Career Planning Assessment Report

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Career Planning Assessment Report

Diane Daley
Wilmington University


Career Planning Assessment

The reason I chose the Human Services field is not very simple. I chose Human Services
because I like helping people. I have very limited experience in the field. My education
experience extends from ten years of college. I started in September of 2006, at Gloucester
County College, part time, for my Associates Degree. I changed my major three times. During
my first semester, I had majored in Accounting. By the second semester I knew it was not what I
wanted to do with my life. I changed my major to be a paralegal.
However, my paralegal classes were canceled due to the professor getting sick. I was
advised to pick a few electives until the following semester. One of the courses I could take was
General Psychology, which I absolutely loved. In 2010, I graduated with a Psychology Option,
Associates Degree. I then proceeded onto Rutgers University for my Bachelors degree in
I have been searching for a job since my graduation from Rutgers University in 2014. My
lack of experience has been detrimental. To gain experience, I began volunteering as a domestic
violence advocate for Services Empowering Rights of Victims (SERV). SERV is one of the many
programs from the Human Services Organization Center for Family Services. As a Domestic
Violence Advocate, my responsibilities are to council victims in emergency situations. I have
been an advocate for almost two years now. Even though I became an advocate for experience, I
continue to advocate because I enjoy it. Comforting victims is not easy. However, I know it
makes a difference for the victims.
I am currently interning with the Substance Abuse Treatment Program, which is also one
of Center for Family Services programs. I am working with the Director. The project I am


working on is updating the DMHAS manual. The program is due for an inspection for licensing
in the Spring.
My results of the Strengths Finder 2.0 identified empathy, harmony, input, relator and
intellect as my top five strengths. I feel these themes describe me very well.
The guide states People who are especially talented in the Empathy theme can sense the
feelings of other people by imagining themselves in others lives or others situations, (Clifton,
2016). I agree with this statement 100 percent. I often feel that having empathy as a strength is
also a curse. I have a bad habit of taking on peoples problems and feelings as my own.
My second strength theme is harmony. I also feel that harmony describes me as well. I try
my best and will often do anything to avoid conflicts. Any type of conflict or confrontation
makes my anxiety levels extremely high. I am a very shy and quiet person. I often find myself
portraying a mediator trying to keep the peace among friends and family.
I feel that I relate to the input theme as a strength also. I love to read. I like doing
research. I am constantly googling information, even if it is only to look up the meaning of a
word. Clifton (2016) describes the input theme as, chances are good that you can escape the
tension, pressure, or stress of everyday life by reading a good book, diving into a publications
articles, or pulling up information on the Internet. I feel this statement is a true definition of


My fourth strength theme is relator. Clifton says, people who are talented in the Relator
theme enjoy close relationships with others and will find deep satisfaction working hard with
friends to achieve a goal (2016). I can identify with this statement because I am a team player. I
like working with others and it is more enjoyable when you are working among friends.
My final strength theme is intellect. I think this area is the hardest for me to consider a
strength. Although I found it interesting that Clifton mentions majoring in Psychology and being
introspective (Clifton, 2016). I liked how the intellection theme matched with my college
The MAPP Assessment is broken down into many categories. They include jobs I may be
interested in, temperament for the job, aptitude, prioritizing people and things, reasoning, data
and mathematical capacity. I liked the high amount of information that is available after taking
this assessment. The MAPP Assessment goes more in depth and details. However, the cost of the
report package is expensive. I did not pay the $90 to read the full report. So, I only received an
abstract version of my results. The result of my assessment shows that I am emotionally and
sentimentally attached to familiarity. Also, that I do not like quick changes and prefer routines
(MAPP). I agree that I prefer routines but I also consider myself to be able to adapt easily.
My Career Choice
My career choice has changed many times over the course of my life and my academic
career and continues to be a struggle for me. When I was little I wanted to be a nurse or a teacher.
When I was a teenager I still wanted to be a nurse but found out the I couldnt handle being


around other peoples blood. I worked in retail as a teenager into adulthood. It was then that I
decided to go to college to find a better career. When I first started college, I wanted to be an
accountant and then became undecided. During my bachelors degree, I changed my mind yet
I would like to be some type of Counselor. I have said years ago that I felt I could never
be a Drug and Alcohol Counselor because I have never dealt with any type of addiction. I felt
that I wouldnt be able to help because I truly could not understand what they were going
through. However, during my internship in a drug and alcohol program, I understand that I dont
need to have an addiction to be able to have empathy. It is even more interesting to me because
empathy was my strongest theme in the strength finder assessment. I chose administration of
human services because I felt it can open the career area for me. I would like to help people and I
feel I can do that. I like the idea of working behind the scenes rather than working fully with
clients directly.
I feel that the Strength Finders and MAPP assessments both aligned well with my
possible choice of being some type of counselor. Both assessments highlighted my ability for
empathy. Another highlight that was similar is that I would not be comfortable in a supervisor
position. But that I am able to work alone or as a team player.


Clifton (2016). Strength Finders 2.0 Retrieved from:
MAPP (2016). MAPP Assessment. Retrieved from

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