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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8,No. 2,April 1993


Gary C. Thomann, SM
Power Technologies. Inc.

Stephen R. Lambert, F
Power Technologies, Inc.

Optimum reactor compensation configurations for
implementing single pole reclosing on EHV, double circuit lines
have been previously investigated'.
However, for some
applications, optimum schemes may not be practical due to
constraints such as reactor physical sue, operating constraints and
existing equipment.
The performance of non-optimum schemes is considered.
using an EGAT (Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand) 328
km. 500 kV. double circuit line as an example. Several
compensation schemes were considered, and their performance
examined with both circuits in service and with one circuit out for
maintenance. The analysis indicated that some schemes with
reactor values considerably off optimum still provided reasonable

Somkiet Phaloprakarn
Electricity Generating
Authority of Thailand

one circuit and simultaneousphase to ground faults on both circuits

are investigated. A phase to ground fault on one circuit with the
other circuit out of service is also examined.


The portion of the EGAT system modeled and used as an
example is shown in Figure 1. Much of the 500 kV system
presently exists, and line connected shunt reactors are present on
the single circuit lies. The future configurationbetween Mae Moh
and Tha Tako includes one double circuit and two single circuits.

Single pole reclosing is employed so that following the
occurrence of a phase to ground fault (the majority of faults on
most transmission l i e s ) only the faulted phase is cleared and then
reclosed. W i n g the dead time, the energized phases capacitively
and inductively couple energy into the faulted phase resulting in a
continuation of the arc current (called 4 here). If the phase is reenergized before the secondary arc current extinguishes, the full
phase to ground fault will redevelop. With relatively short
transmission lines, the secondary arc current may be so low that it
extinguishes quickly, and reclosing can be accomplishedafter only
a slight delay. With longer lines, some type of mitigating action
is usually needed to reduce the secondaxy arc current.

This paper describes an evaluation of various non-optimum

reactor compensation schemes to allow single phase reclosing on
EHV double circuit transmission lines; a single circuit example is
also considered Non-optimum compensation means the reactors
do not completely cancel the line phase to phase capacitances. For
the evaluation, EGAT 328 km. 500 kV, single and double circuit
lines in Thailand are used BS examples. and several configurations
and operating conditions are examined. For the single circuit line,
only a phase to ground fault is considered. while for the double
circuit line, with both circuits in service, a phase to ground fault on


Figure 1. The EGAT system.

Secondary arc current is composed of a capacitive
component due to the intra- and intercircuit capacitances and an
inductive component driven by the voltage induced from the
currents in the other phases. Various methcds have been suggested
for reducing the secondary current - momentarily bypassing the
fault by mechanicallyconnecting the faulted phase to ground at one
or more points2,or connecting the faulted phase back to the source
voltage through a ~apacitor.~The method considered in this
analysis cancels the inter-phase capacitances with reactive

92 WM 261-8 PWRD A paper recommended and approved by
the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee of
the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation
at the IEEE/PES 1992 Winter Meeting, New York, New
York, January 26
30, 1992. ManUscriDt submitted
August 30, 1991; made available for printing
December 31, 1991.

The compensatingreactor values are selected to partially or

completely cancel the capacitive current component, but not the
current due to the inductively induced voltage. The inductively
induced current is difficult to cancel as it varies with current in the
unfaulted phases'. Reactors can be configured in a variety of
ways, and the configuration for the analysis is shown in Figure 2.
Interphase and phase to ground capacitances for the double circuit

0885-8977/93$03.000 1992 IEEE


transmission line are indicated where C, is the capacitance from

phase to ground, C,is the intra-circuit phase to phase capacitance,
and Ci is the inter-circuit phase to phase capacitance. Not all the
Ci's are shown.


Eq's (2) and (3) calculate optimum values of X, and X,.
If such an optimum compensation scheme were used, the secondary
arc current would be low in magnitude (driven only by the
inductive coupling) and, for most cases, the arc would be expected
to extinguish within a short dead time (much less than 0.5 s). But
as non-optimum schemes are being considered, the secondary arc
currents may not be small. Therefore, it is important to understand
the relationship between arc current magnitude, recovery voltage,
and successful secondary arc extinction and to defiie some
reasonable criteria.
Arc Current and Recovery Voltage

Figure 2.

