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Reading Reflection In Search of Subjectivity Ones Own

Karin Fonseca
Valdosta State University


Reading Reflection In Search of Subjectivity Ones Own

This documents talks about subjectivity and the fact that
subjectivity and the quality of the investigator can impact the
observations and the study being researched. Values, status, ones
class can influence on persuasions that will vary depending on the
circumstances and activities taking place at a particular time. Being
cautious of subjectivity is very important for the researcher and is not
an easy task to accomplish. Peshkin (1982b) states that the
subjectivity operates during the entire research process. Each step of
the research will provide a different focus and researchers should be
aware of their subjectivity in each of those steps.
By allowing the subjectivity to flow and understanding ones own
qualities, it allows for the development of the research that is real in
the fact that readers will understand when the subjectivity of the
researcher and the subject of study have become one. This process
allows researchers to shape transform, construe what happens during
the process of research, and for this reason it should be always
Peshkin suggests that subjectivity although is not something we
are aware of in all of aspects of our lives, is always present. It is
fundamental that researches become aware of their own subjectivity in
order to apply in every step of the research and confront it so very
often providing therefore substantial research results. While
investigating his own subjectivity Peshkin concluded that subjectivity
can be seen as virtuous (p.287), as well as that he decided that he
wanted to be aware of it [subjectivity] in process, mindful of its
enabling and disabling potentials while the data were still coming in,
not after the fact (p.287).
While researching Peshkin realized that the way to keep track of
his subjectivity was by identifying and monitor himself to sense his
feeling, and every time he felt a reaction, positive or negative, he knew
his subjectivity was present. That allowed him to self-analysis while
the process of research was taking place. He was able to develop a list
for his own subjectivities encountered in one particular research study
and defines that it may change from place to place (situational
subjectivity). The ones he defined as his subjectivity at a particular
study are as follows:
The Ethnic-Maintenance the one that approves of its person
self-retention of ethnicity and embrace their ethnical
background. The backset of this subjectivity is when analyzing
a group of people and only relating to those that do recognize
their ethnicity and disregard those that choose not to.
The Community-Maintenance The attachment to community
and concern for its survival, how the community is established
and how these communities support each other remembering


the old times. Places like old coffee shops flourished in his
subjectivity (nostalgia), where people gathered almost religiously
and have a share sense of community.
The E-Pluribus-Unum this has to do with diversity, the
relationships bounded in between different ethnic groups. They
maintained their ethnicity yet they mingled with each other. One
back step is that one must we aware not to generalize that this
will happen in every place with all groups of people. There were
still prejudice, racism, fear and hate.
The Justice-Seeking This subjective arise due to prejudice and
denigration as related to the location a part of a population
leaves. The point here is that Peshkin needed to be aware how
his defensive way would influence in the analysis of denigration
in that particular community.
The Pedagogical-Meliorist I realizing that his own need to help
the students pedagogically, his believes about teaching in the
poor underclass schools, and ineffective teachers were also part
of his subjectivity.
The None-Research Human I getting involved in different levels
can influence the researchers study and soften judgment or
affect the research. Peshkin states its by-product is affection,
which tends to reduce the distance between self and subjects
that scholars presume is necessary to learn and write about a
person, place, or institution (p.293). Basically there is a thin line
between the development of the relationship where there must
be not too cold or too affectionate.
Every researcher has the shadow of his/her own subjectivity. Good quality
researchers are most aware of their subjectivity and how they will probably impact
their work. Peshkin insist in the fact that subjectivity should not be taken lightly and
used as an exercise that is persistent during the entire process of research.
Researchers should reanalyzed their subjectivity over and over and be sensitive to it,
aware, and focused.


Peshkin, A. (1991). In Search of Subjectivity Ones Own. In University of Chicago Press
(Eds.), The color of strangers: The color of Friends The play of ethnicity in school and
community, (pp. 285-295).

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