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Alterations in Normal Rhythm

Identification and Management

conventional: < 60 beats/min

of Common Cardiac More useful: < 50 beats/min
Arrhythmias Tachycardia
Supraventricular Tachycardias conventional > 100 beats/min
More useful: > 90 beats/min

Rates Rates
Bradyarrhythmias Tachyarrhythmias
Sinus Bradycardia Supraventricular
Sick Sinus Syndrome Originate from foci above or within the atrioventricular
AV Nodal Blockade Main players in outpatient setting
First Degree All the favorites
Second Degree AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (SVT)
Mobitz I Atrial flutter
Mobitz II Atrial fibrillation
Third Degree
Complete Heart Block

Location Bradyarrhythmias
Supraventricular Arrhythmias Sinus Bradycardia
Originate from foci above or within the atrioventricular node
Ventricular Arrhythmias
Sinus rhythm with a resting heart rate of 60
Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia
beats/minute or less
Sustained ventricular tachycardia Few patients actually become symptomatic until
Stable their heart rate drops to less than 50 beats/minute
Know the neighborhood
Do no harm Pathophysiology of sinus bradycardia is dependent
Unstable upon the underlying cause
Ventricular fibrillation Commonly, sinus bradycardia is an incidental
Never a stable rhythm finding in otherwise healthy individuals,
Immediate ACLS

particularly in young adults or sleeping patients

Bradyarrhythmias Bradyarrhythmias
Sinus Bradycardia History:
Sinus bradycardia is most often asymptomatic.
Other causes of sinus bradycardia are related to However, symptoms may include the following:
increased vagal tone. Syncope
Physiologic causes of increased vagal tone include the Dizziness
bradycardia seen in athletes. Lightheadedness
Pathologic causes include: Chest pain
Inferior wall myocardial infarction Shortness of breath
Toxic or environmental exposure
Electrolyte disorders
Pertinent elements of the history include the following:
Infection Previous cardiac history (eg, myocardial infarction,
congestive heart failure, valvular failure)
Sleep apnea
Drug effects
Toxic exposures
Hypothyroidism Prior illnesses

Increased intracranial pressure.

Bradyarrhythmias Bradyarrhythmias
Physical: Causes:
One of the most common pathologic causes of
Cardiac auscultation and palpation of peripheral symptomatic sinus bradycardia is the sick sinus
pulses reveal a slow, regular heart rate. syndrome.
The physical examination is generally nonspecific, The most common medications responsible include

although it may reveal the following signs: therapeutic and supratherapeutic doses of:
digitalis glycosides
Decreased level of consciousness
Cyanosis calcium channel-
channel-blocking agents.
Peripheral edema Other cardiac drugs less commonly implicated
Pulmonary vascular congestion include class I antiarrhythmic agents and
Poor perfusion


Bradyarrhythmias Bradyarrhythmias
A broad variety of other drugs and toxins have been
reported to cause bradycardia, including lithium,
paclitaxel, toluene,
toluene, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO),
topical ophthalmic acetylcholine, fentanyl,
alfentanil, sufentanil, reserpine,
reserpine, and clonidine.
Sinus bradycardia may also be seen in hypothermia,
hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism and sleep apnea. apnea.
Less commonly, the sinus node may be affected as a
result of diphtheria, rheumatic fever, or viral

Bradyarrhythmias Bradyarrhythmias
Lab Studies: Imaging Studies:
Laboratory studies may be helpful if the cause of
Routine imaging studies are rarely of
the bradycardia is thought to be related to
electrolytes, drug, or toxins. value in the absence of specific
Reasonable screening studies, especially if the indications.
patient is symptomatic and this is the initial Other Tests:
presentation, include the following:
Electrolytes 12-
12-lead ECG may be performed to
Glucose confirm the diagnosis.
Thyroid function tests
Toxicologic screen

Bradyarrhythmias AV Block
No treatment required
Atrioventricular Block
Symptomatic Not truly part of the bradyarrhythmias, but usually
Treatment aimed at restoring normal sinus rate slow.
Specific to etiology of bradycardia Varying degrees
If patient is on rate controlling medications-
medications-stop Think of them as burnsthe higher the degree, the
them. worse they are.
If patient is hypokalemic-
hypokalemic-replace it.
If the patient is hypothyroid-
hypothyroid-replace it (you get
the idea)
Permanent pacemaker if the patient has continued
symptoms with no improvement from intervention or
with no identifiable cause.

AV Block AV Block
First-degree heart block, or first-
atrioventricular (AV) block First-
First-degree heart block, or first-
Definition: atrioventricular (AV) block
Prolongation of the PR interval on the ECG to more
than 200 msec. Frequency:
Pathophysiology: The prevalence of first-
first-degree AV block among young adults
Every atrial impulse is transmitted to the ventricles,
ranges from 0.65-
Higher prevalence is reported in studies of trained athletes
resulting in a regular ventricular rate.
(8.7%) and medical students (8%).
Can arise from delays in the conduction system in the
It is more common among African Americans compared with
AV node itself (most common), the His- His-Purkinje Caucasian populations.
system, or a combination of both. The prevalence of first-
first-degree AV block increases with
advancing age.

AV Block AV Block
First-degree heart block, or first-
first-degree Second-
Second-degree heart block, or second-
atrioventricular (AV) block degree atrioventricular (AV) block
In and of itself, first-
first-degree AV block is a benign
condition, with no associated increase in morbidity or Refers to a disorder of the cardiac conduction system in
mortality. which some atrial impulses are not conducted to the
Treatment ventricles.
If underlying condition suspected (drug overdose, acute
MI, myocarditis, etc) treat that condition. Electrocardiographically, some P waves are not followed
No treatment indicated if asymptomatic. by a QRS complex
composed of 2 types: Mobitz I or Wenckebach block,
and Mobitz II.

