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Volleyball Unit Plan

W.R. Myers High School

Physical Education
PE 20/30
Ms. Natalie Dollevoet

Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3

Table of Contents
Unit Overview------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 3
Unit Rational-------------------------------------------------------------------- pgs. 3-4
Classroom Management Plan--------------------------------------------- pg. 4
Unit Goals------------------------------------------------------------------------ pg. 5-6
Assessment Overview------------------------------------------------------- pg. 7
Unit Calendar Overview ---------------------------------------------------- pgs. 8-9
Tournament Play ------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 10
Participation / Rubric -------------------------------------------------------- pg. 11

Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3

Unit Overview
The volleyball unit will be completed over a three day period. The unit builds off
of students previous skills and aims to further strengthen their personal skills in the
sport. The unit will include bumping, setting, serving, court formations and strategies,
and volleyball game play. The students will be tasked to push themselves and develop
their skills within the unit. The unit should be approached to explain to the students that
Volleyball is a sport that can be enjoyed by all and for life. The game is not complex, but
takes a lot of practice to get the ball to go in a spot that you wish. Throughout the unit,
the guiding questions will help the students make the connections between the sport
and healthy living. The connections will be discussed before and after every lesson,
also there will be quick briefing and questions during skill development.

Unit Rational
Volleyball is a very popular sport in Canada, and also around the world. Many
people play the sport and enjoy doing so. This introductory unit to volleyball is to get the
students to understand that physical activity is enjoyable and they can do it for life.
Childhood obesity is at an all time high in our nation and continent, so teachers need to
develop the students knowledge towards health and fitness in order to create a longer
future for our students. This unit makes the connection between physical activity and
fitness by proving to the students that when they push themselves in sport, it benefits
them for life. Volleyball can be a daunting sport to some and sometimes boring, but this
unit engages all the participants by including skill development, different types of
learning activities and games. The skill development component is a major part of this
unit, as students need to gain the confidence in their skills in order to foster participation

Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3

and student engagement. In the end, students will have a good understanding for the
game and the skills necessary to remain confident in their future endeavours in the
sport of volleyball.

Classroom Management Plan:


Let the students know the focus and goal of the unit
Make the guidelines and expectations clear from day one
Always have the weight room ready and safe for the students to use
Have a meeting area in the weight room, such as the mats
The new environment should engage and excite students
Let students choose their partner so they are comfortable and enjoy working out
Focus on topics that the students are interested in spend more time on them
Bring in an outside expert to highlight fitness and nutritional information
Be a positive role model for the students always encouraging them and
listening to their concerns throughout the unit

Established Goals:
Students will use various locomotor and non-locomotor movements, combined with
manipulative skills, in order to perform sport specific techniques required for volleyball

Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3

in physical education. Students will appreciate how physical fitness is able to aid ones
abilities in physical activity.
Students will understand
Sport specific movements and techniques
are needed in order to develop ones
ability to compete at a higher level.
A link exists between physical fitness and
sport performance
That a physically educated person is
aware of the skills necessary to contribute
to a group working towards a common


Essential Questions:

What is the best way to get the ball

over the net?

What is the biggest component

that we need to remember when
we play games?

What is the long-term benefit of

playing this sport?

Students will know

Students will be able to do

Benefits Health
B20-6 analyze the positive benefits
gained from physical activity
B30-6 predict the positive benefits gained
from physical activity

Basic Skills
A20/30-5 analyze, evaluate and modify
performance of manipulative skills and
conceptseffort, space and relationships
to perform and create a variety of
activities to improve personal

C20/30-1 communicate thoughts and
feelings in an appropriate respectful
manner as they relate to participation in
physical activity
C20/30-4 apply, monitor and assess
leadership and followership skills related
to physical activities, and demonstrate an2
understanding of leadership skills related
to implementing physical activity events 2
or programs in the school and/or
C20/30-5 develop and apply practices 2
that contribute to teamwork
C20/30-6 identify and demonstrate
positive behaviours that show respect for2

C20/30-3 demonstrate etiquette and fair
Do it Daily for Life
D20/30-1 model an active
D20-2 refine a personal plan
that is self-motivating and encourages
ongoing participation
D20/30-3 develop and apply
safety standards and rules in a variety of
D20/30-4 analyze, design

Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3

self and others



and assess warm-up and cool-down

D20/30-6 determine short- and
long-term activity goals and a timeline for
their attainment that will continue to
provide personal challenges
D20-9 evaluate the issues
that affect decision making in relation to
being active daily
D30-2 recommend future changes and
modifications to ones personal plan to
maintain a healthy, active lifestyle
D30-9 develop strategies to offset
influences that limit involvement in
physical activity


Alberta K-9 Physical Education Program
of Study
Score Clock
Hula Hoops
W.R. Myers High School Student
Music Player

Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3
Assessment Tool Overview

Assessment Tool Title

Brief Description

Observations/Anecdotal notes

Throughout the unit, observations

and anecdotal notes will be
recorded to evaluate students
abilities to successfully complete a
forearm and overarm pass, as well
as serve the ball successfully over
the net. Students will demonstrate
their ability to accurately play
volleyball by the proper rules
including keeping score, game
play and etiquette.

