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Self efficacy

Self efficacy is a persons feeling about himself that he can perform any work by utilizing his
abilities or actions. Self efficacy is a form of self confidence .According to the Bandura ( 1995)
self efficacy is the belief is ones capabilities in order to organize and perform courses of action
required to forthcoming situation. He describe these beliefs as determinants of how people think ,
behave , and feel ( Bandura, 1994). Self efficacy affects motivation and determination. Low self
efficacy promotes negative feelings about ones abilities and responsibility for ones own
performance. A high degree of self efficacy promotes the perception that you are responsible for
your own destiny and that you can do what you want to do. Self efficacy is a significant
comoenent in Banduras social cognitive theory , and it has enormous effects on ones effort
,interest , persistence and performance.
Theories of self efficacy
Self efficacy theory states that an individuals judgment of his or her own capability to
successfully accomplish behavior which is required to obtain a desired outcome ( i.e efficacy
expectation) that mediate to engage in the behavior ( Bandura, 1997). Simply knowing what
behavior is required in a situation to achieve a particular outcome is not predictive of behavior in
and of itself; rather,it is the perceived ability to perform the behavior that determine whether or
not an individual will engage in a behavior. Efficacy beliefs, then , serve as an alternative for
determining how individuals will behave in a given situation and for predicting thoughts and
emotions associate with those situation ( Bandura, 1986).
Banduras social cognitive theory offers an approach to child motivation and self regulatory
development. Within the social cognitive theory , research has outlined the prominent role of
efficacy beliefs on regulating these processes as well as overall child development
( Zemmerman, 2006). Individuals are not simply reactive beings shaped by their environment
and inner desires.
Job saticifaction and Work motivation
It is observed that coherent, data-based theory of work motivation and job satisfaction. The present
model combines aspects of the following theories: goal setting, expectancy, social-cognitive, attribution,

job characteristics. The resulting model is called the high performance cycle. It begins with organizational
members being faced with high challenge or difficult results, given that there is: commitment to the goals,
feedback, adequate ability, and low situational constraints. High performance is achieved through four
mechanisms, direction of attention and action, effort, persistence, goals. If high challenge is accompanied
by high expectancy of success or self-efficacy, high performance
and the development of task strategies and plans. High performance, if rewarding, leads to job
satisfaction, which in turn facilitates commitment to the organization and its goals. The model has self

Job specification,Work motivation and self efficacy

The purpose of this study was to explore relations between principals
self-efficacy, , job satisfaction and principals motivationwork. Principal
self-efficacy was measured by a recently developed multidimensional scale
called the Norwegian Principal Self-Efficacy Scale.. Job satisfaction and
work motivationt were measured by two scales developed for the purpose
of this study, respectively. Participant in the study were 1,818 principals
from the population of Norwegian principals. Data was collected by means
of an electronic questionnaire. Two structural equation models were
tested which specified principal self-efficacy as an exogenous variable and
burnout, job satisfaction and motivation to quit as endogenous variables.
The data was analyzed by means of SEM analysis for latent variables using
the AMOS 18 program. Both models had acceptable fit to data. The results
revealed that principal self-efficacy was positively related to job
satisfaction and motivation job satisfaction were negatively related. job
satisfaction was negatively related. The study highlights important
relations between self-efficacy, job satisfaction and motivation and
extends the literature on principal self-efficacy and its relation to other
concepts. The results of the study are discussed together with limitations
and suggestions for further research.

Employee commitment and self efficacy have been explored in combining way. At present era
every organization must focus to satisfy their worker for better performance. So researchers
investigated a lot of researches which explain the importance of organizational commitment.
Similarly a hell of material enlighten organizational commitment and its others predictors but
self efficacy and optimsim is important to me because these variables are interlinked. If
employees are committed then they remain internally happy and try to do any duty efficiently
and their commitment make them more confident and develop e trust on their capabilities to
perform their assigned work. Therefore the current research was designed to explore the
association among self efficacy

General self efficacy

Self efficacy is the belief in ones capabilities in order to organize and perform courses of actions
required to forthcoming situation ( Bandura, 1995).
The scores obtained from the General Self Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995)
will be as self efficacy of participants.
(2). General self efficacy scale ( Schwaerzer & Jerusalem, 1995)
General self efficacy scale ( Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995) was used in order to
measure the sel efficacy level of the participents.Scale is consisted of ten items and it requires 4
minutes on average scoring. Responses are made on a 4 point scale ,Not at all true 1, hardly 2,
moderately true 3 and exactly true 4 .The highest possible scores of this scale are 40 and lowest
possible scores are 10. In order to score the scale all the responses to all 10 items must be
summed uo and final composite score will range from 10 to 40. The higher the scores higher will
be level of self efficacy in the employees.
Its reliability is .80 and its criterion related validity is in numerous correlation studies
where positive coefficients were found with favorable emotions, dispositional, optimism and
satisfaction ( Rimm & Jerusalem, 1999).
General self efficacy scale (GSES)
Please be as honest and accurate as you can throughout. Try not to let your
response to one statement influence your response to other statements. There are
no correct or incorrect answers. Answer according To your own feelings, rather
than how you think most people would answers.

Not at all true

Hardly true

Moderately true

Exactly true

1-I can always manage to solve difficult

problems if I try hard enough.
2-If someone oppose me , I can find the
means and ways to get what I want.
3-It is easy for me to stick to my aims and
accomplish my goals.
4-I am confident that I could deal
efficiently with unexpected events.
5-Thanks to my resourcefulness, I know
how to handle unforeseen situations.
6-I can solve most problem if I invest the
necessary effort.
7-I can remain calm when facing
difficulties because I can rely on my
coping abilities.
8-When I am confronted with a problem, I
can usually find several solutions.
9-If I am in trouble, I can usually think of
10-I can usually bindle whatever comes
my way.

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