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Alforque, Jane T.


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. define myth
b. discuss the events in the selection
c. illustrate the images in their mind
II-Subject Matter
Topic: Myth (Daedalus and Icarus)
Reference: Teaching guide p.6, Learners Material p. 13-16
Materials: Copies of the text Daedalus and Icarus, bond papers, pencils
Values Integration: Obedience
Teachers activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Requesting everybody to stand for
a prayer.
Our father
Good morning class!
2. Collecting of assignments
Do you have an assignment?
Ok, pass your assignment into the
center aisle.
3. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present today?
Thats good to hear!
4. Review
Before we will proceed to our new
lesson, lets have first a review.
Now, class what was our past
lesson last meeting?
Do you understand now, class?
B. Lesson Proper
a. Motivation
Class, do you want to read a
Ok, good!

Students activity

(Students do as told).

Good morning maam.

Yes, maam.

Yes, maam.

Our lesson last meeting was all

Yes, maam.

I will give you copies of the text

entitled Daedalus and Icarus
b. Presentation
The story that you had read is an
example of MYTH.
Daedalus and Icarus it discusses
adventures and mistakes of heroes
or characters.
c. Discussion
Do you know what Myth is?
Myth is an ancient story created to
explain natural events. Gods,
goddesses, and heroes are among
characters in myths.

Yes, maam.

Yes/no, maam.

In addition to explaining events in

nature, some myths also present a
lesson on how to live ,or serve as
a warning to follow societys rules.
Did you get me class?
Now, back to the story of Daedalus
and Icarus.
What does Daedalus his name

Yes, maam.

Very good, Geraldine!

To test your mental abilities on
how you understand the story, I
will ask you some questions.

Daedalus his name means skilled


Are you ready?

Ransel stand up.
Who hired Daedalus?
Very good! Its very clear that you
really understand the story.

Yes we are.

Another question from the story.

What did Daedalus design to hold
the Minotaur?
Yes, thats it, Daedalus built the

The one who hired Daedalus was

king Minos.

Labyrinth to imprison the

monstrous half man, half bull
Then, Daedalus managed to get
out of the Labyrinth, after all he
had built it and knew his way

To hold the Minotaur, Daedalus

designed the Labyrinth.

Now, what did Daedalus invent to

help him and Icarus escape from
the Labyrinth?
Jenny youre raising your hand!
Exactly! Daedalus invented wings.
daedalus tried the wing on himself
and was satisfied that his plan
would work.
Am I right class?
Before taking off from the island,
Daedalus warned his son to follow
closely behind him.

Daedalus built wings for himself and

Icarus , fashioned with feathers hold
together with wax.

What did he warn Icarus not to do?

Yes, Alden.

Yes, maam.

Thank you Alden for sharing your

As Alden said awhile ago,
Daedalus warned his not to fly too
close the sun and not too close to
the sea.
They successfully flew Crete, but
Icarus grew exhilarated by the
thrill of flying and began careless.
The father and son passed the 3
islands and the further away from

He sternly warned Icarus not to fly

too close to the sun, as it would melt
his wings, and not too close to the
sea, as it would dampen them and
made it hard to fly.

Crete they flew, the cockier

became Icarus.
Forgetting his fathers advice,
Icarus flew too close to the sun.
Now, what happened to Icarus?

Thats it, Icarus drowned in the

sea because he did not listen to
the advice of his father.
Values Integration:
Do you think being an obedient to
your parents shows a good
attitude, class?

The wax holding together his wings

softened and melted from the heat
and Icarus could not prevent the
feathers from falling off his body.
Furiously he flapped his arm, but
soon no feathers at all were left and
he fell to his death, drowning in the

Yes, we should obey our parents

because they know what is best
for us.
Am I right?
d. Generalization
Based on the story that we had,
why is it called Myth?
Okay Shiela!

Yes, maam.

Yes, thats correct.

This morning our lesson is all
about Myths.
e. Application
I will group you into 5 and each

Yes, maam.

group illustrates the images

formed in your minds while you
were reading the story.
Then paste your outputs on the

It is called myth because it tells an

ancient story or culture to explain a
culture or natural events. Gods,
goddesses, and heroes are among
the characters in Myths.


Get sheet of paper and answer
the ff. questions.
Directions: Tell whether the
statement is a fact or not. Draw
WINGS before each number if the
statement is fact and SUN of
Activity 2 FACT OR NOT
____Daedalus is an inventor.
____King Minos wanted to kill
the Minotaur.
____It would be easy to find
your way out of the labyrinth.
____Icarus designed his own
____The wings were made of
chicken feathers.

In a one half sheet of paper.
State whether you agree or
disagree with the given
statement and find evidence
from the text to support your

(Students do as told).

1. Daedalus is talented.

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