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Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs.

Levi Johnson

Lesson #




Language Arts


Rationale: (lesson context and reasons why lesson matters)

This lesson teaches students the importance nouns have in a sentence. It also teaches students how to write descriptive sentences
using adjectives. Students get the chance to learn about the use of verbs in sentences. Finally, students get to practice their
reading and writing skills.

Curriculum Connections : (which can be: big ideas / learning standards /curricular competencies/core competencies)
The big idea is using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works. Core competencies thinking,
communication, personal and social.

Learning Intentions- (learner friendly language such as: I can ..)

I can identify nouns, adjectives and verbs in a sentence. I can give examples of nouns, adjectives and verbs. I can write sentences
with nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Prerequisite Concepts and Skill :( for student success)

Students will need to be able to read and write to be successful in this lesson.

Materials and Resources with References/Sources:


pencil, eraser, colouring markers, blank paper

pre made flower project

Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations)

Hand out pre made project that is not fully completed.

Assessment and Evaluation: (formative and summative possibilities related to curricular connections)

Formative assessment will be ongoing during the lesson.

Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)
Hand out materials to students before lesson starts.
Possible Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning and

Lesson Activities:

Teacher Activities

Student Activities


Introduction (hook/motivation/lesson overview)

Ask students what things they think are important in a


Share their ideas with a partner. Volunteer to share

ideas with the class.

(lesson flow/ management)

Teacher will ask if students know what a noun is.

Teacher will write definition of noun on the board and
ask why nouns are important in sentences. Discuss
the importance of nouns in a sentence and ask the
class to give some examples of nouns. Teacher will
write examples on the board. Give directions to
students on the project. Walk around the class and
make sure everyone is on task and provide feedback.
Teacher will then ask some students to share what
they wrote with the class.
Ask the class if anyone knows what an adjective is.
Write down definition of an adjective on the board.
Ask the class to give some examples. Write down
examples on the board and ask the class if it is
possible to use more than one or two adjectives in a
sentence. Write example of a sentence that has
multiple adjectives in it. Direct the students to write
five adjectives on the petals of their flowers. Walk
around the class and make sure students are on task
and provide feedback. Ask students to volunteer and
share what adjectives they wrote on their flower.
Discuss what verbs are and write examples on the
board for the class. Ask volunteers to share their
ideas with the class.

Students will raise their hand and share their answer

if teachers points to them. Raise hand and share
examples of nouns with the class if selected.
Students will be asked to create three flowers and
write three different nouns in the flower. If called
upon share what they wrote with the class.

Sit quietly and listen.

Raise hand and share their answer with the class.
Raise hand and if selected share their examples with
the class. Think about the question and share their
ideas with the class if called upon by the teacher.
When instructed write five adjectives on the flowers
petals. Volunteer to share adjectives with the class.



Listen quietly and volunteer to share answers with
the class.

Instruct the students to write a sentence under their

flower using the noun they chose and the adjectives
they wrote on the petals of their flower. Provide an
example from finished copy of flower project. Go
around the class making sure students are on task
and answering any questions and provide feedback.
Ask students to volunteer and share their sentences
they wrote. After student reads sentence ask the class
to identify the noun and adjectives in the sentence.
Instruct students to write another sentence under their
second flower. Challenge the students by making
them write two or three adjectives in their sentence.
Check in on students while they are writing sentences
and answer any questions they may have. Ask
students to share their sentences with the class. Have
students identify the noun and adjectives in the
sentences read to the class.
Have students write one more sentence under their
third flower. Instruct the students to use a noun,
adjective and verb in the sentence. Provide an
example sentence for students. Walk around class
checking on students and provide feedback. Choose
students to read their sentences to the class. Ask the
class to identify the verb in the sentences. Instruct
class to finish colouring their flowers.

Listen quietly to the teachers instructions and write

a sentence under the first flower using the noun and
adjectives they wrote in their flower. Sit quietly and
volunteer t read sentence to the class. If called upon
by the teacher identify the noun and adjective in the
sentence that was read to the class. Listen to the
teachers instructions. Write another sentence under
their second flower using the noun and adjectives
they wrote in the flower.

Sit quietly and share sentence if called upon by the

teacher. Identify the noun and adjectives in the
sentences read to the class by fellow students.
Listen to the teachers instructions.
Write a sentence under their third flower, using a
noun, adjective and verb. Sit quietly and listen.
Share sentence with class if teachers asks. Identify
the verb in the sentences read to the class. Finish
colouring flowers.

Students will share 2-3 things they learned with their

partner. The groups will have to report to their
teacher in order to get dismissed.
Closure ( connections within lesson or between
lessons, sharing successes, summaries)
Teacher will ask students to pair share what they
learned with a partner.

Reflections: (over)




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