AV Block AV Block
Second-degree heart block, or second-
second- Second-
Second-degree heart block, or second-
degree atrioventricular (AV) block degree atrioventricular (AV) block

Mobitz I second-
second-degree AV block Mobitz II second-
second-degree AV block
Characterized by a progressive prolongation of the PR Characterized by an unexpected nonconducted atrial
interval, which results in a progressive shortening of the R-
R- impulse. Thus, the PR and R-
R-R intervals between
R interval. Ultimately, the atrial impulse fails to conduct, a conducted beats are constant.
QRS complex is not generated, and there is no ventricular

AV Block AV Block
Pathophysiology: Mortality/Morbidity:
Mobitz type I block Mobitz type I second-
second-degree AV block localized to
the AV node
Caused by conduction delay in the AV
Not associated with any increased risk of morbidity or
node in 72% of patients and by conduction death, in the absence of organic heart disease.
delay in the His-
His-Purkinje system in the No risk of progression to a type II second-
second-degree block
remaining 28%. or complete heart block exists.
When a Mobitz type I block occurs during an acute
Mobitz type II block myocardial infarction, mortality is increased.
Conduction delay occurs infranodally. The Mobitz type II block
QRS complex is likely to be wide, except Carries a risk of progressing to complete heart block
in patients where the delay is localized to Is associated with an increased risk of mortality.
the bundle of His.

AV Block AV Block
History: Physical:
Mobitz I (Wenckebach) block
Patients often have a regularly irregular
Most patients are asymptomatic.

Patients may experience light-

light-headedness, dizziness, or
syncope, but these symptoms are uncommon. Bradycardia may be present.
Patients may have chest pain if the heart block is related to
myocarditis or ischemia. Symptomatic patients may have signs
Patients may have a history of structural heart disease. of hypoperfusion, including
Mobitz II block hypotension.
Unlike Mobitz I block, patients with type II block are more
likely to experience light-
light-headedness, dizziness, or syncope,
although they may be asymptomatic as well.
Patients may have chest pain if the heart block is related to
myocarditis or ischemia.

AV Block AV Block
Mobitz I block Lab Studies:
can occur in individuals with high vagal tone, such as Serum electrolytes, calcium, and magnesium levels should
athletes or young children. be checked.
can occur in infants and young children with structural A digoxin level should be obtained for patients on digoxin.
heart disease (eg, tetralogy of Fallot) and in individuals Cardiac enzymes tests are indicated for any patient with
of any age following valvular surgery (especially mitral suspected myocardial ischemia.
Myocarditis-related laboratory studies (eg, Lyme titers,
Other causes of type I block include myocardial
HIV serologies, enterovirus polymerase chain reaction
infarction (especially inferior wall), and drug induced [PCR], adenovirus PCR, Chagas titers), if clinically
(including beta-
beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, relevant.
amiodarone, digoxin, and possibly pentamidine).
Imaging Studies:
Mobitz II block
Routine imaging studies are not required.
most commonly is caused by an acute myocardial
infarction (anterior or inferior). Follow-
Follow-up ECGs and cardiac monitoring are appropriate.
Drug-induced etiologies can also occur.

AV Block AV Block
Complete heart block, also referred to as Mortality/Morbidity:
third-degree heart block, or third-
third-degree Frequently hemodynamically unstable
The patient may experience syncope, cardiovascular collapse, or death.
atrioventricular (AV) block

Disorder of the cardiac conduction system where there is no conduction

conduction History:
through the AV node. Complete heart block has a wide range of clinical presentations; most
Complete disassociation of the atrial and ventricular activity exists.
exists. patients are symptomatic.
Ventricular escape mechanism can occur anywhere from the AV node Patients occasionally are asymptomatic or have only minimal
to the bundle-
bundle-branch Purkinje system. symptoms related to hypoperfusion. In these situations, symptoms
It is important to realize, however, that not all patients with AV include the following:
dissociation have complete heart block. Fatigue
For example, patients with accelerated junctional rhythms have AV AV Dizziness
dissociation, but not complete heart block, if the escape rate is
is Impaired exercise tolerance
faster than the intrinsic sinus rate.
Chest pain
Electrocardiographically, complete heart block is represented by QRS
complexes being conducted at their own rate and totally independent
independent of
the P waves.

AV Block AV Block
Because an acute myocardial infarction is one cause Notable for bradycardia, which can be quite severe.
of complete heart block, patients who concurrently Signs of congestive heart failure as a result of decreased cardiac
experience an MI can have associated symptoms from output may be present and include the following:
Tachypnea or respiratory distress
the MI, including chest pain, dyspnea, nausea or
vomiting, and diaphoresis. Jugular venous distention
Patients who have a history of cardiac disease may be Patients may have signs of hypoperfusion, including the following:
Altered mental status
on medications that affect the conduction system
through the AV node, including the following: Lethargy
Beta-blockers In patients with concomitant myocardial ischemia or infarction,
Calcium channel blockers corresponding signs may be evident on examination:
Signs of anxiety such as agitation or unease
Digitalis cardioglycosides Diaphoresis
Pale or pasty complexion

AV Block AV Block
Acquired complete heart block
Causes: Can develop from isolated, single-
single-agent overdose, or often from
Can be either congenital or acquired. combined or iatrogenic coadministration of AV-
AV-nodal, beta-
adrenergic, and calcium channel blocking agents.
Congenital form Drugs or toxins associated with heart block include the following:
Class Ia antiarrhythmics (eg, quinidine, procainamide,
Usually occurs at the level of the AV node disopyramide)
Patients are relatively asymptomatic at rest but Class Ic antiarrhythmics (eg, flecainide, encainide,
later develop symptoms because the fixed heart propafenone)
rate is not able to adjust for exertion. Class II antiarrhythmics (beta-
Class III antiarrhythmics (eg, amiodarone, sotalol, dofetilide,
In the absence of major structural abnormalities, ibutilide)
congenital heart block is often associated with Class IV antiarrhythmics (calcium channel blockers)
maternal antibodies to SS-
SS-A (Ro) and SS-
SS-B (La). Digoxin or other cardiac glycosides

AV Block AV Block
Acquired complete heart block
Infectious causes include the following: Treatment
Cardiomyopathy, eg, Lyme carditis and acute rheumatic fever
For all symptomatic high degree heart block
Metabolic disturbances, eg, severe hyperkalemia
Ischemia ACLS as indicated
MI - Anterior wall MI can be associated with an infranodal AV Identification of etiology based on clinical presentation
block. Complete heart block develops in slightly less than 10% Transcutaneous pacing for unstable patients
of cases of acute inferior MI and often resolves within hours to
a few days. Permanent pacemaker when indicated

