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NPC Index:

Human Bartender: (Jonas), (Saul), (Desmond)

3 WP:

(Intimidation), (Friendship), (Trade), (Stamina), (Melee),

(Regional Lore), (Alertness)
Bond: The barmaids my wife keep away from her.
Reaction: If theres trouble in the bar, kick the
troublemaker out.
Traveling Clothes (2 threat (Melee), 3 threat (Archery))
Basic Weapon (+1)

Human Barmaid: (Samantha), (Mary), (Elisha)

2 WP:

(Friendship), (Trade), (Sneaking), (Performance),

Bond: Friend to all who know me.
Reaction: If my husband gets mad, threaten to quit and
leave him.
Traveling Clothes (2 threat (Melee), 3 threat (Archery))

Human Bar Patron: (Alex), (Joshua), (Noah)

2 WP:

(Melee II), (Friendship), (Stamina), (Trade), (Craft)

Bond: Ill buy you a drink for a favor.
Reaction: If things dont go my way, Ill introduce you to
some friends.
Traveling Clothes (2 threat (Melee), 3 threat (Archery))
Basic Weapon (+1)

Human Squire: (Ezra), (Samuel), (Carl)

3 WP:

(Melee II), (Friendship), (Stamina), (Survival),

(Leadership), (Riding), (Willpower), (Alertness)
Bond: I shall become knight like my noble master
Reaction: If there is an opportunity for me to prove my
worth, I will seize it.
Leather Armor (4 threat (Melee), 3 threat (Archery))
Basic Weapon (+1)

Wizened Wizard: (Ezekiel), (Orthoriel), (Gilbraen) 5

(Friendship II), (Spells II), (Regional Lore II), (Leadership),
(Rhetoric), (Willpower), (Craft), (Magic), (Alertness)
Bond: Friend of the Fey Folk.
Reaction: If I see a disturbance in the natural order of
things, investigate before taking action.
Travelling Clothes (2 threat (Melee), 3 threat (Archery))
Basic Weapon (+1) Armament of Legend
Spellbook, Robes of Concealment, Hat of Disguise, Staff

Town Melee Guard: (Markus), (Adam), (Jacob)

4 WP:

(Melee II), (Athletics II), (Regional Lore), (Riding),

(Leadership), (Alertness), (Intimidation)
Bond: Protect the citizens of this town.
Reaction: If anyone disturbs the peace, fight first and ask
questions later.
Chainmail Armor (5 threat (Melee), 4 threat (Archery))
Wooden Shield (+2 threat (Melee), +1 threat (Archery))
Basic Weapon (+1)

Town Ranged Guard: (Nick), (Simon), (John)

3 WP:

(Archery II), (Athletics II), (Regional Lore), (Riding),

(Leadership), (Alertness), (Intimidation)
Bond: Protect the citizens of this town.
Reaction: If I see trouble, back off and use my bow.
Leather Armor (4 threat (Melee), 3 threat (Archery))
Crossbow (6 zones, +1, 2 threat)

Knight: (Geoffrey), (Walter), (Richard)

6 WP:

(Melee II), (Riding II), (Alertness II), (Regional Lore),

(Stamina), (Leadership), (Intimidation), (Rhetoric), (Truth),
(Willpower), (Friendship)
Bond: Serve the King.
Bond: For my lady, (Roxane), (Isabella), (Rohesia)!
Reaction: If my honor is challenged, slay the bastard who
challenged it!
Plate Armor: (7 threat (Melee), 6 threat (Archery))
Iron Shield (+3 threat (Melee), +2 threat (Archery))
Basic Weapon (+1), Orcs Bane I, Parrying Blade, Precise

Orc Melee Troop: (Grub), (Kroar), (Hurg) 2 WP:

(Melee), (Athletics), (Regional Lore), (Intimidation),
Bond: Serve the one above me until Im strong enough to
kill him and take his place.
Reaction: If I get hurt, flee.
Hide Armor (4 threat (Melee), 4 threat (Archery))
Wooden Shield (+2 threat (Melee), +1 threat (Archery))
Basic Weapon (+1)

Orc Archer: (Pierce), (Poke), (Gor) 2 WP:

(Archery), (Athletics), (Regional Lore), (Sneaking),
(Alertness), (Intimidation), (Deceit)
Bond: Friend of the (Hill), (Red Blood), (Snaggletooth)
Reaction: If I see anyone dangerous, back up and start
Reaction: If I get hurt, flee.
Leather Armor (4 threat (Melee), 3 threat (Archery))
Bow (4/8 zones, +1, 1 threat)

Troll: (Azmodius), (Gurthur), (Korgar)

8 WP:

(Melee II), (Athletics II), (Stamina II), (Alertness II),

(Intimidation II), (Regional Lore), (Willpower), (Survival)
Bond: Do my masters bidding.
Reaction: Kill anyone who gets in my way.
Chain Armor (5 threat (Melee), 4 threat (Archery))
Iron Shield (+3 threat (Melee), +2 threat (Archery))
Basic Weapon (+1) Fell Blade
Two-Handed Weapon (+1) Humans Bane, Armament of
Tank 2 Extra Wound Points
DPS You inflict two additional Wounding Damage on a
target once per fight.

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