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1 purpose
To determine the stability of its price index to determine the level of deposition
rusty formations caused by water
3.2 tools and materials
Tools: - 500 ml beakers
- Measuring cup 100 ml
- Measuring cup 25 ml
- Measuring cup 10 ml
- Chemical Glass 250 ml
- Pumpkin erlenmeyer
- Pipette drops
- Ph meter
- Stative
- Funnel
- Burette
- Rod stirrer
- Water formation
- Distilled
- Metyl orange
- Phenolptaline
- K2cro4
- AgNO3
- H2SO4
3.3 way of working
A. ph determination.
1. using a ph meter ph can directly determine the price of the sample
2. electrolyte measuring devices, calibration tools before used in a way: a bottle
filled with a buffer solution that has known its price ph. popped the electrodes on
the bottle containing buffer solution. rotating the calibration until the price point
digit ph buffer solution.
3. wash bottle and its electrodes before use to test the sample with distilled
water to prevent its happening contamination

B. Determination of Alkalinity
Alkali of an ordinary fluid reported as ion CO3, HCO3, and oh, by mentitrasikan
samples with weak acid solution and indicator solution. pointing solution used in
the determination of wetness CO3 and oh is pp. meytil while orange is used as
an indicator in the determination of HCO3.
- Experimental procedure:
1. take water samples on a glass titration and add as much as 5 cc pp solution 2
2. titrating with a solution of 00:02 h2s04 N while in the rocking. color will
change from pink to clear. record the number of acid solution as vp.

3. drops again with 2 drops meytil orange, the color will change to orange.
4. titrate again with 0:02 h2s04 N to go red. Her recorded many total acid
solution, which is the number of atoms acid (2) + 4 as a vm acid.
C. Determination of total hardness.
1. Standardization of EDTA solution with CaCl2.
a) Weigh carefully + - 0.1470 gram H20 CaCl2 dissolved in distilled water, put
into a 100 ml flask (BM CaCl2 H20 = 146.98)
b) Pipette 10 ml move into erlenmeyer
c) Add 5 ml of buffer solution ph 10
d) Add a few drops of EBT indicator
e) Titration with EDTA solution until the color changes from red to blue right wine.
read titration results
f) Repeat steps 2-5 as many as 5 x
g) Calculate the concentration of EDTA in the normality
Calculation: (M x V) EDTA = (M x V) CaCl2
2. Determination of total Ca 2 + and Mg 2 + (before treatment and after
a) Prepare water samples, check the ph before the sample is put into the flask.
b) Pipette 10 ml sample of water put into the erlenmeyer.
c) Add 5 ml of buffer solution ph = 10
d) Add a few drops of EBT indicator
e) Titration with 0.01 M EDTA solution until the color changes from red to blue
right wine. read titration results
f) Repeat steps 1-4 as many as 2 x
g) Calculate the total content of Ca 2 + and Mg 2 + (total hardness)
- Calculation
1. Determination of total Ca 2 + and Mg 2 + is calculated as cac03
2. 1000 x ml EDTA x M EDTA x BM CACO3 = .... mg
3. CaCO3 / l sample volume
D. Determination of Chloride
1. Taking 20 ml water sample, adding 5 drops k2cro4, the color will become clear
2. Titrating with AgNO3 solution 1 ml = 0.001 g cl until sorrel. record volume
3. If using 0.001 N AgNO3
Levels cl, mg / l = ml liter 1000 / ml water sample
If using 0.01 N AgNO3
Levels cl, mg / L = ml liter 10000 / ml samples of water
E. Determination of sodium
1. convert mg / L to me anion / L and add up his prices.
2. convert mg / L of cations into me / L and add up the price of his
3. levels of sodium (Na), mg / L:
(Anion - cation) x 23

F. Graph analysis of water

The results of the water analysis is often expressed by a graph. we can mark two
kinds of water samples
G. stability index calculation cac03
This Indekstabilitas can plot the number of ions with energy prices up C03 on the
graph that has been provided. when the index positive value means the water
samples had formed precipitate symptoms and negative if corrosive.

1. 5 ml of water drops formation +2 pp (in h2s04 titration with 0.02 N)
2. Add 2 drops of orange metyl (in h2s04 titration with 0.02 N)
3. Determination of chloride
The occurrence of sediment at the bottom of flask erlenmeyer when sorrel.

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