The intra- and intercircuit capacitance of the double

circuit line and the reactor compensation

The reactor compensation method is convenient if reactive

shunt compensation is already necessary for voltage control, with
the reactance $ providing the positive sequence shunt
compensation of fraction h, where h = )$.BC,, and BC, is the
positive sequence line susceptance. The value of Xp for
compensation h is shown in Eq (1) and the values of X, and &
which will cancel the inter-phase capacitances (assumed as a
lumped capacitance) for a perfectly transposed line are shown in
4 . '(2)~and (3).
xp = h(BC, +3BC,



Secondary arc currents can have magnitudes from a few

amps to over 100 A. The arc is inherently unstable, and will
usually eventually extinguish. For single pole reclosing. it is
obviously desirable to have arc extinction during the dead time for
the great majority of the time. Reclosing time is often set at 0.5
s, although longer times are also used. Extinction time is also
dependent on atmospheric conditions and arc length.
With these parameters held constant, arc continuation is
probably most dependent on the transient recovery voltage (TRV)
resulting when the arc current goes through zero and tries to
extinguish. If the TRV has a fast rise time (high dV/dt), then the
arc will reignite. If the rise time is sufficiently slow, the arc will
not reignite and successful extinction occurs. Some investigators
have related successful arc extinction in a specified interval of time
to the magnitude of the arc current itself. However. even
considering capacitive coupling only, the TRV is dependent on the
line compensation in a complicated manner because the
compensation affects both the secondary fault current and the
circuit impedance seen from the fault point. Eaton6 showed
several single circuit line equivalent circuits, as seen from the fault
point, which can be used for the steady state and transient recovery
voltage calculations. When inductive coupling is considered, there
is a component of 4 proportional to current in the other phases, the
line compensation, and the location of the fault For the first few
ms after the arc extinction, the impedance seen from the fault may
be due to the transmission line surge impedance.

Experimental Data on Secondary Current Arc Extinction

xn =

-- 3 w , +BC,)

--3(BC, -BC,)


BC, is the susceptance of C,. etc. From Eq. (3). if Ci = 0 (a single

circuit line or pair of single circuits), X, is not required and the
configuration reduces to that commonly used for a single circuit
line. Also, X, is dependent on the difference between C, and Ci.
If the double circuit line is configured and transposed in a manner
such that C, = Ci. then X, would not be necessary.

As an aid to understanding the compensation scheme, it

may be helpful to visualize reactances in parallel with the interphase capacitances and with the phase to ground capacitance. The
values of these reactances can then be derived and are shown in the

Several investigators have measured secondary arc current

magnitude and arc extinction times on single circuit lines or testing
stands. Fukunishi', for example, examined R values (slope of the
recovery voltage) for a 4.05 m gap length, 8 kA primary fault
current, and 30 A secondary arc current.
Haubrich* made measurements with a test apparatus using
two transformers and capacitors. Johns' used the Fukunishi and
Haubrich data and developed an equation predicting gap breakdown
strength as a function of time and If. Kappenman" performed 9
fault tests (three locations) on a 528 km.500 kV single circuit line.
Edwards" performed 13 fault tests on a 150 km. 500 kV line
employing 100 MVAR of shunt compensation and a 588 R neutral
Scherer" presented the results of a large number of single
phase reclosing experiments on two transmission lines - a 243 km,
765 kV line in the United States and a 417 km, 750 kV line in the

USSR. Reactive compensation with the usual neutral reactor was
used on both lines. although various reactor values were used
during the tests. Sh~erling'~
reported on tests on the same 765
kV line considered by Scherer and noted that the arc resistance has
a significant effect on the secondary arc current, with the secondary
current having a third harmonic component of about 40%.

