BG-LifeSavers Booklet v2010

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BG Group Life Savers

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2 Foreword
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Safe systems of work

Armed and violent crime

Confined space entry



Electrical safety




Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)


Lifting operations


Working at height


Contents 1

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BG Group Life Savers

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BG Group Life Savers

At BG Group, we believe all incidents are

preventable. Our goal is zero injuries.

2 Foreword

That means workplaces where nobody

gets hurt, ever. It means making sure that
everyone goes home to their families at the
end of each shift or working day without
having suffered or caused harm in any way.
The BG Group Life Savers tell us how we can
achieve this. You must read this summary
document, and you must also understand
the detailed Life Savers rules described in 
the BG Group Standards.

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Those Standards are mandatory rules, and

I expect everyone to learn them and follow
them at all times. They apply to all directors,
employees, contractors and sub-contractors
working for BG Group. They also apply to all
directors, employees, contractors and subcontractors working for companies where 
BG Group is the majority shareholder or 
has a dominant interest.

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It is very important that you give the Life

Savers your full attention. If BG Group
directors or employees do not follow these
rules, they may be found guilty of serious
misconduct, leading to disciplinary action 
up to and including dismissal. If contractors
or sub-contractors do not follow these rules, 
BG Group may terminate the engagement
and/or take other appropriate action.

Safety is everybodys responsibility. The 

Life Savers could save your life and the lives
of the people you work with. We owe it to
ourselves, our families and our colleagues 
to put the Life Savers into practice every
single day of our working lives, wherever 
we are, and whatever we do.

For further information,

visit or email
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Foreword 3

Frank Chapman
Chief Executive

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4 Safe systems of work

Safe systems of work

The safe systems of work rules apply to a wide range of hazardous
activities, described in detail in the BG Group Standards.

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Safe systems of work

Apply these rules to all following Life Savers:

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A competent person must inspect the work area

before and after each shift
Follow the BG Group Standard for the task
Keep people away from hazards using barriers 
and warning signs
Follow Management of Change rules if changing
any equipment or procedures
If the task changes from what was approved, 
stop work immediately
Do not let normal operations begin unless you 
are sure the area is safe
At the end of the shift, tell a competent and
authorised person:
what you have done
what changes (if any) you have made to
equipment or procedures
what has changed compared with your 
original plan
whether anything is unsafe at the work area

Safe systems of work 5

If you see anything unsafe, stop work immediately

You and your team must be competent 
and authorised
You must complete a risk assessment, thinking about
the hazards identified in the BG Group Standards
Your risk assessment must also look at other work
in the area that may affect safety
Check if you need a Permit to Work. If so, it must be
issued by an authorised person with details of:
what you will be doing
which risks you will face
how you will protect people from those risks
You must have a rescue plan, which must be
regularly tested and proven
Make sure all members of your team understand
how to complete their tasks safely
Check all equipment and safety devices
Everyone must wear the correct Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
Make sure the work area is fully isolated

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6 Armed and violent crime

Armed and violent crime

In many parts of the world, you may be at risk of armed or violent crime.

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Armed and violent crime

These Life Saver rules can help you, your
family and your colleagues stay safe.
Before travelling

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Away from home

Carry a photocopy of your passport and the 
local BG Group emergency card with you
Keep valuable items such as watches and 
jewellery hidden from sight
Avoid areas that are isolated, deserted and/or 
unlit or with limited visibility
Look all around you constantly

In cases of robbery
Do not resist or try to run or drive away
Keep still, quiet and calm: no sudden 
movements, keep your hands in view and 
do not make eye contact
Obey all instructions calmly but quickly
Your life is worth more than any possession:
hand over money and valuables if told to do so
do not argue or plead
do not try to hide money or valuables

Armed and violent crime 7

Be informed: understand the security risks in 

the area
Be suspicious: report anything that you believe
threatens your or others security
Identify and avoid known high-crime areas
Only use taxis if local security advice says it is 
safe to do so and if approved by your hotel or 
BG Group asset
Avoid routines: consider changing your routes 
and departure times daily
Ensure people know where you are going and when
you expect to return or arrive at your destination

BG Group Life Savers

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8 Confined space entry

Confined space entry

You or your team can be suffocated, poisoned or drowned
in a confined space such as a pipe, machinery room or a hole
in the ground if you do not follow the Life Saver rules.

