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CEIT 421 Research Method

Research Reports
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In this section, you should provide a summary of approximately
200 words that allows the reader of your portfolio to understand
what your research studies were about. This section can include a
brief statement of the research problem for each of your research
studies. You should keep this section not longer than a paragraph
or two.

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Topic of Your Research Study

Each research report should be comprised of six main parts:
Conclusion or Discussion
Details for each part are given below.
If your research focus is the same for observation and interview based qualitative
researches, you need to provide two research reports. One is related to
questionnaire while the other is related to observation and interview. However, if
your research focus is different in each research study (survey, observation and
interview), you need to provide three research reports. One is related to
questionnaire, other one is related to observation, and the other is related to

In this section, write a brief summary of the research report. It is usually not
longer than a paragraph or two. Usually, an abstract contains a brief statement of
the research problem, a description of the sample, followed by a brief summary of
the procedures, including a description of the instrument(s) used, how data was
collected, the results of the study, and the research's conclusion.
-----The present study examined the associations in related literature with the
relationships between video game and Internet addictions and aimed at
determining the correlations between video game and Internet addictions. Also,
the study further focused on whether the symptom of tolerance occurred in all
conditions or not. In the study, correlational research was used. The study was
carried out with 200 students from a high school located in the Eastern part of
Turkey. Video Game Addiction Questionnaire and Internet Addiction Scale were
used to collect the research data. For the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics
TwoStep Cluster Analysis, correlation analysis and Independent Samples t-Test
were applied. Consequently, it was found that there was a strong correlation
between video game addiction and Internet addiction. ------

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In this section, introduce the problem to the readers. Under this part, you need to
provide a short background to the problem case and support your claim with a
few literature. The last sentence of the introduction part should include the
purpose statement. This statement can be the same as it appears in the abstract.
The length of this part could be limited to 3-4 paragraphs.
-----Video game and Internet addictions are considered to be a type of behavioral
addictions (non-chemical or non-substance) different from substance addiction.
In substance addiction, addiction develops depending on the substance used,
while in behavioral addictions, addiction develops based on the activity carried
out or on the behavior. However, regarding video game and Internet addictions,
it is an issue of discussion whether individuals are addicted to the platform or to
the content provided by the Internet or whether one is more influential on
individuals than the other (Griffiths, 1999a).
Among behavioral addictions are such addictions or disorders as video game
addiction (online or offline) (Porter, Starcevic, Berle, & Fenech, 2010), Internet
addiction (Ko, Yen, Chen, Yeh, & Yen, 2009; Ko, Yen, Chen, Yang, et al., 2009),
sexual addiction (Goodman, 1992), pathological gambling (Blanco, Moreyra,
Nunes, Siz-Ruiz, & Ibez, 2001; Griffiths, 2008a) and shopping addiction or
compulsive buying (Black, 1996) (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders [DSM-V], 2013). Internet and computer addictions are considered
within the scope of technological addictions based on humanmachine
interaction (Griffiths, 1999a). Technological addictions can be regarded as a
subset of behavioral addictions.
It is seen that behavioral addictions such as the Internet, video game and
gambling addictions have some common points regarding symptoms as well as
prevention and treatment (Griffiths, 2008a, 2008b, 2010; Keepers, 1990;
Kuczmierczyk, Walley, & Calhoun, 1987).
Interaction of Internet or video game addiction with other behavioral addictions
is important not only for the identification of causes of Internet or video game
addictions but also for its prevention and treatment. In this respect, for the
purpose of examining the factors triggering Internet/video game addiction or its
development, it is necessary to determine the relationships between Internet or
video game addictions and other behavioral addictions. ------

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This section should consist of several sub-sections;
Problem Statements
Data Collection Procedures
Data Analysis
Any other issues that you think would help the readers better understand your
research could also be written into this section.

