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Kyle Sager

The following portfolio consists of three essays, all of which have taken concepts learned in
the University Writing Program, and discussed them with either a specific focus or a personal
application. The following is what can be found in this collection.

A moment of Reflection is the first work in this compilation. It consists of reflection and
analysis upon the last quarter. I included discussion of the learning outcomes of the course,
which include rhetorical knowledge, processes, knowledge of conventions, research, and
metacognition. I demonstrate how the following works meet these criteria, and where they are
lacking. Also discussed are the concepts that I personally learned in the quarter, and the ones in
which I improved. The conclusion shows the practical side of the course, and how it will assist
me in creating better works in my future education and career.

The second essay is titled Acquisition of my Literacy. It is both a personal account as well as a
reflection on how my literacy was acquired. Out of the three, it reads the most like a personal
narrative, due to the nature of the prompt. I share a few specific examples on how I learned and
improved my literacy. It also offers reflection upon the past events, with the knowledge that I
have now acquired. I found at times this balance of past and present to be beneficial for the
direction of the essay, as I did not want to solely express this narrative though examples.

Discourse Communities: The Concept and Analysis, is the final work. It incorporates what we
learned about discourse communities in class, and applies them to the VW MK1 community. I
use both primary and secondary research is used to strengthen the points made. The primary
research consists of information found on online forums used within the community, along with

Kyle Sager
personal examples and experiences. As a member of this community, I can say with confidence
the primary research sources and content accurately reflect the community. Secondary research
cites the ideas of John Swales, James Gee, and James Porter. The essay also includes visual
elements, to assist the reader in understanding the content, and to provide specific applicable
examples. They help break the essay up into smaller pieces, therefore more directly engaging the

Through multiple drafts and revisions, the finished product is formed. I hope it provides some
topic for thought, details of my past, and interesting points to discuss among others.

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