Lisa Renee Crisis in Consciousness

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Posted by Madeline | Nov 23, 2016 | 2016, Daily Blog, Healing,
Metaphysics and Beliefs, Consciousness, Spirituality | 0 |

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Energetic Synthesis
Recent events have proved to be very painful, very confusing and very
hurtful for so many people that it seems fitting to bring this up, even
though I dont really want to. It seems that any word that I may say or
write can easily be taken out of context or misunderstood, as when
tempers flare and emotions are triggered, mind slides tend to operate
and dominate in the landscape. I speak to the larger controller

agendas that are behind influencing the collective consciousness

movement in order to feed into larger systems of mind control
programming, as my role is to identify these schisms. Sometimes
people do not hear what Im saying from the overview perspective of
the collective consciousness on our planet because they do not
perceive the existence of the collective fields. As a result, sometimes
a person may take an observation of the field as my personal opinion
and then they are easily offended if the perspective differs from their
own. I want to remind us all that theres always room for all of our own
experiences and in my view, there is nothing to be offended about in
having a difference of opinion or range of experiences. As a person, it
is the right to have our own experiences and perceptions, and to
express our experience is a basic human right.
However, what I hope to express is of importance in speaking in terms
that create unity, and to not take offence at others opinions because
they are different from your own. What Ive tried to convey is that the
larger system is broken and corrupt and until the control system is
revealed along with disclosure of off planet control mechanisms, it
really doesnt matter who becomes the face puppet for the masses.
The strings are on everyone that take on that role and theyre put
there on purpose to fulfil a larger agenda. Im sorry that is the reality
on earth, and I report the unpopular perspective of current energetic
We, as a collective have to change the system by changing how
we think and changing how we treat people in our own small
microcosm. It starts in our own personal life, in our own personal
relationships and in our relationship to group consciousness,
like in our community and that is where change needs to
happen. Change will not occur if we are blaming others, hostile,
and emotionally triggered or were feeling personally insulted
and divided from each other. In order to be effective, we have to
see the larger game in play.
The game is Divide and Conquer of humanity. The goal is to create

division amongst us all and that is what the controllers really want. So,
my question is: If you know what they want, why give it to them? Why
become an agent of anger, hostility or feeling offended by letting them
get you emotionally triggered and upset towards committing
aggressive or destructive actions? It is critical to understand that this
is the reaction they want from you. Thats what theyre betting on, they
can press a button and the majority of uninformed people will jump in
the direction that they have been mostly influenced by, the broadcast
of the mainstream media promoting division with an hostile diatribe.
Thats what they want, kneejerk automaton behavior that the masses
will follow, in order to stay in the underpinnings of the controller
program of Divide and Conquer. And theyre culling the harvest of
those emotional energies in the collective consciousness right now
with alien machinery. Please dont feed them, as they will only hurt
you and others around you.
The circus side show, that had become the USA election and the
results, has deeply disturbed many people. People that have short
emotional fuses, and big pain bodies, and may be ready to lash out
with anger or cast blame. Many may be feeling offended and upset
because deep down they are sick and tired of feeling unheard,
marginalized, abused and victimized. The issue is we have to see who
and what is behind that enslavement system really, because its not
Washington, DC politicians that are really calling the shots that run the
larger system of control. Please look to the bigger perspective of
social engineering, to controlled dehumanization because it leads off
planet and its not the humans we see in the media or on TV, that are
the ones in control.
Were entering a time of great uncertainty and instability. When people
are fearful the system is collapsing, its a normal response to want to
blame a person, to blame a face, an identity to label them as an
enemy, to find someone to blame, as if we can identify the enemy to
blame that is going to bring us a sense of normalcy. We have left
normalcy. We do not need to create even more scapegoats and social
pariahs in the box of the 3D mainstream culture, we need more loving
kindness and greater acceptance for all kinds of people. We are now