Performance Values for 500 kV Circuits

Unfortunately. there is no experimental data on single pole
reclosing for double circuit lines.
Kimbark' did discuss
compensating a double circuit l i e , but apparently single pole
reclosing was never implemented. However, it is reasonable to
expect double circuit secondary arc currents to behave similarly to
those associated with single circuit lines. Based on a review of the
results reported above, successful arc extinction would apparently
be expected for double circuit 500 kV lines employing 0.5 s
reclosing times. if the secondary fault current is less than or equal
to 40 A and the actual rate of rise, R, of the TRV was less than or
equal to 10 kV/ms. To be conservative. and because the analysis
used here is approximate, calculated values of 4 = 30 A and R =
7.5 kV/ms will be required for successful performance.

extinguishes. The line flow is prefault fkom Mae Moh to Tha

Tako. Examination of the table indicates that the effect of power
flow on the line is variable.
Figure 4 shows approximate calculated (not EMTF'
simulations) values of 4 and R as X, is varied with Xp constant at
1531 R. For the spreadsheet approximate calculations, a lumped
constant model of line capacitance and reactive compensation was
used; line inductance and inductive coupling was not considered.
As can be seen, successful performance (according to the criteria
adopted here) can be obtained for a wide. range of X, values. and
apparently X, values well below 700 2
! could be used. There is
a good correlation between the EMTP simulation and
approximately calculated results.
Table 1.

4 and R values for a perfectly transposed single circuit

line, Xp = 1531 S2.


A single circuit example is briefly considered to
demonstrate performance with neutral reactor values far from
optimum. The configuration for the EGAT 500 kV single circuit
line used for the example is shown in Figure 3; the phase
conductors consist of four Drake, 795 kcmil ACSR and the shield

700 R




Sag = 18.5
Volues in meters

Figure 3. Sketch of single circuit structure.

wires are 3l8 EHS. Various transposing methods will be used here.
Perfect transposition will mean an ideal line with continuous
transposition. Complete transposition will be a line transposed
using sections of f i t e length as done in practice. Assuming
perfect transposition, C, = 8.55 and C, = 1.64 nF/km. The
compensationXp had already been selected for the line, 1531 R (h
= -471).and was used for the analysis. From Eq (2) with Ci = 0.
the optimum X, is calculated to be 1760 R. However, in the
actual system, an X,value of 700 R had been selected to provide
be- reactor grounding. Table 1 shows values of I f and the
recovery voltage slope R for both the optimum and actual X,that
were obtained from EMTP simulations using bolted (zero
resistance) faults. The slope R is the tangent line to the recovery
voltage over approximately the first 6 ms period after the arc


Figure 4.

Xm, Neutral Reactor, Ohms

-+R, kV/W
If, A

Approximate 4 and R values for perfectly

transposed single circuit line, Xp = 1531 R.


Single pole reclosing with a double circuit line is more
complicated than with a single circuit, since a variety of faults can
occur and the number of circuits in service can vary. The events
considered in this analysis are:


Performance with phase-ground fault on one



Performance with phase-ground faults on both

circuits simultaneously.


Performance of one circuit when the other circuit

is out of service.

The example double circuit structure is shown in Figure 5,

and the conductors and shield wires used are the same as those of
the single circuit line. Complete transposition (both intra and intercircuit) of the double circuit line is more difficult than transposing
a single circuit, and in the example case. because of the way
conductoxx are changed at transposing structures, complete intercircuit equalization is not obtained, The transposing method is
discussed in the Appendix, and is named the existing transposition
here. Table 2 shows capacitance values for the double circuit line.
Ci is the inter-circuit capacitance with perfect transposition. Cil and
Ciu are the inter-circuit capacitances for like and unlike phases for
the actual transposition. Both complete and existing transposition
will be considered in the discussion to follow. Also shown in the
table are capacitance values for the first circuit when the second
circuit is out of service and grounded.

transposition a contribution is expected from the second circuit, and

the reclosing performance will likely be degraded. Table 3 shows
some simulation results for faults at various locations, and the
complete transposition does indeed demonstrate good performance.
The performance using the existing single circuit transposition
scheme is poorer, the 4 criteria is met, but the R criteria is not.
Table 2. Capacitance values in nF/km for double circuit line.

