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High Magic Compendium Change Log

From Version 1.1 Beta to Version 1.2 Beta

1. Checked and changed any reference to ceremony to invocation for
consistency throughout the entire HMC.
2. Checked and changed any reference to Element Magic to Prime Magic for
consistency with the Player Rulebook.
3. Page 2, Page 4, Page 14 Changed all circles (Protective Circles, Annual
Protective Circles, Runic Circles) to be the same size (2 12 in diameter).
4. Page 3 Clarified Alterations as Soul Effects.
5. Page 3-4 Reworked the Alteration Table, Table 1-1.
6. Page 3-4 Made clarifications to what is the consequences of beginning multiple
rituals in the same circle at the came time.
7. Page 4 Changed to Beginning a (an) for consistency.
8. Page 5 Clarified Backlashes as Soul Effects.
9. Page 6 Changed reference from Circle of Power to Protective Circle for
consistency with Player Rulebook.
10. Page 7 Removed references to Remove Dwelling from Table 2-1 to reflect
design intent.
11. Page 7 Changed physical to innate in Call of the in Table 2-1 to reflect
design intent.
12. Page 8 Removed all reference to the removal of Situational High Magic Add
Dwelling Protections.
13. Page 8 Changed all references from physical to innate in the Call of the
14. Page 8 Changed Create Protective Sanctuary to Wild Magic and Create
Protective Grove to Essence Magic to reflect design intent.
15. Page 8-9 Removed Investiture/Divestiture from Ritual High Magic and added it
to Situational High Magic, to reflect consistency and design intent.
16. Renamed Investiture/Divestiture to Inclusion/Expulsion.
17. Page 9 Moved Entwine Limbs and Entwine Body into Enchanters Force and
made for all schools for consistency in Table 2-2.
18. Page 9 Changed Flare to Ray in Conjured Damage Group for consistency in
Table 2-2.
19. Page 9-10 Clarified the Situational Magic Spell Claws to remain consistent with
rules on Claws in the Player Rulebook.
20. Page 10 Changed Well of the incantations to be Innate rather than Physical
to reflect better game play and design intent.
21. Page 13 Changed all references to Permanent Circle of Power to Annual Circle
of Power for consistency.
22. Page 13-14 Removed Afterlife Communication and Banishment.
23. Page 13, Page 14 Added the Ritual High Magic Invocation Consecration.
24. Page 13, Page 15 Added the Ritual High Magic Invocation Funeral Rites.
25. Page 13, Page 16 Added the Ritual High Magic Invocation Sanctify Land.

26. Page 14 Clarified Annual Protective Circles for ease of gameplay.

27. Page 14 Clarified Destroy High Magic when it relates to Dwelling Protections.
28. Page 14 Modified Wild Annual Protective Circles to cast spells on multiple
targets to reflect changes in status effects.
29. Page 14 Rewrote Interrealm Communication for clarity.
30. Page 14-15 Rewrote Interrealm Travel for clarity.
31. Page 14-16 Combined Foresight, Elemental Research and Scrying Pool into one
Ritual High Magic Invocation called Divination and kept requirements of all three
32. Page 16 Modified Metamorphosis to not take a death if cast on the same target
within a 12-month period, simply modified the bag draw.
33. Page 16 Modified Soul Weave to not take a death if cast on the same target
within a 12-month period, simply modified the bag draw.
34. Page 16-17 Rewrote Transcendent Words for clarity.
35. Page 18 Changed Invocation name from Elemental Aura to Elemental
Recomposition in Table 4-1.
36. Page 21 Changed Elemental Auras for Essence from Growth and Decay to
Essence and Decay to reflect ease of game play and design intent.
37. Page 23 Removed the sentence about Crumble and Armor was not needed.
38. Page 23 Moved Entwine Limbs and Entwine Body into Enchanters Force and
made for all schools for consistency in Table 4-13a.
39. Page 23 Changed Flare to Ray in Conjured Damage Group for consistency in
Table 4-13a.
40. Page 24 Moved Entwine Limbs and Entwine Body into Enchanters Force and
made for all schools for consistency in Table 4-13b.
41. Page 24 Changed Flare to Ray in Conjured Damage Group for consistency in
Table 2-2 in Table 4-13b.

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