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an ill-conceived collection of random dice charts vaguely compatible

with games involving dungeons, labyrinths, swords, spellcraft,
wizardry, lords, dragons and etcetera

v1.1 text 2009 by Jeff Rients

illustrations 2009 Patrick Wheeler, except for the photomanip ankh
a Retro Stupid Production
Remember, if it's not Retro or Stupid then it probably isn't Retro Stupid.

Table of Contents
-Rolling dice on this table probably won't help much.3. A BRIEF WORD FROM THE AUTHOR

A Brief Word from the Author

Greetings! Welcome to my little booklet of stupid random dice charts. I
hope some of the tables found herein may prove to be of some value to
your campaign.
Please be advised that no random table can fix a faltering game. However,
using input generated from a die chart can damage an otherwise functional
campaign. In order to properly integrate the results of a random chart into
a game requires a referee who is willing to let the chart push them into new
directions, perhaps even across personal boundaries of comfort. But that
doesn't mean you should stop using sound judgment in implementing (or
ignoring) the rolled results. As one bard put it, hold on loosely but don't let
The past few years have seen a renewal in online interest in role playing as
it existed at the dawn of the hobby. One manifestation of this phenomenon
has been the re-emergence of earlier rulebooks as legitimate vehicles for
gaming fun, and a new generation of games derived from and inspired by
the ancient rules. Another facet of this so-called Old School Renaissance
has been a new evaluation of the procedures of play from those days as
they existed across a wide variety of systems. A brief survey of the
message boards and blogs participating in this latter conversation yields
many insights into megadungeons, numbered hexmap sandboxes, and
entourage-style campaigning.
This work seeks to highlight another arrow in the quiver of the do-ityourself referee, the random die chart. Great work has already been done
in this field (see page 36 for some of the best examples). But more can be
accomplished and you are invited to the party. Is there a chart in this book
you don't like? Write your own version! Or is there something you find
conspicuous by its absence? Develop your own chart to plug that hole!
This is a conversation that any rpg enthusiast can join. Please share your
random charts with the rest of us. There are many avenues by which you
can do this: publish a book like this, post your chart(s) to a message board
or a blog, or submit to publications like Fight On! or Knockspell. In this
crazy new internet era the line between participant and publisher has been
all but erased. I challenge you to take advantage of this new freedom.

Jeff Rients

Monster Mutations

Oh, yawn. Yet another stock critter-OH GOD MY SPLEEN!

1. SCORPION TAIL d6 damage plus

save or die poison.
2. LAZER EYES +2 attacks per round,
2d8 damage, 100 range
3. EXTRA ARMS/CLAWS 1d4 extra
4. PYRO BREATH 3/day, cone 40 long
x 20 wide, 4d6 save for half
5. WINGS Fly at 150% land speed
6. CHAMELEON SKIN Double normal surprise
7. SLIME SYMBIOT Covered in green slime, gray ooze, black pudding or
ochre jelly.
10. AQUATIC Bonus gills, swim at land speed
11. EXTRA HEAD Extra bite, second save versus charm, etc.
12. FUNK, NOT THE GOOD KIND As per troglodyte stank
13. CRAZY BRAIN +2 to-hit, never checks morale, immune to charm
14. RUSTROUS As per rust beast
15. SPECTACULAR TENTACULAR d6 grab attacks per round, auto-squeeze
for d6 on following rounds
16. TOO STUPID TO DIE Double hit points but easily tricked
17. XENOMORPHOSIS Venom turns foe into similar monster in d6 rounds
unless save vs. poison
18. SPONTANEOUS SPECIATION Unaffected by arrows of slaying and
other attacks specific to monster type.
19. GIBBEROID Constant irritating noise causes spellcasting failure unless
save versus wands.
20. NULL BEAST Plus weapons do less damage instead of more, healed by
magic missile spells.

Six Sages
1. Uuthak the Obscure
neutral evil male human
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 6
Major Field of Study: Supernatural & Unusual (Specialties: Astrology &
Numerology, Cryptography)
Minor Fields: Fauna, Demi-Humankind
MU Spells Known: Read Magic, Detect Invisible, Levitate, Mirror Image,
Phantasmal Forces, Dispel Magic, Fly, Hold Person, Dimension Door,
Polymorph Self, Wall of Fire
Personality: Suspicious, Overbearing
2. Master Grachio
neutral male human
Str 9, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 8
Major Field of Study: Humankind (Specialties: Biology, Laws & Customs)
Minor Fields: Demi-Humankind, Fauna
Cleric Spells Known: Protection from Evil, Know Alignment, Silence 15'
Radius, Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Locate Object, Speak with Plants,
Flame Strike, Animate Objects, Heal
Personality: Obsessive, Avaricious
3. Jessanine the All-Knowing
lawful neutral female human
Str 9, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 12
Major Field of Study: Fauna (Specialties: Crustaceans & Mollusks, Avians,
Minor Field: Flora
Druid Spells Known: Faerie Fire, Find Traps, Resist Fire, Silence 15'
Radius, Dispel Magic, Locate Object
Personality: Active of Intellect, Foolhardy
4. Rembo the Denier
neutral male human
Str 14, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 5
Major Field of Study: Demi-Humankind (Languages, Laws & Customs,
Demography, Sociology)
Minor Field: Supernatural & Unusual
Cleric Spells Known: Detect Magic, Hold Person, Silence 15' R., Snake
Charm, Cure Disease, Prot. for Evil 10' R.
Personality: Contrary, Rude

5. Matilda o' the Tower

chaotic neutral female human
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 7, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 6
Major Field of Study: Humankind (Specialties: History, Laws & Customs,
Politics & Genealogy, Languages)
Minor Field: Physical Universe
Cleric Spells Known: Cure Light Wounds, Know Alignment, Continual
Light, Cure Disease, Striking, Cure Serious Wounds, Lower Water, Neutralize
Personality: Ascetic, Driven
6. Reeking Thomas
chaotic evil male human
Str 9, Dex 15, Con 5, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 6
Major Field of Study: Flora (Specialities: Grasses & Grains, Bushes &
Minor Fields: Fauna, Humanoids & Giantkind
Druid Spells Known: Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food & Drink, Remove
Fear, Obscure, Produce Fire, Animal Growth, Locate Object, Call Lightning,
Protection from Poison, Speak with Plants
Personality: Miserly, Opinionated

Six Sagacious Adventure Seeds

1. Master Grachio seeks agent to travel to abode of Uuthak the Obscure and
convince Uuthak to collaborative on a comprehensive encyclopedia of
halfling-raised farm animals.
2. Jessanine to pay immense sum for capture and delivery of live giant
crawdad from distant lake.
3. Rembo finally excommunicated, needs help quietly moving out of town
before witch hunters arrive.
4. Reeking Thomas seeks cure for his loathesome skin condition, will trade
for secret location of the Tombs of the Giant Kings.
5. Uuthak kidnapped by minions of Chaos intent on breaking a code used
by the forces of Law.
6. Matilda needs an escort to the Monument of Kings, where certain ancient
lineages are recorded in stone.

What's my motivation?
For when THAT GUY tries to derail the session by refusing to go into the
damn dungeon.
-Roll a d121. PC is obsessed with proving the existence of the Hollow World.
2. PC quests to retrieve bones of famous adventuring ancestor and re-inter
them in family tomb.
3. PC has terrible but enticing dreams of sitting on the throne of a vast
underworld kingdom.
4. PC owes d6 x 10,000gp to Jabba the Hutt.
5. PC seeks vengeance against the Troll King.
6. Family member of PC afflicted with disease that can only be cured with
the waters from a sacred subterranean spring.
7. PC haunted by visions of a beautiful witch/drow/princess/goth chick
living on an island at the center of a vast underground lake.
8. PC seeks one segment of the Rod of Seven Parts. Must obtain all seven
to save homeland from foretold doom.
9. Evil duplicate of PC (twin? simulacrum? clone?) has fled into the
dungeon. One or the other must die before both go mad.
10. PC's true love has been trapped in amber and is on display in the
trophy room of Lord Utterdark.
11. PC's parents imprisoned. Corrupt official will release them in exchange
for the Star Ruby of Umman-Gorash.
12. PC quests for legendary sword (fighter), archmage's spellbook (MU),
holy relic (cleric), etc.
Want a boatload more random dungeon motivations? Paul Vermeren and
Bret Woods expanded this table to 100 entries! Awesome! You can check it
out by following this URL:

Treasure Map destinations

-Roll a d201. A previously unknown sub-level of the (nearest) dungeon.
2. Behind a secret door in an already-explored level of the (nearest)
3. Deeper into the (nearest) dungeon than anyone has previously explored.
4. A previously unknown dungeon in the wilderness.
5. An island on a nearby lake.
6. An island far out at sea.
7. The barrow of a long dead king.
8. A village or town destroyed in a recent war.
9. A hidden chamber in a nearby castle occupied by some Lord or Wizard.
10. The cellar of a popular inn.
11. A grave in a cemetery on the grounds of a mighty temple.
12. The bottom of a well in an otherwise unremarkable village.
13. Underneath the statue of a towns legendary founder.
14. The big city, to a block that burned in a large fire and was recently
15. A small cave complex in the wilderness that serves as the lair of some
abominable man-eater.
16. A remote monastery devoted to Law but beset by invisible minions of a
Loathsome Toad God of Chaos.
17. A ruined castle or town now occupied by a humanoid tribe.
18. A hilltop well-known as a gathering point for witches.
19. The site of a sunken ship.
20. The cozy burrow of an eccentric hobling.