Indications for Pacing for Sinus Node
Indications for Pacing for AV Block
Degree Pacemaker necessary Pacemaker Pacemaker not
probably necessary Pacemaker Pacemaker probably Pacemaker not
necessary necessary necessary
Third Symptomatic congenital
complete heart block
Aquired symptomatic complete
heart block Symptomatic bradycardia Symptomatic patients Asymptomatic sinus node
with sinus node dysfunction
Atrial fibrillation with complete
heart block dysfunction with
documented rates of <40
Acquired asymptomatic bpm without a clear-
complete heart block association between
Second Symptomatic type I Asymptomatic Asymptomatic type significant symptoms and
Symptomatic type II type II I at supra-
supra-His (AV the bradycardia
Asymptomatic nodal) block
Symptomatic sinus
type I at intra-
intra-His bradycardia due to long-
or infra-
infra-His levels term drug therapy of a
First Asymptomatic or type and dose for which
symptomatic there is no accepted

Bradycardia Bradycardia
Bradycardia Serious signs or symptoms?
Due to bradycardia?
Slow (absolute bradycardia = rate <60 bpm)
Relatively slow (rate less than expected No Yes
relative to underlying condition or cause)

Type II second-degree AV block

or Intervention sequence
Primary ABCD Survey Third-degree AV block? Atropine 0.5 to 1.0 mg
Assess ABCs Transcutaneous pacing if available
Secure airway noninvasively Dopamine 5 to 20 g/kg per minute
Epinephrine 2 to 10 g/min
Ensure monitor/defibrillator is available
Isoproterenol 2 to 10 g/min
Secondary ABCD Survey
Assess secondary ABCs (invasive airway management needed?)
OxygenIV accessmonitorfluids
No Yes
Vital signs, pulse oximeter, monitor BP
Obtain and review 12-lead ECG
Obtain and review portable chest x-ray
Problem-focused history Prepare for transvenous pacer
If symptoms develop, use transcutaneous
Problem-focused physical examination pacemaker until transvenous pacer placed
Consider causes (differential diagnoses)

Atropine Sulfate Atropine Sulfate

Indications (When & Why?) Dosing (How?)
First drug for symptomatic bradycardia 0.5 to 1.0 mg IV every 3 to 5 minutes as needed
Increases heart rate by blocking the parasympathetic May give via ET tube (2 to 2.5 mg) diluted in 10
nervous system mL of NS
Maximum Dose: 0.04 mg/kg

Bradycardias Bradycardias

Atropine Sulfate Dopamine
Precautions (Watch Out!) Indications (When & Why?)
Use with caution in presence of myocardial Second drug for symptomatic bradycardia (after
ischemia and hypoxia atropine)
Increases myocardial oxygen demand Use for hypotension (systolic BP 70 to 100 mm
Seldom effective for: Hg) with S/S of shock
Infranodal (type II) AV block
Third-degree block (Class IIb)

Bradycardias Bradycardias

Dopamine Dopamine
Dosing (How?) Dosing (How?)
IV Infusions (Titrate to Effect) IV Infusions (Titrate to Effect)
Low Dose Renal Dose"
1 to 5 g/kg per minute
400 mg / 250 mL of D5W = 1600 mcg/mL
Moderate Dose Cardiac Dose"
800 mg/ 250 mL of D5W = 3200 mcg/mL 5 to 10 g/kg per minute
High Dose Vasopressor Dose"
10 to 20 g/kg per minute

Bradycardias Bradycardias

Dopamine Epinephrine
Precautions (Watch Out!) Indications (When & Why?)
May use in patients with hypovolemia but only after
volume replacement Symptomatic bradycardia: After atropine,
May cause tachyarrhythmias, excessive vasoconstriction dopamine, and transcutaneous pacing (Class IIb)
DO NOT mix with sodium bicarbonate

Bradycardias Bradycardias

Epinephrine Epinephrine
Dosing (How?) Precautions (Watch Out!)
Profound Bradycardia Raising blood pressure and increasing heart rate
2 to 10 g/min infusion (add 1 mg of 1:1000 to 500 mL may cause myocardial ischemia, angina, and
normal saline; infuse at 1 to 5 mL/min) increased myocardial oxygen demand
Do not mix or give with alkaline solutions

Bradycardias Bradycardias

Isoproterenol Isoproterenol
Indications (When & Why?) Dosing (How?)
Temporary control of bradycardia in heart Infuse at 2 to 10 g/min
transplant patients Titrate to adequate heart rate
Class IIb at low doses for symptomatic
Heart Transplant Patients!

Bradycardias Bradycardias

Isoproterenol Tachyarrhythmias
Ectopic rate nomenclature:
Precautions (Watch Out!)
Increases myocardial oxygen requirements, which [150-250] Paroxysmal tachycardia
may increase myocardial ischemia
DO NOT administer with poison/drug-
shock [250-350] Flutter
Exception: Beta Blocker Poisoning

[350+] Fibrillation


Mechanisms of Arrhythmia Reentry

Abnormal automaticity Most common

automatic impulse generation from unusual site or mechanism
overtakes sinus node
Requires two separate
Triggered activity paths of conduction
secondary depolarization during or after repolarization
Requires an area of
Dig toxicity, Torsades de Pointes
slow conduction
90 % of arrhythmias
unidirectional block

Supraventricular Tachycardias
Regular SVT in adults
90% reentrant 10 % not reentrant
ECG is cornerstone 60% AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT)
The most common type of reentrant supraventricular
Observe zones of transition for clues as to
tachycardia (SVT).
mechanism: Because of the abrupt onset and termination of the reentrant
onset SVT, the nonspecific term paroxysmal SVT has been used to
describe these tachyarrhythmias
termination 30% orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia (ORT)
slowing, AV nodal block 10% Atrial tachycardia
bundle branch block 2 to 5% involve WPW syndrome

AV Nodal Reentrant
Tachycardia Slow pathway
2 pathways within or limited to
perinodal tissue
anterograde conduction
down fast pathway blocks
with conduction down slow
pathway, with retrograde
conduction up fast pathway.
May have very short RP
interval with retrograde P wave
visible as an R in lead V1 or
psuedo-S wave in inferior leads Fast pathway
in 1/3 of cases . No P wave
seen in 2/3