in the surreal reality of bifurcation and this is what it looks like. We

need to find calm and inner peace when travelling in these chaotic
waves, for if we do not find our inner sanctum, these collective
consciousness forces will carry us into even greater depths of anger
or suffering.
When people are confused they lash out with anger or blame, in order
to make sense out of something that is incomprehensible and
bewildering to their context for reality. This time is the dismantling of
the 3D, the breakdown of the old order, and it has to happen for
people to wake up and realize who has been behind the control
agenda the whole time. So, this is the time to feel empathy for the fear
that people have because they do not understand the dismantling of
social and governmental structures, and that this is needed to reveal
the truth of who is given power on this planet.
As spiritual warriors, as galactic light warriors, we must stop
consenting to the thoughts of hatred, thoughts of division, thoughts
that we are personally offended, because this only hurts and divides
us. We must stop acting out hate and violence in every way we can
gain control over our personal impulses. People tend to hate what
they are deeply scared of. People may hold hatred for their unresolved
emotional conflicts and fears, as most people do not like to change or
evolve. Many people hold disdain and hatred for what they do not
understand. This leads us to the necessity of cleaning out personal
fear and fear programs which means, clearing out the negative ego.
When we are in fear, we are not dealing with our own personal pain
because the anger, the blame and the hatred is what disguises the
pain we have. Its disguising the pain that we are feeling deep down
inside. We must be brave and courageous at this time, to be willing to
see the pain, to face our own pain, and to face others pain. This is the
only way we can get beyond the fears we have and beyond the anger
that covers it up. This hurts us inside and it runs very deep in the
collective consciousness of humanity.
Can you feel the pain in the collective inside yourself? Find empathy

for that pain because you are not alone! Find the common links that
bond us to every human being that is in pain on this earth, and they
too, are desperately looking for relief and searching for answers. It is
very hard to speak unpleasant and brutal truths while holding
unconditional love and compassion for others, and I commit to do the
best I can. We must unify our common human bond and find
unconditional love, compassion and empathy for everyone in these
situations, and realize our elected leaders, are a reflection of the
consciousness work we all must do.
This is not about spiritual elitism. It is about doing the right thing in
alignment to the ways we can be productive to connect with higher
consciousness, as the starting point to find resolution of the many
problems that plague our world. We cannot solve these issues with
ego fears and divide and conquer strategy. These issues can only be
addressed with principles of loving kindness, compassion and
empathy. Looking to whats happening in our world today we
are in a crisis over consciousness. The primary crisis in our world is
not the political framework. It is not the cultural framework, or the
religious framework, that is used to enforce mass spiritual oppression.
The crisis were facing is inside of ourselves, and inside all of
humanity, and it extends to the entire planet. This is a crisis of
consciousness. The lack of self-awareness combined with the utter
lack of consciousness, results in an inability to directly experience our
true essential nature as spiritual beings. As long as we cannot
recognize the true essential divine nature that exists inside of
ourselves, we are unable to recognize the same essential nature
inside everyone around us and that is inherent in all living things.
May our community find empathy for all of our members, and friends,
to extend that compassion to those around us who are suffering and
feeling the collective pain. Lets hold a silent space for loving/kindness
and empathy for all of us here now, extending it to the entire
community and then to the entire world. May loving kindness and
peace be with your heart in these unstable and uncertain times.
PracticingLoving Kindness Meditationsactivate and strengthen

areas of the brain and nervous system that are responsible for
empathy and increased emotional intelligence. The practice always
begins with developing a loving acceptance of yourself. If resistance is
experienced then it indicates that feelings of unworthiness are
present. The practice of loving kindness is designed to overcome any
feelings of self-doubt or negativity. Once you have developed this
loving kindness for yourself, then you are ready to systematically
develop loving-kindness towards others.

Visualization Bring to mind a mental picture that exudes loving

kindness and brings warmth to your heart. Visualize yourself or
the person the feeling is directed towards, returning the loving
feeling to you or just the shared feeling of being joyous.
Through Reflection Reflect on the highest and most positive
qualities of a person you know and the acts of kindness you are
aware of. Make an affirmation towards generating more of these
positive qualities in yourself, more goodness and strong virtues.
Reflect upon making positive statements of kindness directed to
yourself, using your own words.
Verbally- When we speak inspiring words or phrases which
contain meaning of loving kindness, they are the most effective
because the subconscious mind hears your voice. Focus on an
internalized mantra or meaningful phrase such as lovingkindness and God-Sovereign-Free.

When the positive feelings arise, switch from the mental focus of the
exercise onto the actual emotional feeling, as it is the emotional
feeling that is the primary goal. If you lose the sensation of the loving
kindness, the feeling and warmth opening in your heart, return to the
exercise, to bring back or strengthen the emotional feeling. When you
have the loving kindness feeling in your heart, you can project that
quality of frequency in all directions, north, south, east and west and
360 degrees. Connecting that emotional feeling of loving kindness into
loved ones, spiritual communities, towns and countries around the
(Source: Transcript Ascension Class Increasing Sentience,

Ascension Glossary, Loving Kindness Meditation)

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