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Cosmic rays

Like every things in science it also can have some ancient greek or Egypt or
Indian connection but we do not know that neither we try to find that.
Our story of cosmic ray start from 20th century.
But observation like spontaneous discharge of electroscope were observed as
early as 1785 by coloumb, we are pretty sure some other unnamed scientist
must have also observed it.
First it seems like discharge of electroscope has no connection with cosmic ray,
but those discharge were suppose to happen due to faulty insulation in
electroscope. Later careful study discard this reason.
It were observed that at low air pressure in electroscope discharge rate
decrease. This suggest that discharge has something to do with air. Discharge
seems to increase when some source of radioactivity was around electroscope.
They figure out that air can conduct when ionize. And radioactivity an ionize
air. They thought all source of radioactivity is from earth only. They were not
wrong, after all they were in 19th century, and at that time it was not a good
idea to think of some devlish type radiation coming from sky (hell) and that to
without any solid proof.
Discharge of electroscope were used as a way to measure radiation (radio
As 20th century a lot of scientist around world started taking reading from
electroscope at different height in different condition. We wont talk about all,
that would be boring. But most of them concluded that source of radiation
wass on earth. Reason for this was very less sensitive of electroscope, but i like
to think that this result were because of church, radiation from sky(hell) or
may some king dont like the idea.
In early 20th century new instruments come in picture like cloud chamber and
after some year our favourite Geiger counter the game. if some of you are

thinking that these were instruments for measuring blood sugar then you are
wrong. They were instrument for measuring radiation.
For your information we dont catch each particle of radiation and count them.
But we measure their effect on material like ionization of air, etc. These
instrument also do that only.
now lets come to real deal
Wulf was a german physicst, in his one of paris visit he took
measurement at ground and top effile tower. Data were not that
good so no coclusion.
Pacini was a Italian scientist, in 1912, he took some measurement at
different height using ballon, he also took reading under water by
submersing instrument in water. From his reading he suggested that
radiation has some contribution from extra terrestrial origin. They
were coming from space.
In 1912 hess also took reading at different height and concluded
same as pacini.
You people remember world war 1 , that also affect work on cosmic
Milikan took measurement in 1925 and concluded radiation has local
origin i.e on earth. However in 1926 after further measurement he
reversed his conclusion and concluded radiation has extra terrestrial
Pacini died in 1934.
In 1936 hess got nobel prize for discovery of cosmic ray.
Rossi discover that radiation from west were greater than radiation
from east.
Anderson discover positron in cosmic ray.
Some particle were discovered in cosmic ray.
It is still a hot topic.

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