AV Nodal Reentrant
Differential Dx of Regular SVT
Short RP tachycardia Responds to vagal
AV nodal reentrant maneuvers in 1/3 cases
Short RP interval
tachycardia Very responsive to AV
ORT( Orthodromic nodal blocking agents such
reciprocating as beta blockers, Ca-
tachycardia) blockers, adenosine.
atrial tachycardia when Recurrences are the norm on
associated with slow AV medical therapy
nodal conduction Catheter ablation 95%
successful with 1% major
complication rate

Orthodromic Reciprocating
Tachycardia (ORT)
Anterograde over AV node and Amenable to AV nodal
retrograde conduction of an Conduction down Conduction down
blocking agents in
accessory pathway. AVnode AVnode
absence of WPW
RP interval short but longer
syndrome (anterograde
than AVNRT due to required
conduction through ventricle conduction of pathway)
Up Up
prior to conduction up
accessory Amenable to catheter accessory
accessory pathway ablation with 95%
pathway pathway
Frequently presents in patients success and 1% rate
with WPW patients as narrow major complication
complex tachycardia

Differential Dx of Regular SVT Atrial Tachycardia

Long RP interval
Long RP tachycardia Atrial rate between 150 and 250 bpm
Atrial tachycardia

Does not require AV nodal or infranodal
Sinus node reentry
Sinus tachycardia
Atypical AV nodal P wave morphology different than sinus
reentrant tachycardia
P-R interval > 120 msec differentiating from
Permanent form of
junctional reciprocating
junctional tachycardia
tachycardia Origin inferred from P wave morphology.

Atrial tachycardia
P wave upright lead V1 and negative in aVL
consistent with left atrial focus.
P wave negative in V1 and upright in aVL
consistent with right atrial focus.
Adenosine may help with diagnosis if AV block
occurs and continued arrhythmia likely atrial
70-80% will also terminate with adenosine.

Atrial Tachycardia Atrial Tachycardia Therapy

Frequently treated with antiarrhythmics
Most are due to
abnormal automaticity Class 1 agents - procainamide,
procainamide, quinidine,
flecainide may be used in patients without
and have right atrial structural heart disease.
Class III agents - sotalol,
sotalol, amiodarone, dofetilide
May be reentry may be used with caution according to specific
particularly in patients side effects
with previous atriotomy AV Nodal blocking agents for rate control.
scar, such as CABG or
congenital repair patients Catheter ablation effective in 70-

Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus node is still the pacemaker, but the rate is
Alleviate the underlying cause-
cause-anemia, pheo,
accelerated for some physiologic reason: hyperthyroid
Rhythm is regular Could be inappropriate ST-
ST- a type of autonomic
Rate > 100 beats/minute dysfunction with HR consistently above 120
P wave, PR interval, and QRS complex are all normal
Can look like Sinus Node Reentry paroxysmal
and less than 160 BPM; incidence of ~10% of all

Other Long RP tachycardias Tachyarrhythmias
AVNRT occurs in 60% of patients (with a female predominance)
presenting with paroxysmal SVT.
Sinus node reentrant Synd.
Synd. of inappropriate The prevalence of SVT in the general population is likely several
abrupt onset and offset sinus tachycardia cases per thousand persons.
P wave complex same as typical sinus tachycardia
sinus with lowest rate on Holter Mortality/Morbidity:
of 130 bpm AVNRT is usually well tolerated; it often occurs in patients with
Amenable to calcium no structural heart disease.
channel blockers, much Treated with high dose In patients with coronary artery disease, AVNRT may cause
less responsive to beta beta blockers angina or myocardial infarction.
blockers Poor results with catheter Prognosis for patients without heart disease is usually good.

Amenable to catheter ablation

ablation Age: AVNRT may occur in persons of any age. It is common in
young adults.

Tachyarrhythmias Tachyarrhythmias

History: History:
AVNRT is characterized by an abrupt onset and AVNRT may cause or worsen heart failure in patients
termination of episodes. with poor left ventricular function.
Episodes may last from seconds to minutes to days. It may cause angina or myocardial infarction in patients

In the absence of structural heart disease, it is usually

with coronary artery disease.
well tolerated. Syncope may occur in patients with a rapid ventricular

Common symptoms include palpitations, nervousness,

rate or prolonged tachycardia due to poor ventricular
anxiety, lightheadedness, neck and chest discomfort, and filling, decreased cardiac output, hypotension, and
dyspnea. Polyuria can occur after termination of the reduced cerebral circulation. Syncope may also occur
episode (due to the release of atrial natriuretic factor). because of transient asystole when the tachycardia
terminates, owing to tachycardia-
tachycardia-induced depression of
the sinus node.

Tachyarrhythmias Tachyarrhythmias
The heart rate is usually rapid, ranging from 150-
150- Imaging Studies:
250 beats per minute (bpm). It is usually 180-
bpm in adults and, in children, may exceed 250 Echocardiogram - To evaluate for the presence of
bpm. structural heart disease
Hypotension may occur initially or with rapid Electrophysiology study - To induce and map the
ventricular rates and prolonged episodes. reentrant circuit.
Sometimes, initial hypotension evokes a
sympathetic response that increases blood pressure performed if ablation of the reentrant circuit is planned
and may terminate the tachycardia by an increase
in vagal tone.
Signs of left heart failure may develop or worsen
in patients with poor left ventricular function.

Tachyarrhythmias ECG Distinction of VT from SVT with
Other Tests:
ECG or ambulatory monitoring Aberrancy
Evaluation usually reveals a supraventricular origin of QRS
complexes at rates of 150-
150-250 bpm and a regular rhythm.
The QRS complex usually narrows unless a conduction
abnormality is present or is functionally induced from the rapid Favors VT Favors SVT
heart rate. with Aberrancy
P waves are not usually seen because they are buried within the
QRS complex. A pseudo R prime may be seen in V1, or pseudo Duration RBBB: QRS > 0.14 sec. < 0.14 sec.
S waves may be seen in leads II, III, or aVF. The onset is LBBB: QRS > 0.16 sec. < 0.16 sec.
abrupt with an atrial premature complex, which conducts with a
prolonged PR interval. Axis QRS axis -90 to 180 Normal
The PR interval may shorten over the first few beats at onset, or
it may lengthen during last few beats preceding termination of
the tachycardia.
Abrupt termination occurs with a retrograde P wave, sometimes
followed by a brief period of asystole or bradycardia.

