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8. X : Get up, please.

Y : In a minute, Mom. Im still sleepy.
Y : Come on. Have a shower right now., or youll be late for school.
Where does the dialogue take place?
A. How the office C. In the class
B. At home D. In the library
9. Dony : .. do you fishing?
Deni : Once a week.
A. How far C. How often
B. How long D. How many
10. Lidya : What a lovely purse !
Anne : Thank you. I.. it myself
Lidya : Did you ?
Anne : Yes, I did
A. Make C. am making
B. Made D. was making
11. Mr. Wilman : Mr Enoch, do you mind having dinner at my house this evening?
Mr. Enoch : That sounds good.
Mr. Wilman : Are you sure?
Mr. Enoch :
A. Im positive
B. Fine, go ahead
C. Im afraid I cant
D. No. I cant
Part 2
Direction : In this part of the test, you will hear several questions or statements
spoken in English. The questions will be spoken two times. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakeras say. You have to choose the best s=response to each question of

Now listen to a sample question :

You will hear :
Woman : Well, Im very glad to have you with me. By the way, my names Lucy
Liu. How do you do?
Man : ..
You will also hear
12. A. The governments policy
B.The high standard.
C. The education standard in Indonesia.
D. The controversy over the National
E. The high School students.
13. A. Astri supports the governments
14. plant.
B.Wahyudi doesnt object to the
governments place.
C. There have been pro and contra opinions about the governments plan.
15. A. The difference between spider and insect.
B.The description of spiders.
C. how spiders breed.
D. The living space of spiders
E. How spiders live
16. A. To amuse and entertain the readers
17. with problematic events. tell the readers what really
happened in the past.
C. to present the information about the
current issue.
D. to explain how spiders catch the victims

E. To describe the spider

18. A. At a government abency.
B.On a personal phone.
C. At a recording studio.
D. On intercom.
E. At the radio station.
This is the end of the listening section
Read the following text to answer question No. 16-20!
The State Manager
Brace-Cooper Plastics
GPO Box 4001
Brisbane 2001
Dear Sir/Madam
I am applying for the position of assistant storeman/woman advertised in the
Courier of January 1994.
I have had wide experience in this kind of work over number of years. And I have
completed training in computerized stock control. I believe that my clerical
accuracy, knowledge and experience in stock control and handling system,
public contact, and piping and plumbing material make me very suitable for the
position. Copies of my resume and references are attached. I am available for an
interview at your convenience.
Yours faithfully,
Bill Davis.
19. What the position does the write want?
A. Sales Clerk
B. State Manager
C. Assistant Store man
D. Assistant State Manager
E. Interviewer
20. What might the State Manager do ?
A. Give an interfiew

B. Advertise the vacancy

C. Employ him as a truck driver
D. Copy his resume and references
E. Train the applicant
21. I am applying for the position of assistant storeman/woman advertised in the
Courier of January 1994. Position means
A. Interviewer D. Place
B. Letter E. Job
C. Company
22. I am available for an interview at your convenience. The underlined word
A. Satisfied with D. Good at
B. Proud of E. ready to have
C. Afraid to have
23. Bill Davis is..
A. A manager D. an employer
B. A student E. a Director
C. An applicant
Read the following text to answer question No. 21-25!
Before the telescope was invented, astronomy consisted largely of measuring
and predicting the position of stars and planets observed by naked eyes.
In 1209 a revolution began when Galileo Galilei used a telescope to reveal
mountain on the moon, Jupiters moon and countless stars in the Milky Way,
Despite these amazing discoveries, however, for the next 250 years astronomy
was predominantly devoted to measuring position and cataloguing.
Almost 150 years ago, the first identification of chemical element in the Sun was
made using a spectrograph, whichseparates sunlight into its component colors.
This marked the start of our ability to deduce the composition of the stars. The
science of astrophysics was born.
24. The purpose of the text is?

A. To entertain the readers

B. To tell about unusual event
C. To tell about the revolution in astronomy
D. To persuadethe readers to explore space
E. To inform the readers
25. What type of the text is it ?
A. Spoof D. anecdote
B. Recount E. description
C. explanation
26. what part of the text is the last paragraph?
A. orientation D. re-orientation
B. event 3 E. resolution
C. event4
27. in 1609 a revolution began when Galileo Galilei used a telescope to reveal
mountain on the moon, Jupiters moon and countless stars in the Milky Way.
The underlined word has the same meaning with..
A. recover D. discover
B. control E. publish
C. invent
28. Almost 150 years ago, the first identification of chemical element in the Sun
was made using a spectroghraph, which separates sunlight into its component
The underlined word has the same meaning with..
A. Take apart D. takes off
B. Puts together E. get off
C. Put on
Read the pollowing text to answer question No. 26-30!
The worst-hit flood area in the country this rainy season has been Central java,
where 20 people had been killed and ten thousand evacuated.