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Confined space entry

Do not go into a confined or isolated pipe
even in a rescue situation, call for a rescue
team / assistance immediately. Where
possible eliminate the need for confined
space entry. Where the need cannot be
eliminated, follow the safe systems of
work Life Saver. In addition to these rules:
Before you enter

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During the work

Test the atmosphere at all times
Keep a clear route to the exit
The standby person must
work only on this task
stay close to the confined space entrance at 
all times
be able to communicate with people inside 
the confined space and with key personnel 
at all times
not enter the confined space, even in an
call for help if rescue is needed

At the end of your shift

Use barriers to stop unauthorised people entering
the confined space

Confined space entry 9

Ensure that:
You have a Permit to Work and a confined 
space entry certificate
You have a competent and authorised 
standby person
A competent and authorised person has tested 
the atmosphere to make sure it is breathable 
and safe
All physical isolations are in place

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10 Driving

You, your family or your colleagues can be injured or killed in
a driving accident if you do not follow the Life Saver rules.

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If you cannot avoid driving
Drivers must:
be authorised to drive, have the correct licence
and follow all local traffic laws
be medically fit to drive
be trained in defensive driving
think about the weather, road and traffic
choose the safest route and prepare a Journey
Management Plan, where needed
make sure that everyone in the vehicle has 
a seatbelt that is fastened
ensure that the vehicle is safe, legal and 
equipped for the journey

BG Group Life Savers

Drivers must not:
drive faster than the speed limit
use a mobile phone when driving
drive if affected by alcohol, drugs or medication
overload the vehicle with passengers, loads 
or luggage
overtake if they cannot see clearly ahead
drive when tired or unable to concentrate
Passengers must make sure that drivers follow 
the Life Saver rules

Driving 11

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12 Electrical safety

Electrical safety
You or your team can be electrocuted and/or cause a fire
or explosion if you do not follow the Life Saver rules.

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Electrical safety
Follow the safe systems of work Life Saver
and these additional rules:
Before you start

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Fix lock-out padlocks and tags at every point of

electrical isolation
All conductors must be confirmed dead using 
a tested and proved voltage tester
Ensure everyone understands the risks of overhead
power lines. Install barriers and danger signs

During your work

Avoid working near live equipment wherever possible
Do not touch equipment you are not qualified 
to use
Always assume that every conductor is live unless
you have proven that it is safe
Do not use damaged electrical equipment 
report it
Do not use power tools or temporary lighting
designed for domestic use only

At the end of your shift

Return any lock-out keys
Ensure all continuing isolations are locked-out 
and tagged

Electrical safety 13

If possible, eliminate work on live systems. 

An electrical authorised person must approve 
all live work
Your risk assessment must consider whether you
need a competent standby person
Check whether you need a Permit to Work and/or
an electrical isolation certificate
In hydrocarbon environments, test for gas before
you do any other task
Check the condition of all equipment, leads, plugs
and safety devices:
confirm all appliances are approved and certified
and have valid test stickers; and
prove all voltage testers
Positively identify all equipment and connected
power sources
Isolate all supplies to that equipment by lock-out 
or physical disconnection

BG Group Life Savers

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14 Excavation

You or your team can be injured or killed if you break an underground
cable or pipe when digging, or if the walls of a hole or trench collapse.

