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TEL 311 Signature Assignment Bridges 1

TEL 311 Signature Assignment

TEL 311
Jonathan Bridges
Bachelor in Secondary Education (English)
Arizona State University

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Philosophy of Education
My education has defined my life up to this point. I have enjoyed my education and the amazing
relationships I have made while I have been in school. I am thankful for my time learning,
growing, and being shaped into the individual I am today. Something I could never overlook are
the special educators that have largely influenced my life. I cherish the time I have spent with so
many amazing teachers and people. It is because of these amazing educators I decided, if I were
to educate children and have even a fraction of the positive influence on my students that my
teachers have had on me, that I would be able to label my life and my career as a success.
As an educator it is my goal to approach each student with the hope that by the time they have
left my classroom they will not only be better students, they will be better prepared for the
expectations of the world and how they can be successful. I believe it is important as an educator
to have some level of a relationship with my students as people in order to get their best work as
students. While I was in school, I found that the teachers I liked I wanted to be successful for
them and the teaches I disliked I could not be more indifferent toward them and their classes. It is
because of this observation I want to make a point to know my students in a way that I can
understand how I can most effectively facilitate growth.
It is also important as an educator to understand that each student learns in a way that is unique
to them. I know as an educator I must be patient and open minded to any and all situations that
arise with students and be accommodating.
It is my belief that if I am able to provide my students with the proper materials and the right
motivation to inspire them to learn and expand upon their own thinking for the betterment of
themselves. I want my students to feel as though the lessons they learn will be impactful for their
lives in the future as adults. It is my belief that if Im able to do these things not only will I find
success but my students will too.

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White Board

Agenda/ Calender


Teacher Podium

Table 1
Class Book

Table 3

Table 5

Turn in
Table 2

Table 4

Table 6



Door Door

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Classroom Layout
My classroom is laid out so that as you enter the classroom there is a small desk on the
right. This desk is where students will turn in their work as they enter the class. This desk will
have a box or a basket that is labeled for each specific class. The desks are organized so that
students are sitting in groups. These groups will be strategically assigned so that students of
different calibers are all grouped together. There is not a group of students who are excelling and
a group who are struggling, the students are comingled so that they each can benefit and help
each other. The white board is on the north side of this classroom. On the whiteboard the
objective is clearly written so the whole class can see. Also the agenda and class schedule will be
clearly written on the white board. My desk and computer will be on the south side of the
classroom behind the desks so that I can observe the classroom from behind as well as keep my
computer out of the view of other students so that I can access grades and send work emails
without worrying about student eyes. The storage is on the left side of the room so that it is out
of the way of student traffic and I can reach materials easily. Finally, my book shelf is located
along the west wall so that students have the ability to borrow any books that I have. Also
students who finish early with nothing else to do can choose a book from the shelf to read until
class is over.

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Classroom Procedures
Beginning of Class
Students will be greeted at the door before each class by myself. I will provide the
students with any handouts or materials they will need as they enter the class. This first
interaction will allow me to observe their behavior as they enter the classroom. This also give me
the opportunity to focus the students. Students will then take out their homework from the class
before and place their work into the appropriate homework box located near the classroom
entrance. Next, they will be told to focus their attention to the class objective for that day as well
as any instructions that is on the board to get the class started. This will keep students focused
right when they sit down. Students will be given an activity at the beginning of class to get
students brains working. This helps with classroom management because students will be less
likely to come into the classroom and be disruptive when they know that when they walk in there
is an assignment that is due just after class starts.
End of Class
At the end of the class students will be given plenty of time to finish the activity of lesson
plan before the bell rings. This is important because students require the necessary time to be
reminded about upcoming classroom deadlines and due dates as well. Students will be given the
opportunity to pack up before the bells rings. The bell however does not excuse the class, that
will be done by me.
Transitions between activities
Typically, I will try to have an activity that lasts an entire class period. However, there
will be a transition from the warm up activity at the beginning of class to the lesson plan for the
day. This transition should be smooth because students will have already been given any
handouts they will need for class as they walk in. I will begin with a quick thorough explanation

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of the activity we will be doing. Next, I will be check for understanding and ask if there are any
questions about the activity and I will allow them to move on.
Student Work
Students will be graded on participation using the warm up activity that they complete at
the beginning of class. Any work sheets that are given to students to complete in class will be
considered class work/ homework. In case an assigned worksheet is not completed in class it will
be added as homework to any reading that would be required for the next class. Summative
assessments will be graded as test and will be given after an important class text is finished.
Essays/ Projects will also be given as an assessment lesson plan and will be weighted equally to
test grades. The Grading scale will be weighted 15% for class participation, 25% for In-Class
work and Homework, 30% for Tests, and 30% for Essays and Project grades. Homework will be
collected after they have entered the class in the specific homework box for that class. Work that
is graded will be handed out periodically to students while they complete in-class assignments
after it has been graded and entered into the gradebook. Any late work will be accepted a week
after the assignments original due date but will be docked 10% each day that it is late. If a
student is absent they will have one week from when they return to complete any work that they
missed in class.
Rules and Consequences
As a teacher as far as rules in the classroom go I feel it will benefit my class to allow us
as a whole to create the rules of the classroom. I believe that students when given the opportunity
will provide an acceptable set of rules to follow that will have appropriate consequences.
Although, there are some rules that I believe are absolutely necessary. The first thing that I think
is absolutely necessary is there needs to be respect in the classroom. There has to be a general
level of respect between myself and the students. Another classroom rule that needs to be present

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is honesty. This includes things like cheating as well as lying. Also, an important classroom value
that I think is important is effort. Students need to come to class willing to work. If these three
valued are upheld than a classroom will be quiet and respectful, tell the truth and not cheat, and
work hard to complete their work. I am confident that if these values are explained thoroughly
they will align with the student handbook or district policies. If these values are not upheld
student will be provided with an initial warning unless more action is required right away. If they
disobey these values again a student will be punished with the appropriate punishment program
the school has. If a student continues to disobey these values after initial punishment I will talk
with their parent or guardian.
Communicating with Parents
I will try my best to limit communication with parents by trying my best to have parents
email me. Parents can schedule a meeting time with me through email at an appropriate time that
works for both parties. If I need to reach out to a parent, I can communicate with them by email
unless a phone call is absolutely necessary. Parents will also be given access to an online
classroom format so that they have access to any future assignment dates and parents can view
their childs grades.
Diverse Learners
It will be my goal to ensure that my classroom is as inclusive as possible and any
necessary steps needed to support any student that requires extra help or special attention is
given equal opportunity to be successful. My philosophy calls for the respect of every individual
in my classroom no matter what. According to an article titled, Implications for Meeting the
Needs of Diverse Learners, by Fara Green she writes, Each and every child has great capacity to
learn when exposed to effective and relevant learning strategies (Green 1). I absolutely agree

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with this idea and it is a large part of my philosophy as a teacher. It is important that all students
are given a chance to be successful.

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Works Cited
Green, Farra. Implications for Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print

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