A Dozen Saints
The Church of the Great Gold Dragon has many,
many saints. Those listed below represent the
sainted figures most likely to be called upon by
adventurers. Commonly associated oaths are in

1. ST. ARGRAVUS Patron saint of half-breeds, technology and witchhunters. (By the blessed bastards of Argravus!)
2. ST. BELLA of ANGRIA Protector of travellers to far and unknown places.
(By Bella's holy knickers!)
3. ST. BERTRAND of CUTH Patron saint of smashing evil. (By Bertrand's
bloody bludgeon!)
4. ST. CARMICHAEL Carmichaels status as a saint is sometimes cast in
doubt by reports that he yet lives, continuing his crusades in the frozen
north. Patron saint of flying creatures, merchants and criminals, particularly
bandits and pickpockets. (Carmichael's crapping crows!)
5. ST. DOLMVAY Patron saint of wanderers, seekers after enlightenment
and hounds. Children born with a caul, a full head of hair or teeth are often
dedicated to him. (Demon dogs of Dolmvay!)
6. ST. GAXYG Called 'the Grey'. Patron saint of wizards and wielders of
polearms. (By the Grey One's beard! and By Gaxyg's gleaming glaiveguisarme!)
7. ST. JACOB of KURTZBERG Sometimes called the King of Saints or just
the King. Patron saint of life in opposition to oppression. (By the King's
stinking stogy!)
8. ST. MAKISTAKTOR Protector of cities. Patron saint of tamers of the
wilderness and arbiters of the law. (By Saint Mak's gore-stained gavel!)
9. ST. REUEL Patron saint of song, scholarship, and trees. (By Reuel's
blessed quill! and By Reuel's accursed pipe!)
10. ST. ROBARD Patron saint of pugilists, sailors, and taverns. (By
Robard's righteous fist! and By Robard's golden tankard!)
11. ST. THEOBALD Also called 'Grandpa'. Patron saint of seekers after
knowledge and warriors dedicated to the defeat of the Toad Gods and other
demons. (By Grandpa Theobald's third eye!)
12. ST. VEKNA Patron saint of torturers, headsmen, pillagers and
necromancers. The events leading to his canonization are obscure. (By
Vekna's severed head!)

The Twelve Gods of Neutrality

-Roll a d201. ANTA The Chill Wind That Soothes The Wounded, the Moon-Foe, the
Icy Healer, the Lord Beneath the Frosty Hill (Healing)
2. DOTHAGEN The Teller of the World's Tale, The White Wolf, The TwelveSouled God (Storytelling)
3. HERSTII The Great Bovine, Mistress of Winds, She Who Chews Her Cud
Until The End of Time (Elemental Wind)
4. IRSHAR The Eyeless God, the Blind Gardener (Plants)
5. ITUCHINNIKAKYA The All-Knowing Eunuch, The Omniscient Cadaver,
Lord of Abominations, He Who Wakes the Dead, The Surgeon of the Soul
6. KAWANG Sultan of All Genies, Overlord of the Umpteen Elements, Lord
of the Rainbow Eyes (Magic)
7. LASUHPANA The Lady of the Spheres, the Great Muse, the Singing
Goddess (Music)
8. MASHKURK The Shaggy Blizzard, the Lord of Storms (Weather)
9. NENGUZEI The Living War-Rune, the Answer of Steel, the Vampire God
10. OMNIA The Mistress of Miscellany, The Princess of Potpourri (Other)
11. SARDUBA The Great Earth Dragon, The Scaly Mother (Elemental
12. SHEROONA The Lady of Beasts, Queen of the Wild, the Blue Maiden
13. SOLANIO Lord of Life, The Laughing Wanderer, The Green Flame of
Doom, Master of Beasts (Life)
14. TLAXDUR The Green Smith, The Bender of Metals, Ore-Finder
(Elemental Metal)
15. UKSSOP The Bold One, The Lord of Light, The Radiant Tiger, The
Beast That Burns The Night (Elemental Light)
16. VAFRIMNATRIX The Gatherer of Souls, the Frigid Wind (Soul)
17. VARUZON The Invisible Sword That Strikes But Once, The Green
Beaver of Death (Death)
18. THE FOUR ELEMENTAL LORDS Herstii, Sarduba, Tlaxdur, and Ukssop
considered as a group.
19. THE TWELVE The entire pantheon considered as a group, in some
cases (2 in 6) excluding the Four Elemental Lords and almost always (5 in
6) excluding Omnia.
20. THE DEAD GODS A minor cult devoted to deceased members of the
pantheon, somewhat akin to ancestor worship.
For more info on the Twelve check out this download:

The Loathsome Toad Gods

It is traditional among the worshipers of
the Toad Gods to keep the names of their
deities secret from the profane. When
among non-believers they use substitute
terms like Grandma Salamander, the
Delightful Mister Frog, Saint Toad, etc.
Some worshipers use these terms among
themselves when speaking informally,
though it is considered low class to do so.

1. GZK Prince of the Iridescent Cubical Doom

2. HQD Prince of the Seventeen Tentacled Horrors
3. IOZOY Lord of the Amber Plague
4. JAeXYI Lord of the Things That Lurk Between the Shadows and the
5. NQL Prince of the Dissonant Howlers
6. OIXAA Lord of the Nightmare Void
7. RZR Prince of the Clockwork Amphibians
8. UUQUU Lord of the Sea of Rust and Blood
9. VEQOO - The Unseen Lord
10. VChT Prince of the Screaming Crystals
11. WXB The Prince that Gnaws at the Soul of the World
12. YAZYA Lord From Beyond the Final Pale
13. AKThAY Mistress of the Hopping Dragons
14. DLOY - Queen that Sounds the Trumpet at the End of All Things
15. PWII Queen of the Nine Hundred Rending Veils
16. TLAP Queen that Curses the Stars
17. USTAR Mistress of the Vengeful Whispers
18. VEChOO Mistress of the Shimmering Abyss
19. An Abominable Marriage roll 1d12 and 1d6+12.
20. An Unholy Trinity roll three more times, rerolling 19 & 20.


People to Meet
1. CAVE MEN (2d6) Attempting to recover their stolen idol.
2. DWARFS (d12) Part of a larger band in the area hunting down some
orcs for sport.
3. ENGINEER Ply him with drink and hell be eager to discuss the relative
strengths and merits of the defenses of several castles and fortified towns.
4. GONG FARMER Just the other day found a mysterious amulet while
cleaning a latrine.
5. GRAVE DIGGER Knows the location of a ghoul-infested cemetery.
6. HARLOTS (d6) Competitive rates and great customer service.
7. HEADSMAN & APPRENTICE Journeying to execute a special prisoner.
8. HERB WITCH May sell the party healing poultices (d4-1 healing, 10gp
each, d6 for sale) or may polymorph someone into a toad.
9. HOLY ROLLER Can cure serious wounds 1/day but recipient must
publicly profess his faith and reject other creeds.
10. KNIGHT ERRANT Seeks an opponent to joust and/or a way to score
some easy loot.
11. MANLY MEN (2d6) Lumberjacks, sailors, etc. A good reaction
indicates jolly beer buddies, while a poor one leads to a brawl.
12. MERCENARIES (2d6) En route to start a new contract with an
ambitious and aggressive lord.
13. MINSTRELS (d6) Each one knows one tale of treasure or item of
news, but will expect at least 1d6x10gp per piece of information.
14. MYSTERIOUS STRANGER Treasure map for sale, only 1d6x100gp. 1 in
6 chance its actually legit.
15. PEDDLER If shown kindness he will share a shortcut to a destination
important to the party.
16. PILGRIMS (2d6) Travelling to a local shrine.
17. POACHER Knows the area to search for a nearby howlbear lair.
18. PROSPECTOR Suspects a certain cave gives access to a silver vein.
19. RIVAL ADVENTURERS (d6 + d6 hirelings) Will ply party for leads,
then sneak off to beat the PCs to the treasure and glory.
20. WITCH FINDERS (d6) Following up rumors of a secret coven
kidnapping children.