Participation Rubric

Participation marks determined by

the students effort, attitude, help,
sportmanship, dress and reliability
during the lesson. Participations
marks are given each class and
are a score out of 5 based on the
following rubric. While the
students engage in the volleyball
unit, teacher will have a checklist
with student names that records
participation and effort for each
class. (Are they in gym attire, are
they using their time efficiently)




Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3
Calendar Overview

Day 1: Introduction to Volleyball, Bumping, and Overhand Pass

GLO: A, B, C, D
SLO: A20/30-5, B20-6, B30-6, C20/30-1, C20/30-3, C20/30-4, C20/30-5, C20/30-6, D20/30-1,
D20-2, D20/30-3, D20/30-4, D20/30-6, D20-9, D30-2, D30-9
Learning Activities:
Discussion on volleyball rules and expectations, court boundaries.
Warm up cards
Discussion on ready position and the technique for bumping and overhand passing in
Tosssing practice, students will pair up and toss ball to partner. Partner will bump or
set the ball back. A full ralley may take place if students are competent.
Group challenge in 2 or 3 lines, continuous bump/set, team should be yelling out
there numbers
Game: Wash ball, have students work on bumping and setting. Ultimately creating an
atmosphere where students get as many touches as possible
Cool down and discussion on bumping and setting.
Instructional Strategies: Direct instruction, Guided Discovery, Cooperative Learning,
Awareness of personal and general space
Appropriate clothing and footwear
Allow time to rehydrate
Equipment: gymnasium, warm up cards, whistle, 20 volleyballs, nets, music
Motivation: Positive Reinforcement, Peer Encouragement, Modeling, Music
Day 2: Serving and Game Play
GLO: A, B, C, D
SLO: A20/30-5, B20-6, B30-6, C20/30-1, C20/30-3, C20/30-4, C20/30-5, C20/30-6, D20/30-1,
D20-2, D20/30-3, D20/30-4, D20/30-6, D20-9, D30-2, D30-9
Learning Activities:
Warm up cards
Discussion on volleyball serves underhand and overhand. Teacher led explanation and
Students will line up and go through movement with no ball

Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3

Partner Serves- get the students to serve it back and forth over the net from the line or
near the net if necessary
Serving game
Discussion on game rules, point system, lines, player positions.
Game play 6 vs 6
Cool down with dscussion of serving strategies and game rules within volleyball
Instructional Strategies: Direct instruction, Guided Discovery, Cooperative Learning,
Awareness of personal and general space
Appropriate clothing and footwear
Allow time to rehydrate
Equipment: gymnasium, warm up cards, whistle, 20 volleyballs, nets, music
Motivation: Positive Reinforcement, Peer Encouragement, Modeling, Music
Day 3: Volleyball Variations, and Tournament Play
GLO: A, B, C, D
SLO: A20/30-5, B20-6, B30-6, C20/30-1, C20/30-3, C20/30-4, C20/30-5, C20/30-6, D20/30-1,
D20-2, D20/30-3, D20/30-4, D20/30-6, D20-9, D30-2, D30Learning Activities:
Warm up cards
Discussion on sitting volleyball why we are learning this and where it is played
Pass pass- students will form a circke with 6 others and pass the ball back and forth
amongst everyone.
Game time student will play a 6 vs 6 game on the court (Tournament Play)
Cool down and discussion on volleyball unit
Instructional Strategies: Direct instruction, Guided Discovery, Cooperative Learning,
Awareness of personal and general space
Appropriate clothing and footwear
Allow time to rehydrate
Equipment: gymnasium, warm up cards, whistle, 20 volleyballs, nets, music
Motivation: Positive Reinforcement, Peer Encouragement, Modeling, Music

Tournament Play:

Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3

The tournament will be ran Round Robin Style

Rules for Tournament play:
o Games are scored to 11 using Rally Point scoring, best of 3 sets.
o Teams decide who will serve first via rock, paper, scissors.
o Teams must show proper rotation upon serving to allow for all team
members the chance to serve.
o Regular Volleyball rules apply.
o Subs for each team come in at position 6- right after they serve.
o All teams must show RESPECT for their opponents.
o After teams have played each other once, there will be a playoff schedule
in double elimination format.
o The team who finishes with the highest # of points will play the team with
the least number of points. The 2 middle teams will play each other. The
winner of those matches will face off for 1st place and the other 2 teams
will play for 3rd/4th place.

Round Robin Format:

Team 1
Set #
Team 1

Team 2
Set #

Team 3
Set #

Team 4
Set #


Team 2
Team 3
Team 4

Double Elimination Format:

Round 1Team 1 vs Team 4

Team 2 vs Team 3

Round 2Winner vs Winner (1st/2nd place game)

Loser vs. Loser (3rd/4th place game)

Activity/Unit Participation Rubric


Subject Area: PhysEd

Grade Level: 20/30
Topic: Volleyball
Length of Unit (days): 3

5: Activity- development of skills is evident through the entire unit/activity

5: Cooperation- student always interacts positively with others
5: Do it Daily- student always assumes responsibility to lead an active way
of life through effort, safety and goal setting
4: Activity- development of skills is evident through most of the
4: Cooperation- student interacts positively with others most of the time
4: Do it Daily- most of the time, the student assumes responsibility to lead
an active way of life through effort, safety and goal setting
3: Activity- development of skills is evident occasionally through the
3: Cooperation- student occasionally interacts positively with others
3: Do it Daily- the student occasionally assumes responsibility to lead an
active way of life through effort, safety and goal setting
2: Activity- development of skills is minimal through the entire unit/activity
2: Cooperation- student shows minimal positive interaction with others
2: Do it Daily- the student assumes minimal responsibility to lead an active
way of life through effort, safety and goal setting
1: Activity- development of skills is rarely evident through the entire
1: Cooperation- student rarely interacts positively with others
1: Do it Daily- the student rarely assumes responsibility to lead an active
way of life through effort, safety and goal setting
0: Please remember that Physical Education is an activity-based course;
therefore, no marks can be given for no participation.


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