ECG Distinction of VT from SVT with Tachyarrhythmias

Favors VT Favors SVT Medical Care:
with Aberrancy Management of an acute attack depends on the symptoms,
the presence of underlying heart disease, and the natural
Morphology Precordial concordance history of previous episodes.
Rest, reassurance, and sedation may terminate the attack.
If LBBB: V1 duration > 30 ms To terminate the tachycardia, try vagal maneuvers (eg,
S wave > 70 ms carotid sinus massage, exposure of the face to ice water,
S wave notched or slurred Valsalva maneuver) before initiating drug treatment. These
V6: qR or QR R wave maneuvers could also be tried after each pharmacological
approach. Vagal maneuvers are unlikely to work and
If RBBB: V1: monophasic R wave should not be tried if hypotension is present. Sometimes,
putting the patient in the Trendelenburg position facilitates
qR termination with a vagal maneuver.
If triphasic, R > R1 R < R1 ACLS algorithm if no response to these measures.
V 6: R < S

Preventive therapy
Needed for frequent, prolonged, or highly
symptomatic episodes that do not terminate
spontaneously or those that cannot be easily
terminated by the patient.
Include long-
long-acting beta-
beta-blockers, calcium channel
blockers, and digitalis.
Radiofrequency catheter ablation
Should be considered in patients with frequent
symptomatic episodes who do not want drug therapy,
who cannot tolerate the drugs, or in whom drug therapy

Atrial flutter
Atrial flutter Pathophysiology:
Relatively common atrial tachyarrhythmia. Multiple re-
re-entrant or primarily generated (ectopic) atrial
waveforms bombard the atrioventricular (AV) node.
After atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter is the most significant
of the atrial tachyarrhythmias. The two forms of atrial flutter are known as type I and type II.
Type I is the most common form
Has traditionally been characterized as a macroreentrant
Also referred to as typical, common, or counter-
arrhythmia with atrial rates between 240- 240-400 beats per
isthmus-dependent atrial flutter and involves a re- re-entrant circuit
minute. that encircles the tricuspid annulus of the right atrium.
Defined by the presence of stable, uniform atrial activation Traditionally been distinguished by a rate of 240-
240-340 beats, and
(flutter waves). the ability to be entrained by atrial pacing
Can impede cardiac output and lead to atrial thrombus Type II atrial flutter
formation, with risk of systemic embolization. Also known as atypical aflutter, is still poorly characterized, but
Commonly includes some form of A- A-V block. may result from an intraatrial reentrant circuit operating at a
faster rate.
Most commonly atrial depolarization is conducted at a
Type II has a rate greater than 340 beats.
2:1 ratio, though it can also be conducted at a 4:1 ratio,
and less commonly at a 3:1 or 5:1 ratio Atrial flutter is associated in patients with heart failure, valvular
disease, COPD, hyperthyroidism, pericarditis, pulmonary
embolism, and a history of open heart surgery.

Atrial flutter Atrial flutter

Atrial flutter affects approximately 88 out of 100,000 new
patients each year. History:
This represents approximately 200,000 patients Symptomatic atrial flutter is typically a manifestation of the
presenting with atrial flutter annually. rapid ventricular rate that decreases cardiac output.
Mortality/Morbidity: Palpitations

Due to complications of rate (ie, syncope, congestive heart Fatigue or poor exercise tolerance
failure [CHF]). The risk of embolic occurrences approaches Mild dyspnea
that of atrial fibrillation.
Men are affected more often than women, with a 2:1 male- Less common symptoms include angina, profound
to-female ratio. dyspnea, or syncope.
Age: Symptomatic embolic events are rare, but must be

The prevalence of atrial flutter increases with age and considered.

varies from 1 case out of 200 persons for people younger
than 60 years, to almost 9 cases out of 100 persons for
people over 80 years.

Atrial flutter Atrial flutter
Pertinent physical findings are limited to cardiovascular system.
Patients at highest risk include those with long-
If embolization has occurred from intermittent AF, findings are
hypertension, valvular heart disease (rheumatic), left
related to brain and/or peripheral vascular involvement. ventricular hypertrophy, coronary artery disease with or
Tachycardia may or may not be present, depending on the degree without depressed left ventricular function, pericarditis,
of AV block associated with the atrial flutter activity. pulmonary embolism, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes.
Cardiac rate, often approximately 150 beats per minute because
Additionally, CHF for any reason is a noted contributor to
this disorder.
of a 2:1 AV block (This is dependent on the atrial firing rate,
which may be influenced by medications as well as intrinsic Additional causes include the following:
cardiac factors.) Postoperative revascularization

Digitalis toxicity
Regular or slightly irregular heartbeat
Rare causes
Hypotension is possible, but normal blood pressure is observed
Myotonic dystrophy in childhood (case report by
more commonly.
Suda K, Matsumura M, Hayashi Y)
Peripheral embolization may occur, if associated with AF.

CHF may be found, usually caused by left ventricle dysfunction.

Atrial flutter Atrial flutter
Imaging Studies: Electrocardiography (ECG)
Chest radiographic findings are usually normal. Transthoracic echocardiogram
Look for radiographic evidence of pulmonary edema in Can be performed to evaluate right and left atrial size, as
subacute cases. well as the size and function of the right and left ventricles,
Obtain thyroid function studies. which assists in diagnosing valvular heart disease, LVH,
and pericardial disease.
Obtain serum electrolyte and digoxin levels if appropriate.
Has low sensitivity for intra-
intra-atrial thrombi, and is the
Obtain CBCs if anemia is suspected or a history of recent or preferred modality for testing atrial flutter.
current blood loss is associated with presenting symptoms. Exercise Testing
Consider obtaining blood gases in patients with hypoxia, or Can be utilized to identify exercise-
exercise-induced atrial
carbon monoxide intoxication. fibrillation and to evaluate ischemic heart disease.
Seek a history of stimulant drug usage (eg, ginseng, cocaine, Holter Monitoring
ephedra, methamphetamine). Can be used to help identify arrhythmias in patients with
non-specific symptoms, identify triggers, and detect
associated atrial arrhythmias.