Both Circuits
in Service
One Circuit with
other Grounded

Table 3.



Sag = in

Figure 5. The double circuit configuration.

The compensation scheme considered first simply uses the
same reactor values as used for the previous single circuit line

Phase to Ground Fault on One Circuit

With complete inter-circuit transposition,for a fault on only
one circuit with both circuits in service, there should be little or no
contribution to the secondary arc current from the second circuit,
because capacitive coupled currents from the three phases of the
second circuit will be nearly equal in magnitude but 120 out of
phase with each other. Therefore, with complete transposition,
good performance would be expected.
With incomplete











EMTP simulated 4 and R for double circuit line

with % 2 1531 R, X, = 700 R. single circuit
compensmon, phase to ground fault on one circuit.

MVA position

I 1 I I I I



Location Cir 1


4, A



Existing Mae Moh















I Existing IMaeMohI

Complete Middle

I None I 31.1 I



Figure 6 shows curves of 4 and R determined using the

approximate analysis. The approximate analysis values in the
figure match quite well those obtained with the EMTP simulation.
It is apparent from the figure that X, values of lo00 to 2000 R
can be used successfully with the existing transposition. Smaller
X, values can be used with complete transposition. Therefore, it
is evident that results for the example circuit can be improved
either by increasing the impedance of the neutral reactor or
obtaining a more complete transposition.
Phase to Ground Faults on Both Circuits
For simultaneous phase to ground faults on both circuits,
since the single circuit type compensation provides no cancellation
of Ci. poor results for the first arc to clear would be expected.
Figure 7 shows the approximate analysis for faults on the same
phase, and the performance does not meet the criteria.
With simultaneous faults, capacitive coupling between
circuits occurs even with complete transposition, and there is not
a significant difference between the existing and perfect
transposition. Increasing the impedance of X, will improve
performance slightly, but not to an acceptable level. The
contribution from the second circuit, which is not canceled by the
single circuit type compensation, causes this configuration to fail
for the simultaneous faults, and this result is not unexpected.
Acceptable performance might be obtained by opening all three
phases on one circuit and single pole reclosing on the remaining







' '

values for double circuit line with single

circuit compensation and fault on one circuit. Xp =
1531 a.






' l&"
' '


Xm,Neutral Reactor, Ohms

-+R, k V l m
+If, A

Xm, Ohms
-u- ExistingTrans. --e-- PerfectTrans.

4 and R


I 4,
Figure 6.

Figure 8.

I, and R as a function of X, for double circuit line

with the second circuit out but not grounded.


The complete double circuit compensation scheme uses Xp.

X, and X,, as shown in Figure 2. Assuming that approximatelythe

same level of positive sequence compensation used for the single
circuit case is also desired for the double Circuit, (an Xp = 1531
is an h of .459for the double circuit line), the intent is to restrict
h to from .4 to .5. It is also desirable to keep the values of X,and
X, as low as possible to reduce reactor BIL requirements. Figure 9
shows the values of the three reactors as a function of the
compensation fraction h calculated from Eq's (1). (2) and (3).


+- ExistingTrans.

ldx ' lb '




and R values for faults on both circuits as a

function of X,, Xp = 1531 R.

circuit. In this case the second circuit is out of service, but not
grounded, so the. first circuit C, and C, values would not change
significantly from those shown in the first row of Table 2. The
perfurmance with these values is shown in Figure 8. For any
reasonable X, value, this operation procedure should work and
keep one line in service.


It may be most important for the single pole reclosing to

succeed when one of the circuits is out of service, since then only
one circuit remains (if there are no other parallel circuits). For the
example case, if the second circuit were out of service and
grounded, then the remaining circuit reverts to a single circuit line
with capacitance values much like the existing single circuit lines.
Thenfore, reclosing performance should be good, since as shown
before. it worked well on the single circuit.





