Owl Spirit Animal - Owl Totem Meaning

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How To Find Your Spirit Animal

Owl Spirit Animal

By Elena Harris, SpiritAnimal.info Editor

The owl spirit animal is emblematic of a deep

connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. If
you have the owl as totem or power animal, youre
likely to have the ability to see whats usually hidden
to most. When the spirit of this animal guides you, you
can see the true reality, beyond illusion and deceit.
The owl also offers for those who have it a personal
totem the inspiration and guidance necessary to deeply explore the unknown and
the magic of life.

Owl Symbolism
Symbolic meanings for the owl are:
Intuition, ability to see what others do not see
The presence of the owl announces change
Capacity to see beyond deceit and masks
The traditional meaning of the owl spirit animal is the announcer of death, most likely symbolic
like a life transition, change

The owl spirit animal and

to s in e dark

e power

The owl sees in the dark: As a spirit animal, the owl guides you to see
beyond the veil of deception and illusion; it helps see whats kept
hidden. It also symbolizes the ability to cut through illusions and see
the real meaning of someones action or state of mind.
When the owl is one of your power animals, you have a strong
intuition and can access information and wisdom thats usually hidden
to most. The spirit of this animal encourages you to look beyond
deceiving appearances into the true reality of a situation or a persons

Owl Totem Quotes

Dont count your owls
before they are
Albus Dumbledore in
Harry Potter
A wise old owl sat on an
oak; The more he saw
the less he spoke; The
less he spoke the more
he heard; Why arent we
like that wise old bird?

The owl is a strong spirit guide for discernment and making decision
based solid foundations. Call on the owl totem when you have to
assess a situation or are going through confusing times.
Want to get to know the owl better? The best way to do this is by reading our 27-page Owl Guide
Ebook. Click here to buy the Owl Guide.

The unknown and

e owl power animal

If you have an owl as a totem or spirit animal, you probably like to explore the unknown. The

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When the owl shows up in your life, listen and look out for the subtle signs that are around you. Your
animal spirit guide is a great helper to be attentive to what usually goes below your radar, but is now
of particular importance.
The owl is also a guide to uncover your hidden potential and abilities. Check whether you need to
reveal more of your intuitive nature.
Night time is particularly auspicious for your creativity, so take the time to focus your creative energy

Owl spirit animals as messengers of change

Owl spirit animals are symbolic of death in many traditions. In most cases however, it should not be
taken literally: If the owl is associated with death, it can be viewed a symbolic death, meaning a
transition in life, important changes that are taking place or about to happen.
When the owl shows up in your life, pay attention to the winds of change. Perhaps you are about to
leave some old habits, a situation that no longer serve you or bring something new in your life.
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breakthrough kit.

Dream interpretation of

e owl

When you dream about an owl, your spirit animal may be contacting you to warn you about a danger
or threat hat you need to pay attention to. It can bring a wise insight about important matters that you
should not ignore.
When an owl appears in a dream, it could also mean that the intuitive part of you is calling for
attention: Pay attention and listen to the subtle signs in your life, to what is important, but not
necessarily obviously so.
The owl could also be a animal spirit guide offering you insight about a moment of transition. Since
this totem animal is often associated with death, when an owl shows up in a dream, it could mean
that you are receiving guidance regarding personal transformation, change.
In many dream interpretations, the owl can represent a deceased friend or family member who
comes back in the dream in the shape of a spirit animal.

The owl spirit animal & superstition

Birds, especially birds of the night, are often associated with departed souls. The owl is no
exception. In some popular believes, they are considered as bad omen signifying the imminent death
of a close relative or someone important. Romans even believed that an owl hooting from the top of
a public building announces the death of an important public figure. It could also represent the spirit of
a deceased family of close friend.
The night owl was the animal associated with the Lord of Death in the Aztec tradition. Theres a
similar meaning for the Celts who associated the owls spirit with an animal announcing death,
especially if it flies into someones window while a sick person is inside the house. It was viewed as
the spirit animal that would carry the souls of the departed to the underworld.

O er traditional meanings f

e owl spirit animal

In Indian American traditions, the owl is called the Night Eagle. The owl totem has a special
connection with the night and the moon, while the eagle is connected to the sun.
The owl is associated with witchcraft in a number of European and some American Indian traditions.

In Greek mythology, the Goddess Athena, goddess of the wisdom and war, was represented as an
owl. It is said that the Romans believed that someone would reveal all their secrets during their sleep
if an owl feather was placed near their pillow. What is the owl spirit animal revealing about your
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Want to get to know

e owl better?

The best way to do this is by reading our 27-page Owl Guide Ebook. Click here to buy the Owl

Is The Owl Your Spirit Animal?

Find out now with the new Spirit Animal Quiz. This free online quiz will help you find your spirit
animal the easy way.

Post your ideas and comments about the owl spirit animal by using the comments section below.

