Air Compressors (Thermo)

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Air Compressors

The quantity of air available in our atmosphere is huge and every living organism
require air (which has oxygen) to survive. Not only organisms, even machineries
and engines require air for their proper and efficient operation. Thus air plays a
vital role in industries and plants. But they are usually compressed so that energy is
available to perform some work. In this article, let us understand the theory of
compressing air and various associated laws.
Compressed air" What it means?
The free air has some density or the given mass of gas occupies certain volume in
free space. The molecules of air occupy a certain volume in free space. By
compressing, the molecules of air are made to come closer, by which they occupy
less space when compared to earlier (when they were free). As the number of
molecules of air increases in a given volume, the mass of air also increases. As the
mass of air in the given volume increases, its density also increases. As the density
increases, the pressure of air increases and thus becomes compressed air.

Basic Theory of Compressing Air:

The air we breathe has two major constituents. They are Nitrogen and Oxygen. The approximate
composition of atmospheric air has 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other gases by volume and 76%
nitrogen, 23% oxygen and 1% other gases by weight.
Even though air is not a perfect" gas, the presence of nitrogen and oxygen in major proportion makes it
obey very closely to a perfect" or ideal" gas. We all know that an Ideal" gas obeys some laws. They
1. Boyles law (PV=C).
2. Charless law (V/T = C).
The above two laws can be combined to form a combination law which can be represented as
PV/T = C.

Single Stage Reciprocating without Clearance:

Stage 1 - a

Suction Stroke: The inlet valve opens and the cylinder fills with air at Ambient Pressure.

Stage 1 - b

Compression Stroke: Both Valves are shut. The Pressure is raised from


Stage 2 - b

Delivery Stage: The Exhaust Valve opens. Air at



The Work Done during compression =

The Work Done in the Compressor =

is delivered to the receiver at Constant


Work Done In An Isothermal Compression

Work Done on Air





Work Done In An Adiabatic Compression



Alternative Forms Of The Work Done Expression
The Work Done is given by the following Expressions:


where N is the number of Cycles per Min.

where W is the weight Handled per Min.



A Comparison Of The Work Done With Different Indices Of Compression



where R =Pressure Ratio.
Points on the Graph:

2 Isothermal. n = 1

2' Compression when



- Adiabatic Reversible.

For Reciprocating Compressors:

The efficiency referred to is the Isothermal case since fairly successful cooling can be achieved.

For Rotary Compressors:
The Cooling is very difficult and Indices of less than are never achieved. It is therefore normal to
compare the Performance with the Adiabatic reversible case.

The Overall Isothermal Efficiency Of The Plant:






The Cooling Of Compressors.

It is usually considered that the heat is given up during the Compression:
For a Polytropic Compression.

For an Isothermal Compression.

Example: 1
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Example - Application of the gas laws to Air Compressors and Motors
An Air Compressor takes in Air at 14 psi and at 20 degrees C. It is compressed in accord to the
and delivers it to receiver at 140psi.
Find the Temperature at the end of the Compression and Calculate per pound of Air, the Compressor
Work input and the heat rejected during Compression.




Work input to Compressor per lb.


Heat Rejected during Compression.




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