Under these rules once per session a PC may spend d6 x 100gp on ale and
wenches, gaining experience points equal to the amount spent. In a large
city the debauchery is much more efficient, doubling or perhaps even
trebling the gold and XP. Thieves who are members of the local guild may
add +2 to the roll, while their friends may add +1. Being mobbed up gets
you access to the best lotus powder & etc. Rolling a gold/xp amount
greater than the carouser's cash on hand results in the poor wretch owing
money to various unsavory characters. Unless the PC can borrow the
difference from a party member. In some campaigns that might not be a
better situation for the deadbeat PC.
In all cases carousers must save versus poison to avoid overindulgence in their vices. Failure indicates the need to roll on the
table below.
1. Make a fool of yourself in public. Gain no XP. Roll Charisma check or gain
reputation in this town as a drunken lout.
2. Involved in random brawl. Roll Strength check or start adventure d3 hit
points short.
3. Minor misunderstanding with local authorities. Roll Charisma check.
Success indicates a fine of 2d6 x 25gp. Failure or (inability to pay fine)
indicates d6 days in the pokey.
4. Romantic entanglement. Roll Wisdom check to avoid nuptials. Otherwise
1-3 scorned lover, 4-6 angered parents.
5. Gambling losses. Roll the dice as if you caroused again to see how much
you lose. (No additional XP for the second carousing roll.)
6. Gain local reputation as the life of a party. Unless a Charisma check is
failed, all future carousing in this burg costs double due to barflies and
other parasites.
7. Insult local person of rank. A successful Charisma check indicates the
personage is amenable to some sort of apology and reparations.
8. You couldnt really see the rash in the candlelight. Roll Constitution check
to avoid venereal disease.
9. New tattoo. 1-3) its actually pretty cool 4) its lame 5) it could have
been badass, but something is goofed up or misspelled 6) it says something
insulting, crude or stupid in an unknown language.
10. Beaten and robbed. Lose all your personal effects and reduced to half
hit points.
11. Gambling binge. Lose all your gold, gems, jewelry. Roll Wisdom check
for each magic item in your possession. Failure indicates its gone.
12. Hangover from hell. First day of adventuring is at -2 to-hit and saves.
Casters must roll Int check with each spell to avoid mishap.


13. Target of lewd advances turns out to be a witch. Save versus

polymorph or youre literally a swine.
14. One of us! One of us! Youre not sure how it happened, but youve been
initiated into some sort of secret society or weird cult. Did you really make
out with an emu of was that just the drugs? Roll Int check to remember the
signs and passes.
15. Invest all your spare cash (50% chance all gems and jewelry, too) in
some smooth-tongued merchants scheme. 1-4 its bogus 5 its bogus and
Johnny Law thinks youre in on it 6 actual money making opportunity
returns d% profits in 3d4 months.
16. Wake up stark naked in a random local temple. 1-3) the clerics are
majorly pissed off 4-6) they smile and thank you for stopping by.
17. Major misunderstanding with local authorities. Imprisoned until fines
and bribes totaling d6 x 1,000gp paid. All weapons, armor, and magic items
18. Despite your best efforts, you fall head over heels for your latest
dalliance. 75% chance your beloved is already married.
19. When in a drunken stupor you asked your god(s) to get you out of
some stupid mess. Turns out they heard you! Now as repayment for saving
your sorry ass, youre under the effects of a quest spell.
20. The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire! Accidentally start a conflagration.
Roll d6 twice. 1-2) burn down your favorite inn 3-4) some other den of ill
repute is reduced to ash 5-6) a big chunk of town goes up in smoke. 1-2)
no one knows it was you 3-4) your fellow carousers know you did it 5)
someone else knows, perhaps a blackmailer 6) everybody knows.

Special thanks to VacuumJockey and Calithena for help with these

carousing rules!


The Living Dungeon

Roll a d20 between sessions to give your players something to think about.
1. NEW MONSTER IN TOWN Pick a random level, roll a wandering
monster, select an empty room as its new lair.
2. I COLLECT MOLDS, SPORES AND FUNGUSES Add d6 colonies of green
slime, yellow mold, or shriekers to a random level.
3. MYSTERIOUS MIGRATING MASONRY A prominent dungeon feature
such as a statue or archway is now found in a new location.
4. STRANGE BEDFELLOWS A lone monster now has a friend: a succubus
takes a minotaur lover, a troll as ochre jelly dripping out its nose, an otyugh
moves into another monster's latrine, etc.
5. PARTIAL CEILING COLLAPSE Either a room or d6 x 10 feet of corridor
collapses on a random level.
6. PARTIAL FLOOR COLLAPSE The floor gives way in a room or corridor of
a random level, forming a natural chute to the level below.
7. PARTIAL WALL COLLAPSE On a random level a section of 'pencil thin'
wall collapses. If no such walls exist on the level indicated, add a
previously unknown chamber or a whole new dungeon section.
8. FLOODING Water leaks into a room or corridor in a random level.
9. LAVA Every dungeon could use more lava.
10. TUNNELING TROUBLEMAKERS An amber hulk or purple wyrm adds
2d12 x 10 feet of meandering tunnels to a random level. 50% chance of d6
roundish chambers, 50% chance of connecting to another level.
11. THOSE DARN KOBOLDS Add d6 new simple traps to a random level.
12. SO TOUGH THE TROLLS MOVED OUT A random monster or monster
group leaves their current lair, either moving to a new level or out of the
dungeon entirely.
13. KILROY WAS HERE Add graffiti to a random level. Randomly select
language. 1 in 6 chance the graffiti contains useful information.
14. FINDER'S KEEPERS An NPC party has successfully looted d6 rooms on
a random level.
15. THE DOOR IS A JAR A door on a random level is actually open! 10%
chance its a secret door.
16. SQUIRMIN' VERMIN Add d6 groups of (normal or giant) rats, spiders,
snakes, bats, lizards, beetles, etc. scattered about random levels.
17. HUNKERED IN THE BUNKER Some monster or monster group is sick
of PC incursions and seriously beefs up security.
18. HOPE YOU BROUGHT A CANARY A cloud of poisonous gas billows up
from some lower level to occupy a random room or corridor. 2 in 6 chance
it's invisible to the naked eye. 2 in 6 chance its odorless.
19. SHOULD'VE BURNT THE BODIES One monster (or d6 members of a
monster group) killed on a previous expedition are now vengeful undead.
20. GOBLIN DOOR A new goblin door can be found on a random level.
Determine its destination or roll randomly on the Goblin Door chart.


100 Chilling Chambers

Inspiration for dungeon locations.

1. The Gathering Place of the Blasphemers

2. The Greenhouse of the Underdruids
3. The Echoes from Below
4. The Gruesome Trophies of the Starbeast
5. The Barbershop of the Berserkers
6. The Great Bronze Contraption
7. The Ogre's Larder
8. The Hate Distillery
9. The Zone of Silence
10. The Goblish Carnival
11. The Lava Fountains
12. The Giant's Torture Chamber
13. The Azure Chamber of Five Dooms
14. The Troll King's Mistress
15. The Horrid Tentacles
16. The Crystal Resonators
17. The Poisoned Pool
18. The Fiend in the Smoke
19. The Unattended Cauldron
20. The Pornographic Tapestries
21. The Mutation Machine
22. The Illusionist's Final Folly
23. The Last Outpost of the Cave Pixies
24. The Unsettling Statues
25. The Billiard Hall of the Gods
26. The Steam Baths of the Hobgoblins
27. A Rainbow in the Dark
28. The Brain Emporium
29. The Golem's Severed Limb
30. The Crystalline Cobwebs
31. The Magic Bakery
32. Black Ooze and Grey Pudding
33. Where the Wizard Died
34. The Hall of Ten Thousand Mirrors
35. Baba Yaga's Three Nieces
36. The Theatre of the Damned
37. The Fire That Burns Black
38. The Balrog's Throne
39. Granny Troll's Daycare Center
40. The Three Ankhs
41. The Oracular Fumes
42. The Museum Draconica


