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Mohammad Solaiman
Mohammad Tayub Chowdhury

ntrepreneurship development is a precondition for the sustained

economic development of a country (Enke 1978: 538). It
produced the forces of change and also used them and eventually
became the human generator that accelerated the pace of development
throughout the world (Rahman 1985:78). Over the last several years,
some developing countries recorded spectacular growth and success
of small entrepreneurs (Chowdhury 1988: 1). It is true that a congenial
environment is indispensable to create and develop effective
entrepreneurs in the country (Chowdhury 1992: 211) 1. The poor
economy of Bangladesh can hardly afford entrepreneurship development
other than in small-scale ventures. In fact, a balance development of
the economy is largely contingent upon small- scale enterprises for a
good many reasons, viz., huge unemployment, technological
backwardness, poor infrastructural frame-work and scarcity of capital
etc. (Rahman 1993: 67).
Entrepreneurship Defined
Entrepreneurship is essentially creative in nature. It is a matter of
exploration and initiation of new things, new way of doing things, new
methods of production, new use and new market for products or
services. But scholars have explained entrepreneurship much above
this general definition. Entrepreneurship, according to Schumpeter, is
essentially a creative activity, the entrepreneur being an innovator
introduces something new into the economy, a method of production
not yet tested by experience in the branch of manufacture, a product
with which consumers are not familiar, a new source of raw material or
new market hitherto unexplored and other similar innovations


(Schumpeter 1955: 51-52). Federick Harbison states that the

organisation building ability is the most critical skill needed for the
industrial development. According to him, entrepreneurship means the
skill to build an organison (Harbison 1956: 364). However,
entrepreneurship is commonly understood as an act of drive, initiative,
organised effort and achievement-oriented outlook to perform specific
function for undertaking productive activities and the capacity to bear
associated risk and uncertainty (Rahman 1985: 105). Obviously,
entrepreneurs are keystones in a private enterprise system. They are
man of drive, ability, ambition and technical knowledge. They are man
of drive, ability, ambition and technical knowledge. They emerge in the
society by virtue of their personality characteristics with necessary
support from the socio-economic environment of the country.
Rationale of the Study
Bangladesh is one of the most populous countries of the world.
Within a small territorial area of 55,598 square miles a population of
the size of about 13 crores live, majority of them, are illiterate, poor,
unemployed and suffer from malnutrition. Among the various factors
contributing to malnutrition, it appears that lack of animal protein is
the important one. But live stock products such as meat (including
poultry), milk and eggs contribute about one-sixth of the calories and
one third of the protein in the per capita food supplies in the world
(Sarma and Young 1985: 12). Again, the economy of Bangladesh is
primarily agrarian in which agriculture contributes about one third
per cent of G.D.P. (2000-01:7) and poultry is one of the most important
items in this sector. Thus, by providing employment opportunities,
poultry farms help in reducing unemployment, under-employment and
disguised unemployment on one hand and it may play a positive role in
solving the problem of malnutrition by supplying meats, eggs etc. in
our country on the other. Again, the Government of Bangladesh for
sometimes back has been giving emphasis on balanced food habits
and concentration on nutritious food. In the latter context, poultry
farming has received increased attention of the Government and the
people of our country is found keeping poultry as domestic birds.
Further, there is an ample scope for the development of poultry farming
to boost up its production such as meats, eggs etc. both for home market
consumption and exporting abroad.
Economic development and self-reliance for the people have been
an important issue in the political and economic arena of the country.


Again, the entrepreneurial spirit/initiative is very much present among

the people of Bangladesh (Rahman 1978:4). So the issue of the
entrepreneurship development of Bangladesh in the context of poultry
farming needs to be carefully analysed.
This paper is orgainsed as follows: Section-2 sets the objective of
the paper and Section-3 explains the methodology, Section-4 presents
the potentialities, problems and relevant issues of entrepreneurship
development with special reference to poultry farming and finally, in
Section-5, a line of policy actions has been offered for the
entrepreneurship development among the people of the country.
The main objective of this study is to pin-point the favourable socioeconomic factors and relevant issues for entrepreneurship development
with particular reference to poultry farming. In the light of this main
objective and the research problem cited above, the specific objectives
of the study have been earmarked as follows:

To bring to focus socio-economic background of sample



To examine the potentialities of entrepreneurship

development with reference to sample poultry farms.

(iii) To identify the problems faced by sample entrepreneurs.