Atrial flutter Atrial flutter

Treatment: Treatment:
Hemodynamically unstable appropriate ACLS Hemodynamically Stable
Synchronous direct-
direct-current (DC) cardioversion is Slowing the ventricular response with verapamil or
commonly the initial treatment of choice. diltiazem may be the appropriate initial treatment.
Cardioversion often requires low energies (<50 J). Adenosine produces transient AV block and can be used

If the electrical shock results in AF, a second shock at a to reveal flutter waves.
higher energy level is used to restore normal sinus These drugs generally do not convert atrial flutter to
rhythm (NSR). NSR.

Atrial flutter Atrial flutter

Rate control is the goal of medication in atrial flutter or AF.
Treatment Beta-
Beta-adrenergic blockers are especially effective in the
If the flutter cannot be cardioverted, terminated by presence of thyrotoxicosis and increased sympathetic tone.
Antiarrhythmic drugs alone control atrial flutter in only 50-
pacing, or slowed by the drugs mentioned above, 60% of patients.
digoxin can be administered alone or with either a Radiofrequency catheter ablation has been used to interrupt
calcium antagonist or beta-
blocker. the re-
re-entrant circuit in the right atrium and prevent
recurrences of atrial flutter.
IV amiodarone has been shown to slow the Radiofrequency ablation is immediately successful in
ventricular rate and is considered as effective as more than 90% of cases and avoids the long-long-term
toxicity observed with antiarrhythmic drugs.
digoxin. When considering drug therapy for atrial flutter/fibrillation,
remember the treatment caveat "electrical cardioversion is
the preferred modality in the patient whose condition is

Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation
When ventricular rate increases to tachycardic Occurs in 3 distinct clinical circumstances:
levels, a situation of atrial fibrillation with As a primary arrhythmia in the absence of
rapid ventricular response (AF with RVR) identifiable structural heart disease
ensues. As a secondary arrhythmia in the absence of
The incidence of atrial fibrillation increases structural heart disease but in the presence of a
systemic abnormality that predisposes the
significantly with advancing age.
individual to the arrhythmia
AF may increase mortality up to 2- 2-fold, As a secondary arrhythmia associated with cardiac
primarily due to embolic stroke. disease that affects the atria

Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation

Commonly broken down into acute versus chronic The 3 primary ways AF affects hemodynamic
function include the following:
Paroxysmal - Duration less than 7 days, with spontaneous
termination. Loss of atrial kick (synchronized atrial mechanical
Persistent - Duration greater than 7 days and would last activity)
indefinitely unless cardioverted.
Irregularity of ventricular response
Permanent - Duration greater than 7 days, with restoration
to sinus rhythm not possible . Inappropriately rapid heart rate
Lone AF
Used to describe AF in individuals without structural or cardiac or
pulmonary disease, with low risk for thromboembolism.
It has traditionally been applied to patients younger than 60 years.

Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation

Frequency: Rate of ischemic stroke among patients with nonrheumatic AF
averages 5%
Approximately 1% of the total population, Between 2-2-7 times the rate of stroke in patients without AF.
currently have atrial fibrillation. Risk of stroke is not due solely to AF; it increases substantially
in the presence of other cardiovascular disease.
Atrial fibrillation can be considered a disease of Attributable risk of stroke from AF is estimated to be 1.5% for
aging, and with the projected increase in the those aged 50-
50-59 years, and it approaches 30% for those aged 80-80-
89 years.
elderly population, the prevalence is expected to AF complicates acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in 5- 5-10% of
more than double by the year 2050. cases.
Patients who developed new-
new-onset AF during the course of
myocardial infarction (MI) were at higher risk than patients who
presented with chronic AF.
Patients with AMI and AF tend to be older, be less healthy, and
have poorer outcomes during hospitalization and after discharge
than individuals without AF.

Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation
Sex: History: In addition to eliciting symptoms listed below,
history taking of any patient presenting with suspected AF
Incidence is significantly higher in men than in women in should include questions relevant to temporality, precipitating
all age groups. factors (including hydration status, recent infections, alcohol
use), history of pharmacologic or electric interventions and
Age: responses, and presence of heart disease. Occasionally, a
The prevalence of atrial fibrillation increases almost patient may have clear and strong belief about the onset of
exponentially with age. symptoms that may be helpful in determining a course of
AF is uncommon in childhood except after cardiac surgery.
The prevalence of AF among persons younger than 55 years is
0.1%. Fatigue or poor exercise tolerance
The prevalence of AF among persons 60 years or older is 3.8%. Dyspnea
The prevalence of AF among persons 60 years or older is 10%. Chest pain (true angina)
Presyncope or syncope
Generalized weakness

Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation

Causes of atrial fibrillation can be divided into Noncardiovascular causes of atrial fibrillation include the
cardiovascular versus noncardiovascular Hyperthyroidism
causes. Low levels of potassium, magnesium, or calcium
Important cardiovascular causes include the Pheochromocytoma
following: Sympathomimetic drugs, alcohol, electrocution
Long-standing hypertension Noncardiovascular respiratory causes include the following:
Ischemic heart disease Pulmonary embolism

CHF Pneumonia

Lung cancer
Any form of carditis
Idiopathic: Lone AF is idiopathic and defined as the absence of
Cardiomyopathy any known etiologic factors plus normal ventricular function by
Infiltrative heart disease of any type echocardiography. Most patients with lone AF are younger than
65 years, although age is not used to define lone AF.
Sick sinus syndrome

Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation

Imaging Studies: Other Tests:
Chest radiography findings are usually normal. ECG:
Absent P waves, replaced by irregular, chaotic fibrillatory F waves,
Look for radiographic evidence of CHF as well as
in the setting of irregular QRS complexes .
signs of lung or vascular pathology (PE, Other features to be looked for on the ECG include LVH,
pneumonia). preexcitation, bundle-
bundle-branch blocks, acute or prior MI, and
intervals (R-
(R-R, QRS, QT).
Echocardiography may be used to evaluate for Holter monitoring or event monitoring may be considered
valvular heart disease, left and right atrial size, LV for those discharged from the ED (eg, in cases of
size and function, LVH, and pericardial disease. paroxysmal AF not evident upon presentation).
Transthoracic echocardiography has low sensitivity in Exercise testing might also be used in the outpatient setting
detecting LA thrombus, and transesophageal to determine adequacy of rate-
rate-control, to reproduce
echocardiography (TEE) is the required modality in this exercise-
exercise-induced EF, and to exclude ischemic pathology.