Problem Statements

The particular problem statement to be investigated should be stated in this

section. Problem statement might be indicated as question form or specific forms
of the problem; to illustrate, as a narrative form. You can use researches or
sources conducted by other researchers to link with your problem statement.
-----Although the relationships between video game and Internet addictions were
identified in some studies (Ng & Wiemer-Hastings, 2005; van Rooij et al., 2010),
there is a need for more studies to be conducted to confirm this relationship
empirically. In addition, when the related literature is reviewed, it is seen that
there is a need for research to be conducted not only to examine the relationships
between technology-based addictions such as video game and Internet addictions
but also to discuss the related reasons [A brief description of the problem. You
need to explain the problem or issue your study is addressing to the reader]. In
order to fill this gap, the present study examined the associations in related
literature (non-empirical) with the relationships between video game and
Internet addictions and aimed at determining the (empirical) correlations
between video game and Internet addictions. In this respect, studies examining
and discussing the relationships and comparisons are important to understand
the causes of video game and Internet addictions and to take the necessary
prevention and treatment regarding the process [Explain why the problem
matters, and pinpoint a solution as quickly and directly as possible].
Also, the study further focused on whether the symptom of tolerance occurred in all
conditions or not (e.g. social, financial). In the present study, the symptom of
tolerance was discussed. For this reason, depending on the findings obtained and
considering the social structure, several conclusions were drawn. In the study, within
the scope of the interaction of different cultural structures with technology, it was
claimed that symptoms of behavioral addictions are not efficient for the

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process of diagnosis of addictions even if these are widely-accepted symptoms

and that considering only the symptoms could be misleading in some cases.

In this section, you should indicate in considerable detail how you have obtained
the sample (participants) to be used in research study. Relevant demographics
(gender, occupation, and so on) of the participants should be described in this
-----Participants of this study were 131 students from a high school located in the Eastern
part of Turkey in 2014 [Total number of participant participated in the study]. While
determining the research sample, the purposive sampling method was used
[sampling methodology used to select participants from the population]. The ages of
the adolescents participating in the study ranged between 15 and 18. -


You should describe your instruments to be used in your research study in this
section. You might give a brief description about instruments. The objective,
number of items, type of items, etc. might be provided. Do not forget to
attach your instruments in Appendix.
-----In the study, Demographic Variables Form, Video Game Addiction Questionnaire
(VGAQ) and Internet Addiction Scale (IAS) were used. Video Game Addiction
Questionnaire (VGAQ). While The Video Game Addiction Questionnaire was
developed by the researcher, Internet Addiction Scale (IAS) was taken from Gunuc
and Kayri (2010) [The types of the instrument used in the study to collect data. The
instrument may be a scale, questionnaire, self-report form composed of a set of
questions, interview form, etc. You need to write clearly which instrument you used to
collect which data types (qualitative and quantitative)].


Data Collection Procedures

In this section, you should indicate in considerable detail how your research data
have been collected. You can give a description of your strategy to be followed in
data collection process. You can answer following questions for description of

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Which instruments have been collected first? and Why?

Which steps have been followed during the data collection process?
-----The data were collected with the paper-and-pencil method in their classes. The
interview held with the school administrators described demographic data
regarding such variables as number of the students sisters/brothers, their
families financial status, relationships between family members, rate of access to
technology and level of academic achievements. In addition, research data were
also collected from the students regarding their age, Internet use and video game
use (e.g. duration, platform, who they play with) [Explain in detail the process in
which qualitative or quantitative data were collected. Providing necessary
information about the types of participants].

Data Analysis
You should indicate how the collected data were organized and analyzed. Any
data analysis techniques, descriptive, inferential and/or qualitative, should be
described clearly in sufficient detail. You should provide which analysis
procedures you used, which question(s) were answered with the analysis
procedures which you chose to apply and why these procedures are appropriate.
-----This study uses both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to investigate
the existence and extent of relationships among selected variables. Descriptive
statistics including frequencies, means, and standard deviations for the
dependent variable computer use are examined [type of the statistical methods
used in the study to analyze dataset].
Correlation analyses were conducted between video game addiction and Internet
addiction and between game addiction and the sub-factors of Internet addiction.
As it was seen that the measurement tools were continuous variables and that the
distributions were normal, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was
carried out. Lastly, in order to compare playing online and offline video games,
Independent Samples t-Test was used since the data had a normal distribution.
For the analyses, the significance level was taken as .05 [the type of the analysis
methods utilized in the study was stated and the variables included in the
analysis were clearly explained].

In this section, write the results of your analysis of his or her data - that is, what
the collected data reveal. Any statistical technique that were applied to the data
Page 6 of 15

and the results that were obtained should be described. The results of any statistical
tests of significance should be reported. In survey studies, percentages of responses to
the questions, crossbreak table, etc. are given. Qualitative data analysis should be
present clear descriptions ( and sometimes quotations) to support and/or illustrate
results obtained through observations and/or interviews. Tables and figures should
present clear summaries of the data analysis.