(iv) To suggest probable lines of action to overcome these
The present study was confined to the Chittagong district. The reason
for selecting Chittagong was based on the consideration that it will
fully represent the picture of a district and be homogeneous in terms of
socio-economic environment.
The main feature of the present study is the extensive use of primary
data relevant to socio-economic factors by the sample entrepreneurs of
poultry farms. In order to get the requisite primary data, a structured
questionnaire was prepared in the light of the objectives of the study. A
pilot survey was conducted before the finalisation of the questionnaire
and expert opinion was also solicited in the finalisation of the same.


The sizes of sample entrepreneurs were limited to 50. The technique

of purposive sampling was used to select the respondents.
The size of poultry farms is 1350 in the study area. Out of these, 50
farms were chosen for study purpose on purposive sampling basis.
The main reasons for limiting the study to 50 farms of Chittagong were
easy access of the researchers to the sample farms, time and financial
constraints at the disposal of the researchers. Requisite data and
information were collected through direct interview method by the
researchers personally. It may be mentioned that the data and
information of this paper were collected during the period from January
2002 to March 2002.
The relevant and supporting secondary data were collected through
desk study in order to present the fact in a logical format. The desk
study covered textbooks, research articles, research monographs and
various published & unpublished materials on the subject.
The data and information, thus collected were processed and
analyzed in order to make the study more attractive, useful and
informative to the readers. Various statistical tools namely averages
and percentages were used in the study. Factors indicating growth of
entrepreneurs with reference to weighted scores rated poultry farmers.
Seven points bi-polar scale systems were used in measuring opinion of
the sample respondents.
The analyses of findings are made under the following main captions
keeping in mind the objectives of the study.
Socio-Economic Background of Sample Respondents
Existing literature reveals that there is a relationship between socioeconomic background and entrepreneurship development. The trading
and industrial activities call for certain values (Kennedy 1962): 11-12)
viz., acquisitive rationality, financial rationality and rationality of work
etc. These can be acquired by systematic efforts. But, in a socio-economic
inheritance process some benefits, resources and privileges are passed
on from the father and other family members to the next generations.
Entrepreneurship just can not be considered an individual phenomenon
and strictly intrinsic to the personality involved (Deshpande 1982:130).
As such, in order to measure the socio-economic background of the


sample entrepreneurs, the main indicators such as age, education,

annual income, family size and occupation have been considered more
relevant to the purpose of the study.
Age at the Time of Starting Their Farms
Age plays an important role in the development process of
entrepreneurship. It has been gathered that analysing the socioeconomic characteristics by age groups is an effective tool in judging
the personality of an entrepreneur in entry stage of a venture. The
collected data in this regard have been shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Age of sample Entrepreneurs at the time of starting their farms
Age (in years)
Below 20

Number of sample

Frequency in



marshalling resources for small ventures like poultry farming in

building his career, on the other.
The formal education has always been considered an important
asset of an individual in building his occupational career (Lipset & Bendix
1959: 197). Further, education may eradicate inferiority complex and
provide social ladder for occupational mobility (Chowdhury 1988: 9).
However, a minimum level of education seems to be needed to evaluate
the opportunity structure and attain the skill to exploit the available
opportunity. The collected data in this regard have been shown in
Table 2.
Table 2
Table showing Education of sample Entrepreneurs

21 25


26 30



31 35



Less than S.S.C.

36 40


40 45

45 and above

Number of sample

Frequency in


S.S. C.




H. S. C.




Graduate Post-graduate




Technical & others




[Source: Field Survey]

Table- 1 portrays that the sample entrepreneurs had an average

(modal) age of 31.91 years at the time of starting their farms. Out of the
50 respondents, 38 (76%) established their farms up to 35 years of
their age and only 24% of the total sample entrepreneurs established
their farms after reaching 36th year of their ages. The scenario is also
the same for Indian and Korean entrepreneurs (Sharma et. al. 1979:
226). It is also argued that this is the age when men can exert his
talent, skill on one hand and seems to be motivated to contribute towards
innovation, risk taking, acquisition of managerial capabilities and in

[Source: Field Survey]

Table-2 reveals that the education level of sample entrepreneurs

ranges from 38% in the H.S.C. category, followed by 30% respondents
having educational background at S.S.C. level. Again, it has been shown
that 16%, 10% and 6% of the sample entrepreneurs have educational
background Less than S.S.C., being followed by graduate and post
graduate, technical and others respectively. However, it has been
gathered that 86% of the Malaysian entrepreneurs have some formal
education although the percentage of higher education is not high.
Again, most Nigerian entrepreneurs are primary school leavers and