Atrial Fibrillation Management of Atrial
Outpatient Therapy
Long-term management of AF has most commonly centered around 1

of 2 strategies: rhythm control versus rate control. Aimed at symptom relief by rate and rhythm
Five significant randomized clinical trials have taken place in the past few control
A review of these studies yielded the following conclusions in regards
regards Aimed at reducing risk of thromboembolism
to rate versus rhythm control:
AFFIRM and RACE both failed to demonstrate a clear benefit with rhythm
by anticoagulation
control strategy.
All 5 studies failed to show any significant difference in all-
Preventing tachycardia mediated
all-cause or
cardiovascular mortality between the two strategies. cardiomyopathy (a progressive, reversible rate-
With respect to stroke, no difference was noted between the two strategies.

Warfarin lowers the risk of stroke in both strategies.

induced form of LV dysfunction)
With respect to quality of life and functional status, all 5 trials
trials failed to
show any differences between rate control and rhythm control.

Acute Management of Atrial Acute Management of Atrial

Fibrillation Fibrillation
Focuses on Rate control
Patient with atrial fibrillation may undergo DC 50% of patients with paroxysmal atrial
cardioversion or pharmacologic conversion if fibrillation will spontaneously convert within
less than 48 hours duration or following TEE 24 hours
on Heparin without evidence of left atrial Digoxin used heavily in the past for
thrombus. Stroke rate .8% prevention and conversion of atrial fibrillation
Following cardioversion the patient should be is ineffective at either and may be
kept anticoagulated for 4 weeks with goal INR profibrillatory as it decreases the atrial
of 2 to 3 until atrial function normalizes.
refractory period

Acute Management of Atrial Atrial Fibrillation and Depressed

Fibrillation L.V. Function
Rate control may be attained with calcium channel Digoxin and amiodarone may be of effective in
blockers or beta blockers in patients with normal patients with LV dysfunction and
L.V. function. decompensated congestive heart failure to slow
Calcium channel blockers may be used cautiously in ventricular response.
patients with depressed LV function but are Digoxin alone is rarely effective when the
associated with increased mortality in the long term. patient is sympathetically driven
Beta blockers should be avoided in acutely Avoid high dose digoxin with amiodarone as
decompensated CHF patients with atrial fibrillation digoxin levels increase 2-
2-fold with amiodarone

Chronic Management of Atrial
Chronic Management of Atrial
Rate control with
Patients with atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal or Maintenance of sinus is
calcium channel
sustained should be anticoagulated if any of the blockers, beta blockers
similar with class I and
following risk factors for stroke are present: class III drugs
or combination with
approaching 50%
diabetes hypertension digoxin.
recurrence at 1 year
valvular disease congestive heart failure Digoxin may be used in
Recurrence of atrial
hyperthyroidism age greater than 65 bed bound patients but
fibrillation 80% at 1
Prior CVA is easily overcome with
year without treatment
sympathetic stimulation.

Chronic management of Atrial Chronic Management of Atrial

Fibrillation Fibrillation
Class III agents may have Class IC agents safe in Recent large trials reveal no benefit of rhythm
improved efficacy absence of structural control over rate control.

heart disease. Trend of increased mortality in rhythm arm
pulmonary toxicity Few side effects likely due to proarrhythmia from drugs.

Need stress testing
Can lead to 1 to 1
Patients unable to tolerate atrial fibrillation due
Torsades des Pointes ventricular conduction to symptoms were not enrolled in these studies
Safe in CHF and CAD of atrial flutter and are increasingly undergoing ablation ,
Limited due to side effect
profile Use with beta blocker catheter and surgical procedures.

Nonpharmacologic Treatment of Nonpharmacologic Treatment of

Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation
Maze Procedure
90% freedom from atrial
fibrillation AV node ablation with pacemaker implant
2% mortality required
thoracotomy recently shown to have no effect on mortality
Catheter ablation procedure effective at reducing symptoms
only moderate success
Does not alter need for anticoagulation
long procedures, difficult

selecting population Pace at 90 BPM 1 month after procedure to avoid

60% to 80% effective Torsades des Pointes
Pulmonary vein
esophageal fistula

Atrial Fibrillation
ACC/AHA Recommendations for Anticoagulation
Class I
All patients with AF, except those with lone AF or
Selection of antithrombotic agent based upon the absolute risks of
stroke and bleeding and the relative risk and benefit for a given
For patients without mechanical heart valves at high risk of stroke,
chronic warfarin therapy is recommended in a dose adjusted to
achieve an INR of 2.0 to 3.0 unless contraindicated.
Factors associated with highest risk of stroke are prior
thromboembolism (stroke, TIA, or systemic) and rheumatic mitral

Atrial Fibrillaion WPW syndrome

ACC/AHA Recommendations for Anticoagulation Accelerated AV conduction PR <120 msec
Class I (continued)
Anticoagulation with warfarin is recommended for patients with Prolonged QRS > 120 msec
more than one moderate risk factor.
Age > 75, hypertension, HF, impaired LV systolic function (EF 35% Abnormal slurred upstroke of QRS ( delta

or less) and DM
INR should be determined at least weekly during initiation of
therapy and monthly once stable.
Abnormal depolarization and repolarization
Aspirin 81-
81-325 mg daily, is recommended as an alternative to
vitamin K in low-
low-risk patients or in those with contraindications to may lead to pseudoinfarction pattern
vitamin K antagonist.
Patients with mechanical heart valves should have INR based on
requirement of valve (at least 2.5)
Anticoagulate for Aflutter the same as for AF.

