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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014


Gasoline which has been the main source of fuel for the history of cars is
becoming more and more expensive and impractical, especially from an
environmental standpoint. In the process of burning gasoline, it produces carbon
monoxide, nitrogen oxides and unburned hydrocarbons which are the main pollutants
and are responsible for bad effects of pollution. There comes need to think about
alternatives such as biodiesel and natural gas, electric cars, hybrid cars, hydrogen fuel
cells but, these alternative fuels also have some drawbacks which are discussed in
detail in after as comparative study. One possible alternative fuel is the compressed
air. There are ongoing projects that are developing a new type of car that will run on
compressed air.
In this seminar report of AIR POWERED CARS, we will learn about the
technology behind compressed air cars being developed and how these cars are best
options providing most comprehensive answer to todays urban pollution problems in
simple economic and most inoffensive manner which makes car users to replace their
present cars running on gasoline in the coming years as these cars are safe to use safe
to users and are also environment friendly. This paper also aims to compare the two
technologies from a technological point of view. Engines for a typical small scale
passenger car will be used for the analyses and the comparison will be based on the
shaft work, Coolth, efficiency and energy density. Note that only theoretical analyses
are carried out in this work, the engines considered are virtual power systems

Though air powered cars are meant mainly for individual consumers in urban

areas most of the early adopters will be businesses like taxi services and local
transport. Also products are manufactured for the retail and fleet customer market and
are mainly used for local transportation. Each vehicle is equipped with the same type
of engine power output of 25HP with a maximum speed of 68mph.

Dept. Of Automobile Engineering

Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

An example for the models developed by MDI:

Family car:

Future Applications:
MDI has developed various vehicles and systems which promise to drastically
change the outlook of public transportation and energy use.

Figure no.17: Zero pollution Public transportation concepts

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

The air tanks in air powered cars are composed of an interior thermoplastic
container which ensures it is airtight. This is held in a coiled and crossed carbon fiber
shell. This technique is the result of many studies into factors such as: mechanical
specifications, density of material, choice of fibers etc. (Refer figure).The
specifications of tank are,

Maximum effective pressure: (300 bars)

Temperature of use: (40C to 60C)
Weight 35 - 40 kg for 100 liters of air at 300 bars.

Fig No: 01 composition of air tank.

Special machines make the tubular shell as shown in figure (Refer figure
no:2).The tanks are submitted to numerous tests to meet official approval such as: 1)
Pressure testing 2) Rupture testing 3) Cycles at ambient and extreme temperatures 4)

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Fire-resistance testing 5) Resistance to cuts 6) Shock and fall testing and 7) Airtight
During rupture testing, the tank cracks, but does not break up, producing no
splinters or fragments. In the event of a cracked tank, it is most likely to occur within
the cylinder itself

2.1.1 The safety of the compressed air storage tanks:

Though these tanks hold 90 cubic meters of air compressed to 300 bars, even
in the case of a major accident, they would not explode since they are not metal.
Instead an elongated crack would appear in the tank, without exploding, and the air
would simply escape, producing a loud but harmless noise. For extra security, a
protective plate is fixed underneath the vehicles chassis and in addition limits circuit
of high pressure air. (Refer figure no.3)

Fig No: 02 manufacturing of air tanks on special machines.

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Fig no: 03 location of air tank with a protective plate fixed on chassis
Based on its experience in aeronautics, MDI has put together highly-resistant,
yet light, chasses, aluminum rods glued together. Using rods enables us to build a
more shock-resistant chassis than regular chasses. Additionally, the rods are glued in
the same way as aircraft, allowing quick assembly and a more secure join than with
welding. This system helps to reduce manufacture (Refer figure no.04)
The MDI engine works with air that is taken from the atmosphere and air pre
compressed in tanks. Air is compressed by the on-board compressor or at service
stations equipped with a high-pressure compressor. Before compression, the air must
be filtered to get rid of any impurities that could damage the engine. Carbon filters are
used to eliminate dirt, dust, humidity and other particles which, unfortunately, are
found in the air in our cities. It is the first time that a car eliminates and reduces
existing pollution rather than emitting dirt and harmful gases. The exhaust pipe on the
MDI cars produces clean air, which is cold on exit (between -15 and 0) and is
harmless to human life. With this system the air that comes out of the car is cleaner
than the air that went in.