Hong Kong entrepreneurs have lower level of academic achievement

and Chinese generally thinks business as a substitute for education
(Lim 1979). But, the formal education is expected to increase the supply
of entrepreneurs by making available more skill, which is necessary to
entrepreneurial endeavors (Ralph 1969: 84).
Annual Income
Income may be conceived as a motivating factor, which induces a
man to play a positive role in sharpening his career and skill. Moreover,
the income level is one of the significant ingredients of financial
incentives and thereby, ultimately affects development processes of
entrepreneurship. Against this background, the monthly income of
sample entrepreneurs have revealed in Table- 3.
Table 3
Table showing sample Entrepreneurs According to Income Level
Income Group
(In Taka.)

Number of sample

Frequency in

Below 2,000


2001 5,000


5001 6,000



6001 9,000



9001 10,000


10,001 13,000


13,001 and above





[Source: Field Survey]

Table- 3 shows that out of 50 sample entrepreneurs interviewed,

30% have monthly income between Taka 6001-9000, followed by 20%
with income distribution of Taka 5001-6000 and by 16% with income
between Taka 9001-10000. It further portrays that the sample
entrepreneurs numbering 7 (14%), 5 (10%), 3 (6%) and 2 (4%) fall with
in the income groups of Taka 2001-5000, 10,001-13,000 below 2000



and 13001 & above respectively. It is also true that economic gains are
always conceived as a means to or as an indicator of social status. This
observation elucidates the faith on money power to gain status in the
society (Siet 1974: 27).
Family Size
This factor has definite bearing on level of savings and investment
and therefore on the emergence and development of entrepreneurs.
The small family size of Hong Kong entrepreneurs has enabled them to
carry on business with own savings. This has perhaps encouraged
greater amount of profit recycled for expansion and growth (Sit 1979).
In such a context, the survey results have been shown in Table 4.
Table 4
Distribution of Sample Entrepreneurs According to Family size
Family size

Number of sample

Frequency in

Up to 2
7- 8
9 and above






[Source: Field Survey]

Table 4 reveals that out of 50 respondents, 21 (42%) have family

size between 5 6, followed by 15 (30%) with family size between 3 4
and by 7 (14%) with family size between 7- 8. The table further shows
that the sample entrepreneurs numbering 5 (10%) and 2 (4%) fall within
the family size of up to 2, on one hand, and 9 & above on the other. It
is, thus, asserted that the larger family size of sample entrepreneurs
perhaps causes lower rate of savings and investment, which, in turn,
may lead to adverse impact on the flourishment of entrepreneurship.
Occupational Mobility of Sample Entrepreneurs
The occupational mobility in a society, where an individual has
greater freedom of choice, is mainly determined by factors like



motivation, efforts of an individual and opportunities available.

Moreover, it is argued that the socio-economic position of the father, as
indicated by his occupation, helps the entrepreneurs financially in
building their occupational career as entrepreneurs (Deshpande 1984:
109-134). In such a context, the collected data in this regard have
been shown in Table 5.
Table 5
Distribution of Sample Entrepreneurs According to
Parental Occupation
Parental Occupation

Number of sample

Frequency in















[Source: Field Survey]

Table-5 portrays that the occupational mobility of 27 (54%) sample

entrepreneurs out of a total of 50 have been business, followed by 9
(18%) with service. It has been further revealed that 7 (14%), 4 (8%)
and 3 (6%) of the sample respondents pointed out service in office,
farming and labour as their parental occupation. Moreover, the parental
occupation is an enabling factor since the bundles of skill, experience
and training necessary to sense, view, evaluate and exploit given
opportunity can be obtained from parental circle free of cost, easily,
quickly and without undergoing exploitative apprenticeship system
(Chowdhury 1988: 6). It has been gathered that 84% of Indian, 79% of
Hong Kong and 84.5% of Malaysian entrepreneurs originate from
non-farm parental occupation background. It is found that relevant
parental occupation counts for success in entrepreneurship (Ouh 1978).



