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International Students

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology


Information :


UPT. Bahasa ITS (Center of Language and Culture)
Politeknik Elektro Negeri Surabaya (State Electronics
Polytechnic of Surabaya)
Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (State Shipping
Polytechnic of Surabaya)
Jurusan Teknik Industri (Department of Industrial
Jurusan Sistem Informasi (Department of Information
Laboratorium D3 Teknik Mesin (D3 Mechanical Engineering
Gedung D3 (D3 Building)
Jurusan Planologi (Department of Regional and Urban
Jurusan Geomatika (Department of Geomatics)
Gedung Robotika Indonesia (Indonesia Robotics Building)
Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan (Department of Environmental
Jurusan Desain Produk Industri (Department of Industrial
Product Design)
Jurusan Teknik Sipil (Department of Civil Engineering and
Jurusan Arsitektur (Department of Architecture)
Jurusan Teknik Informatika (Department of Computer
Gedung NASDEC (NASDEC Building)
BPPT (Badan Pengkajian & Penerapan Teknologi) (Agency
for the Assessment and Application of Technology)
Reseach Center
Gedung Pasca Sarjana (Post Graduate Building)
Gedung Rektorat (Rectorate Building)
Masjid Manarul 'Ilmi (Manarul 'Ilmi Mosque)
Perpustakaan Pusat ITS (ITS Central Library)
BAAK (Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs)
BAUK (Bureau of Administration and Finance)
Soshum (Social and Law)
PUSKOM (Communication Center)
Jurusan Teknik Kelautan (Department of Ocean
Jurusan Sistem Perkapalan (Department of Marine
Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan (Department of Naval
Jurusan Teknik Kimia (Department of Chemical
Jurusan Teknik Elektro (Department of Electrical
Jurusan Teknik Fisika (Department of Engineering Physics)
Jurusan Teknik Mesin (Department of Mechanical
Jurusan Teknik Material (Department of Material and
Metallurgical Engineering)
SCC (Student Community Center)
Gedung M Web (M-Web Buiding)
SAC (Student Advisory Center)
BNI (Bank of BNI)
Jurusan Kimia (Department of Chemistry)
Jurusan Matematika (Department of Mathematics)
Jurusan Statistik (Department of Statistics)
Jurusan Fisika (Department of Physics)
Jurusan Biologi (Department of Biology)
GOR Indoor (Indoor Sports Arena)
GOR Bulutangkis (Badminton Courts)
Perumahan Dosen (Lecturer's Housing)
Stadion (Stadium)
Asrama Mahasiswa (ITS Student Dormitory)
Medical Center ITS (Medical Center of ITS)

Welcome Speech from Rector of ITS

With more than 51 years of educational experience, Institut Teknologi
Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is one the foremost university in Indonesia.
Recognized as one of the best technology universities in Indonesia, ITS
offers great and challenging career prospects to its graduates.
At ITS, we value highly diversity and continue to foster opportunities to
expand international and multicultural understanding. Over the years, we
have taken a number of steps to create international studies and programs
to the center of our teaching, research, and outreach activities in an effort
to better prepare all of our students with an international perspective. We
firmly believe that international education is vitally important to fostering
good will and building beneficial relationships with countries across the
It is our pleasure to welcome you at ITS. It is my hope that you will take full
advantage of these opportunities and become deeply involved in the life of
this university. Again, it is a privilege to have you here. I wish you much
success in your time here and hope you truly enjoy your experience at ITS.

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember or ITS (November 10
Institute of Technology in English) is a public university in
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, focused in the higher education
of science, engineering and technology. ITS took its name from
the Battle of Surabaya which reached its peak on November 10,
1945. The day is also commemorated as Heroes day in Indonesia.
The ITS acronym does not stand for Institut Teknologi Surabaya
(Surabaya Institute of Technology), as some people think, but
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (November 10 Institute of

The academic year is divided into two
semesters. The first semester runs
from late August to early January while
the second one starts from February to
the end of June. Each semester lasts
16 weeks. Graduation ceremonies are
held twice every year, i.e. in March
and September.
ITS offers various degree and nondegree programs organized by
departments and polytechnics within
the Institute. The degree and nondegree programs are listed below:
? Undergraduate Programs (S.1)
with a study load of 144 credit
points, completed within 8
? Master Programs (S.2)
with a study load of 36-48 credit
points, completed within 4
? Doctoral Programs (S.3)
with a study load of 50 credit
points, completed within 6
? Vocational Three-Year Diploma
Programs (D.3)
with a study load of 110 credit
points, completed within 6
? Vocational Polytechnic Programs (3Year and 4-Year Diplomas)
With a study load of 112-115 credit
points, completed within 6

