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A tiny bit of love

They just had a fight Like always.

When she could bear no more, She lied down angrily and then slowly weeping ,she slept.
Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti TiWith the raising tone of alarm clock, she woke up.Went roaming
in the house.. She could not believe what was there. Her broken vase as good as new. A new 51
inches full HD TV with her favorite channel airing and a new recliner to sit on.. On the table
lied , tickets for a new destination with her sisters family.. and in the garden, was a new
glimmering car of her desired make.. She could not ask for anything more .. She was so happy..
But was something missing??? Where is he??? She went running to find him and found him in
her bedroom.. Smiling Everything she just found had no value Things she always fought
for.. He had bought everything for her.. by just giving a single cheque paid by his life insurance
company while his photo kept smiling at her
She wept again for a tiny bit of love..
And She woke up again

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