WPW pathophysiology WPW epidemiology

Short AV conduction The result is fusion of both normal and Present in 0.3% of the ORT(orthodromic
early excitation of accessory conduction population reciprocating tachycardia
ventricle at site of No Risk of sudden death 1 per
accessory pathway conduction 1000 patient-
Bizarre upstroke of QRS delay Sudden death due to atrial
abnormal initial site of fibrillation with rapid
depolarization ventricular conduction
Wide QRS Atrial fibrillation often
early initiation of induced from rapid ORT
ventricular depolarization AV
node Accessory

Management of Atrial
Atrial Fibrillation and WPW
Fibrillation with WPW
AV nodal blocking
agents may Avoid AV nodal blockers
paradoxically increase IV procainamide to slow accessory pathway
conduction over conduction
accessory pathway by
Amiodarone if decreased LVEF
removing concealed
retrograde penetration DC cardioversion if symptomatic with
into accessory pathway. hypotension
Concealed penetration into the
pathway causes intermittent block
of pathway conduction

Management of Patients with

Indications (When & Why?)
All patients with symptomatic AF & WPW To control ventricular rate in atrial fibrillation and
should be evaluated with EPS atrial flutter
Accessory pathways capable of conducting Use after adenosine to treat refractory PSVT in
faster than 240 BPM should be ablated patients with narrow QRS complex and adequate
Patients with inducible arrhythmias involving blood pressure
pathway should be ablated As an alternative, use verapamil
WPW patients in high risk professions should
be ablated.
Stable Tachycardias

Diltiazem Diltiazem
Dosing (How?) Precautions (Watch Out!)
Acute Rate Control Do not use calcium channel blockers for tachycardias of
uncertain origin
15 to 20 mg (0.25 mg/kg) IV over 2 minutes
Avoid calcium channel blockers in patients with Wolff-
May repeat in 15 minutes at 20 to 25 mg (0.35 mg/kg)
Parkinson-White syndrome, in patients with sick sinus
over 2 minutes
syndrome, or in patients with AV block without a
Maintenance Infusion pacemaker
5 to 15 mg/hour, titrated to heart rate Expect blood pressure drop resulting from peripheral
Concurrent IV administration with IV -
-blockers can cause
severe hypotension
Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Verapamil Verapamil
Indications (When & Why?) Dosing (How?)
Used as an alternative to diltiazem for ventricular 2.5 to 5.0 mg IV bolus over 1to 2 minutes
rate control in atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter Second dose: 5 to 10 mg, if needed, in 15 to 30
Drug of second choice (after adenosine) to minutes. Maximum dose: 30 mg
terminate PSVT with narrow QRS complex and Older patients: Administer over 3 minutes
adequate blood pressure

Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Verapamil Verapamil
Precautions (Watch Out!) Precautions (Watch Out!)
Do not use calcium channel blockers for wide-
wide- Expect blood pressure drop caused by peripheral
QRS tachycardias of uncertain origin vasodilation
Avoid calcium channel blockers in patients with IV calcium can restore blood pressure, and some
Parkinson-White syndrome and atrial experts recommend prophylactic calcium before
fibrillation, sick sinus syndrome, or second-
second- or giving calcium channel blockers
third-degree AV block without pacemaker Concurrent IV administration with IV -
may produce severe hypotension

Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Adenosine Adenosine
Indications (When & Why?) Dose (How?)
First drug for narrow-
narrow-complex PSVT IV Rapid Push
May be used diagnostically (after lidocaine) in Initial bolus of 6 mg given rapidly over 1 to 3
wide-complex tachycardias of uncertain type seconds followed by normal saline bolus of 20
mL; then elevate the extremity
Repeat dose of 12 mg in 1 to 2 minutes if needed
A third dose of 12 mg may be given in 1 to 2
minutes if needed

Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Adenosine Beta Blockers
Precautions (Watch Out!) Indications (When & Why?)
Transient side effects include: To convert to normal sinus rhythm or to slow
Facial Flushing ventricular response (or both) in supraventricular
Chest pain tachyarrhythmias (PSVT, atrial fibrillation, or
Brief periods of asystole or bradycardia atrial flutter)
Less effective in patients taking theophyllines -Blockers are second-
second-line agents after adenosine,
diltiazem, or digoxin

Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Beta Blockers Beta Blockers

Dosing (How?) Dosing (How?)
Esmolol Metoprolol
0.5 mg/kg over 1 minute, followed by continuous 5 mg slow IV at 5-
5-minute intervals to a total of 15 mg
infusion at 0.05 mg/kg/min Atenolol
Titrate to effect, Esmolol has a short half-
half-life (<10 5 mg slow IV (over 5 minutes)
Wait 10 minutes, then give second dose of 5 mg slow
Labetalol IV (over 5 minutes)
10 mg labetalol IV push over 1 to 2 minutes Propranolol
May repeat or double labetalol every 10 minutes to a 1 to 3 mg slow IV. Do not exceed 1 mg/min
maximum dose of 150 mg, or give initial dose as a
bolus, then start labetalol infusion 2 to 8 g/min Repeat after 2 minutes if necessary

Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Beta Blockers Digoxin

Precautions (Watch Out!) Indications (When & Why?)
Concurrent IV administration with IV calcium To slow ventricular response in atrial fibrillation or
channel blocking agents like verapamil or atrial flutter
diltiazem can cause severe hypotension Third-
Third-line choice for PSVT
Avoid in bronchospastic diseases, cardiac failure,
or severe abnormalities in cardiac conduction
Monitor cardiac and pulmonary status during
May cause myocardial depression
Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Digoxin Digoxin
Dosing (How?) Precautions (Watch Out!)
IV Infusion Toxic effects are common and are frequently
Loading doses of 10 to 15 g/kg provide therapeutic associated with serious arrhythmias
effect with minimum risk of toxic effects Avoid electrical cardioversion unless condition is
Maintenance dose is affected by body size and renal
life threatening
Use lower current settings (10 to 20 Joules)

Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Amiodarone Amiodarone
Indications (When & Why?) Dosing (How?)
Powerful antiarrhythmic with substantial toxicity, Stable Wide-
Wide-Complex Tachycardias
especially in the long term Rapid Infusion
Intravenous and oral behavior are quite different 150 mg IV over 10 minutes (15 mg/min)
May repeat
Slow Infusion
360 mg IV over 6 hours (1 mg/min)

Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Amiodarone Amiodarone
Dosing (How?) Precautions (Watch Out!)
Maintenance Infusion May produce vasodilation & shock
540 mg IV over 18 hours (0.5 mg/min) May have negative inotropic effects
May prolong QT Interval
DO NOT administer with other drugs that may prolong
QT Interval (Procainamide)
Terminal elimination
Half-life lasts up to 40 days

Stable Tachycardias Stable Tachycardias

Precautions (Watch Out!)
Contraindicated in:
Second or third degree A-
A-V block
Severe bradycardia



Liver dysfunction

Stable Tachycardias


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