These are 5 faculties and 2 autonomous polytechnics

offered in ITS:
1. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science



2. Faculty of Industrial Technology



Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Engineering Physics
Industrial Engineering
Material and Metallurgical Engineering

3. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning


of Civil Engineering
of Architecture
of Environmental Engineering
of Industrial Design
of Geomatics Engineering
of Regional and Urban Planning

4. Faculty of Marine Technology

Department of Naval Architecture
Department of Marine Engineering
Department of Ocean Engineering
Department of Sea Transportation
Double Degree in ITS-Wismar University Marine Technology

1. Faculty of Information Technology

Department of Computer Science
Department of Information System

2. Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (PENS)

Surabaya Shipbuilding State Polytechnic SSSP


Main academic activities at ITS are held in standard-size
classrooms and large-capacity theaters equipped with multimedia
devices connected to central ICT network and hotspots, designed
for e-learning. The classrooms and theatres are also used for
seminars and teleconferences.
In conjunction with the primary program of lab-based education,
ITS manages at least 168 science and engineering laboratories
which are spread all over 22 departments, accommodate facilities
to support academic and research activities and public and
community services.
The central library is in a six-storey building with a collection
61,000 textbook titles, 10,000 documents related to under
graduate final year projects, postgraduate theses, research
project reports and scientific journals. In addition, at each
department and faculty a smaller library or reading room is
available. If added together, a collection of 100,000 printed
matters and soft copies are available. ITS Press is a unit to boost
publications chiefly by ITS academic staff and researchers. The
library collection is accessible through LAN and Internet.
The overall ICT facilities and networks are managed by the ITS
Computing Center, which provides 1.0 kbit/s for each student to
meet the UNESCO standard. ITS Computing Center with the MultiMedia Center provide digital information via website and other
appliances for internal and external purposes.
The Cultural and Language Center at ITS supports international
culture activities and courses in foreign languages, such as
English, French, Germany, Japanese, Mandarin and Arabic.
To enhance the atmosphere and student lives, general and sport
facilities are consistently made available. Student community
center, general stores, bookstores, and canteens are provided in a
centralized area. Dormitory has been enhanced lately to
accommodate 1,200 students; a number of guest houses are also
provided. Graduations are conducted at a general functional hall
with a capacity of 4,000.

Overall, ITS occupies a land area of 187 hectares with general facilities as
mentioned below:
General Functional Hall: Graha 10 Nopember
Culture and Language Center of ITS
Student Community Centre
Student Dormitory
Sport Facilities
Football Stadium
Badminton Court
Basketball Court
Futsal Court
Lawn Tennis Court
Mount Climbing Vertical Wall (25m height)
As an international student, you should be able to feel the warmth of ITS
and make friendships which will last a lifetime. You do not only occupy your
life with academic activities. You can always take parts in sports, arts and
other cultural activities.
Each study program in ITS has its own student association with activities
ranging from organizing academic seminars to fun and scientific hometournaments. Apart from the study program associations, there are other
associations crossing study program boundaries, and dealing mostly with
cultural, environmental or religious issues. There are also some sports
related studies. Here are some types of student associations offered in ITS:
Student Executive Organization.
Student Legislative.
Manarul 'Ilmi Masjid Members.
Siklus students environmental organization
ITS Students Choir
ITS Radio
ITS Scout
"Tiyang Alit" Theatre
"dr Angka" students cooperative
Workshop of Entrepreneurship & Technology (WE&T-ITS)
Sport activities: pencak silat, football, jiu jitsu, karate, basketball, etc
Loedroek ITS. Loedroek basically is traditional East Java play. However,
it is converted to be more modern and contemporary style.
As there are a lot of possibilities, you will surely be able to find an
association of your interest.

The application letter must have been received in the
Directorate of Education of ITS. The application letter has to
be completed with these supporting documents:
? A copy of High School certificate or equivalent,
endorsed and authorized by the government of the
applicant's country of origin, and valid within the
maximum period of 3 years.
? A copy of Academic Transcript from High School or
equivalent, validated by the applicant's country of
? A copy of TOEFL/IELTS certificate, not exceeding the
period of 6 months of validity.
? International Student Application Form
? A Health Certificate
? A copy of valid applicant's Identity Card.
? Two recent photographs of 4 x 6 cm.
? A payment form for the new student selection
registration fee which amount is to be announced later.