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Fig no: 04 Chassis of Air Car

Guy Niger, inventor of the MDI Air Car, acquired the patent for an interesting
invention for installing electrics in a vehicle. Using a radio transmission system, each
electrical component receives signals with a microcontroller. The MDI vehicles have
only one wire weighing less than one kilo, thus only one cable is needed for the whole
car. So, instead of wiring each component such as headlights, dashboard lights, lights
inside the car, etc, one cable connects all electrical parts in the car. This wire acts as a
wave-guide to convey the commands to microchips that actually operate all electric
parts in the car. So the vehicle functions like a mini-Internet network, for
communication between vehicles. The advantages are the ease of installation and
repair and the removal of the approximately 22 kg of wires. Whats more, the entire
system becomes an anti-theft alarm as soon as the key is removed from the car. The
MDI vehicles will be nothing like cars. They will take customers into a new era of
advanced, significantly safer and more secure, clean, low cost and mobility.

Characteristics: Single energy bi-cylindrical 1200cc engine with a pause at the

Peak Rest Point for 70, variable volume expansion chamber, Power limited to

Expansion cylinder: 1200cc
Year of invention: 2000/2001
Advantage: Impressive torque motor curve.
Disadvantage: The utilization of two connecting crank-shafts for gears caused
vibration problems.(Refer figure no)

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Special features: The pistons are mounted on rollers to minimize friction and
the loss of due to lateral force on the liner. The marginal lubrication is
provided by a low pressure oil pump which uses very little energy. It utilizes
the boxer design and the pause at PRP with just one crank.

Figure no: 05: Engine used in Air Car

2.6) BODY:
The MDI car body is built with fiber and injected foam, as are most of the cars
on the market today. This technology has two main advantages: cost and weight. Now
a days the use of sheet steel for car bodies is only because of cost - it is cheaper to
serially produce sheet steel bodies than fiber ones. However, fiber is safer because it
doesnt cut like steel and is easier to repair is glued, also it doesnt rust etc. MDI
is currently looking into using hemp fiber to replace fiber-glass, and natural varnishes,
to produce 100% non-contaminating bodywork (Refer figure no.6)

Total mass: 820 kg.

Engine cut out during standstills.
Variable opening distribution. Low consumption.
Con-rod system with pause of piston at top dead centre which allow a lower

pressure injection (30 bars).

Classic distribution seal with reduced friction due to use of rollers.
Three-stage expansion, almost isothermal
Maximum power (25hp) 18.3 KW @ 3000 rpm.
Maximum torque 6.3 kg-m @ 2500 rpm.

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Rear mount engine and Rear wheel drive.

Automatic continuously variable.
Suspension: Front: coil springs and Rear: pneumatic.
Disk brakes.
Rack and pinion steering.