Xp --e- Xm -*-Xn

Figure 9.

One Circuit Out of Service

Optimum reactor values as a function of h for the

double circuit line.

The results are not very encouraging. While a low value of

the values of X, are negative in the desirable h
range. Eq's (l), (2) and (3) give optimum values, but they do not
show what range of values will work. As another way of looking
at performance., the quality factors
= l/(Xh-BC,) and & =
l/(Xi*BCi)as a function of X, and X, are shown in Figure 10 for
Xp = 1531 R (Xh and Xiare derived in the appendix). Perfect
cancellation of the capacitance is indicated by unity values of the

X, is indicated,


quality factors. For

= 1531 &2, and 4 diverge, and effective
performance may be possible only with X, near 125 R. As h is
increased, it can be shown that the values of h and

8 0




8 0

- .

. . ..&....&.

- I

* Xn=600
Figure 10.

Xm, Ohms


. . .Id00

Figure 12.


Quality factors k,, and 4 as a function of X, and &

for Xp = 1531 R.

. . .1

- -


+- Xn=l000

.1 5 0 0

Xm, Ohms



and & for the configuration with X, at one end

and X,, at the other.

transposition since C, has been well canceled by the reactive

compensation and the complete inter-circuit transposition largely
removes the effect of the second circuit.

Essentially then, an inlinite variety of configurations and

reactor values could be considered. Performance with X, near 125
R as just discussed could be pursued. A configuration with no X,
might be tried, since this would result in a fairly simple
configuration. As previously discussed, if C, = Ci. the X, is not



As a practical example, a configuration using an Xp of

1250 R was examined as lowering 5 to this value significantly
improves performance. often, the reactive compensation is split
and placed at both ends of the transmission line. It is not
necessary for the complete reactor configuration to be placed at
each end. In fact, for the example used here, at one end the double
circuit line splits and does not end at a single substation, so the
complete configuration is not possible at that end. The example
configuration examined is shown in Figure 11. With this
arrangement, each line end has a fairly simple configuration.

Figure 11. Example simplified reactor configuration.

The value of I$ shown in the figure is actually 2500 R. since the
reactance has been split. The performance for this configuration,
expressed by h & 4, is shown in Figure 12. From this figure it
can be seen that there is not a lot of control of the cancellation of
Ci.Selecting a value of 2000 R for X,,, the performance for a
range of X,values is examined in the following sections.

Phase to Ground Fault on One Circuit

Figure 13 shows the spreadsheetcalculatedperformance for
phase to ground fault on one circuit. For G s from 1500 to
2000 a, performance is quite good, especially for a complete


s b o *

Figure 13.



Xm, Ohm
Existing Trans.
Perfect Trans.


Performance of double circuit type feactor

confguration for a fault on one circuit.

Phase to Ground Faults on Both Circuits

The calculated performance for the fiist fault to clear for
phase to ground faults on both circuits is shown in Figure 14. For
a value of X, around 2000 R the performance is (marginally)
satisfactory, despite the rather poor cancellation of the inter-circuit
capacitance. In this case, as before for the double circuit fault,
there is not a marked difference between the actual and the
complete transposition. The results of a few EMTP simulations are
shown in Table 4 for X, = X,, = 2000 R. The effect of power
flow is variable and not easily predicted. There is also
considerable variation with position, because locally the
transposition is incomplete. In general, the correlation between the
EMTP simulation and approximate calculation results is good for
a zero power flow.










Xm, Ohm
* ExistingTrans.
Perfect Trans.

Xm, Neutral Reactor, Ohms

-+R, kVlm


* lf,A

Figure 14.

If and R

Figure 15.

Table 4.

EMTF' simulation results for phase to ground faults

on both circuits, X, = X, = ZOO0 R.

criteria for successful performance would probably change.

for the double circuit type compensation

for faults on both circuits.

(Power1 Trans-


I PhaseFaulted I








b A (kV/rns








I, and R for the double circuit type compensation

with one circuit out and grounded.

