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Section B

Is there a safety policy in your construction site?

22 from 30 respondents claim that there is a safety policy in their construction site
while 8 more says maybe there is a safety policy in their company sonstruction site.
Therefore, most of the respondents have a safety policies in their site.

Have a specific accident prevention measures undertaken in your construction site?

20 of the respondents said yes to this question while others 12 said maybe. Finally,
the other 8 of the 30 respondents said no respectively. In conclusion, majority of the
respondents said yes there are accident prevention measures undertaken at their
sites wilhe others either not sure or said no to this question.

Are there medical facilities at your construction site?

80% of the respondents think that there is a medical facilities at their construction
sites while other 20% said no. Therefore, most of the respondents construction site
have a medical facilities.

Does this company provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for their workers on
the construction site?








20 of the respondents said yes while others said maybe or not sure whether the
company provide PPE or not to their workers. None of the respondents said no to

this questions. So, we conclude that most of the companies from this respondents
provide PPE for their workers.

Are the workers on a construction site use personal protective equipment









20 of the respondents said yes while others said maybe or not sure whether workers
use PPE provide or not. None of the respondents said no to this questions. So, we
conclude that most of workers are using PPE provide.

Does your company provide health checks at a certain time?

12 of the respondents claim yes as their answer, another 10 claim maybe and 8
more said no. Majority of the respondents are claiming that their companies have
provided a health checks at a certain time.

Has the incident almost happened (accident nearly occurred) in your construction

Most of the respondents was not sure whether there is incident almost happened in
their construction site or not. About 13 of them said maybe, 10 of them said yes and
7 of them said no.

Have a minor accident (not requiring hospitalization) on your construction site


25 of the respondents claim that there is a minor accidents happen at their

construction site. None of the respondents said no and 5 of the respondents said
maybe. In conclusion, majority has agree that there is a minor accidents happen at
their construction sites.
Have a major accident (requiring hospitalization) on your construction site happen?

18 of the respondents think that major accident (requiring hospitalization) happen

at their construction sites and there is equal number of respondents which is 6 of
them thinks whether maybe or no major accident (requiring hospitalization) happen
at their construction sites.

Have a fatal accident at your construction site happen?

16 respondents claim that maybe there is a fatal accident happen at their

construction sites and there is an equal number of 7 whether it is yes or no. In
conclusion, the respondents doesnt sure about whether a fatal accidents has
happen or not.

Section C
Is dangerous machinery fitted with safety devices as required?

There are 17 respondents said yes and 13 respondents said no about dangerous
machinery fitted with safety devices as required or not. Therefore, majority of the
respondents saying yes about this question.

Is electrical equipment and wiring system inspected and maintained regularly?

There are 17 respondents said yes and 13 respondents said no about dangerous
machinery fitted with safety devices as required electrical equipment and wiring
system inspected and maintained regularly or not. Therefore, majority of the
respondents saying yes about this question.
Did warning signs been install at your construction sites?

The majority of 26 respondents said yes and only 4 respondents said no to this
survey. Therefore, most of warning signs been install at their construction sites.

Are Safety Talk given to the employee?

20 respondents said yes, 7 said maybe and only 3 said no to this survey. So, most of
the company are giving a safety talk to their employees.

Does your company or other organization organized any training / courses in the
field of safety and health?

20 respondents said yes, 6 of them said maybe and 4 of them said no. Therefore,
most of the company or other organization organized a training / courses in the field
of safety and health been conducted.

Are every employees at construction sites have a Green Card?

There are 16 respondents said yes and 14 of them said no. So, majority of the
employees at construction sites for our respondents have a green card.

Is there an Occupational Safety and Health Committee in your company?

22 yes 8 No

There are 22 of the respondents said yes and only 8 respondents said no. So, the
majority of the company for our respondents had an Occupational Safety and Health
Committee attheir companies.

Section A

The most of our respondents are from FTK by 11 of them. 5 of our respondents from
FPTP. There is an equal number between FKEE, FPTV, FKMP and others by 3 of our
respondents. The very less faculty that respond to our survey is from FKASS by 2 in


There is equal number of female and male that are participates in our survey. 15
respondents are male and other 15 respondents are female.


The age range for our respondents start from age 18 to 22. There are 10 of our
respondents from that range of age. There are 14 of our respondents are from age
23 to 27 and equal number of 3 for respondents from 24 to 28 and 29 above
respectively. The majority of our respondents from age 23 to 27.

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