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James Tomsik

COMM 2110-002
Proposal Assignment
In everyday conversations, I have incorrect assumptions and predisposed
thoughts about people.
I have a very big ego. Because of that, I go into conversations with people
assuming incorrect things about them or the subject at hand. When people
talk, I cut them off and say something else that disrupts the conversation.
By the end of the semester, I will try to lower an already big ego that I have.
Or to not let it ruin conversations and relationships with people. I plan to
read and fully understand 2 theories to help me understand and progress my
relationships with people. Along with these, I will use the knowledge given to
me during the 9/23/16 lecture to understand that not only are negative
assumptions bad, but it can hurt relationships as well. Adding on to this, I will
use the knowledge that I learned from worksheet 2 that was done in class to
work on attitudinal problems that I cause.
1) I will read and understand the implicit personality theory (Beebe,
Beebe, Redmond, 2014, p. 75) to not assume general assumptions
about conversations that are happening.
2) Using and applying the impression formation theory (Beebe, Beebe,
Redmond, 2014, p. 75), I will terminate any negative assumption about
conversations or any person.
3) Using the worksheet that was done in class, I will look at all ways to
help with attitudinal problems. Things such as not assuming, thinking
things clearly, and asking for clarification.
I have already begun working and implementing these steps into my life.
Step 3 is currently where I am at and there has been a positive reaction so
far. People have already told me that my conversations have already started
to become better
Works Cited
Beebe, Beebe, & Redmond. (2014). Interpersonal Communication: Relating to
Others. Boston: Pearson Education / Allyn & Bacon.

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