Figure no. 6: Location of engine and air tank on chassis of air Car

Figure no. 2.7: Actual picture of body of Air Car

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014



Air at -100 degree Celsius and 300 bar pressure is used as a fuel. When this air
is allowed to expand at atmospheric conditions its volume is increased many times
this energy produced is used to drive pistons of air powered car. Although the
technology is new, the idea isn't completely unknown to Formula One car, since every
Formula One engine starts with a shot of compressed-air as an Energy-Booster. Guy
Niger has simply extended this concept for running the engines by heating and
expanding super-cooled compressed air.
The secret of the working of Air powered motor is simply to - decompress the
air in stages and in so doing efficiently release energy at each point in the chain. This
process is repeated as many times as possible to extract the maximum energy
efficiency from the compressed air. Its secret is isotherm dynamics. Isotherm
dynamics is a process that creates power by expanding air at an almost constant
temperature, cylindrical expansions are between the isothermal and the adiabatic.
Isothermal expansion is defined by a constant temperature during the increase in
volume. Adiabatic expansion is characterized by a lack of thermal exchange with the
In the following figure the green line, represents the ideal transformation of
the compressed air: in effect, the air temperature is the same coming in and going out
of the cylinder, and power is maximized. (Refer figure no. 07) On the contrary, the
worst transformation is the adiabatic transformation, represented by the red line. The
derived power is minimal, and the air leaves the system at a very low temperature
indeed. The blue line, or polytrophic curve, represents the transformation that the
MDI motor realizes, and the individual stages outlined above can be seen. The
transformation going through the first cylinder is represented by the polytrophic line
(somewhere between our ideal isotherm and the adiabatic curve). The temperature rise
brings the line closer to the isotherm, and allows the second and subsequent stages to
produce more power.

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Figure no.07 PV diagram of working cycle

Niger theorized that by heating and expanding super-cooled compressed air he
could power a nonpolluting car. Nigers company, Motor Development International
(MDI), created what it calls the Compressed Air Technology (CAT) car by combining
a light weight automobile body with a new type of small rear-mounted engine

Figure no. 08: Working steps in air car

3.3.1) Steps in working cycle:

The air is released from A through the main line firstly to an alternator B
where the first stage of decompression takes place. The now cold air passes through a
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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

heat exchanger C which adds thermal energy to the air using the warmth of external
air and provides a convenient opportunity for air conditioning D. The warmed
compressed air now passes to the motor E. where a two more stages of decompression
and re-heating take place. The motor drives the rear axle G through the transmission
F. Control of engine speed is through a conventional accelerator pedal H controlling a
valve within the motor. An energy recycler J is under test which uses engine braking
K to recompress air during braking into a secondary storage facility, providing
additional energy for re-start and acceleration. Conventional hydraulic braking L is
supplied. Finally, the air is passed through carbon filters like those in scuba diving
tanks and expelled as pollutant-free exhaust. The "exhaust" leaves the engine at about
zero degrees Celsius, a result of the expansion and cooling action. The exhaust is
totally pure and fit to breathe. The vehicle can be refilled by using the onboard
compressor M or by refilling the tank at an air station at N. (Refer figure no.08)
Another version of the air powered car has been produced by ZPM (Zero
Pollution Motors). This French company has designed a two cylinder air powered car
called the E.Volution. The first cylinder in the engine is the intake/compression
cylinder, and the second is an exhaust/expansion cylinder, with an air injector on each
cylinder In between these 2, with the transfer and the chamber inlet valves into each
cylinder, is the combustion chamber.

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014


Figure no. 09 b): Engine of air car

The first piston takes in ambient air and compresses it to approximately 300
psi and 200*f in the compression chamber during the first cycle of the engine

When the piston pause, a small amount of compressed air from the tanks is
released into the expansion chamber to create a low pressured, low
temperature volume of about 140psi

Shortly before the valve to the exhaust cylinder is opened, a high-speed shutter
connects the compression and expansion chambers. The sudden pressure and
temperature difference between the low chambers creates pressure waves in
the expansion chamber, thereby producing work in the exhaust chamber that
drives the piston to power the engine

3.4.1) Articulated con-rod:

The MDI con-rod system allows the piston to "pause" at top dead centre
during approximately 70 degrees of the rotation of the crankshaft allowing expansion
at constant volume. Due to the piston pause at the TDC gets sufficient time to
establish the correct pressure which gives engine a high torque at high RPM. So the
force exerted on the crankshaft is less substantial than in a classic system. (Refer
figure no.10)
3.4.2) Power transmission:

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Gear changes are automatic, powered by an electronic system developed by MDI. A

computer which controls the speed of the car is effectively continuously changing
The Moto-alternator connects the engine to the gearbox.
It has many functions:

It supports the CATs motor to allow the tanks to be refilled.