Johns' developed an arc representationwhich has a constant

increase in arc voltage with current until a voltage Vp is reached,
after which no further increase in arc voltage occurs. There is a
hysteresis loop in the characteristic when the current returns to
zero, and as V, depends on the peak value of If, use of this model
requires a preliminary simulation run to determine V,.
~ d d b e r g ' developed
an EMTP model using Johns'
model of arc voltage (without hysteresis) and withstand voltage.
His model extinguishes the secondq arc current at each zero
crossing and then makes a decision about re-ignition.


I Complete I ThaTako I



One Circuit Out of Service

It will be assumed for this analysis that the circuit that is

out of service is grounded. Also assumed is that at the end of the
line with the X,, reactor, the three $ reactors for the grounded line
are disconnected. Therefore, a single circuit compensation
co&iguration now exists with Xp = 1250 R; X, varies from 0 to
lo00 R as the neutral reactor at each end varies from 0 to 2000 R.
The resulting performance is shown in Figure 15, and is very good
for any reasonable value of X,.
The above calculations of 4 and R were made with a bolted
fault representation, and approximate criteria were used to judge
acceptable reactor performance and to compare different
configurations. For any study, after an initial reactor configuration
is selected, additional 4 and R calculations, using a arc
representation more realistic than a zero resistance switch can be
done if desired. If an arc representation is used for the fault, the

From the results presented here, it is obvious that reactive

compensationfar from calculated optimumvalues can provide good
single pole reclosing performance on double circuit lines (or single
circuit lines). The reactor values can initially be found with a
spreadsheet type calculation using lumped circuit parameters. and
this calculation method allows easy investigation of a range of
reactance configurations and values. An example was done in this
paper for a specific transmission line. However, for double circuit
lines of different configuration the same techniques should be
applicable. The approximate calculations should be followed by
more detailed simulations.
Either single circuit type compensation($ and X, only) or
true double circuit compensation should work on a double circuit
line. If the single circuit type compensation is used, for a fault on
both circuits all three phases on one circuit would be hipped wi15
single pole reclosing then used on the remaining circuit
With the double circuit type of compensation, the full
configuration with %, X,, and X,, is not needed at each end of the
line. X, can be placed at one end and X,,, at the other. In
addition, for a new double circuit design, if the phase configuration
and transposition is selected so C, = C , then X, is not needed at

The few EMTP simulations that were presented indicated
that the dependence of 4 on the cment in other phases is not
easily predictable, probably because even a line that is completely
transposed will have unbalances near a fault.

New York,NY, Jan. 27 - Feb. 1, 1974.


Fukunishi, M., et. al., "Laboratory Study on Dead Time of

High Speed Reclosing of 500 kV Systems," 31-03, CIGRE,


Haubrich, H.J.. G. Hosemann, & R. Thomas,"Single-Phase

Auto-Reclosing in EHV Systems." CIGRE, Report 31-09,


Johns, A.T.. and W.M. Ritchie. "Application of an

Improved Technique for Assessing the Performance of
Single-Pole Reclosing Schemes," IEEE Trans. PAS, Vol.
PAS-103, NO. 12. Dec., 1984.


Kappenman, J.G., et. al., "Staged Fault Tests with Single

Phase Reclosing on the Winnipeg-Twin Cities 500 kV
Interconnection," Paper 81 SM 3664, IEEE PES Summer
Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 26-31, 1981.


Edwards, L., et. al., "Single-Pole Switching on TVA's

Paradise-Davidson 500 kV Line: Design Concepts and
Staged Fault Test Results." Paper 71 TP 147-PWR. IEEE
PES Winter Meeting, New York, NY, Jan. 31 - Feb. 5.


Scherer, H.N., et. al., "Single Phase Switching Tests on 765

and 750 kV Transmission Lines," IEEE Trans. PAS, Vol.
PAS-104, No. 6, June, 1985.


Shperling. B.R., et. al., "Analysisof Single Phase Switching

Field Tests on the AEP 765 kV System," IEEE Trans. PAS,
Vol. PAS-100, NO.4, April, 1981.