The Minds in the Mist

The Cafeteria of Cthulhu
The Reincarnation Matrix
The Daemon's Cocktail Party
The Mad Archmage's Enchanted Slot Machine
The Offices of the Subterranean Gazette
The Kitchen of the Cannibal Gourmet
The Beast That Shrieks Until the End of Time
The Extraordinarily Comfy Chair
A Scale Model of the Nearest City
The Purple Columns
The Moorlock's Master Computer
The Ladders into Time
The Blind Beholder
The Whispering Walls
The Alchemist's Secret Stash
The Lycanthropic Brothel
The Angry Singularity
The Enchanted Traffic Signal
The Goblin Casino
The Six Mysterious Levers
The Wishing Well Between the Worlds
The Hidden Realm of the Cyclopto-Men
The Pet Shop of Pure Evil
The Unseen Servants' Union Hall
Heward's Ukulele
The Necroseraglio
The Seven Enruned Archways
Foes from the Future
The Chamber of Ten Million Beetles
Odin's Hat Collection
Where No Fire May Burn
The Haunter of Daggers
The Treasure Chest Nailed to The Ceiling
The Talking Stalactites
The Shrine to a Dead God
The Battle Arena of the Atomic Elementals
The Tomb of the First Orc
The Haunted Broom Closet
The Birthpods of the Abominators
The Crawling Bloodstain
The Meeting Hall of the Underlords
The Decapitron 3000
Infernal Bob's Gameshow
An Infestation of Fungus
Siege Engine Storage
The Portrait Gallery of the Goblin Kings


The Prismatic Labyrinth

The Vomitorium
The Ultravision Murals
The Spam Factory
Demogorgon's Discotheque
The Shattered Palantir
The Catnip Caf
The Littlest Efreet
Kobold Slaves Polishing Smelly Orc-Boots
The Very Confused Crew of the Mary Celeste
The Lich's Poker Buddies


Humanoid Politics
-Roll a d20 whenever you want the humanoids to act up.1. ORC ON ORC VIOLENCE Two tribes are fighting in the hallways.
2. HOBGOBLISH PRESS GANGS The militaristic gits are conscripting lesser
humanoids for yet another war upon the surface world.
3. COUNCIL OF SHAMEN The tribal spellcasters are getting together in
neutral territory to discuss issues that effect them all and to bitch about the
stupid chiefs.
4. FEY PEACE TREATY The Fairy Queen had negotiated a local ceasefire
between the goblins and the elves. Will the party break the peace or exploit
5. PIT TOURNEY Each tribe sends a champion to compete gladiator-style
for honor and glory.
6. ESCAPED SLAVES A gnoll search party seeks runaway kobolds.
7. UNDERWORLD TOUR 09 A band of goblin minstrels is making the
8. WATER RIGHTS Two tribes are fighting over control of a well, pool, etc.
9. TRADERS FROM ABOVE Human smugglers are selling arms, armor and
booze to all factions. Everyone is drunk and itching to stick something with
their shiny new spears.
10. CRISIS OF SUCCESSION A chief has died without a clear heir to the
11. I THINK THIS WAS A PLAY An orc amazon ran off with a goblish
prince and both tribes are looking for them.
12. KOBOLD POX Disease is rampant among one tribe and theyre
blaming it on members of another, weaker species.
13. PARANOIA A doppelganger or other shapeshifter has infiltrated a tribe
and they know it.
14. SEEKERS OF TRUTH A small band of humanoids has been dispatched
to find a lost underground oracle.
15. USURPER A tribe has recently been taken over by an outsider and no
one is happy.
16. HOT POTATO No one knows who originally stole that big egg but
mama is looking for her baby and everyone is trying to sneak it into
someone elses lair.


Witnesses to this event tend to poke their own eyes out with rusty nails.
18. UNDERMERCHANTS A caravan of drow, derro, etc., are selling the
humanoids strange wares not seen on the surface.
19. THE MOLDY CURTAIN As tensions increase between tribes neutral
areas between lairs are seeded with shriekers, green slime and other fungal
20. DEFCON 2 Every tribe is utterly convinced that their enemies are
about to attack. The dungeon is one loud noise away from several preemptive strikes setting off a war of all against all.

Orcish Moodiness
1. PARANOID Convinced that the PCs are agents of a rival orc tribe.
2. GREEDY Easily bribed with gold or gems. No silver or jewelry.
3. LECHEROUS Will attempt to rent or purchase any female characters in
the party. If PCs explain the females are not property then the orcs will
resort to lewd propositions instead.
4. BOASTFUL The party can avoid a fight just by listening to some wildly
exaggerated war stories for d6 turns.
5. LUST CRAZED Will attempt to carry off any females encountered.
6. BERSERK - +2 to-hit and morale, no opportunity to negotiate.
7. LAZY Don't really want a fight and won't sound the alarm if the party
will just go away.
8. SPOOKED Use of magic, the presence of undead or general weirdness
will force an immediate morale check.
9. BORED Spin them a tale, sing them a song or do a little magic trick
and they'll be putty in your hands.
10. GLUTTONOUS Orc needs food badly!
11. DESPARATE The tribute to some evil overlord is overdue and the crap
is about to hit the fan. Will do darn near anything to score some treasure.
12. INTOXICATED Whether it's the I love you man! stage or the
brawling stage depends upon the reaction roll.

What are the goblins up to?

-Roll 1d201. Making rope out of human hair. A coil 1-100' long is already complete.
2. Boiling up a pot of mud and gravel stew.
3. Singing songs about hidden treasure.
4. Playing poker with blank cards. The printing on both sides is visible only
to creatures with infravision
5. Dancing. At least one goblin will be playing an instrument, probably a
fiddle or a concertina.
6. Playing tenpins with a skull and some legbones.
7. Interrogating a rat tied to a tiny chair. "I'm gonna ask you one last time:
Where is the cheese?"
8. Building a house of cards with the deck from item 4.
9. Discussing the pros and cons of sexual congress with a wide variety of
other monsters and races.
10. Eating meat pie. The pie might be stirge or it might be pixie. The
goblins can't remember what they put in it.
11. Debating the crisis of succession that would arise from the untimely
demise of the current goblin king.
12. Shining shoes of various sizes (kobold to ogre). They all radiate faintly
under detect magic but have no known powers.
13. Three words: bunny eating contest.
14. Reading aloud someone else's love letters, preferably detailed notes to
or from one of the PCs.
15. Sewing filthy rags into patchwork tunics. If a completed tunic is worn it
protects as platemail+1. If the garment is cleaned the magic fades. 1-3
tunics have been completed.
16. Drawing obscene graffiti on the dungeon walls. Each goblin has d4
pieces of chalk in various colors.
17. Arguing vehemently over the proposition that cannibalism should be
kept strictly in the family.
18. Strip chess tournament. There's a 1 in 6 chance at least some of the
goblins are already in the all-together. Not a sight for the faint of heart.
19. Pickling sliced shrieker. 1-20 jars are done.
20. Trying on pretty pink dresses.

For more goblin shenanigans check out this URL:


Beyond the Goblin Door

Some goblins (no more than 1 in 6) know the magic of summoning and
dismissing small enchanted dungeon doors. Only a goblin, another member
of a fey race (elf, pixie, doppelganger, etc.) or knock magic can open a
these little portals. The space beyond a goblin door is usually (4 in 6)
obscured from view due to eerie mists or Spielbergian sparkly lights.
Anyone passing through a goblin door finds themselves somewhere else.

1. A room or chamber on the same dungeon level.

2. A passageway on the same dungeon level.
3. A room or chamber one level below.
4. A passageway one level below.
5. A room or chamber one level above.
6. A passageway one level above.
7. Within sight of an exit from the dungeon.
8. A room or chamber on a random dungeon level.
9. The center of a previously unknown sub-level.
10. Right over a nearby pit. Those wacky goblins, always kidding around.
11. On the same level in a previously unknown secret room stocked with
vending machines and a pinball game.
12. Goblin Junction, an extra-dimensional dungeon level only accessible via
goblin doors.
13. The nearest forest, inside the hollow of an ancient oak.
14. The nearest swamp, right in front of some quicksand.
15. A frozen mountain-top, near a yeti monastery.
16. An oasis in a vast and unforgiving desert.
17. An unused back chamber in a dragons lair.
18. In an alleyway in a distant city.
19. In an alleyway disturbingly close to the partys favorite tavern.
20. Roll again but the door disappears after a random party member passes
through. A second 20 leads to the throne-room of a demon prince and court
is in session.

