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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 02, 2016

What is the connection between ones thoughts, actions and righteousness? Bhagawan
lovingly explains the intricate connection and its applicability in daily living.

A person is judged by actions. Good actions

reveal a good person and bad actions reveal a
wicked person. Your qualities and actions are
interdependent as actions reveal your inner
qualities and your inner qualities drive your
actions. Strive to reform yourself by developing
good qualities. Merely listening to spiritual
discourses or living in sacred places or in sacred
company is of no use, unless an effort is made to
practice a few of the noble teachings. Qualities
like forbearance (kshama), compassion, truth,
love and empathy are not restricted to any nation,
race or faith. These are spiritual qualities and are
essential for people everywhere, at all times.
Propagation of Righteousness (Dharma) does not
mean spreading knowledge about something that
is unknown. Knowledge of Dharma is acquired
only to promote its practice and only those who
practice righteousness are qualified to propagate
it. By practicing in daily living alone, you learn its
true nature and realise its full value.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 7, 1988.

Test all your actions, words, thoughts on this touchstone: Will this be approved by God?
Will this rebound to His renown? Baba

02 dsMbr,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: iksy mnu`K dy ivcwrW,krmW Aqy Drm ivc kI irSqw hY?Bgvwn, A`j
swnUM,ies dw muSikl irSqw Aqy ies dy roz dy kMmW ivc pRXog bwry dsdy hn[
au`qr: koeI vI mnu`K,aus dy krmW qoN jwixAw jWdw hY[cMgy krmW qoN,mnu`K dI
cMigAweI dw pqw lgdw hY Aqy bury krmW qoN aus dI duStqw dw pqw cldw
hY[quhwfy gux Aqy quhwfy krm,iek dUjy qy inrBr krdy hn ikauN jo quhwfy v`loN
kIqy gey krm, quhwfy AMdrly guxW nUM dsdy hn Aqy quhwfy AMdrly guxW
kwrx,qusIN Awpxy krm krdy ho[A`iDAwqimk pRvcnW nUM suxx jW piv`qr sQwnW
ivc rihx jW piv`qr sMgq ivc rihx dw,au`nI dyr qweIN koeI lwB nhIN huMdw
ij`nI dyr qweIN ku`J, au`qm is`iKAwvW au`qy qusIN Aml krn dI koiSS nhIN
krdy[iKmw krn,dieAwluqw,scweI,ipAwr Aqy qrs krn vrgy gux,iksy
dyS,jwq-pwq Aqy Drm nwl sMbMD nhIN r`Kdy[ieh qW A`iDAwqimk gux hn
ijhVy hr mnu`K leI hr jgHw Aqy hr smyN lwgU huMdy hn[Drm dy pRcwr dw ieh
ArQ nhIN ik qusIN,iksy Axjwn cIj dy igAwn dw pRswr kro[Drm bwry igAwn
ies leI pRwpq kIqw jWdw hY ik qusIN,ies dw A`iBAws krn leI pRcwr kro Aqy
ijhVy lok ies dw A`iBAws krdy hn aunHW nUM hI h`k hY ik auh Drm dw pRcwr
krn[hr roj,ies dw A`iBAws krn nwl hI quhwnUM,ies dw shI ArQ pqw l`gy
gw Aqy ies dy AslI mu`l dw pqw l`gy gw[( 07 jnvrI,1988 dy idvX
Awpxy krmW,SbdW Aqy ivcwrW nUM,ksOtI qy prKo[ kI ieh,Bgvwn nUM cMgy l`gdy
hn?kI ieh Bgvwn dI aupmw vwly hn[(bwbw)[

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