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If possible, eliminate the need for people
to work in an excavation. If the need cannot
be eliminated, ensure that you follow the
safe systems of work Life Saver. In addition
to these rules:

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Keep people away from the area using warning

signs and barriers
Place removed soil well away from the sides 
of the hole
Keep a clear route to the exit
Stop work if weather conditions get worse and 
you feel the task is no longer safe
If you dig into anything unexpected (including
cables and pipes), stop work immediately
Erect signs and barriers around the excavation 
and ensure that they are highly visible
A competent person must inspect the excavation
before and after each shift

Excavation 15

You must check if you need a Permit to Work or

confined space entry certificate
Find and mark the location of underground hazards
The sides of a trench or hole can collapse without
warning. You must protect people by either:
keeping the excavation shallow
sloping the sides, away from the people at the
bottom of the hole; or
stepping the sides by cutting a series of different
levels into the sides; or
using shoring to reinforce the sides

BG Group Life Savers

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16 Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

If your installation is at risk from hydrogen sulphide (H2S), you must follow
these rules. Breathing in even a very small amount of H2S can kill you or your team.

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Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

Follow the safe systems of work Life Saver.
In addition to these rules:

Before you enter an H2S risk area

Check your personal H2S emergency equipment
Check that you can communicate with 
key personnel

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When you are in an H2S risk area

Carry H2S emergency equipment at all times
Make sure everyone knows the wind direction 
and escape routes
Remain in contact with key personnel at all times
If you hear an H2S alarm:
use your breathing apparatus immediately
leave the area by the nearest escape route
do not stop to rescue others
move across the wind direction, not towards 
it or away from it
H2S is heavier than air. If you are in a confined
space, climb upwards to escape

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) 17

An installation with an H2S risk must:

display high-visibility H2S warning signs
have windsocks that can be seen from 
all locations
control everyones access to areas of H2S risk
test H2S emergency equipment and
procedures regularly
You and your team must:
be competent in using gas detectors and
breathing apparatus
be familiar with all H2S alarms
include H2S hazards in all risk assessments

BG Group Life Savers

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18 Lifting operations

Lifting operations
You, your team or other people in the workplace can be injured or
killed by uncontrolled or dropped loads during lifting operations.

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Lifting operations
Follow the safe systems of work Life Saver.
In addition to these rules:
Before the lifting operation

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During the lifting operation:

Never walk into the lift path or stand under the load
Do not exceed safe working loads
Stop work if weather conditions get worse and 
you feel the task is no longer safe
The banksman and crane operator must:
remain at the work area at all times
be able to see each other clearly at all times
be able to communicate with each other at 
all times

Lifting operations 19

Ensure that:
You have a lifting plan which must have been
approved by a competent lifting operations person
All members of your team understand the lifting
plan and how to complete their tasks safely
You have a competent and authorised banksman
You have a competent and authorised crane
All equipment and safety devices are checked. 
Do not use any equipment that is:
not properly tagged or colour-coded
not properly certified
Make sure lifting equipment is on firm foundations
Make sure lifting equipment is in a safe and secure
position with no hazards nearby
Keep everyone away from the lift path using
warning signs and barriers

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20 Working at height

Working at height
You or your team can be injured or killed from a fall and you can
injure or kill other people by dropping objects from a height.

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Working at height
If possible, eliminate the need to work at
height. If the need cannot be eliminated,
ensure that you follow the safe systems of
work Life Saver in addition to these rules:
Before you work at height

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During the work

Wear safety harnesses and connect fall arrestors 
at all times
The fall arrestor must be connected to minimise 
the fall; overhead is best, with a proper anchor
Check for any loose objects
Secure all tools and equipment at all times, with
100% tie-off
Stop work if weather conditions get worse and 
you feel the task is no longer safe

Working at height 21

Wherever possible use a fixed gantry or walkway

Check scaffolding or mobile platforms before use
Scaffolding must have a valid tag
Scaffolding or mobile platforms must also have:
toe boards
Check all equipment and safety devices, including:
safety harness
fall arrestor, with a maximum lanyard length 
of 2 metres
double-action, self-locking snap hooks for 
every connection

BG Group Life Savers

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BG Group
Thames Valley Park
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 118 935 3222
Fax: +44 (0) 118 935 3484
Registered in England & Wales No. 3690065
BG Group 2010
Published August 2010

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