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Mobile Learning Assignment, Design A

Scavenger Hunt.
TOPIC: Geometry
Names: Will Dutmer and Dani Lanting
Grade Level: 9th Grade
Now that you have explored and familiarized yourself with QR Codes, and determined what
criteria are most important, you will use that knowledge to develop an QR lesson for your
students using QR codes.
Review: What criteria do you feel are most important when developing your scavenger hunt
1. The scavenger hunt must not distract the students from the material they need to learn.
2. The scavenger hunt needs to be fun and engaging.
3. The QR codes need to be accurate and working properly
4. The students need to have clear and concise instructions along with any other guidelines
Process: You will approach the development of your lesson as an instructional designer. You must
think of your objectives, correlating standards, TPACK, and more.
Respond to each prompt. You will submit this document in your goggle site. Type here then either
attach it as a doc. On your new page or copy and paste to your site before your actual scavenger
hunt components.
1. On what content area and topic will you focus?
a. Geometry and finding area and volume of shapes.
2. On which standards will you focus?
a. HS.4.3.a Express Geometric Properties with Equations
3. Write an appropriate objective.
a. Students will be know how to represent a shapes area or volume using algebra.
4. Create an outline, story board, or summary of your hunt idea(s). What will you use to
create your lesson/hunt? What are the themes or concepts? What do you hope the final
product will look like? How will you assess, or how will students show mastery?
a. There will be stations set up around the room, which have algebraic formulas, which
correlate to different shapes. Using the QR codes will show each shape and then the
students will need to go to the next part of the room where the formula of the given
shape is displayed. Then there will be a new QR code. This will help the students
memorize each formula associated with each shape. There will also be a letter at
each station and they will have to write down the letter to find a secret message at
the end.

Geometry Scavenger Hunt

Each of these formulas will be taped around the wall with two QR codes taped below
them. One of the QR codes will have a picture of a shape and the other QR code will
have a letter. When the student sees the shape, they will have to go around the
room and find the formula associated with the shape they just saw. They should also
be writing down each letter they see as they go. The letters will spell a secret
message but they wont no it unless they go in the correct order!

Volume = s3

Area = s2

Volume = (4/3)* r2

Area = r2

Area = (b*h)/2

Volume = (L*W*H)/3

Area = (1/4)* (5(5+2 (5))*a2

Volume = r2*h

When you find out the word!

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