-----Of all the participants, 73% of them used the Internet and played video game for one
or two hours at most a day, and only 3% of them used the Internet for more than five
hours. In addition, among the participants, 7% of them reported that they used the
Internet mostly for playing video games. Also, 40% of them stated that they mostly
played online video games, and 60% of them said they mostly played in offline
platforms (playstation, smart phone, tablet and so on). Lastly, almost half of the
participants reported that they played games alone, and the other half said they
played video games with friends [Descriptive statistics given in percentage terms.
NOTE: instead percentage descriptive statistics can be given as numbers].

The relationships between video game and Internet addictions and between video
game addiction and the sub-factors of Internet addiction [state the variables
examined and included in the relationship analysis] were examined with Pearson
product-moment correlation analysis [state which statistical method was used].
Table 2 presents the findings obtained [As clearly indicated in Table 2 below, all
the tables must be designed and prepared in APA format].
Table 2
Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between VGAQ and IAS.

Online video
Offline video
*p< .001.
[Important: the symbol asterisk (*) placed next to a particular number or phrase
represents the significance of correlation]
As can be seen in Table 2 above, a significantly positive correlation was calculated
between video game and Internet addictions as well as between video game
addiction and such sub-factors of Internet addiction as Withdrawal, Controlling
Difficulty, Disorder in Functionality and Social Isolation (p < .001). Furthermore,
when Table 2 is examined, it is seen that there was a strong correlation between
video game and Internet addiction as well as between video game addiction and
such sub-factors of Internet addiction as Withdrawal and Disorder in
Functionality. In addition, there was a moderate correlation between video game
addiction and the sub-factors of Controlling Difficulty and Social Isolation. Also,
as can be seen in Table 2, playing online video game had a slightly higher
correlation with Internet addiction when compared to offline video game playing
[All the correlation analysis results were stated just as seen in Table 2 without
any personal comments or additional information].
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Table 3
Comparison of online and offline video game playing in terms of IAS scores.


When Table 3 above is examined, it is seen that although a significant difference

was found between the participants playing online and offline video game (p =
.045; p < .05), there was a fairly little difference. However, it was seen that the
adolescents playing online video game had higher mean scores of Internet
addiction [All the correlation analysis results were stated just as seen in Table 2
without any personal comments or additional information].

Conclusion or Discussion
In this section, present your interpretation of what the results imply
for theory and/or practice. You should place their results in a broader context.
You can state any difficulties that were encountered, make note of the
limitations of the study, and suggest further, related studies that might be done.
In this section, there should be no room for disagreement regarding the
statements in the results section.
-----The purpose of the study was to examine and determine the relationship between
video game and Internet addictions [Restate the purpose or aim of the study].
Consequently, there are relationships between online behavioral addictions due
to the bridge established via the Internet or due to problematic Internet use.
According to the results obtained, there was a strong correlation between video
game and Internet addictions [Write the result of your main finding]. In addition,
it could be stated that video game playing leads to a higher risk of addiction for
adolescents when compared to Internet use [A possible conclusion that can be
drawn from your finding]. One reason for this could be the fact that video game
playing is regarded especially by children and adolescents as a way of
entertainment. Another reason is that among the Internet use purposes are those
with no risk of addiction such as research, information, news, videos and music
[Some of the reasons that you think might cause this finding to come out].
Therefore, it could be stated that the risk of becoming video game addicted and
Internet addicted is higher for all adolescents playing video games [your final and
unified possible statement from the finding].
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In the study, the relationships of online and offline video game playing with Internet
addiction were examined [Before giving the results of your findings, you should help
your readers to remember the aim of your study], and it was found out via the
correlation and t-test results that there was no considerable difference in-between
[your result coming from the correlation and T-test analysis]. However, though there
was as a slight difference, it was revealed that online video game playing was more
likely to cause Internet addiction when compared to offline video game playing
[Explain or restate your result]. In related literature, there are studies supporting this
finding (Kuss et al., 2012; Ng & Wiemer-Hastings, 2005; Parsons, 2005) [refer to the
literature for evidence or information that supports your finding]. One reason for this
could be the fact that video gamers find the opportunity to compete with each other in
online platforms; that this competition increases their feelings of ambition,
satisfaction and joy; and that they aim at making money (Ang & Zaphiris, 2010;
Beranuy et al., 2013; Kuss & Griffiths, 2012a; Ng & Wiemer-Hastings, 2005; Paik et
al., 2014; Peters & Malesky, 2008) [The reasons that you think might cause this
finding to come out by referring to the other studies]. However, these results are
fairly surprising because a strong correlation between offline video game playing and
Internet addiction is not an expected result while a strong correlation between online
video game playing and Internet addiction is expected. In addition, in this study, the
number of those preferring to use the Internet to play video games was fairly low. For
this reason, it was surprisingly found out via the t-test that there was not much
difference between online and offline video game playing in terms of Internet
addiction and that offline video game playing had a strong correlation with Internet
addiction [unexpected and surprising results which did not fit to common literature
or what you envisaged at the outset of the study].

