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ae Vocabulary travel, journey, trip and way 1 @ Spanish-speaking exam candidates often confuse the following nouns: rave Journey. trip and way. Look at these sentences from the recording Script in Listening Part 3 and complete the extract below by writing travel journey, trip oF way in the pe * Tent on ane of those journeys overland to Kenya «te made a trip tothe beach, hich nas oly about Zo mmiuteseway by bos + Wewore on cut way back down the mountain when we got cougitin this realy big storm + Tred ke thet sort of rising of eultres—it's one of the best things about foreign travel travel, journey, trip or way? &B A(1)......s.a joumey in which you visit a place for a short time and come back again. ‘@. "refers only to the route that you take to get from one place to another. The noun '(8) nan! is a general word which means the activity of traveling, Ue (8) e-enn 10 talk abOUt when you travel from one place lo another. 2 @ Circle the correct word in italics in each of these sentences. 1 She met plenty of interesting people during her weekend travel / trio to Montreal, 2. We stopped at the supermarket on the way /trip to the beech to pick up some cold drinks, 3 My mum and dad have booked a journey /trip to Greece for our holidays this August. 4 My mum is away on @ business journey / trip, 0 the house is really quiet at the moment. 5 People spend far more on foreign travel /journeys than thoy dic 50 years ago. 6 The travel /ourney to my village will take about three hours, 7 "Have @ good travel tip to Budapest!" ‘Thanks! See you next week when I get back!" 8 You can't get to school by bicycle ifthe journey / way is t00 long - over 30 kilometres, for example. 9 Excuse me, 'm a bit lost. Can you tell me the best, journey / way to the bus station? Complete each of the sentences by writing an ‘adjective from the box. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible. a(n) homeward/outward/hard/ciangerous journey ‘a business/sightsecing/shopping/day/ortheoming/ round trip alr) ourwardipleasant/successful/safefextendad/ overnight journey/trip 1 Thope you have a(n) 2. I'm going on an) won't be back ll tomorrow, 3 The journey wasn't nearly as hard as the homeward one 4 They've gane on a(n) trip, so | quess they'll come home with lots of new clothes 5 What are you going to do 0M YOU mimnnenn trp to New York? Ist for business or pleasure? 6 Have al) nnnnnnnnenejourney and don't drive too fast! severe. {tip to Zurich, sot Work in groups. Imagine you are planning a trip together this weekend. Decide: + where to go + how to get there ‘+ what to do when you arrive. -712221111111122222222177171212171111111121111222222222220211 | POTTS TTS SST TC TCFFFFIFIFLFLISSISEEOUUUUUUCUUGULEES SHIIITIIVUUVULE Reading and Use of English | Part ‘ 1 @ Form adjectives trom these nouns and verbs by miding uth atural nature (n) [edventure tend memory (a) mystery crowd (n + v) thrill (n + v) doubt ia+ 70" [oveeess od remark (n+ vb access (n + v} I B page 195 Lenguage reference: Mow lormation ~ adding sufixes 2 @ Form adjectives from the nouns ond verbs in the box. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible. When you have finished, use your dictionary to check your answers. artist caution colour educate emotion energy mass prodict reason respond storm thought wealth In Reading and Use of English Par you ead a ont of 150-140 words with eight gaps an one example (0). You vite the conect frm ofthe word given CAPITALS at the endo the inn ach gop | i Tis par tots your knowledge ofveabulary and your ability to form words by adding preees and autixes and acetone Inthe test the word wil be amicofnouns, adjectives, ataaneesinte | 3. @ read the text on the right Use the word given in cepa atthe end of some of the lines to form ¢ word {hat Ms inthe gap In the same line. When you have Finished, use your dictionary to check your answers L A bus journey Tasha climbod onto (0)... bus which was going to take her fo © nearby vilage. The wooden seals looked quite (1). i she decided to stand, evon though 2 n= passenger offered her a seal. As the bus moved through the countryside, i filed wih women dressed in bright, (3). 6 their way lo motte to do their weekly shopping. "This isan (4). ‘expetience,’ fhought Tasho, who was bginning 10 foe! [5) sunroom ‘abou her journey. ‘Mote passengers dimbed aboard laughing ‘and chatting, and the noise become (6) «grew hotter and Tasha began to feel « hile a thal she might not get to the door when the bus reached her stop, Fortunotely, hough, o (8) passenger saw her problem and shouled bo the other passengers to let her poss ond suddenly everyone made room for her lo get oft clothes, = Gradually, he bus NRE cRowD | COMFORT THOUGHT COLOUR FORGET opmMsT CONSIDER ANXIETY ‘SYMPATHY, 4 Work in groups, What things make you nervous or anxious when you're travelling?

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