Goldberg, S.,W.F. Horton, & D. Tziouvaras, "A Computer

Model of the Secondary h c in Single Phase Operation of
TransmissionLines," Paper 88 WM 073-9, IEEEPES 1988
Winter Meeting, New York, NY, Jan. 31 - Feb. 5, 1988.

The existing EGAT double circuit is not perfectly
transposed between the circuits; there are 12 line transpositions of
the line at intervals of about 27 Inn. At each transposition point
the top two conductors of one circuit are exchanged, and the
bottom two phases are switched on the other circuit. At the next
transpositionpoint the bottom two phases of circuit 1 are switched,
etc. and this results in complete transposition within each circuit,
but not complete transposition between the circuits. The complete
transposition cases for the E M " simulations were done using a
line model with 9 sections.
Expressions for xh,


xi and x, which are in parallel with

ci and c, respectively. can be derive&

These expressions are

shown below in Fiq's (4). (5) and (6).


Xp(Xp+3X, + 6X,)

xi =




+ 6X,)

(Xp +3X,)

X, = Xp +3X, +6X,





Kimbark, W.E.. "Selective-PoleSwitchingof Long DoubleCircuit EHV Line," Paper F 75 511-6, IEEE PES Summer
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, July 20-25, 1975.


Hasibar, RM., et. al., "The Application of High-speed

Grounding Switches for Single-Pole Reclosing on 500 kV
Power Systems,'' IEEE Trans. PAS, Vol. PAS-100, No. 4,
Apr., 1981.


Peterson, H.A., and N.V. Dravid, "A Method for Reducing

Dead Time for Single-phase Reclosing in EHV
Transmission,"IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, NY,
Jan. 28 - Feb. 2. 1968.


Kimbark, E.W., "Suppression of Ground-Fault Arcs on

Single-Pole Switched EHV Lines by Shunt Reactors,"
Paper 4-56. IEEE Winter Power Meeting, New York, NY,
Feb. 2-7, 1964.


Koschik, V., Lambea S.R.. Rocamora, R., Wood, C.E. and

Wmer. G., "Long Line Single Phase Switching Transients
and their Effect on Station Equipment,'' IEEE Trans. Vol.
PAS-97, MayJJune 1978, pp 857-865.


Eaton, J.R., & E. KO&, "Single-Pole Switching on

Reactor Compensated Lines Optimum Operating
Conditions," Paper C 74 075-8, IEEE PES Winter Meeting,

Gary C. Thomann (M'70,SM'80) was

bom in Burlington, M,on July 23,
1942. He received his B.S.. M.S.,
and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical
Engineering from the University of
Kansas in 1965, 1967 and 1970,
respectively. From 1970 to 1975 Dr.
Thomann worked for the National
Aeronautics and Space
Administration Earth Resources
Laboratory in Slidell, LA as a
principal investigator, performing
remote sensing experiments. In 1975
he joined the faculty of Wichita State
University (WSU),Wichita, KS. His research at WSU was in the
areas of energy storage, transmission line design, transmission
reliability. wind energy, heat pumps and residential energy use and
conservation. Dr. Thomann worked at Power Math Associates
(PMA) during the summer of 1987. In Sept., 1987 he joined "I
and is presently a Senior Engineer in the Overhead Transmission
Systems Unit.


Stephen R . Lambert
(M69,SM78,F91) received both a
BSEE and MS from the Universityof
Illinois (U)
in 1969. Afier teaching
at UI he joined Commonwealth
Associates, Inc. in 1970. He joined
Power Technologies, Inc. (FE)in
1973 and is presently a Senior
Consultant with I. Mr.Lambert is
a Registered Professional Engine-er
and a Senior Member of IEEE. He
is a past chairman of the IEEE
Switchgear Committee, the TRV
Working Group and High Voltage
Circuit Breaker Sub-Committee,and is presently Secretary of the
IEEE PES Technical Council. He is a member of IEC WG 28.1.

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