Deadly Gases & Strange Vapors

1. BASIC DEADLY FUMES Save or die.
2. MONSTER MUSK Double wandering monsters for d6 days. No save
allowed. Stinky!
3. CONFUSION GAS Save or confused, roll every round for 2d6 rounds.
4. RUST DUST Lose all your metal stuff. No save.
5. PARALYSIS FUMES Save or paralyzed d6 turns.
6. VAPORS OF PUNINESS Save or half strength for 2d6 turns.
7. MOLD SPORES Save or 2d6 damage. All organic material destroyed in
d4 days unless washed immediately.
8. LAUGHING GAS Save or laugh hysterically for d4+1 turns, unable to
act. Make immediate wandering monster check.
9. INFRA-MARKER Victims glow infrapink, visible at 24 to all monsters
with infravision. Lasts until washed off.
10. THE PALE MIST Vampiric cloud drains d4 hit points per round, turns
white to red, save for half. Lingers 2d6 turns. May follow party.
11. FLAMMABLE GAS Torches auto-ignite it for 4d6, save for half. Can
also be ignited by combat, electrical discharges, etc.
12. POLYMORPH GAS Save or toad.
13. NECRO GAS Save: lose one level. Fail: Lose all levels. Humans who
lose all level rise as undead 3 days later.
14. MORON MIST Save or feebleminded for d6 hours.
15. NO FRILLS KNOCKOUT GAS Save or out cold d6 turns.
16. HATE VAPOR Save or attack allies for 2d6 rounds.
17. MEMORY MIST Spellcasters save or lose d6 spells.
18. FREEZE DRIED ROT GRUB DUST Save or die a messy and painful
death d6 days later.
19. ACID FOG 3d8 damage, save for half. If save fails 50% chance of
each item carried destroyed.
20. POISON WRAITHS Gas is actually d6 monsters. Use wraith statistics
they don't drain levels, instead save vs. poison or die with each hit.


Dungeon Escapes
Use these rules if the PCs end the session in your megadungeon and your a
big enough jerk to punish them for it.
The basic roll to escape the dungeon is 50%, corresponding to situations
where the character level matches the dungeon level. Each levels difference
alters the chances by 10%. So a fourth level character on the third level of
the dungeon has a 60% chance of getting out unscathed, while a first level
PC on level 3 only has a 30% chance of making it. A roll of '01' always
succeeds and '00' always fails. A character with a greater than 100%
chance to survive can share the love with lesser compadres, lowering their
own chances to 100% and distributing the extra points as they see fit. Fly,
you fools!
1. You lucky dog! You manage to somehow escape the dark forces of the
dungeon. You return to civilization, naked and half-delirious.
2. Waitaminute, Leftys not right handed! Situation appears to be #1, but
youve been replaced by a shapeshifting badguy.
3. Maimed. You escape but suffer the effects of a random critical hit. Also,
50% of your stuff is gone, randomly determined.
4. Alas, you are no more. If any comrades escape they are able to bring
your remains and your stuff back to civilization.
5. Pining for the fjords. If any comrades escape they are able to bring your
remains back to civilization, but your stuff is lost.
6. Dead as a doornail. The general location of your body is known to any
surviving comrades.
7. Your stuff has become part of a dragons hoard and your body part of a
dragons supper.
8. That is an ex-character. The location of your body is unknown to all.
9. Bought the farm. Your body and possessions irretrievable due to dragon
fire, ooze acid, disintegrator beam, etc.
10. Also dead. Your body is irretrievable due to dragon fire, ooze acid,
disintegrator beam, etc. but your stuff is still around for some other jerk to
nab at a later date.


11. Held for ransom by seedy humans. A member of the Thieves Guild can
arrange release for 1,000gp per character level. 1 in 6 chance the money
12. Captured by monsters. Escaping comrades know the level you were
captured on and the type of monster holding you captive.
13. Captured by monsters. Escaping comrades know the level you were
captured on, but not the type of monster involved.
14. Captured by monsters. Escaping comrades know the type of monster
involved, but not what level to search.
15. Captured by monsters. Unseen monsters spirit you away to an unknown
16. A fate worse than death. Drafted into the ranks of the monsters. Roll
d6: 1-2 undead, 3 lycanthrope, 4 charmed, 5 polymorphed, 6 other.
17. You and your stuff are sacrificed to the loathsome Frog Gods in order to
gate in d6 Croaking Demons that are added to the dungeon key.
18. A gorgon or somesuch has petrified you. Escaping characters know
what level to search for your statue.
19. Lost in the dungeon. GM sets your location each session. Re-enter play
if the party finds you.
20. Opportunity for betrayal. Pick one other character who got away safe.
Roll 1d6, 1-4) he takes your place and has to roll on this chart while you
escape, 5-6) you both suffer the fate rolled by your victim.
Anyone who is captured gets one chance to escape on their own power. The
base chance is 1 in 6, increased to 2 in 6 if their character level is higher
than the dungeon level of their prison. Treat successful escapes as result 1
on the chart above. If more than one PC is trying to escape, all escape rolls
are at 2 in 6 (3 in 6 for higher level characters). If you dont escape you
must be rescued or maybe ransomed. For each session of play that you
languish in captivity or wander lost theres a 1 in 6 chance of some worse
fate befalling you. In that case, roll again on the chart above.
If you dungeons feature visits by NPC parties, consider rolling a few times
on this chart to pre-victimize a few poor schlubs.


Minor Magic Items

1. BENFRO'S ROPE 50' silk rope that unties itself with a command word.
2. DAGGER +0, +1 vs. Kobolds Counts a magical for all the usual stuff.
3. ROD OF DOWSING Points towards nearest water source 1/day.
4. GOBLIN PLAYING CARDS A marked deck that appears normal but the
marks on the back of the cards are easily read by anyone with infravision.
5. DECANTER OF UNALLA Shatters if poison is introduced into it.
6. RUNEWAND OF SPELL STORAGE Will hold one first level magic-user
spell cast into it.
7. ELECTRO-ARROWS (d6) - +1 damage, electrical. Easily ignites oil,
flammable gases, etc.
8. PURLOIN-PROOF PURSE Half chances to be pickpocketed. Holds up to
25 coins of encumbrance.
9. POTION OF NOURISHMENT A week's supply of nutrition in two gulps.
Tastes horrible.
10. SHINY SHIELD - +2 saves vs. petrification. Only works when polished
and clean.
11. POWDER OF QILLAI (pouch of d6 doses) When thrown on campfire
lycanthropes must save vs. magic to attack campers. Lasts until dawn.
Fire burns blue.
12. SCARLET CLOAK Will absorb all damage from a single fire-based
attack, but is consumed by the flame.
13. THEGRAK'S STONE Ordinary looking stone, suitable for skipping
across water, etched with a single rune. Owner immune to ghoul paralysis
as long as stone is next to skin.
14. DRAGONSCALE CODPIECE AC0 and +2 saves, groin only.
15. FEY FAN Plant growth once/day. Only works in moonlight.
16. ZOMBIE WHISTLE Turn zombies as cleric of your level once/day. Loud
enough to cause wandering monster check.
17. MOUNTEBANK'S QUILL Ink disappears 24 hours after use.
18. GLOVES OF GRIPPING User cannot be disarmed in combat. Only
works with swords.
19. VILE VIOL Charm Rat 3/day.
20. CRYSTAL OVOID Clairvoyance 1/day but 1 in 6 chance of


Loot Storage Alternatives

Not every monster keeps its loot in a boring old treasure chest, you know.

-Roll a d201. IRON FROG Hinged mouth gives access to the goodies.
2. REED BASKET(S) 1 in 6 chance also contains dirty laundry.
3. GRECIAN AMPHORA 2 in 6 chance decorated with lewd scenes.
4. OLD WINE BARREL They probably drank the wine first unless the
treasure is small and waterproof.
5. MALODOROUS COFFIN 2 in 6 chance contains a skeleton wearing a
Dracula cape in addition to the gold.
6. WOODEN CRATE(S) Packed neatly in straw. Maybe the monsters were
getting ready to move?
7. WHEELBARROW How thoughtful!
8. BUCKET(S) Take your pick of rusty or wooden.
9. STUFFED IN MATTRESS 4 in 6 chance for bedbugs.
10. FAKE MIMIC Standard chest with carved eyes (shut as if asleep) and
fangs where the lid and box meet.
11. UNDER THE DUNGHEAP Hopefully in a bag or something.
12. CAULDRON WITH LID Surely no one would trap a cooking pot, right?
13. PAINTED BOX Hieroglyphics declare a curse upon robbers. Probably
hooey. Probably.
14. NEATLY ARRANGED ON SHELVES IN CLOSET Closet door undoubtedly
15. GRINNING SKULL CHEST Standard chest with decorative skull
16. PILED HIGH ON TABLE The PCs barged in on poker night.
17. GIANT PLASTIC EASTER EGG(S) Pulls apart into two halves.
18. IN A POOL OF WATER 2 in 6 chance of piranha, electric eels, etc.
19. LARGE PIGGY BANK Must be broken to get the loot.
20. INTRICATE PUZZLE BOX Give the players a Rubiks Cube and make
em solve it to get the loot. I dare you.