B. Master Program
The application letter must have been received in the
Directorate of Education of ITS. The application letter has to
be completed with these supporting documents:
? A copy of bachelor's degree certificate from a regionally
accredited institution. Degrees from non-accredited
institutions will be evaluated on an individual basis.
? A copy of official transcript from every college or
university where the applicant has taken previous
? A copy of TOEFL/IELTS certificate, not exceeding the
period of 6 months of validity.
? A personal essay of maximum 300 words, detailing your
interests in a graduate program in ITS
? A health Certificate
? A copy of valid applicant's Identity Card.
? Two recent photographs of 4 x 6 cm.
? A payment form for the new student selection
registration fee which amount is to be announced later.

The application letter must have been received in the
Directorate of Education of ITS. The application letter has to
be completed with these supporting documents:
? A copy of master's degree certificate from a regionally
accredited institution. Degrees from non-accredited
institutions will be evaluated on an individual basis.
? A copy of official transcript from every college or
university where the applicant has taken previous
? A copy of TOEFL/IELTS certificate, not exceeding the
period of 6 months of validity.
? A personal essay of maximum 300 words, detailing your
interests in a graduate program in ITS
? A health Certificate
? A copy of valid applicant's Identity Card.
? Two recent photographs of 4 x 6 cm.
? A payment form for the new student selection
registration fee which amount is to be announced later.


1. Overview about Surabaya
A. Brief Description
Surabaya is Indonesia's second-largest city and the capital of
the province of East Java. It is located on the northern shore
of eastern Java at the mouth of the Mas River and along the
edge of the Madura Strait. As the main seaport and commercial
center in the eastern region of Indonesia, Surabaya has
become one of the largest cities in Southeast Asia. Today,
Surabaya's population is around three million, and the
surrounding rural area houses at least 7 million.
Plaza Tunjungan, Galaxy Mall, Surabaya Plaza, Supermal
Pakuwon Indah, Surabaya Town Square, and Royal Plaza
Surabaya are the famous shopping center while Hi-Tech Mall,
WTC, and Plasa Marina are the computers and mobile-phones
shops center in Surabaya. Surabaya is home to the Eastern
Armada, one of two in the Indonesian Navy. Its strong maritime
heritage is also reflected with the Submarine Monument, a real
retired Russian submarine, called Pasopati, that was converted
into a museum ship in the city center.
This city is located in the equatorial region. Hence there are
only two seasons: a very humid rainy season and a dry season.
The minimum temperature in Surabaya is about 25 degree
Celsius during the months of January, February and March.
Usually the high temperature reaches to about 35 degree
Celsius during the month of October.
Surabaya is a multi-ethnic city: foreign nationalities
represented include Malaysian, Chinese, Indian, Arab, and
European. In addition to Javanese and Maduranese natives, the
city also has representatives of other Indonesian areas: Sunda,
Minangkabau, Batak, Banjar, Balinese, and Bugis. They adhere
to Islam. Other religions include Christianity, Hinduism,
Buddhism, Confucianism. Most citizens speak a dialect of
Javanese called Suroboyoan. A stereotype of this dialect
concerns its equality and directness in speech. The usage of
register is less strict than the Central Java dialect. However, as
a multi racial city, most people speak the national language,
Bahasa Indonesia. English is also widely spoken at major shops,
hotels and universities..

B. How to get to Surabaya

Surabaya is the major transportation hub in East Java, with
connections to the rest of the island by any kind of transports.
Getting to Surabaya By Airplane
The Juanda International Airport (code : SUB), is nowadays served
by major airlines from all around the world. Since, there are still
not too many international airlines serve to Surabaya, you may
find it easier to fly through Jakarta or Bali. The city is served by
most of Indonesia's domestic carriers. There are flights more or
less hourly from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta
and Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali. After your arrival in
Juanda International Airport, you can take airport taxi which cost
around IDR 100.000 for about 40 minutes drive to ITS.
Getting to Surabaya By Train
Train is a comfortable means of transportation to get to Surabaya.
After your arrival in Soekarno-Hatta Airport, you can use the
airport shuttle bus to the Gambir Train Station. The shuttle bus
leaves approximately every 15 minutes and the journey lasts
about 30-60 minutes depends on the traffic. From the train
station, you should take a train to Surabaya. From Jakarta, it
spends a minimum of nine hours.