Potentialities of Entrepreneurship Development

The link between entrepreneurship and economic development is
important for any country. The determinants of entrepreneurship
development are based on the socio-economic conditions of a country.
However, Foreign scholars who have studied the socio-economic and
cultural setting of Bangladesh appear to think that Bangladesh has
youths with potentiality to be developed as entrepreneurs (Habibullah
1985: 49). A.F.A. Hossain fined that the entrepreneurs in Bangladesh
possess sufficient intelligence and smartness to take advantage of
available business opportunities (Hossain 1963). Study of Abdullah
Farouk shows the same result (Farouk 1983: 79). These are indicative
of the potentialities of entrepreneurship that can be developed. In such
a context, the collected data in this regard have been revealed in
Table 6
Factors Indicating Potentiality of Entrepreneurship Development

EntrepreneursRanking of Weighted
No. 1

No. 2



No. 3

To be self-employed




To earn more money




To gain social status















To use abundant
material & cheap
human resources
To choose poultry
farming as a carreer

[Source : Field Survey]

[Note: The ranking factor indicates 3, 2 and 1 points respectively.

The overall ranking have been made on the basis of the percentage of
total weighted scores for each facilitating factor.]



Table 6 reveals the major factors as opined by sample

entrepreneurs regarding potentiality of entrepreneurship development.
It shows that more than 32% respondents regard self employment as
a significant factor. It occupies the highest position in the overall ranking.
Again, 33 of them ranked it first, 9 ranked second and 5 of the sample
respondents ranked it third. The table further reveals that the factors
of potentiality ranges from use of abundant material & cheap human
resources having 12.98% at the lowest, ranked at fifth, to earning more
money with 21.82% at the second highest, i.e., ranked at second
position. It is further observed that 9 sample respondents ranked it as
factor number one, 21 as factor number two and 6 as the third potential
factor. It is also revealed that the other factors of potentiality are gaining
social status and choosing poultry farming as a career and in terms of
rating are 17.68% and 12.98% respectively. From the above facts it
can be inferred that the potentiality of entrepreneurship development
in the study areas of sample respondents is of very high degree.
Package Programme for Entrepreneurship Development:
Its Adequacy
In order to build up a stout and healthy nation, food-rich in protein
is essential. The quantity of protein us food of the country can be
augmented by raising poultry in a large scale. The Government of
Bangladesh appears to have recognized the problem and thus the first
Five Year Plan emphasized on poultry farming (First Five Year Plan
1973-78: 127). The Second Five Year Plan also went further for district
level poultry farm (Second Five Year Plan 1980-1985: 26). The Third
Five Year Plan emphasized poultry as a source of generation of
employment and allocated Taka 28.70 crores for poultry breeding (Third
Five Year Plan 1985-1990): 192). The Fourth Five Year Plan emphasized
on credit support relevant for the growth & development of poultry
farms in the country (Fourth Five Year Plan 1990-1995). These credit
facilities are being channelised through Bangladesh Krishi Bank,
nationalized commercial banks, Grameen Bank and Rural Development
Board. At present the Fifth Five Year Plan also emphasized on poultry
farming for generation of employment and income for the landless,
unemployed youth and destitute women.
Entrepreneurship development involves the development of the
entrepreneur himself, the human factor, and also creation of an
environment where entrepreneurial activities can flourish. Moreover, it



depends on multiple factors, which may be offered in an integrated

package programme. This type of programme includes:
(i) Stimulatory activities,
(ii) Supportive activities and
(iii) Sustaining activities (Sharma 1979: 107).
How do the sample entrepreneurs look at such a programme? How
far such a package programme is adequate? These pertinent questions
require attention. Recognizing the need for knowing the attitude of the
entrepreneurship development, relevant information has been collected
from the sample entrepreneurs. Table 7 reveals the opinions expressed
by the sample respondents regarding the factors of adequacy and efficacy
in the area concerned have been processed through 7 points bi-polar
scale system. In this scale, + 3 indicates full satisfaction, + 2 medium
satisfaction and + 1 least satisfaction and, on the contrary, - 3 indicates
complete dissatisfaction, - 2 moderate dissatisfaction and 1 least
Table 7
Opinions of the Sample Entrepreneurs Regarding Adequacy and
Efficacy of Package Assistance for Entrepreneurship Development
Stimulatory activities:
Techno-economic information is available
Motivational training for entrepreneurship
is purposeful
Entrepreneurial education is adequate
Publicity for entrepreneurial opportunities is
Guidance serves the desired purpose
Supportive activities:
Availability of land, water etc.
Management consultancy is effective
Provision for tax relief is adequate
Arrangement of fund is adequate
Guidance of Govt. agencies is significant
Sustaining activities:
Marketing facilities are adequate
Quality control process is effective
Full capacity utilization is ensured
Consultancy services is regular
Modernisation, diversification & expansion
programme is purposeful
[Source: Field Survey.]