Easy Sleazy Ready-to-Rock Treasures

-Roll a d20 and consult the appropriate subchartHoard Type VIII T
1-11. Sorry, dude. No treasure here.
12. One scroll: protection vs. elementals
13. Two scrolls: treasure map to 17,000gp, MU scroll (confusion, remove
curse, telekinesis)
14. Three scrolls: protection vs. undead, 2x protection vs. magic
15. Four scrolls: protection vs. undead, MU scroll (knock, locate object),
protection vs. lycanthropes, cursed scroll (appears to be an MU scroll of
fireball, but inscription is flawed and when cast effect centers on caster)
16. One scroll: MU scroll (phantasmal forces)
17. Two scrolls: cleric scroll (detect lie), protection vs. undead
18. Three scrolls: protection vs. lycanthropes, MU scroll (invisibility, 10'
radius), cursed scroll (reader save vs. spells or mind-switched with nearest
19. Four scrolls: treasure map to 23,000gp & 16 gems, MU scroll (dispel
magic), MU scroll (light, mirror image, fireball, feeblemind), protection vs.
20. Two scrolls: MU scroll (ESP, polymorph other), protection vs. magic
Hoard Type IX S
1-11. Not a dang thing.
12. Eight potions: 2x invisibility, ESP, 2x diminution, healing, white dragon
control, giant strength
13. Six potions: delusion (appears to be plant control), heroism,
clairvoyance, black dragon control, blue dragon control, healing
14. Three potions: climbing, gaseous form, clairvoyance
15. Four potions: invisibility, water breathing, flying, ESP
16. Five potions: 2x invulnerability, treasure finding, giant strength,
17. Three potions: diminution, heroism, super-heroism
18. Five potions: speed, halfling control, climbing, amphibian & reptile
control, gaseous form
19. Seven potions: healing, gnome control, giant strength, extra-healing,
treasure finding, healing, invulnerability
20. Five potions: philtre of love, healing, giant strength, speed, flying
Hoard Type X R
1. 1,000gp; 18 gems (15x 25gp; 3x 50gp); 1 jewel (1,200gp)
2. 2,100pp
3. 2,000gp; 1,900pp
4. 2,200pp; 10 gems (50gp; 3x 75gp; 3x 250gp; 3x 1,000gp)
5. 3,000gp; 2,800pp; 14 gems (6x 10gp; 6x 75gp; 2x 250gp); 4 jewels

(100gp; 300gp; 700gp; 1,300gp)

6. 15 gems (5x 50gp; 5x 250gp; 5x 1,000gp); 4 jewels (20gp; 30gp;
1,000gp; 1,700gp)
7. 4,000gp; 12 gems (4x 10gp; 4x 25gp; 4x 250gp); 8 jewels (40gp; 2x
60gp; 500gp; 600gp; 700gp; 800gp; 900gp)
8. No treasure here.
9. 5,000gp; 8 gems (10gp; 25gp; 5x 50gp; 75gp); 9 jewels (20gp; 300gp;
500gp; 600gp; 2x 800gp; 2x 1,300gp; 1,400gp)
10. 1,400pp; 15 gems (5x 25gp; 5x 50gp; 5x 1,000gp)
11. 6,000gp; 9 gems (3x 10gp; 3x 50gp; 3x 100gp)
12. 1,400pp; 11 gems (6x 25gp; 5x 100gp); 12 jewels (30gp; 300gp;
400gp; 500gp; 700gp; 2x 800gp; 3x 1,000gp; 1,100gp; 1,300gp)
13. 7,000gp; 2,200pp; 6 gems (2x 25gp; 2x 75gp; 2x 100gp)
14. 12 gems (3x 10gp; 3x 25gp; 3x 500gp; 3x 1,000gp) ; 1 jewel (400gp)
15. 8,000gp; 8 gems (4x 10gp; 4x 500gp)
16. 8 jewels (70gp; 200gp; 700gp; 900gp; 1,000gp; 1,100gp; 1,300gp;
17. 4,000gp
18. 3,300pp
19. 5,000gp
20. A big fat pile of nothing.
Hoard Type XI Q
1-12. No treasure for you!
13. 1 gem (250gp)
14. 2 gems (25gp; 250gp)
15. 3 gems (25gp; 75gp; 750gp)
16. 3 gems (10gp; 2x 250gp)
17. 4 gems (25gp; 100gp; 250gp; 500gp)
18. 4 gems (2x 50gp; 75gp; 750gp)
19. 5 gems (2x 10gp; 50gp; 2x 250gp)
20. 6 gems (10gp; 25gp; 2x 50gp; 250gp; 1,000gp)
Hoard Type XII P
1-13. Not a penny.
14. 8,000sp
15. 3,000sp
16. 4,000ep
17. 4,000sp
18. 1,000sp; 2,000ep
19. 6,000sp; 2,000ep
20. 3,000ep
Hoard Type XIII O
1-13. No loot? Aw, man.
14. 3,000cp
15. 4,000sp


4,000cp, 4000sp

Hoard Type XIV I

1. 400pp
2. 11 gems (100gp; 5x 250gp; 5x 750gp); 3 jewels (10gp; 30gp; 500gp)
3. 6 gems (6x 10gp); 2 jewels (10gp; 700gp)
4. 3 gems (10gp; 25gp; 75gp); ring of animal command
5. 11 gems (5x 25gp; 5x 50gp; 750gp)
6. 10 gems (5x 25gp; 5x 100gp); 9 jewels (20gp; 30gp; 100gp; 200gp; 2x
400gp; 600gp; 800gp; 1,100gp)
7. 12 jewels (2x 20gp; 40gp; 100gp; 300gp; 500gp; 600gp; 700gp;
800gp; 1,200gp; 1,400gp; 1,600gp)
8. 7 gems (3x 75gp; 3x 100gp; 500gp); 11 jewels (30gp; 40gp; 50gp;
100gp; 700gp; 1,000gp; 3x 1,100gp; 1,200gp; 1,300gp)
9. 10 gems (5x 10gp; 5x 250gp)
10. 2 gems (50gp; 500gp)
11. 5 jewels (30gp; 400gp; 500gp; 800gp; 1,000gp)
12. 700pp; 5 gems (2x 25gp; 3x 50gp); shortsword +2,+3 vs.
regenerating creatures
13. 10 gems (5x 10gp; 5x 500gp); 7 jewels (2x 40gp; 100gp; 300gp;
800gp; 900gp; 1,000gp); scroll vs elementals (flawed: doesn't work against
fire elementals)
14. 800pp; 11 gems (2x 10gp; 25gp; 2x 50gp; 2x 75gp; 100gp; 250gp; 2x
15. 600pp
16. potion of clairvoyance
17. 600pp
18. 600pp; 8 jewels (20gp; 50gp; 3x 200gp; 400gp; 500gp; 1,500gp)
19. 8 jewels (10gp; 50gp; 200gp; 400gp; 500gp; 700gp; 1,100gp;
20. Move along, no treasure to see here.
Hoard Type XV - H
1. 15,000cp; 87,000sp; 40,000ep; 10,000gp; 50 gems (8x 10gp; 8x 25gp;
7x 50gp; 8x 75gp; 7x 100gp; 5x 250gp; 3x 500gp; 2x 750gp; 2x 1,000gp);
potion of longevity; potion of clairvoyance; staff of the serpent; scroll vs.
lycanthropes; treasure map to 21,000gp; MU scroll (move earth)
2. 82,000sp; 30,000gp; 20 jewels (2x 10gp; 30gp; 40gp; 2x 50gp; 100gp;
300gp; 2x 400gp; 600gp; 800gp; 1,000gp; 1,100gp; 3x 1,200gp; 1,300gp;
1,400gp; 1,600gp)
3. 91,000sp; 40,000gp
4. 42,000sp; 10 gems (4x 25gp; 3x 50gp; 250gp; 2x 750gp)
5. 23,000sp; 80,000ep; 20,000gp; 10 gems (3x 25gp; 6x 50gp; 100gp);

30 jewels (5x 10gp; 5x 40gp; 5x 100gp; 5x 500gp; 5x 900gp; 5x 1,200gp)