As a result of the rapid development and spread of technology, individuals contact

with the Internet will undoubtedly develop and gain strength. For the prevention and
treatment of video game addiction and other behavioral addictions likely to be
developed and facilitated by the Internet, it is certainly wrong to interfere with
individuals relationships with the Internet and to help them move away from this
technology despite all the risks posed by the Internet. Especially online video games
(e.g. MMORPG) could be said to contribute to socialization via the Internet and to the
development of interaction or communication between individuals (Ang

& Zaphiris, 2010; Cole & Griffiths, 2007). However, this is not valid for all kinds
of games or for offline video games. In addition, it is thought that there are
various benefits of video games (De Freitas & Griffiths, 2007, 2008; Griffiths,
2002; Procci et al., 2013), while it is hard to cite positive effects of every behavior
like gambling [Discuss your findings in parallel with the literature and provide
suggestions based on those findings].
Another finding was that a great majority of the participants did not use the
Internet for more than two-three hours a day. Regarding the socio-economic
conditions, family structures and demographic backgrounds of the participants, it
was seen that almost half of them had to restrict their Internet use or increase the
amount of their Internet use due to financial and family-related factors though
they wanted to use the Internet or play video games longer [state your other
findings]. Does the symptom of tolerance exist in all addicted individuals? If
Page 9 of 15

individuals are prevented from increasing the time they spend on the
Internet/game or if they do not have the opportunity to increase the amount of
their Internet use, do they develop addiction, though? To what extent is the
symptom of tolerance important for the diagnosis of addiction, and does it
influence other symptoms? [Discuss your findings and write possible
conclusions] The findings obtained in the study revealed that the duration of
Internet use of the Internet-addiction risk group and the addicted group was
mostly one or two hours and that their Internet-addiction scores were over the
medium level [State what those results means]. Although Griffiths and Meredith
(2009) stated that excessive activity and addictive activity are two very different
things, excessive use is an important indicator of addiction. In cases of excessive
use of the Internet or video game, it is likely for addiction to develop (Griffiths,
2000, 2008b) [refer to the literature to clarify and justify what you said related to
the result]. The results of previous studies, it was seen that there was a strong
correlation between Internet/video game addiction and the duration of daily
Internet use or; that the Internet-addicted individuals used the Internet for four
or five hours or longer a day; and that the tolerance symptom occurred as well
(Cao & Su, 2007; Gunuc, 2013; Gunuc & Kayri, 2010; Hardie & Tee, 2007; Lin &
Tsai, 2002; Nalwa & Anand, 2003; Simkova & Cincera, 2004; Young, 2004)
[refer to the previous studies for corroborating evidence or information].

For the diagnosis of behavioral addictions, it is believed that it is necessary to

consider the symptoms together with technology use conditions and the cultural
structure where the technology is used (family income level, relationships with
family members, parents attitudes toward technology and with other related
demographic variables). Thus, future studies can focus on the fact that symptoms
of addiction may differ considerably in certain conditions and that symptoms are
not efficient alone for the diagnosis of addiction. Consequently, tolerance was
used in a number of studies with withdrawal as the symptoms of behavioral
addictions (Beard & Wolf, 2001; Greenfield, 2011), and it was not used in some
other studies as the main symptom (Gunuc & Dogan, 2013; van Rooij et al., 2010;
Wilson Fornasier, & White, 2010). In this respect, while examining tolerance,
other variables (e.g. amounts of time, purpose of Internet use, other symptoms)
should be taken into consideration to determine Internet addiction [future
studies were provided based on the results of the study].

