of the following?
a) urbanization
b) people overpopulation
c) industrialization
d) international fertility rates
e) human impact on the environment
9. Which of the following stages comes LAST in addressing environmental
a) risk analysis
b) political action
c) evaluation
d) scientific assessment
e) public education and involvement
10. Which of the following was not a consequence of the pollution of Lake
a) increase in phosphorus concentrations
b) rapid growth of cyanobacterial populations
c) increase in fish populations
d) decomposition of dead cyanobacteria
e) drop in dissolved oxygen concentration
11. Which of the following was critical to the successful reversal of pollution trends
in Lake Washington?
a) construction of a sewer to divert treated sewage from the lake
b) approval of a bill transferring responsibility for sewage to a regional government

c) increase in taxes to construct sewage facilities

d) environmental monitoring
e) All of these choices are correct
12. "The Tragedy of the Commons" refers to:
a) an environmental theory promoting public ownership of lands and resources.
b) an economic theory promoting private ownership of lands and resources.
c) an analogy describing the conflict between individual interest and management
of shared resources.
d) events impacting the common people, particularly farmers, of developing
e) environmental problems generated by farming practices.
13. Which of the following is a true statement regarding ecological footprints?
1) The ecological footprint of a single individual in the U.S. is greater than that of
ten individuals in India
2) The ecological footprint of a single individual in the U.S. is 1.5 times that of an
individual in France
3) Indias total global footprint is greater than that of the France
4) If all people on earth had the same lifestyle as those in the U.S., we would need 3
more earths to meet the demand for resources


1 and 3

13. Non-renewable resource IS TO renewable resource AS:

a) living is to non-living
b) limited supply is to sustainable supply
c) tree is to coal
d) wind energy is to fossil fuel energy
e) conservation is to overexploitation
14. In order to estimate human impact on the environment we can:
a) multiply the number of people times affluence per person times resources
needed and wastes produced: I=P x A x T
b) multiply resource depletion times number of years divided by number of people: I
c) multiply birth rate times consumption patterns divided by available resources: I=
d) Divide number of people by resources needed and wastes produced: I = P T
e) None of these choices; the human impact cannot be measured
15. In a positive feedback mechanism:

a) a change in some condition triggers a response that counteracts the changing

b) a change in some condition triggers a response that neutralizes the changing
c) a change in some condition triggers a response that intensifies the changing
d) all of these
e) none of these choices
16. Provisions of the Endangered Species Act
a) require the timber industry to reforest in areas of logging.
b) grant the President authority to establish National Parks for endangered species.
c) provide a spending limit by the federal government in protecting endangered
d) require the government to protect the habitat of endangered species so that their
numbers increase.
e) specify incentive-based regulation for endangered species.
17. Whose work heightened public awareness and concern about the use of
pesticides and ultimately led to restrictions on the use of certain pesticides?
a) George Perkins Marsh
b) Henry David Thoreau
c) Paul Ehrlich
d) John Muir
e) Rachel Carson
18. Which U.S. president was most responsible for setting aside national forests in
the late 1800s and early 1900s?
a) Grover Cleveland
b) Benjamin Harrison
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) Herbert Hoover
e) Theodore Roosevelt
19. All of the following were authors whose writings influenced the environmental
movement except:
a) Rachel Carson
b) John James Audubon
c) Aldo Leopold
d) Wallace Stegner
e) George Perkins Marsh
20. The legislation that authorizes the president of the United States to set aside
national monuments is the:

a) Antiquities Act.
b) National Parks and Forest Act.
c) National Monuments Act.
d) Wilderness Act.
e) Endangered Species Act.
21. An environmental impact statement must include:
a) an ethical analysis of the proposed action.
b) short- and long-term effects and any adverse environmental effects.
c) solutions to any potentially adverse environmental effects.
d) documentation of the financial cost-benefit analysis of the proposed action.
e) a description of the solution to any associated environmental controversy.
22. The National Environmental Policy Act:
a) mandates development of an Environmental Impact Statement at the end of any
project using federal funds.
b) provided for the establishment of the Court on Environmental Quality to enforce
U.S. environmental law.
c) requires the evaluation of federal highway construction and military projects.
d) requires documentation of the financial impact of all projects with potential
environmental impact.
e) was signed into law in 1965.
23. In the field of economics, the additional cost associated with one more unit of
something is called a(n):
a) marginal cost.
b) external cost.
c) direct cost.
d) fringe cost.
e) total product cost.
24. When consumption or production of a product has a harmful side effect that is
borne by people not directly involved in the market exchange for that product, the
side effect is called a(n):
a) marginal cost.
b) indirect cost.
c) additional cost.
d) intrinsic cost.
e) external cost.
25. Which of the following statements reflects the Western worldview?
a) All organisms are interdependent.
b) Nature should be preserved, not used.

c) Humans have the right to modify the environment to benefit their wellbeing and
high standard of living.
d) Humans and all other species have an equal worth.
e) Humans have no right to reduce diversity of life forms except to satisfy vital
26. According to the EPAs Draft Report on the Environment 2003, levels of wet
sulfate, a major component of acid rain, have dropped by 20-30% since 1990. This
success may be attributed to:
a) National Environmental Policy Act (1970)
b) Clean Air Act (1977)
c) Clean Water Act
d) Earth Day 1990 (Think globally, act locally)
e) Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
27. Put the following historical views of the environment in the correct chronological
I. Frontier attitude: desire to conquer and exploit nature as quickly as possible.
II. Biocentric preservationists: belief that all life deserves respect and consideration.
III. Utilitarian conservationist: view of environment in terms of usefulness for people.
IV. Earth Day celebrant: demonstrates support of environmental quality by planting
trees, cleaning roadsides and rivers and marching in parades.
b) V III II - I
c) I III II - IV
d) III IV I - II
e) IV II I - III
28. All of the following are successes in pollution control since 1970 except:
a) improved water quality in rivers and streams.
b) DDT, asbestos, and dioxins have been banned from use in the U.S.
c) 75% reduction in sulfur dioxide and resulting acid rain.
d) 98% reduction in lead levels in the air.
e) 70% reduction in the use of CFCs and other chemicals that are contributing to the
ozone hole.
29. The graph below represents the Marginal Cost of Pollution. Which is the correct
curve for the marginal cost of pollution?

Cost of Damage

Amount of Pollution

a) Curve A
b) Curve B
c) Curve C
d) Curve D
e) Curve E

30. Based on the accompanying graph, which of the following statements is correct?

a) As more and more pollution is eliminated from the environment, the cost of
removing each additional unit of pollution decreases.
b) As more and more pollution is eliminated from the environment, the cost of
removing each additional unit of pollution stays the same.
c) As more and more pollution is eliminated from the environment, the cost of
removing each additional unit of pollution increases.
d) As more and more pollution is eliminated from the environment, the cost of
removing each additional unit of pollution reaches equilibrium when intersecting the
amount of pollution axis.
e) Nothing can be inferred from the graph.
Short Answer
AP level answers are always in complete sentences and address ALL topics asked. I
should be able to discern the question asked by the depth of your answer.
31. Define environmental sustainability. Discuss three reasons why experts in
environmental science think that the human population is not operating sustainably.

32. Discuss the role of economics and government on the status of the environment
in Central and Eastern Europe. Cite specific issues and/or examples in your
discussion. Given the relatively recent changes in the government structure within
this region, have any improvements in environmental policy or condition occurred?
If so, explain the mechanism(s) that have allowed this to happen.

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