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Name :Chong Chuey Miin,Sri,Chitra,,Angeline,Choo.

Date :15-1-2014
Forum : (Rising school bus fares)


: Good morning to everyone. Welcome to the social

Network, Thriving as a community of practice, a fully free forum for public.My

name is Angeline, I am secretary at EWFR Origination, and our topic for
today was raising of school bus fares.Welcome to our, Honourable candidates
and thank you for accepting our invitation. It is a great pleasure for me to
introduce to all of you. I would like to introduce the members of the
moderating team session.On my right,she was a headmistress Sri Letchumy,
from SMK Raja Melewar,Banting.She will talk and share with us the main
reason of increasing bus fare and the consequence. On my far right, Mrs.
Chong Chuey Miin representative of parents she will talk about the effects of
raising of bus fare.On my left,Miss.Chitra devi, she is a Caunselor from
Univeristy Putra Malaysia give some alternative ways to overcome this
upcoming problems. And last but not least on my far left miss , Choo Ying Jie
as Politician from Sungai Siput ,Perak to share the opinion about this issues.

: I would like to welcome the presenter, to deliver the

presentation. Miss Sri Letchumy,can you explain detail about raising the bus

As a headmistress, when the fares of school bus

raising, most of the students and parents suffering. Most of them are mostly
from low- and middle-income families.Those families cannot burden it. Instead
of that, it will make some effects and problems. For examples, some of the
students cant attend to school and extra curriculum activities because the bus
owner asked for extra charges. due to school administration face many
problems.Such as, students presents and involvement decreasing. Moreover,
students education will spoil, because they cant attend to school on time and
they were missing important lesson. In future, they cannot score good mark
on their examination.


I totally agree with the headmistresss opinion. The

Peninsular Malaysia Bus Drivers Association (PPBSM) is adamant that it will

impose a surcharge of up to 40% on school bus fares. That means I need to
fork out between 20 and 30 per cent more for school bus and van fares
starting from February.
The rise in school bus fares has forced many parents to send their children to
school themselves. My sons school is only 10km from our house and it is
ridiculous to charge that much. I cannot afford it so maybe I will be sending
my son to school myself. That is exactly wasting my time!
Currently, I used to pay RM55 a month for each child. However, we have been
told the fares will go up. I was shocked to hear that some school bus
operators were charging as much as RM50 a month. In my opinion, even if
the transport is comfortable, why must I pay more? That is daylight robbery. I
have three children so I have to spend RM300 a month on my three childrens
school transport. As long as the service is reliable, I dont mind paying. But
sometimes the bus operator was raised the price ridiculously.

Furthermore, even if there is a 10 cent increase in petrol, how much

difference does it make to the school bus fares? Most of them increase their
fares because they know that some of the parents who are unable to send
their children to school themselves have no choice but to pay. I am not
against the fare increase but should not be excessive. I hope the government
can always think for Malaysians!


Dont get emotional Mrs.Chong. Every problem a solution. As a

counsellor, my point of view is government should take a good action which

not only benefit the children but also all the people whom involve in this case.
The best way to be taken by government is provide school bus for the children
who less fortunate at the lower cost or for free. In this case, parents whom
busy with their daily work usually send their children to school by bus without
think about the money. Not only parents feel satisfied with this way but also

the bus drivers will satisfied with this way but also the bus drivers will satisfied
if the government pay them and provide the full facilities for bus, such as fix
gas ( NGV ) and send to service frequently.
Beside that, parents also need to be responsible on their children
whom can effort to pay money for the school bus not to send them to
government provided bus but send to private school bus. Because as a
human been need to think about the people whom less fortunate who cant
effort to pay their children.
Caunsellor: Dont get emotional Mrs.Chong. Every problem a solution. As a
counsellor, my point of view is government should take a good action which
not only benefit the children but also all the people whom involve in this case.
The best way to be taken by government is provide school bus for the children
who less fortunate at the lower cost or for free. In this case, parents whom
busy with their daily work usually send their children to school by bus without
think about the money. Not only parents feel satisfied with this way but also
the bus drivers will satisfied with this way but also the bus drivers will satisfied
if the government pay them and provide the full facilities for bus, such as fix
gas ( NGV ) and send to service frequently.
Beside that, parents also need to be responsible on their children
whom can effort to pay money for the school bus not to send them to
government provided bus but send to private school bus.Because as a human
been need to think about the people whom less fortunate who cant effort to
pay their children.

: Finally, we come to the end part of our presentation. Now, Id

like to close this forum by thanking all of the candidates for their participation
in our democratic process. Hopefully the presentation will be beneficial for

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