Average Score Remarks

















Table-7 portrays that the average score for all the 15 sub-variables
taken together is 1.63. The range of score is from 1.5 to 2.0. It is
indicative of the inadequacy and inefficiency of the integrated package
assistance measures for entrepreneurship development in selected areas
of sample farms. It is observed that some components of the
programmed, viz., publicity for entrepreneurial opportunities, availability
of land water etc. indicate significance, which indicates adequacy and
Problems of Sample Entrepreneurs
Many problems engulf the processes of entrepreneurship
development among the sample entrepreneurs of study areas in selected
farms. Based on empirical data a number of problems has been identified
which are revealed in Table- 8 in order of magnitude.
Table 8
Opinions of the Sample Entrepreneurs Regarding Problems of
Entrepreneurship Development

Frequency in percentage

Instability of Govt. policy in the issue



Lack of adequate financial support


Absence of entrepreneurial courses in the

curriculum of educational organization


Ineffective motivational programmes


Lack of effective training programmes


Absence of effective management information

system (MIS)


Lack of research on entrepreneurship problem


[Source: Field Survey]

Table 8 portrays that instability of Govt. policy and lack of adequate

financial support are two most important problems in the process of
entrepreneurship development. Absence of entrepreneurship courses
in the curriculum of educational institutions affect the entrepreneurship
development adversely which ultimately frustrate the sample



entrepreneurs in taking right decision in right time like shifting to new

production technology or expanding new venture. Motivational
programmes offered by Government and other development agencies
like UNDP, IDA do not reportedly cover the prospective entrepreneurs.
Scope of training to develop skill is far from satisfactory. It appears
from the observation that MIS and research on entrepreneurship
problems are absent in study areas. Thus, it has been found that the
sample entrepreneurs are deprived of receiving right information in
right time and their attitude towards integrated package programme
do not corroborate in the formulation of programmes of
entrepreneurship development of the country.
Policy Implications
Although the present study was confined to some selected poultry
farms, it may be appropriate to state briefly the policy implications
arising from the findings of the study. In this context, the following
policy actions may be considered worthwhile.
Courses on Entrepreneurship may be Introduced in the
Curricula of Educational Institutions
Courses on entrepreneurship may be introduced in the curricula of
Secondary and Higher Secondary Education in Bangladesh so that
school/college dropouts are exposed to possibilities of independent
economic status. Further, the youngsters, on completion of school/
college education may emerge as a job- creator instead of job seekers.
In Bangladesh, profitable investment avenues are available in various
fields like poultry farming involving simple technology, small capital
and low gestation period.
Availability of Credit Facilities
Adequate institutional credit facilities may make available to sample
poultry farmers so that they do not fall prey to moneylenders. Further,
red-tapism of the bank officials need to be simplified, so that prospective
entrepreneurs can avail themselves of credit facilities offered by
concerned agencies.
Arrangement of Training Facilities
Training to entrepreneurs has become and essential factor at this
moment. For better assessment of training needs, training of
entrepreneurs is most essential. It is also necessary to train the trainers



of entrepreneurs (Shaid 1985: 77). Further, local resources, technology

and existing stock of problems may be considered in designing training
courses for entrepreneurs like poultry farmers. In this context,
educational institutions, professional bodies can also cooperate and
Integrated Package Assistance
Integrated package assistance, viz., stimulatory, supportive and
sustaining services may be offered by the governmental and promotional
agencies to the sample entrepreneurs in order to develop
entrepreneurship in study areas. For this purpose, clear-cut policy
decisions may be advocated.
Motivation to Research on Entrepreneurship
Government and other funding agencies like CIDA, USAID, ADB
and others may motivate research works by concerned parties on
relevant aspects of entrepreneurship development which, in turn, may
lead to solve the problems of entrepreneurship development of the
In conclusion, it may be opined that the study area has growth
potentials of entrepreneurship in various sectors like poultry farming.
Therefore integrated package programme may be launched for solving
existing problems there to. Thus, the concerned agencies may take
appropriate policy action for entrepreneurship development in various
sectors like poultry farming in the study area as well as in Bangladesh



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