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By Stuart Semple

Using your thoughts to change your world is surprisingly easy and in this short document
I will share with you my top 77 tips!
You can read them all in one go, or perhaps use the book daily to provide a thought for
your day.
I hope that you enjoy them and that some of them will help you greatly.
Please feel free to share this with your family and friends or offer it for download on your
website, use it in any way you want.
All I ask is that you keep this intact and help me spread the word
(click here to give this book to your family / friends)
Stuart Semple
p.s. if you want to learn some specific exercises that will teach you how to use your
thoughts to completely change your world please visit my website:
p.p.s 77 thoughts to change your life, is available to download, free of charge from:

1. Become aware of your "background thoughts" when you

wake up in the morning and are getting ready for the day. If
they are negative, such as "I'm not looking forward to..."
change them to something positive!

2. Make your house into your own home - even if you are
just renting a place, add as many touches as you need to
make it a happy and comfortable place.

3. Be proud of what you have! It's important to dream and

believe that you can have all the things that you want, but
don't forget to enjoy all the things that you've already

4. Dont let your age change the way you act. You are as
old as you feel - and if you feel old, change the way you

5. If you feel like nothing is happening in your life, give

yourself something something to look forward to every day.
A reason to jump out of bed in the morning, even
something small, like a little treat.

6. Do something you love for a job. "Money will come

when you are doing the right thing."

7. What would you like people to say about you after you
die? What kind of person would you like them to say you
were? What did you do? Work towards these things so they
really will say them!

8.Businesses make a mission statement - make your own

mission statement saying how you want to live, what is
important to you, who you'd like to be and what you'd like
to contribute and accomplish.

9. Explore all the different sides of your personality and

don't get stuck thinking that you are just one thing - you are
not just a hard worker, you happen to be a wild dancer too!
You are not just a mum, you're a great conversationalist.

10. Dont accept everything at face value - question


11. Find a way to help someone else every day. This helps
you as well as them - it makes you feel happy to help and

12. Find the positive side to every situation. This sounds

easy to say, but I guarantee that everything has an
advantage if you think hard enough.

13. Spend time with Mother Nature. Wherever you live,

there is almost certainly somewhere green to escape to once
a week. Recharge your batteries.

14. Choose one negative trait that you'd like to overcome,

for example negativity. If you think that's just a part of your
personality and you can't overcome it, try this: just
PRETEND that you are a positive, upbeat person for a
week. See what happens...

15. Put some genuine fun and childish joy and creativity
back into your life. Visit a toyshop and try out the new stuff,
make sandcastles, finger-paint...

16. Stop and notice all the wonderful things around you.
Look again at the things you've looked at a hundred times,
admire the ways that things are designed, the texture of a
bunch of flowers.

17. Create your own destiny - life might be guided by fate

or by the stars but how do you know that fate doesn't want
you to make the first move?

18. Give yourself a little bit of attention. Let things be quiet

sometimes and just think, or think about nothing. Go for a
walk, or lie in bed an extra half an hour at the weekend.
Give your mind a break!

19. Dont spend a lot of time worrying about things. Spend

the time thinking more positively, because the bad things
might never happen, and if they do, you will be stronger,
calmer, and better able to deal with them.

20. Dont let failure defeat you! As they say, try, try, and
try something different. That way, you will achieve your
goals where countless others didn't because they already
gave up.

21. To get on in life, slow down a bit! Let peace, calm and
clarity enter you, and pull you forward.

22. Life can be horrible, frustrating and depressing, or it

can be amazing, funny and fun. You choose!

23. Let the everyday annoying things pass you by. Ignore
the rain, ignore the long queue, and smile at that person
who just jostled you in the street.

24. They say choose your friends wisely, and this is true.
However, there are some people you just can't avoid seeing,
although you'd rather not. When this happens, remember
that you can learn something from everyone, so it need not
be a negative experience.

25. Never "kill time". Don't "keep yourself busy". Spend

that time doing something useful or uplifting.

26. Start today! Whatever it is, no more excuses!

27. Dont try to dismiss negative thoughts. Concentrating

on them will only make them worse. Instead, crowd them
out with creative, happy ones!

28. Run down the street for no reason. Put some music on
loud and play air guitar. Dance around in a ridiculous way.
Phone someone up and be cheerful.

29. Give someone else an unexpected treat.

30. Believe in yourself and what you are doing totally. If

people offer criticism, listen, because it can be helpful, but
don't let it shake your inner belief that what you are doing
is right, you can achieve anything you want to.

31. be generous in your appreciation and praise of other's

achievements. Don't feel even a teeny bit jealous, this will
poison your own efforts to achieve.

32. Always see the big picture, but be aware of the finer
details too.

33. Give yourself satisfaction by stretching yourself. Do

something difficult and the sense of achievement will be

34. Stop waiting for things to get better, or easier, more

comfortable or more convenient. Go with what you have
here and now.

35. Stop talking about what you are going to do, and put
your energy into actually doing it! People get tired of
hearing you but they will be far more impressed when they
see for themselves what you have achieved.

36. Dont believe the people who tell you "It can't be done".
It can be done - it might take commitment, energy, and
time, but if you want do it, it can be done.

37. Dont pass up the best possibilities just because they

have a cost. Do what it takes to pay that cost, to bear that
burden, to reach for the best and never settle for less.

38. Do you really want the things you think you want? Will
you really never be happy until you have them? Let go of
your trivial and frivolous wants and needs and shallow
desires - you'll somehow find that you don't miss them.

39. Smiling will make you happy.

40. You might not be where you want to be yet - but look at
how much closer you are to it than when you were born!
How much have you learned already? How much more is
still to come every day!