6. 70,000ep; 20,000gp; 20 gems (5x 10gp; 5x 25gp; 5x 75gp; 5x 100gp)
7. 100,000sp; 20 gems (3x 10gp; 3x 25gp; 3x 50gp; 3x 75gp; 3x 100gp;
2x 250gp; 500gp; 750gp; 1,000gp)
8. 12,000cp; 10 gems (2x 10gp; 2x 25gp; 50gp; 2x 75gp; 100gp; 250gp;
750gp); 20 jewels (4x 30gp; 2x 60gp; 4x 300gp; 10x 800gp); shield -1;
scroll vs. magic; MU scroll (fireball, plant growth); sword +2; 7x crossbow
bolt +1; potion of clairaudience
9. 89,000sp; 70 gems (10x 10gp; 10x 25gp; 10x 50gp; 15x 100gp; 25x
250gp); 30 jewels (5x 10gp; 5x 20gp; 30gp; 5x 70gp; 6x 400gp; 500gp;
700gp; 5x 900gp; 1,300gp)
10. 68,000sp; 30,000gp; 60 gems (10x 25gp; 5x 50gp;15x 75gp; 10x
750gp; 20x 1,000gp); 40 jewels (4x 20gp; 2x 30gp; 6x 40gp; 2x 200gp;
2x 400gp; 4x 500gp; 2x 600gp; 8x 1,000gp; 6x 1,100gp; 2x 1,200gp; 2x
11. 50,000sp; 50 gems (15x 10gp; 10x 25gp; 15x 75gp; 5x 500gp; 5x
12. 91,000sp; 30,000ep; 1,400pp
13. 80,000ep; 70 jewels (10x 30gp; 10x 40gp; 15x 400gp; 20x 600gp; 5x
900gp; 5x 1,000gp; 5x 1,100gp); sword +1; MU scroll (web); scroll vs.
undead; spear +1; longbow +1; potion of invisibility
14. 6,000cp; 91,000sp; 20,000ep; 40,000gp; 10 gems (2x 10gp; 2x 25gp;
2x 50gp; 3x 100gp; 750gp)
15. 40,000gp; 1,500pp; 50 jewels (5x 10gp; 5x 20gp; 5x 30gp; 5x 100gp;
5x 400gp; 5x 800gp; 5x 900gp; 5x 1,100gp; 5x 1,200gp; 5x 1,500gp)
16. 17,000cp; 10,000ep; 20,000gp; 1,400pp
17. 20,000ep; 30,000gp; 1,500pp; 20 jewels (10gp; 2x 20gp; 30gp; 50gp;
80gp; 200gp; 300gp; 400gp; 2x 500gp; 700gp; 800gp; 1,000gp; 2x
1,100gp; 1,500gp; 2x 1,200gp; 1,700gp); shield +1; potion of elf control;
scroll vs. lycanthropes
18. 10,000gp; 1,300pp; 80 jewels (8x 20gp; 4x 30gp; 13x 40gp; 4x
200gp; 4x 400gp; 8x 500gp; 4x 600gp; 700gp; 16x 1,000gp; 12x 1,100gp;
1,200gp; 1,300gp)
19. 18,000cp; 66,000sp; 20,000gp; 1,600pp; 50 gems (16x 10gp; 21x
25gp; 50gp; 75gp; 100gp; 10x 500gp)
20. What? This dragon has no treasure?! What the hell is going on here?
Hoard Type XVI G
1. 400pp; 8 jewels (10gp; 2x 30gp; 2x 40gp; 400gp; 800gp; 1,500gp)
2. 200pp; 12 gems (2x 10gp; 50gp; 2x 75gp; 100gp; 5x 250gp; 750gp)
3. 10,000gp; 300pp; 9 gems (25gp; 3x 75gp; 2x 100gp; 250gp; 500gp;
1,000gp); 1 jewel (1,000gp); padded armor +1; shield +1; shortbow +1;
wand of negation (17 charges); sword +1 (Wish Blade); bag of devouring;
scroll vs. lycanthropes
4. 100pp; 9 jewels (10gp; 50gp; 2x 60gp; 300gp; 800gp; 2x 1,100gp;
1,200gp); MU scroll (water breathing, teleport); MU scroll (hold
monster);scroll vs. undead; wand of magical missiles (19 charges); hand

axe +1; sword +1

5. 300pp; cleric scroll (silence 15' radius, animal growth); scroll vs.
undead; scale mail -2; spear +2; potion of hill giant control; potion of white
dragon control
6. 3 gems (25gp; 50gp; 75gp); 9 jewels (20gp; 40gp; 50gp; 70gp; 500gp;
800gp; 1,000gp; 2x 1,300gp)
7. 60,000gp; dust of appearance (20 doses); dagger +2, +3 vs. goblins &
dopplegangers; potion of invisibility; staff of healing; potion of fire giant
control; scroll vs. lycanthropes
8. 30,000gp
9. 30,000gp
10. 50,000gp; 8 gems (2x 10gp; 2x 25gp; 50gp; 100gp; 2x 250gp)
11. 60,000gp; 2 gems (25gp; 250gp)
12. 20,000gp; 300pp
13. 50,000gp; 100pp; 2-handed sword +1 (locates objects); potion of
delusion (flying); sword +1; scroll vs. lycanthropes; scroll vs. undead;
treasure map to 5 gems & 11 jewels
14. 10,000gp; 6 gems (10gp; 25gp; 2x 50gp; 100gp; 250gp)
15. 20,000gp; 100pp
16. 50,000gp
17. potion of giant strength; potion of flying; scroll vs. elementals; MU
scroll (haste, feeblemind); dagger +1; platemail +2; shield +3
18. 200pp
19.-20. No treasure.
Hoard Type XVII F
1. 16,000sp; 5,000ep; 12,000gp
2. 10,000gp; 23 gems (5x 10gp; 3x 25gp; 3x 50gp; 3x 75gp; 4x 100gp; 2x
250gp; 500gp; 750gp; 1,000gp); boots of levitation; potion of ESP; MU
scroll (shield, polymorph self); scroll vs. elementals; treasure map to 1
magic item
3. 15 gems (5x 50gp; 5x 250gp; 5x 1,000gp); 8 jewels (2x 10gp; 2x
700gp; 4x 1,100gp)
4. 4,000gp; wand of illusion (10 charges); potion of giant strength; cleric
scroll (insect plague, symbol); MU scroll (plant growth); treasure map to 19
gems & 2 magic items
5. 300pp
6. 16 gems (6x 10gp; 10x 75gp); amulet vs. crystal balls & ESP; ring of fire
resistance; potion of fire giant control; scroll vs. lycanthropes; scroll vs.
7. 400pp
8. 3,000ep; 7,000gp
9. 12,000sp
10. 10,000sp
11. 400pp; ring of fish command; potion of super-heroism; scroll vs.
elementals; scroll vs. undead; scroll vs. magic
12. potion of invisibility; potion of heroism; potion of invulnerability; scroll

vs. undead; MU scroll (clairvoyance, invisibility 10' radius)

13. potion of levitation; potion of giant strength; potion of extra-healing;
treasure map to 17,000gp; treasure map to 3 magic items & 1 potion
14. 9,000gp
15. 4,000ep; 7,000gp; 100pp; 19 gems (7x 25gp; 11x 75gp; 100gp)
16. 2,000ep; 7,000gp; 13 gems (6x 10gp; 4x 50gp; 2x 75gp; 100gp); 8
jewels (2x 40gp; 6x 900gp)
17. 1,000gp; 400pp
18. 6,000ep; 5,000gp
19.-20. A disturbing lack of treasure.
Hoard Type XVIII E
1. 1,000ep
2. 3,000sp; 3,000gp; 2x sword +1; scroll vs. undead; cleric scroll (resist
cold, 2x snake charm, resist fire, animate dead, continual light,dispel evil)
3. 9,000sp; 3,000ep; 6 gems (2x 10gp; 75gp; 100gp; 250gp; 500gp); 1
jewel (75gp)
4. 5,000cp; 4,000sp
5. 6 jewels (2x 20gp; 300gp; 500gp; 1,400gp; 1,700gp)
6. 5,000sp; wand of magical missiles (4 charges); cursed scroll (summons
hostile efreeti); cleric scroll (continual light); treasure map to magic item
7. gauntlets of ogre power; sword +1 (Flame Tongue); shield +1; treasure
map to 19,000gp
8. shortsword +1, +3 vs. undead; chainmail +2; scroll vs. lycanthropes;
treasure map to 3 magic items & 1 potion
9. 3,000cp; 4,000sp; 1,000gp; 3 gems (10gp; 25gp; 750gp)
10. 1,000gp; 7 gems (10gp; 25gp; 75gp; 2x 100gp; 500gp; 750gp)
11. 3,000sp; 6,000gp
12. 1,000gp; potion of flying; potion of levitation; shield -1; treasure map
to 19,000gp
13. 1,000ep; 1,000gp; 2-handed sword +2; ring of protection +1;sword
+1, +2 vs. lycanthropes; treasure map to 3 magic items, 1 potion & 1 scroll
14. 1,000sp; 2,000ep
15.-20. No treasure.
Hoard Type XIX D
1. 8,000gp; 4 jewels (50gp; 400gp; 500gp; 1,000gp)
2. 1,000gp; 5 jewels (60gp; 400gp; 700gp; 2x 800gp)
3. 6,000gp
4. 2,000gp; 5 gems (3x 25gp; 50gp; 500gp)
5. potion of ESP; potion of elf & human control; potion of clairaudience;
potion of gaseous form
6. 4,000cp; 3,000gp
7. 7,000sp; 3 gems (10gp; 2x 100gp); 2 jewels (40gp; 200gp)
8. 1,000sp; 4,000gp; 2 gems (75gp; 250gp); battle axe +1; scroll vs.
lycanthropes; potion of clairvoyance; potion of gaseous form
9. 6 jewels (40gp; 60gp; 400gp; 500gp; 600gp; 1,400gp); scroll vs.