Page 10 of 15

In this section, you should list all resources that were used in the writing of the
report. You must use the APA style for all references and citations in the
research report. Every source cited in the report must be included in the
references. The reference section should begin on a new page. All resources must
be listed alphabetically by authors last names.
Book with Single Author:
Author (First name)
Author (Last name)
Book title (must be italic)
Place Published
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and
Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4 ed.). Boston: Pearson
Book Section:

First Author (First name

and Last name)
Second Author (First
name and Last name)

Book Title (must be italic)

Place Published
First Author (First name
and Last name)
Second Author (First
name and Last name)

Chapter Title
Chapter Number
Gustafson, K. L., & Branch, R. M. (2002). What is instructional design? In R. A.
Reiser & J. A. Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and issues in instructional design and
technology (pp. 1625). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
Page 11 of 15

Journal Article with Multiple Authors:

First Author (First
name and Last name)
Second Author (First
name and Last name)
Third Author (First
name and Last name)
Forth Author (First
name and Last name)

Maxwell Chipulu
Udechukwu Ojiako
Melanie Ashleigh
Stuart Maguire

Journal (must be italic)
DOI (Digital Object
Identifier) (if any)

An Analysis of Interrelationships Between Project
Management and Student-Experience Constructs.
Project Management Journal

Chipulu, M., Ojiako, U., Ashleigh, M., & Maguire, S. (2011). An Analysis of
Interrelationships Between Project Management and Student-Experience Constructs.
Project Management Journal, 42(3), 91-101. doi:10.1002/pmj.20225

Conference Papers/Proceedings:
Paper = an individual paper presented at a conference
First Author (First name
and Last name)
Second Author (First
name and Last name)
Third Author (First
name and Last name)
Title (must be italic)
Conference Name
Conference Location

Zafer Kadirhan
Mustafa Sat
Yunus Alkis
A Content Analysis of the Studies in
education area in Turkey
9th International Computer &
Instructional Technologies Symposium
Afyonkarahisar, Turkey

Kadirhan, Z., Sat, M.,& Alkis, Y. (2015). A Content Analysis of the Studies in
education area in Turkey. Paper presented at 9th International Computer
& Instructional Technologies Symposium, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.

Page 12 of 15
Newspaper Articles:
First Author (First name
and Last name)
Publication Month and Day
Title of Article
Title of Newspaper (must
be italic)

Can Dundar
August 31
Sava bitirecek soru: Neden lyorum?



Dundar, C. (2015, August 31). Sava bitirecek soru: Neden lyorum?.

Cumhuriyet. Retrieved from

Author (First name and

Last name)
Title (must be italic)
Thesis Type
University Published

Stephanie Nelson
The Association between Residency Status, Social
Connectedness, and Nutrition and
Physical Activity Behaviors among Diverse
College Freshmen
M.S. (M.S stands for Master of
Science) Arizona State University

Nelson, S. (2016). The Association between Residency Status, Social

Connectedness, and Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors among
Diverse College Freshmen. (M.S.), Arizona State University. Retrieved from

Page 13 of 15

Author (First name and

Last name)
Title of Entry
Last Update Date or
Month Date Published
Year Month Date


Gates, B. (2015, August 16). Teaching Is About Relationships [Web Blog].

Retrieved August 31, 2015, from
Author (First name and
Last name)
Year Published
Article Title
Last Update Date or
Month Date Published
Huertas, E. (2015, August 31). Social Media Conversion Is a Numbers Game.
Retrieved from

Unpublished Manuscript:
Author (First name and
Last name)
Article Title (must be


Type of Work
Manuscript Number
Publication Status

Sat, M. (2015). Undergraduate Students' Perceptions and Preferences for

Formative Feedback on Term Projects: Relationships with Learning
Approaches. Research Paper. (HIGH-D-15-00534). Unpublished manuscript.

Page 14 of 15

Report (online):
Author (First name and
Last name) or Name of the
Report Title (must be italic)
Place Published

Whats Wrong with Wikipedia?

Turnitin. (2003). Whats Wrong with Wikipedia? Retrieved from pdf

For Additional Information about APA Citation Styles

In order to get additional information about APA reference types you can check
the following web addresses out for the APA Style (6th Edition) tutorial:

Appendix A, B, C

You should attach

Instrument(s)(e.g. observation forms, interview questions,
and questionnaire) (not filled)

Filled instrument(s) (e.g. observation forms, interview notes, and

questionnaires) used in the data collection.

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