2. Entry Regulation
You will need a visa to enter Indonesia in which you can obtain at
the nearest Embassy or Consular Office of Indonesia in your country.
Here are types of visas you could apply:
1. Index B-211 Visa or VKSB
Another category of visit visa is VKSB (Visa Kunjungan Sosial
Budaya Social/Cultural Visit Visa) a visa for those coming to
Indonesia for a short-term stays, not as tourists and not for
business. This single entry visit visa refers to Index B-211 and is
valid for 30 60 days.
We would never recommend you to use the Visa on Arrival (VOA)
which is only intended for those who are visiting Indonesia as
tourists, NOT for those intending to live for an extended period of
time because this kind of visa is not extendable.
Requirements to obtain the Index B-211 Visa are as follows:
1. A letter of acceptance which invites you to stay/study in
2. Your passport
3. A copy of return trip ticket (if required)
4. A couple of photos
5. Application form (provided by the Visa Section of the
Indonesian Embassy)
6. Visa fee
2. VITAS (Limited Stay Visa)
Three kinds of VITAS valid for:
1. 6 months
2. 12 months
3. 24 months
The process of applying the VITAS takes 2 3 months before your
arrival in Indonesia. The reason is that Study Permit (Izin Studi) must
be applied to DIKTI (the Directorate General of Higher Education of
Indonesia Jakarta) before you apply for VITAS.

The following are detailed documents you should prepare for

Study Permit (Izin Studi) and VITAS:
1. A letter of Recommendation from the Vice Rector of
Academic Affairs of ITS.
2. A letter of Approval from the Indonesian Embassy (If you are
still in your home country), from the representative
Embassy/Consular Office of your country (If you are already
in Indonesia).
3. An Academic Report/Transcript
4. A Curriculum Vitae/Resume
5. A letter of Declaration stating that you:
? will obey Indonesian rules and laws
? will not involve in any work activities
6. A letter of Sponsorship or of Financial guarantee (if you are
privately financed)
7. Health Report (signed by a medical doctor)
8. A copy of valid Passport:
? 12-month passport validity remaining to apply for a 6month SP and KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Visa)
? 18-month passport validity remaining to apply for a
12-month SP and KITAS
? 30-month passport validity remaining to apply for a
24-month SP and KITAS
So, if your passport nearing expiration, we recommend
that you have it renew to the maximum time allowable
before you begin applying procedures.
9. Three sheets of passport-size photos (4 x 6) red background
Since Study Permit and VITAS are applied before your
arrival, the International Office ITS will then precede the
application to the Immigration Office in Surabaya. After
being approved, the Immigration Office will send a telex of
a letter of approval to the Indonesian Embassy or Consular
Office in related countries, in which you can get the VITAS
Therefore, please send the above documents (1-9) to:
International Office
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Gedung Rektorat Lantai 2
Kampus ITS Keputih - Sukolilo Surabaya 60111,
Jawa Timur - INDONESIA


1.Post Arrival Regulation
a. Arrival Checklist
Here are some checklists that must be done after your arrival
in Surabaya:
[ ] Check-in report to the International Office ITS
[ ] Accommodation Arrangement
[ ] Police Report (go to the Resort Police Office nearest your
[ ] Open a Bank Account
b. Police Report
Within the first 24-hours of your arrival in Indonesia, you must
get the:
Within the first 24-hours of your arrival in Indonesia, you
must get the STM/STMD (Surat Tanda Melapor Diri) a resort
report acknowledging your residence from the POA
(Pengawasan Orang Asing Foreigners' Surveillance) of the
resort police office nearest your residence.
Here are the requirements:
1. A copy of your passport
2. A copy of the KTP (Indonesian ID Card) of the host
Failure to do this within 3 days will probably constitute a
violation of a legal hassle that can only be overcome through
the payment of IDR 5.000.000 fine and a maximum of 1 year in