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934 Responses to Owl Spirit Animal


November 7, 2016

I have had a hooting owl now for several years behind my bedroom. I believe all creatures have their place on earth and have a purpose
with that being said and raised in a spiritual / religious way have a myth that hooting owl is a bad omen. For the last several years having
going thru several adversities in my personal life and this hooting owl at nite disturbs me not sure how to overcome this. Any valuable
suggestions would be helpful.


November 10, 2016

Hi Tkumar. I wish I had a hooting owl behind my bedroom! I am wondering if you change your perception of the hooting owl from bad
omen to positive sign and think positive thoughts about your owl, you might be able to turn your life around. Owls, like all living things
come from God so I find it difficult to understand that God would send us something that brings bad things. This owl is possibly wanting
your attention, maybe to ask it for help. I would go outside and make friends if it was mine

ying yang

November 4, 2016

my spirit animal is the owl, the owl showed up in my dream about one week ago, and i thought it was just a weird dream, but when i went
here and did my spirit animal test, it was a owl!

ying yang

November 4, 2016

oh and, now sometimes it entes my dream ( couple of times) and i love it


Creative Films

November 3, 2016

Just before sleeping into that etheric zone. I had a vision of an owls face with the most blackest silkiest eyes it blinks a couple of times, I
almost thought it was an ET or was it? And the day before I bought a owl figure in a Halloween sale and later that night whilst cycling home
had a wonderful experience with an owl flying alongside me I kept up as I was cycling fast it was a lovely moment thats 3 times owl has
been made present to me and I now embrace what owl has to show me. Im thinking of a major life change in moving abroad.


October 19, 2016

I was waking on the morning of the Harvest moon and saw clealy an Owl slowly flapping its wings ,I was in awe watching , I have just done
the totem animal and guess what it came up Owl.Since this happened I feel different a bit uneasy ..can anyone explain what this is all about


October 15, 2016

I always found owls intriguing and a bit creepy lol. But lately I always see them in paintings pictures tv n now spiders to recently I moved n
this house I keep seeing black widows wth is up Im irritated cuz I know somethin is up but havent figured out who n what to keep away. I
think its more then 1 person its many. But only 4 recently get to my damn nerves with their bs.


October 9, 2016

Last night I had a dream where I was laying in bed but in a place I never been before,it was a nice room. And an owl was in the window seal
we made long eye contact and the dream I guess ended. Tonight I stepped out back of my house and there is a big pine tree that hangs over
the roof I can certainly hear 2 owls hooting. Im not her superstitious usually but this has me pretty freaked out. What could this possibly


October 10, 2016

Basically, a negative outlook may take you on one, and staying positive the other. Might not be so easy to stay positive either, thats
why he visited. Hopefully that helps.


October 10, 2016

My other comment was kind of vague, so if you have any questions just ask. Id gladly share my experience and how I came to
believe in this. I say that because I wish I had this info when the owl crossed my path one day (not night) for the first time. Like you, I
was not superstitious lol but superstition has a negative connotation. Its a sign, not an omen. But just like a gift can be a curse, if a
sign is believed to be a omen, it just might become one.


November 10, 2016

Rj was the bed in a bedroom or other room? A bedroom in a dream could be significant of things you keep private. Perhaps this could
be a clue?

Episode 812: Our Theory on Ahsoka Tano's Fate - Star Wars 7x7

September 22, 2016

[] Meanings/interpretations Owl First Nations Museum Whats Your Sign Spirit Animal Info []


September 22, 2016

An owl took my ball hat from my hed while running this morning. He sat 10 feet away in a tree above me. Looking at me. He flew away with
my hat.


October 29, 2016

haha oh no you must be pissed. i guess he/she really liked your hat


November 10, 2016

That owl was definitely trying to get your attention!



September 13, 2016

Ive always known that my spirit animal is an owl. Its the way I survived all these harsh years. This painful reality. The way I overcame all
the odds in my path. The way I stepped back from this madness to clear my head and find a way to navigate through this matrix.


September 10, 2016

Its kinda creepy when I think about this. In my life I had something major and life changing happen to me but I wont get into it, the thing is,
before that, I had a major liking towards birds specifically Birds of Prey and Owls Maybe those owls were a hint of what was going to
happen next. Due to that incident, Im more secretive.
It also said something about being awake in the night and thats accurate because Im currently up at 1AM or so.



September 7, 2016

I had always loved owls since at the very beginning Something about them makes me like them so much than all of the other birds. And i
guess this is the reason, i actually have a special connection to it Now you could just sit there,laughing, but hear me out! I really do feel a
special connection. The description is very close to my personality, i love exploring and finding things ive never heard of, and the fact that i
almost know whats hidden like little details or anything for that matter proves that my spirit animal is an owl. And lets get real here,Kay? I
dont know about you but I just LOVE arts and crafts! Like literally, I could just relax and do nothing the whole day but NOPE! I cant really
help myself when it comes to anything with art in it So yeah, guess that might be my reason why the owl is really my spirit animal.

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