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Whats New in Room 102?

December 2, 2016

We began a unit on Christmas
around the world. This week we
p re pare d fo r o ur voyag e by
d i s c u s s i n g t h e d i f fe r e n c e s
between NEEDS and WANTS. After
understanding the differences,
t h e c h i l d r e n p a c ke d t h e i r
suitcases and then we moved on
to g ettin g passpo rts. F in all y,
after packing suitcases, making a
plan, and getting passports, we
boarded our jet and will be flying
to c o u nt r i e s th ro u g h o u t th e
world studying their flags and
how they celebrate Christmas.

In Daily 5 this week, the children
worked on following 3 step
directions, sequencing, reading
CVC words, and sight words.

The kids learned the meaning

of Ad vent. They worked on
creating an Advent wreath.
We also discussed the true
meaning of Christmas - the
b i rt h o f J e s u s. I re ad t h e
children Santas Favorite Story.
In this story, the animals find
Santa asleep and are worried
that Christmas will not come if
he does not wake up. When
Santa DOES wake up, he tells the
animals that Christmas is not
about HIM; its about Jesus. The
children were a bit surprised
th at C h r ist mas could co me
without Santa Claus. :)

Math tubs this week:

1. Making groups for the number 9
2. Sequencing 3 numbers
3. Counting objects in a group
4. Graphing, counting, and using tally


In your childs Friday bag, you will find
1. Alphabet book
2. Sight word book
3. guided reading book
4. library book
5. homework
Kindergarten is collecting small sized toiletries items
to be given to St. Vincent de Paul Society for our
Advent service project. Items can be brought to
school and added to our Advent box any time for
the next two weeks.
I received a note from Scholastic books letting me
know that books can be ordered from them until
December 12 to ensure Christmas delivery. I did not
send home book order forms, but if you would like
to order books for your child, you can find them
here: If you wish to
keep these books a secret, just let me know and we
can arrange a time for you to pick them up at
We will be making gingerbread houses as part of
our Christmas Around the World unit. A letter came
home in your chids BEE folder explaining the project
as well as the donations that we would like from
each child to make this activity fun
We are hoping to have a visit from our Kindness
Elves soon. In the past, I have had Kindness elves
visit our classroom when they see lots of acts of
kindness occurring within our classroom. We are
trying to show them how kind we can be by noticing
acts of kindness in others. We have an Acts of
Kindness box that we are trying to fill with notes
explaining some of the kind acts we are seeing each
day. We are hoping that they read the notes and
come for a visit soon.

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