Students holding KITAS card must register with the National
Police within 30 days of issuance of the Stay Permit. The
Police Department (Direktorat Intelpam, Sub Direktorat
Pengawasan Orang Asing) will issue an SKLD (Surat
Keterangan Lapot Diri Certificate of Police Registration),
which is an important document and you must keep this
card or a photocopy with you at all times.
Here are the requirements:
1. A letter of recommendation from International Office of
2. A copy of your passport
3. A copy of your KITAS Card and Bluebook
4. A police finger print report
5. A completed application form (provided by the Police
6. 3 sheets of 3x4 size photos (red background)
Failure to report exposes you to harsh punishment. Article 61 of
the immigration law, number 9 year 1992 says failure to report
would expose you to a miximum of IDR 5.000.000 fine and a
maximum of 1 year in jail
Orang asing sudah mempunyai izin tinggal (KITAS) yang tidak
melapor kepada kantor Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia di
tempat kediamannya dalam waktu 30 hari terhitung sejak
diperolehnya izin tinggal, dipidana dengan pidana kurungan
paling lama 1 tahun atau denda paling banyak Rp5.000.000,-.
This Yellow Card and your EPO (Exit Permit Only) must be
returned to the International Office ITS before you return

c.Extention Procedures
The extension for VKSB or Index B-211 Visa can be applied up to 4
times and only in the same district. The first-three extension will be
granted by Kantor Imigrasi, while the last will require a prior
approval from the Kantor Wilayah Hukum dan Ham (Regional Office
of Laws and Human Rights) before the issuance by the Kantor
Imigrasi. Each extension has a legal fee of IDR 250,000, and you have
to get the application forms in the Kantor Imigrasi and buy a red file
folder at the Warung Imigrasi for anything but IDR 10,000. Though
this last fee has no legal basis, it is customary.
The following are the requirements to apply for the visa extension:
1. A letter of recommendation from International Office ITS
2. A letter of sponsor (Surat Jaminan - a blank one provided by Kantor
3. A copy of KTP (Indonesian ID Card) of the sponsor
4. Application forms
5. A copy of Arrival Card (for the first extention)

Your KITAS must be extended 2 months before the expired date of
your KITAS. The documents you should prepare are nearly the same
as those when applying:
1. A letter of recommendation from the Faculty / School or Study
Program addressed to the International Office ITS
2. A letter of recommendation issued by the International Office ITS
and addressed to the Head of the Immigration Office in Surabaya
3. Immigration application forms
4. A form of sponsorship
5. A letter of Study Permit

After the KITAS extension, you should also extend your Yellow Card
(30 days after you get the KITAS at the latest). For this, you should
1. A letter of recommendation from International Office ITS
addressed to the Head of the Regional Police Department in
2. An application form issued by the Police Department
3. The original Yellow Card
4. A letter of Study Permit
5. A copy of STM/STMD
6. A copy of a valid passport
7. A copy of KITAS
8. A copy of a Blue Book
9. A form of sponsorship
10. Two sheets of 3 x 4 size with a red background photographs

2. Living in Surabaya
1. Accommodation
It is not very difficult to find an accommodation in Surabaya. Students
usually stay in campus dormitory. But, due to the limitation of rooms, it
is also recommended to live in home-stays, the quality of which varies
according to the rent level. Several students also find local housing
around the campus.

6. Health Matters
Should you ever get ill, you can visit Medical Center ITS. For more
serious cases, there are a lot of specialists practicing around the city.
The campus is close to one of major hospital RS Haji Surabaya. Other
major hospitals are Siloam Hospital, RS. Dr. Soetomo, and RS Husada
Utama. The cost of consultation in a hospital or a doctor's surgery is
roughly IDR 100,000 or more for specialists. Public health center costs

The rate of a standard room ranges from IDR 400,000 to 700,000 per
month for a simply-furnished one. Students in home-stays generally
provide their own meals as meals are not normally provided by the

7. Banks

2. Cost of Living

Students can deposit and transfer money to some other banks. BNI and
Bank Niaga are 2 banks located in campus area. In order to open up an
account, you first fill out the appropriate parts of application form
available at a bank. Sometimes a bank requires a recommendation
letter from International Office. Then submit the form along with your
passport to a bank teller. You can own your ATM card so you can
conveniently withdraw money from ATMs located in campus and many
places all around Indonesia.

Surabaya is a relatively inexpensive city. A typical Indonesian student

spends IDR 1,000,000 1,500,000 (US$ 115 US$170) per month depends
on your lifestyle. This rate includes meals, lodging, transport, and some

3. Etiquette
People in campus usually dress casually. Shorts, tank-tops, sandals and
sleeveless shirts are not allowed in the campus. For more formal
occasions ties and suits may be needed for males while females are
expected to wear gowns or other formal dresses.
As in other parts of Indonesia, it is almost always sunny in Surabaya,
except during the wet season (September-April). Umbrellas and light
jackets are recommended during that season.

