Ballard A FinalReflection 7490

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Allison Ballard

Course Reflection
MEDT 7490
University of West Georgia

This course Visual and Media Literacy for Teaching and Learning encompasses and
discusses various plans for identifying, evaluating and planning for the use of new and emerging
instructional technologies in K-12 settings, including those related to special groups. Within this
course we have investigated and evaluated trends and issues in the areas of instructional media
and technology. We have examined and evaluated problems related to instructional media and
technology. As well as discussed the impact of existing and emerging media and technology in
homes, schools, and school library media centers.
My short-term career goals include becoming an Instructional Technology Learning
Coach or Specialist. My long-term career goals include becoming a principal at a school that has
a school-wide focus in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM);
preferably an elementary school. This is due to the fact that I realize that college begins in
elementary school. It is my goal now as well as my future goal to promote instructional
innovation and student engagement in active learning through innovative uses of technology.
Review of Learning
Learning that was particularly valuable to me in Visual and Media Literacy for Teaching
and Learning would include learning how to assess my own personal technology strengths and
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. I was able to develop a personal technology plan for

achieving my technology goals. This assignment to me was one of the most valuable assignments
completed throughout the course of my collegiate career. This assignments presented me with the
opportunity to create an implementation model for integrating technological advancements
within specific learning environments. It is important to pay close attention to pedagogical issues
relative to instructional technology.
I learned when completing this assignment that there are various forms of providing
technological innovation throughout learning environment such as Information and
Communication Technology, Blended Learning, as well as Virtual Learning. In reflecting on my
SWOT Analysis and comparing my educational understanding now Ive noticed that I have made
academic gains in the area of learned information as it relates to Instructional Technology.
SWOT Analysis is a basic strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project so that one is able to make feasible
strategies. Within these grids I was able to refer to characteristics of my instructional practice
that allowed the opportunity to first analyze the external environments to find out strengths and
allocate internal strengths and weaknesses.
In my opinion something that was done well would include my ability to develop
a plan that uses blended learning to achieve its learning goals. This allows an opportunity of
innovative and technological advances obtained by learning online with interaction as well as a
mix of multimedia technology. This course Visual and Media Literacy for Teaching and Learning
favors the integration of the innovative and technological advances.

My learning will influence my approach to my professional work by enhancing my

primary goal of creating a policy and an environment that leverages technology to improve
public education. My implications include the following components Emerging Technologies,
Instructional Innovation, E-Learning Support, Competency-Based Learning, and ongoing desire
for Professional Development.
Emerging Technologies includes the idea of fostering strategic decision making that
assesses emerging technologies and determines relevancy for education. Emerging Technologies
also allows the opportunity for building a digital platform for building tech savvy teachers who
want to try out new tools within their classrooms. Instructional Innovation and student
engagement in active learning through innovative uses of technology. This is an area that
supports the efforts of instructional staff and support staff to support as well as serve students. ELearning Support ensures that students have access to technology-enhanced courses and provides
them with the necessary technical support and course management skills essential to succeed.
Competency-Based Learning provides the use of technology to create competency-based
environments so that students demonstrate mastery of content at their own pace. Professional
Development is improved so that educators are up to date on educational technologies that
maximizes the student benefit.
In conclusion, the most important points of my essay includes my implications. This is
the most important piece of my essay due to the fact that I think that my leaning will be
enhanced by providing and creating a learning environment that improves public education. It is
my goal to improve public education within the perimeters of my classroom now within my

current profession. However, I plan to develop a learning environment that improves the quality
of the school and all of the employed educators in my future career as principal.

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