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Theatre 110/Introduction to Theater

Fall 2016
King Hedley II by August Wilson
Guided Reading #3: Act II, Sc. 2 & 3

1. What else did King take from the robbery besides the money? (1 pt.)
He got Tanya a ring.
2. What do we learn has happened to Stool Pigeon when he enters scene two? What do you
think is the irony in this? (5 pts.)
He just got robbed and the robbers busted up Stool Pigeons face and making him get six stitches.
This is ironic because King and Mister just got back from robbing the jewelry store.

3. Stool Pigeon completes another step in his ritual. What does he do? What does he say he
still needs? (2 pts.)
He sprinkles the ashes of his newspapers which are full of history on top of the grave. Stool
Pigeon still needs blood to finish the ritual.

4. What scam does Elmore play on King and Mister? (2 pts.)

Elmore only pays for a portion of one their refrigerators and receives a commissions

5. As Elmore explains to King the murder he committed he says he took away too much
(from the man he murdered) he says, I took away all his pain. And you need that,
otherwise you living half a life. King replies, Life without pain aint worth living. Do
you agree? Why or why not? Is Elmore remorseful for his actions? (5 pts.)
I agree with King. I think that King isn't necessarily referring to actual physical pain but
something more psychological. When you care about something you will do what it takes to
make sure that thing prospers and when it doesn't it is taxing on your heart.
I do think Elmore is remorseful for his actions.

6. Why did King kill Pernell? (1pt.)

He called King champ
7. Why does Tonya refuse the money Kings tries to give her? (2 pts.)
Because he stole it. She doesn't have to raise a baby -- that he wants -- all by herself because he
is in jail.

8. Ruby tells us that after she quit singing, her hair turned gray and she didnt notice it.
What did she do to affirm her life and herself as a woman? Did it work? (2 pts.)
She goes and searches for a man but it doesn't affirm her in the end.

9. What does King tell Tonya is the reason he wants her to have the baby? (1 pt.)
To put something into this world.

10. How do Tonyas and Kings ideas of the necessities of life differ? What do each believe is
important in a relationship? (4 pts.)
Tonya wants to build a life with King. She is willing to raise a child with King by her side to help
her raise their baby and to see that child grow up. King wants the child as well but isn't willing to
change his "thug" ways for Tonya. It doesn't seemingly affect King if he goes to jail and misses
out on raising his child. For Tonya the material things don't really matter anymore but for King
that is an objective.

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