The public works ministry estimated that it will need 14 billion rupiahs (US $6.7
million), to reconstruct the bridges in Kali Kuto and Kali Desa, Central Java and to
repair a number of roads in the province. Another 10.36 of roads in the province.
Another 10.36 billion rupiah is needed to repair irrigation facilities.
The minister of public work, Radinal mochtar, has instructed that repairs or
damaged roads and bridges be completed before Idul Fitri holiday at the end of
Radinal said he ordered the state-owned construction company, PT Adi Karya, to
begin the reconstruction immediately. He said he chose the firm because it is
now working on project in the area and has experience in handlng similar kinds
of repairs. The company rebuilt both the Kali comal Bridge, which has been
damaged by floods three years ago, and the Kali Kuto Bridge, which has been
destroyed by floods two years ago.
29. Whch of the following statement is TRUE according to the test?
a. Only 20 people died could be evacuated.
b. 20 people died because of the desease
c. 20 people died because of the flood in Central Java
d. Ten thousand of people died because of the flood
e. The flood took place in Jakarta
30. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?
A. PT. Adi Karya rebuilt three bridges
B. Kali KUto bridge was built two years ago
C. Kali Comal bridge was rebuilt three years ago
D. PT. Adi Karya was chosen to rebuilt Kali Kuto and Kali Comal
E. Radinal Mochtar was the director of PT. Adi Karya
31. The minister of Public work, RadinalMochtar, has instructed that repairs of
damaged roads and bridges be completed before Idul Fitri holiday at the end of
The underlined word has the same meaning with
A. Concluded D. proceed
B. Planted E. distributed
C. Finished
32. Radinal said he ordered the state owned construction company, PT Adi
Karya, to begin the reconstruction immediately

The underlined word has the same meaning with

A. Customarily D. very much
B. Suddenly E. very soon
C. Little by little
33. The company rebuilt booth the Kali Comal Bridge, which has been damaged
by floods three years ago, and the Kali Kuto Bridge, shich has been destroyed by
floods two years ago.
The underlined word refers to
A. Proved D. damaged
B. Improved E. identified
C. Gouped
Read the following text to answer question No. 31-38!
A man at the bank where I am a teller presented a check made out to his wife.
I told him I couldnt cash the check with out his wifes identification. He pleaded,
saying that his wife was in the hospital. My supervison said that cashing the
check was unequivocally against the bank policy. When I relayed the information
the man acceptedthe decision and left.
Later that day he returned and handed in an instant photo of a woman in a
hospital bed with a physician standing beside her. Next was a birth of certificate
with foot print. Under that was a note from the obstetrician saying, This is Mrs.
Smith: and I am Doctor Jones, please cash the ladys check.
I was impressed with what the man did. Eventually, we cashed his check.
34. The purpose of the text is ?
A. To tell the reader about the past event
B. To share an unusual experience with the readers
C. To amuse the readers
D. To explain the readers about past event
E. To persuade the readers.
35. The type of the text is ?
A. Recount D. report
B. Narrative E. anecdote

C. Explanation
36. Where is the story take place ?
A. In the hospital
B. In the writers house
C. at the bank
D. in the hall
E. In the mans house
37. My supervisor said that cashing the check was unequivocally against the
bank policy. Cashing the check means ?
A. Opening the bank account
B. Drawing money
C. Saving money
D. Borrowing money
E. Lending money
38. Which is true according to the text?
A. The man was a teller
B. The man accepted the reason the teller told him
C. Agree to do some thing
D. Express a surprise
E. Ask for an apology
39. When did the man come back to the bank?
A. The next day
B. The same day
C. The day after that day
D. After two days
E. Never came back
40. What part of text is the last paragraph?
A. Reaction D. spoof
B. Crisis E. finally

C. Consequently
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. C
17. D
18. B
19. A
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. A
24. B
25. A
26. B
27. B
28. C
29. D
30. A
31. A
32. C
33. A
34. D

35. D
36. B
37. C
38. B
39. A
40. B

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