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Pinwheel Energy Lab

SC.5.6.1 Identify different forms of energy (e.g., thermal, electrical, nuclear, light, sound) and how they can
change and transfer energy from one form to another

Does weight affect the speed of turbine?
If I place 10 paper clips for weight on turbine, then it will begin to slow down
and not spin any more.
Variables: Paperclip
Independent: Number of paperclips
Dependent: Whether of that moves the turbine
Drinking straw
8 1/2 paper square
2 Pieces of thread (30 and 20 cm)
Handful of Paperclips
2 Toothpicks

Hole Punch

a. Draw a line between two opposite corners of a piece of paper. Then
draw another line between the two other corners.
b. Cut from each corner halfway to the center of the paper.
c. Punch holes in every other corner and center. Put straw through center
hole. Bring corners to center, placing holes over straw. If needed, tape top
corner down so it does not come off the straw.
d. Tape the turbine to the straw.
e. Insert a thread approximately 30 cm long through the length of the straw
(taping a toothpick to one end is helpful, as if it were a needle).

f. Tape a toothpick securely to each end of the thread in the straw to help
you hold the entire apparatus up. (See picture.)
g. Tape a 20 cm long piece of thread to the straw about 3 inches behind the
pinwheel. Tie the bottom of the thread to a paperclip In the end, you should
be able to hold the thread that is IN the straw on each end. A paper clip will
be hanging on the OTHER dangling thread behind the pinwheel.
H. Expose the turbine to wind or blow on it. The thread connected to the
straw and back of the pinwheel should wind up around the straw.
Data Table

Trial #

Describe Independent
(# Paper Clips)

Results &



Conclusion (Analyze data and summarize your findings. Include a

discussion about your hypothesis being correct or wrong.
So this activity or lab was very fun. It showed us how if you do own a turbine you will
have to always make changes. No matter what. You could have a perfectly right size but
it rotates to slow. Or it could rotate just fine and it's too big or small ya feel. My
hypothesis what in fact incorrect because I said I would at least be able to put about 20
on there. I could barely handle 10. Mainly because I messed up my hole and I think I cut
too little. I shouldve just kept it deep. It was a very nice activity except when everybody
got stressed about not doing it correctly other than that it was coolio.

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