elementals; potion of healing; potion of plant control;potion of mammal

10. 6,000sp; 5,000gp; 2 gems (10gp; 50gp)
11. 6 gems (25gp; 3x 50gp; 75gp; 750gp); 2 jewels (300gp; 1,300gp)
12. 6,000gp; 1 jewel (30gp)
13. 6 gems (10gp; 50gp; 2x 75gp; 250gp; 1,000gp)
14. 6,000cp; 7,000gp; 5 gems (50gp; 75gp; 100gp; 250gp; 1,000gp)
15. 5,000gp; 5 gems (50gp; 75gp; 2x 250gp; 750gp); 4 jewels (10gp;
20gp; 500gp; 800gp)
16. 8,000gp; 3 jewels (40gp; 800gp; 1,300gp)
17.-20. Bummer. You fought those monsters for nothing.
Hoard Type XX C
1.-6. Not even one lousy copper piece.
7. 8,000cp
8. 2,000sp; 2 gems (50gp, 75gp); 1 jewel (700gp)
9. 3,000sp; potion of invulnerability; sword +1
10. 8,000cp; 5,000sp; 1 gem (750gp)
11. 6,000ep; scroll vs. magic
12. 3 jewels (500gp; 900gp; 1,000gp)
13. 2 jewels (30gp; 500gp)
14. 4,000cp
15. 6,000sp; 3,000ep; 3 gems (10gp; 75gp; 1,000gp)
16. 3,000cp
17. sword +2; potion of giant strength
18. 1,000sp; 4 jewels (400gp; 500gp; 1,000gp; 1,100gp)
19. 10,000cp; 1,000ep; 1 gem (10gp)
20. 4,000sp
Hoard Type XXI B
1. 4,000cp; arrow +1
2. 4,000ep; 4 jewels (10gp; 2x 800gp; 900gp)
3. 8,000cp; 2,000ep
4. 3 gems (50gp; 75gp; 250gp)
5. 7,000cp
6. 4,000gp; 3 gems (25gp 75gp; 500gp); 2 jewels (20gp; 600gp)
7. 5 gems (2x 10gp; 50gp; 75gp; 100gp); sword +1, +2 vs. spellslingers
8. 3,000gp; 1 gem (25gp)
9. 9,000cp
10.-12. What kind of jerk hides the 'no treasure' result in the middle of the
13. 8,000cp
14. 3,000ep; 3 gems (25gp; 50gp; 250gp); 3 jewels (2x 300gp; 700gp)
15. 4,000sp; 4 gems (10gp; 100gp; 250gp; 750gp)
16. 6,000cp; 2,000sp; 1,000ep; 1 jewel (30gp)
17. 1,000sp; 2,000ep
18. 4,000cp; 2,000gp

19. 6,000cp; 3,000sp; 3,000ep; 1,000gp; shield +2

20. 4,000cp
Hoard Type XXII A
1. potion of heroism; sword +1, light 30' radius; ring of command human
2. 12,000gp; 25 gems (10gp; 4x 25gp; 12x 75gp; 8x 250gp)
3. 5,000cp; 1,000sp
4. 3,000sp; 4,000gp; 24 gems (8x 10gp; 5x 25gp; 2x 50gp; 4x 75gp; 3x
100gp; 250gp; 1,000gp)
5. 4,000sp; 21 gems (4x 25gp; 2x 75gp; 8x 100gp; 5x 250gp; 750gp); 22
jewels (3x 70gp; 3x 200gp; 15x 800gp; 1,200gp); shortsword +1, +2 vs.
lycanthropes; MU scroll (feeblemind); wand of paralyzation (13 charges)
6. 2,000cp; 1,000ep
7. 300pp; 23 gems (2x 10gp; 25gp; 7x 50gp; 2x 75gp; 11x 100gp)
8. 2,000ep; 8,000gp; 200pp; 35 gems (4x 50gp; 3x 100gp; 5x 250gp; 6x
500gp; 17x 750gp); 25 jewels (3x 80gp; 5x 200gp; 8x 700gp; 9x 1,200gp)
9. 7,000cp; 4,000ep; 5,000gp; 19 gems (3x 10gp; 4x 50gp; 3x 75gp; 9x
100gp); 32 jewels (3x 60gp; 6x 300gp; 16x 400gp; 5x 800gp; 2x 900gp)
10. 100pp
11. 8,000cp; 2,000gp; 14 gems (6x 10gp; 5x 25gp; 3x 1,000gp); 25
jewels (9x 20gp; 2x 40gp; 500gp; 600gp; 4x 1,000gp; 3x 1,200gp; 5x
12. 5,000cp; 4,000gp; 26 jewels (5x 10gp; 3x 20gp; 2x 40gp; 6x 1,000gp;
7x 1,300gp; 3x 1,400gp)
13. 17 gems (7x 10gp; 3x 25gp; 50gp; 4x 100gp; 2x 250gp)
14. ring of fire resistance; two-handed sword +1; elven cloak
15. 6,000ep
16. ring of protection +2; sword +1; potion of extra-healing
17. 2,000sp; 3,000ep; 4,000gp; 21 gems (6x 25gp; 9x 75gp; 5x 100gp;
500gp); 30 jewels (9x 10gp; 2x 30gp; 4x 100gp; 400gp; 5x 600gp; 3x
800gp; 4x 1,100gp; 2x 1,300gp)
18. 7,000cp; 24 gems (8x 10gp; 2x 50gp; 11x 75gp; 3x 1,000gp); 26
jewels (12x 20gp; 40gp; 8x 60gp; 500gp; 800gp; 3x 900gp)
19. 10,000gp; 27 gems (9x 25gp; 3x 75gp; 7x 100gp; 2x 250gp; 5x
500gp; 1,000gp); 15 jewels (4x 600gp; 2x 800gp; 3x 900gp; 3x 1,300gp;
3x 1,400gp)
20. 400pp; 21 jewels (6x 100gp; 2x 700gp; 5x 800gp; 8x 1,400gp); twohanded sword +1, flame tongue; sword +1; wand of detecting magic (8


Other Sources for Awesome Random Charts

Age of Fable,


the various Arduin Grimoires, Dave Hargrave, Grimoire Games

(reprinted by Emperor's Choice)

Best of the Dragon, volume I, various authors, TSR Periodicals

( may have some copies for sale)

Book of Tables, various authors, Gamescience

the various Central Casting books, Paul Jaquays, Task Force


City Encounters, Matthew Finch, Mythmere Games

the Thirty-Sided books, various authors, The Armory

Dungeon Masters Guide, Gary Gygax, TSR Hobbies

Fight On! magazine, various authors, Ignatius Umlaut

HackMaster GameMaster's Guide, various authors, Kenzer and


Kellri's Blog,

Knockspell magazine, various authors, Matt Finch

various Mazes & Minotaurs books, Olivier Legrand and others,

Legendary Games Studio

The Random Esoteric Creature Generator for Classic Fantasy

Role-Playing Games and Their Modern Simulcra, James
Edward Raggi IV, Lamentations of the Flame Princess (new edition
by Goodman Games)

Ready Ref Sheets, Bob Bledsaw, Judges Guild (PDF at

Supplement V: Carcosa, Geoffrey McKinney (self-published)

Toolbox, various authors, AEG (a d20 product, but don't let that
scare you off!)


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