As an alternator it produces brake power
It starts the vehicle and provides extra power when necessary
Its steering-wheel is equipped with a 5kW electric Moto-alternator.
This motor is simultaneously:
the motor to compress air
the starting motor
the alternator for recharging the battery
an electric moderator/brake

Figure no.10: Articulated con rod

No clutch is necessary. The engine is idle when the car is stationary and the
vehicle is started by the magnetic plate which re-engages the compressed air. Parking
man oeuvres are powered by the electric motor.


The Series 34 CATs engines can be equipped with and run on dual energies
-fossil fuels and compressed air - and incorporate a reheating mechanism (a
continuous combustion system, easily controlled to minimize pollution) between the
storage tank and the engine. This mechanism allows the engine to run exclusively on
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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

fossil fuel which permits compatible autonomy on the road. While the car is running
on fossil fuel, the compressor refills the compressed air tanks. The control system
maintains a zero-pollution emission in the city at speeds up to 60 km/h.
To ensure smooth running and to optimize energy efficiency, CATs engines
use a simple electromagnetic distribution system which controls the flow of air into
the engine. This system runs on very little energy and alters neither the valve phase
nor its rise.
The MDI vehicles will be equipped with a range of modern systems. For
example, one mechanism stops the engine when the car is stationary i.e. at traffic
lights, junctions etc. Unlike conventional cars, the engine does not operate in traffic
jams, which thus saves on fuel. Another interesting feature is the pneumatic system
when the car brakes, the kinetic energy from braking are used to drive a pump that
helps to restore some of the lost pressure.
The CAT's motor does require a small amount of oil, about 0.8 liters that the
driver will have to change just every 31,000 miles (50,000 km). Air tanks fixed is
filled with normal air to a pressure of 300kPa can hold about 300 liters of air. This
compressed air can travel up to 200 km at a top speed of 96.5 kmh.
The air tanks could be refilled in one of two ways i.e.
1) Either by using a household electrical source, it takes about four hours to refill the
compressed air tanks. Tanks are refilled by plugging the car into a mains socket to
feed the motor-alternator which compresses the air with the motor-compressor.
2) Or by means of a special system, i.e. a rapid three-minute recharge is possible,
using a high-pressure air pump at air stations. (Refer figure no11 &12)
These methods consume electrical energy which loads the power stations also
leading to increase pollution since power stations depend on fossil fuels for power
generation. Hence some alternative sources of refueling which can be used in future
are; wind energy, hydraulic systems, fuel cells, photovoltaics etc can be used.

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Figure no. 11: High pressure compressor at air station

Figure no. 12: High pressure gas jet for refueling air vehicles

Zero Pollution Motor vehicles would run at a cost of 1c/km. It would cost
R250 (33c US) to fill the tank with air and the engine would have to be serviced only
once every 50,000km, because it runs cold. The engine weights just 32 kg, but it can
do 90 kmh. When seating five people, the car the engine is lodged in, can accelerate
from 0-90 in 7 seconds. Its super-efficient, and since it uses no combustion, it
produces no air pollution; ironically, the air from the exhaust is cleaner than the air
that goes in - because of an internal filter. There is even an option for a hybrid model
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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

that would automatically switch to a combustion engine mode -- burning traditional

fuels -- when the vehicle reached a certain speed 60 kmh. Thus it is best option not
only to stop pollution but to reduce the present pollution.