4. Public Transports
Surabaya is rather prone to traffic jam, and this is due to the public
transportation system which relies heavily on the-so-called angkot /
lyn- minibuses which travel to all corners of the city. The fare is about
IDR 2,000 5,000. You can hop in and out anywhere, not necessarily at a
bus stop. You will not take the bus so often, as the bus routes are not as
many as those angkot.

5. Places Of Worship
At most Indonesian people profess the Islamic faith, you can find
hundreds of mosque around the city. People of the Christian faith can
also find a range of churches nearby. There are Catholic, Pentecost,
Methodist churches around Surabaya. There are also numerous Hindu and
Buddha temples in the city.

Banks are usually open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, and
are closed on weekends. Cash withdrawal may also be done at
Automated Teller Machines (ATM) located in all corners of the city.

8. Office Hours
Most government offices are open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays to

4. Registering for Classes

How you register for classes depends on your students status.
Undergraduate and Graduate Program
After paying your tuition fee, you will then be able to register for classes
through within Perwalian / FRS (Formulir
Rencana Studi) week. Please make sure you have a consultation first with
your academic advisor. Staff in your department will inform who will be
your academic advisor. Do not forget to get your NRP (Nomor Registrasi
Pokok) or your student I.D. number to access this service. (Nomor
Registrasi Pokok) or your student I.D. number can be easily found from
your student I.D. card. In addition, you can check your class grades using
the site as well.

5. Tuition Fees
Inquiries regarding the payment of school tuition fees should be
made at the Student Affairs Division. Feel free to ask about
anything that you do not understand. Tuition fees are as follows:

1. Indonesian Language Course
The Center for Languages and Cultures ITS (CLC ITS) offers Indonesian
language course for international students in ITS before the classes
start. This course will be held for 4 months and you need to pay the
fee by your own (for KNB scholarship students, the fee for this course
will be all covered).

2. Student Status
Students are generally classified as either full time or part time
students. The method of carry out procedures differs depending on
what your student status is, so please make sure that you know which
classification you fall under:
- Full time students : undergraduates and graduate school students
- Part time students : foreign exchange students and research students

3. Student I.D. Cards

Your ITS student I.D. Card offers proof that you are a student of
ITS Surabaya. In addition, a student I.D. card is necessary when
you register for classes, open up a bank account, and enroll the
main library member, so make sure you treat it well.

- Bachelor degree students : 12.500.000 IDR

- Master degree students : 25.000.000 IDR
- Doctoral degree students : 40.000.000 IDR
Deadlines for paying tuition fees are before the Perwalian / FRS
(Formulir Rencana Studi) week. Deadline for odd semester
(semester ganjil) varies between the 2nd or 3rd week of August and
for even semester (semester genap) varies between the 4th week
of January or the 1st week of February. Please make sure that you
pay your tuition fee before the above deadline and if you don't you
won't be able to register any classes for the following semester.



1. Temporary Return
When international students return to their home countries and
go abroad for traveling or doing research, you must tell about
the detail of your itinerary to the International Office ITS and
your faculty at least a week before your departure.

ITS currently has three campuses in Surabaya. Its major campus

is the ITS Sukolilo campus in Sukolilo district of Surabaya. All
undergraduate programs are located here along with the
postgraduate centre, the administrative building and the main

Please also apply for Re-Entry Permit to Immigration Office

Surabaya seven (7) days before your travel. Re-Entry Permit
enables you to maintain your current residential status when
you go abroad and come back to Indonesia again. If you do not
obtain Re-Entry Permit and leave Indonesia, your residential
status will be cancelled and you must apply for a new visa from
the beginning. Please keep in mind about this.
The following are documents you should prepare:
1. A letter of recommendation from the Faculty / School
addressed to the Director of Partnership and International
Office ITS
2. A letter of recommendation issued by the International Office
ITS and addressed to the Head of the Immigration Office in
3. Application forms
4. A copy of a valid passport
2. Exit Permit Only
When international students return to their home countries.
The following are documents you should prepare:
1. A letter of recommendation from the Faculty / School
addressed to the Director of Partnership and International
Office ITS
2. A letter of recommendation issued by the International Office
ITS and addressed to the Head of the Immigration Office in
3. Application forms
4. A copy of a valid passport
5. A copy of a return ticket

Another smaller campus is located in Manyar district, which is

place for Civil Engineering diploma programme. Third campus is
Cokroaminoto Street, where the postgraduate of Technology
Management Magister programme is located.

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