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November, 2016

Student 2

U.S. History 9th Grade

Report Card
Unit #

Unit 1 Academic Grade

Unit 1 Non-Academic

Unit 2 Academic Grade

Unit 2 Non-Academic

Unit 3 Academic Grade

Unit 3 Non-Academic


Teacher/Instructor Comments

This is your grade after retaking the assessment. You

know more than half of the information, but there
72% are some areas we need to improve on. Come see
me if you have any questions or would like some
A couple of your assignments were incomplete and
there were some mistakes in your work. You know
the material, but I think you are getting some ideas
mixed up.
This is your grade after retaking the assessment.
We will be going over some of the information again
70% in class, but I would like to go through this with you at
some point either before or after school, or during
You know the information, but you are still mixing
the vocab and people up. Try to go back over your
assignments and see if you can find where you got
things mixed up.
This is your score without retaking the assessment.
We are improving which is awesome. I am looking
forward to working with you and improving in a few
There were some assignments that you struggled
with and it was clear that you were missing a little

something in your knowledge of the content.


Unit 4 Academic Grade


Unit 4 Non-Academic

This is a huge improvement from the first unit. You

are really showing me what you know and that is
reflected in your grade.
Good work on your assignments and participation in
class discussions. There were a couple mistakes that
well take a look at as a class, but you are showing
that you have mastered a majority of our objectives.

Flushing High School | Mr. Kilbourn

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