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Following are the types of fuels or cars which are available in practice
nowadays but each of them has drawbacks when which compared with air powered
cars shows that air powered cars are best options to the current conditions.
It has two problems when burned in car engines. The first problem has to do
with smog and ozone in big cities. The second problem has to do with carbon and
green house gases. Catalytic converters eliminate much of this pollution, but they are
not perfect either.
Whereas air powered cars doesnt produce pollution at all because it runs on
compressed air only instead air expelled from air car gives cooling effect.
These can greatly reduce emissions and can be distributed through the current
infrastructure. Moreover, existing cars can be converted to run on these fuels. The
drawback is that these fuels are more expensive, and still emit some pollution.
Comparatively air required for air powered cars are very cheaply refueled and
just takes 3 minutes for refueling and doesnt produce pollution at all.
These cars are already on the road They have the pollution controlling
advantages of electric cars combined with a range and performance better than gas
powered vehicles. Their only drawback is they still rely on fossil fuels. Also the
system can be very heavy, bulky, and costly and requires a complex control system.
Other disadvantage is safety implications of energy storage system and requirement of
additional maintenance.
When compared with hybrid cars air powered cars are light in weight and are
cheap in cost with very simple control system with very less maintenance. Also air
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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

powered cars do not use fuels like fossils fuels henceforth maintaining the natural
resources of earth.
Major drawback to current fuel cell technology is that it requires extremely
high temperatures, to get the zirconium membrane to convert gas into electricity. The
reason fuel cells have not entered into the marketplace is because they are very
expensive right now. Hydrogen is plentiful, but it requires power to separate it out of
other compounds. Whereas air powered cars runs on compressed air only doesnt
require power for processing and very cheaply available.
These cars have been under development for years, but most of those in
production suffer from poor range or performance. New chemical battery technologies
improve the range and performance, but possibly at the cost of safety or chemical
pollution in the batteries. Most batteries use heavy metals are not environmentally
friendly. And the better the battery is, the more expensive it is. Whereas air powered
cars uses only air for operation and are economical as well as environmental friendly.
Following table shows comparative statement for different features of air powered
cars with the Electric cars available in market today:

Thus air cars are more efficient cheaper and less pollutant than electric cars.

Dept. Of Automobile Engineering


Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

After carrying out the comparative study and from efficiency point of view the
features can be advantageous and can be collectively listed as below.
Uses air which is naturally and cheaply available.
Also light in weight (approx 800 Kg) due to use of composite material, with
attractive looks.
In conjunction with compressed air it also runs on traditional fuel i.e. when car
runs below 60 km/h it runs s on compressed air and above 60 kmh it runs on
traditional fuel like gasoline, diesel, etc which is electronically controlled.
The air powered cars are equipped with a range of modern systems. For
example, one mechanism stops the engine when the car is stationary i.e. at
traffic lights, junctions etc. Unlike conventional cars, the engine does not
operate in traffic jams, which thus saves on fuel.
Another interesting feature is the pneumatic system when the car brake, the
kinetic energy from braking is used to drive a pump that helps to restore some
of the lost pressure.
During refueling the natural air is passed through carbon filter where the
impurities of the air are removed and henceforth the air expelled from the car
gives negative pollution i.e. it removes pollution from the surrounding air.
Air expelled from the engine has very less temperature below zero degrees
which can be used for the ACs of the car. Also the air expelled from the car
has low temperature which gives cooling effect to surrounding.
For refueling at compressed air stations it requires only 3 minutes and also it
can be refueled at home within 4 hours.
Though the carrying capacity of the car is 5 persons, it can accelerate from 0
to 50 mph within 7 seconds.
To refuel the air tank of 300 liters at 300bars it requires approx $5.00 with
which it can travel up to 200 km or can run for 10 hrs in city traffic. Thus
average running cost per km is 1 cent only.

Dept. Of Automobile Engineering


Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Electrics and existing cars require some 25 to 30 kg of wiring for functioning

of various parts whereas air powered cars uses single wire less than 1 kg for
various functioning and works like mini internet network.

Dept. Of Automobile Engineering


Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

a) The power needed to develop compress air is electricity, and for generation of
electricity fuels are used which creates pollution at power stations.
b) While operation the engine creates noise due to sudden expansion of air.
c) Considering power point of view air powered cars are still behind gasoline cars.
But these drawbacks are not much serious and can be removed by,
Using wind, hydraulic systems, fuel cells and photovoltaic to fill up air
By encasing the engine to reduce noise
By increasing air carrying capacity we can increase power output of air
Thus air cars are the best options suitable to current conditions around us.