41. Whatever limits you might come up against, let your

spirit soar above them, and you will find a solution.

42. What kind of person do you want to be? More decisive,

calmer, stronger, happier? Spend a week just pretending to
be that person. How would they react to a situation? What
would they do now? By the end of the week the pretense
will be close to becoming reality.

43."If I had more confidence, I would go for that job/join

that group/speak to that person". Stop wishing and waiting
for the confidence, and just do the thing. Confidence will
follow on.

44. Theres always something you can do toward your goal

or your plan. If you can't do this bit, jump ahead and do this
bit. If you can't make a great step, make a small one. Or a
tiny one. But don't stop, don't lose the momentum or you
will lose sight of the goal.

45. If you feel that nothing good is really happening, that

nothing good has ever happened, sit down with a pen and
paper and list five good things that have happened in your
life. Remember how good they made you feel? There's
more like that to come - go out and make it happen!

46. Got some things that you want to do but don't have time?
Don't ever let that stop you. Get up a bit earlier, cut down
on your hours watching TV, save time elsewhere by being
more efficient...

47. If you know that you want to add some things to your
life but never seem to get around to them make a timetable.
It might seem a bit un-spontaneous and, well, anal, but it's a
good way to get things done. Make it as loose or as
structured as you like, make it cover all day or just a few
hours on a Saturday.

48. be slow to take offense and quick to offer

encouragement. Find pleasure not in the misery of others,
but rather in making a positive, meaningful difference for
those around you.

49. What you give out you will receive back threefold. The
more help, love, material things and value to give out, the
more will come flowing back to you.

50. Whatever you believe will become true. If you believe

"I never have enough money" "I always struggle to pay the
rent", then it will always be a struggle to pay the rent. If
you believe, "I am comfortable and can afford the things I
need," it will happen.

51. If someone seems in a bad mood with you, or says

something to upset you, instead of getting upset, stop and
think about why they did it. Maybe they had a bad day.
Maybe they weren't thinking. Probably they didn't mean it.
Don't say something nasty back, wrong-foot them by
saying something nice!

52. Live as if you might die tomorrow.

53. Never be bored! Make a list, now, of all the things that
interest you. Even things that used to interest you when you
were a kid and you forgot about it. Even silly or obscure
things. Next time you're bored, pick up the list and start!

54. Stop blaming other people for your situation in life. "If
only my boss was less nasty, I'd have more enthusiasm for
work! If only my boyfriend was less selfish I could get
more done!" You could wait a lifetime for them to change,
or you could just override the problem and get on with your

55. Dont just accept a character flaw in yourself as the way

you are, change it! Just be aware when you are gossiping,
being lazy etc and stop!

56. Just because your sister is brilliant at sports and you

were always better at maths, just because your partner is a
professional chef and you are a car salesman, doesn't mean
you shouldn't take up sports or cookery. Maybe you won't
be as good as them, or maybe you'll be better! You should
try either way, if you think you'll enjoy it.

57. Disrupt your everyday routine. Sleep on the other side

of the bed tonight, get up early tomorrow and go for a walk,
if you always have a shower have a bath, spend an hour in a
cafe after work reading a book. Do something different!

58. You can have almost anything you want, but don't
decide that you want everything, all at once. Select and
prioritise what you want and need, and then direct your
time and energy towards it. It will come.

59. Focus on what you want, but never on what you don't
want. Don't give what you don't want a moment's thought you don't want to attract the wrong thing!

60. Explore new paths

61. If you're feeling tense, stressed, overwhelmed, take a

half hour walk. It will give you a break to think about
things, and make you feel refreshed.

62. Success doesn't come in one huge bound. But if you

keep putting one foot in front of the other, you will get to
the top.

63. Do you feel that something's missing from your life?

Make a list of your dream jobs. Why are they your dream
jobs? Which facets of them do you like? Put those missing
facets into your life!

64. Spring cleans your life! Assess your job, your

relationship, friends, even your house. Anything that
doesn't fit any more? Anything that needs mending?
Cleaning? Changing?

65. Don't take life too seriously. Laughter is clinically

proven to increase creativity, sooth and heal physical
problems - as well as reducing stress!

66. Make a list of "stress busting activities" that work for

you. Like listening to a soothing CD, taking a bath, doing
some stretching exercises or pumping weights. Make sure
to do at least one of them every day, to give yourself a

67. If you're feeling ground down, make a list of the things

that are bothering you. Then, make a list of solutions to the
problems. Could you talk to the work mate who is always
getting at you for example? Actually being aware that these
things are the things that are getting to you helps you to
lessen the stress, because if nothing else, you can choose to
put it aside and feel less bothered by it.

68. If you have a goal you are trying to achieve, do

something towards it every day. Even something small
counts! If you have no specific goal, make one! Give
yourself something to reach towards.

69. Learn or do something new everyday.

70. Stick a photo or other image of your goal on the fridge

to remind yourself of where you are going every day.

71. Today is the day to get out and celebrate all the good
things that you have. Celebrate all the good things that you
are, too. Celebrate being you!

72. its not because material possessions are bad, but

because they're often very good, that it's easy to lose focus.

73. Living for yourself should be as natural as eating or


74. Instead of constantly comparing yourself to others,

focus on improving your own situation.

75. It is never too late to be what you might have been.

76. You deserve, and can have, anything that you truly
want in the world. Don't be embarrassed to dream big

77. Accept success by making the effort instead of making

excuses. Take responsibility instead of expecting someone
else to do it for you. With each word, each thought, each
action, choose to accept success instead of letting it pass
you by.

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