Dept. Of Automobile Engineering


Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Though air powered cars are meant mainly for individual consumers in urban
areas most of the early adopters will be businesses like taxi services and local
transport. Also products are manufactured for the retail and fleet customer market and
are mainly used for local transportation. Each vehicle is equipped with the same type
of engine power output of 25HP with a maximum speed of 68mph.
Following are some of the models developed by MDI:
Family car:
Description: A spacious car with seats which can face different directions. The
vehicles design is based on needs of typical family
Features: Airbag, air conditioning, 6 seats (Refer figure no. 12)
Description: Design for daily use in industrial urban or rural environments whose
primary drivers would be tradesmen farmers and delivery drivers.
Features: Airbag, air conditioning, 2 seats, 1.5 m3 (Refer figure no. 13)

Figure no. 12: Family car

Figure no.13: van

Description: Inspired by London taxi with numerous ergonomic and comfort
advantages for the passenger as well as drivers.
Features: Airbag, air conditioning, 6 seats (Figure no. 14)
Pick up car:
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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Description: The Pleasure car designed for excursions outdoor sports or water
sports. Also suitable for small business & tradesmen
Features: Airbag, air conditioning, 6 seats (Figure no. 15)

Figure no. 14: Taxi

Figure no. 15: Pick up car

5) Minicab:
Description: The smallest and most innovative: three seats, minimal dimensions
with the boot of a saloon: a great challenge for such a small car which runs on
compressed air. The Minicab is the city car of the future.
Features: Airbag, air conditioning, ABS, 3 seats, 1.5 m3. (Figure no. 16)

Figure no. 16: Minicab

Future Applications:
MDI has developed various vehicles and systems which promise to drastically
change the outlook of public transportation and energy use.

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

Figure no.17 : Zero pollution Public transportation concepts

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Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

If we really want to live in a globalised world we have to know that pollution

have no bound when each of us owns a diesel or petrol car we will have millions of
exhaust pipes producing pollutions that we can hardly imagine. There are various
excellent solutions existing outside the world of petroleum and its time to realize it.
One of them is air powered vehicles as it is the only one system which works against
pollution and its side effects such as global warming.
The different versions of air powered vehicles provide equation most
comprehensive answer to urban pollution. They cost less to operate and are arguably
more environmental friendly. These produce zero pollution not only that during their
operation they actually remove pollution from air i.e. when driver brakes the air
powered cars, the car takes in the polluted air and filters it expelling the clean air upon
Also during working the air expelled from the car is at temperature below zero
degrees Celsius so unlike the traditional cars it doesnt add heat to surrounding
instead it makes surrounding colder thus preventing global warming effect produced
by traditional cars.
Thus the AIR POWERED CARS are the best options which provide most
comprehensive answer to the present urban pollution problems in simple, economic
and inoffensive manner. Thus these vehicles are safe to manufacture, safe to use, safe
to users and also environment friendly.

Dept. Of Automobile Engineering


Air Powered Zero Emission Road Transportation

Seminar Report 2014

1. Mathur Sharma IC Engines Dhanpat Rai Publications (1999) (Disadvantages of

Traditional Fuels)
2. Domkundwar, Domkundwar I.C.Engines Dhanpat Rai publications (1999)
(Disadvantages of Alternative Fuels)
3. Patrick Ponticel High time for Hybrids Automotive Engg. Int., Feb 2002
(Disadvantages of Hybrid cars)
4. Dr. Harton Anderson Making Cleaner, Cheaper Fuel cells,
5. Clean edge news 27 Aug 2001, (Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells) Abe
Hertzberg Why Air Cars are Better than Electric Cars, Washington Education 29
Aug 2001, (Disadvantages of Electric car Batteries)

Dept. Of Automobile Engineering


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