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Mid-Term and Final Evaluation Form for use by the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) wertortewtee DEDYIE Hutson Intern/Residents A {lyson Edge Overall aang 1 fi Giet Please use the rating scale below to indicate the developmental level of the intern/resident at this point in each of the 4 domains and use the comment section to provide support for each rating. Domain 1: Planning Proficient (Developing \ Improvement Needed 3 é 1 [1-1 Standards & A ienment; The intenesident designs clear well orgailzed; sequential lessons that reflect best practice, align with standards and are appropriate for diverse leamers. dia nie. Assessment: The intemvresident uss formal and informal methods Yo measure sudent progress, Wen manages and analyzes student data to inform instruction, 1-5 Knowledge of Students: The inter/resident ensures high levels of learning, social-emotional developmeat and achievement for all students. [14 Activities: The Bie a ug ig flexibie Tessons Tay encourage higher-order thinking and achievement ms ea i Vie Linton, MAienla, : clap pee Ad Hic wine Domain 2: Instructi (Proficient Developing Improvement Needed suey) 2 1 2.1 Achieving Expectations: The intern/resident supports all learners in their pursuit of high levels of academic and social- ‘emotional success. 2.2 Content Knowledge & Expertise: The intern/resident uses content and pedagogical expertise to design and execute lessons aligned with state standards, related content and student needs. e 2.3 Communication: The intern/resident clearly and accurately communicates to support persistence, deeper learning and effective effort. 2.4 Differentiation: The intern/resident differentiates instruction, allgning methods and techniques to diverse Audent needs, e 2.5 Monitor & Adjust: The intern/resident formally and informally collects, analyzes and uses student progress data and ‘makes needed lesson adjustments. Tig aes pact a MMM festnalcte . f i l fh Hy if Hh hm Needing cH ARMCt wae AEE crate 6 hth ohidid: Domain 3: Learning Environment (@roficient | Developing Improvement Needed 3 2 1 3.1 Classroom Environment, Routitiesand Procedures: The intern/resident organizes a safe, accessible, and efficient classroom. E [3.2 Managing Student Behavior: The ntern/resi | student behavior. 3.3 Classroom Culture: The intern/resident leads @ mutually respectful and collaborative class of actively engaged learners. "Ting: Woe Rad oe ue ey eh pe 19, hr, ot a fine ML A hi cau Mi ivi fad tuaiek. | Domain 4: Professional Practices and Responsibilities (Proficient \) Developing. Improvement Needed 3 2 1 4.1 Professional Demeanor & Ethics: The infer/resident meets TAMUC and district expectations Tor atlendance, professional appearance, decorum, procedural, ethical, legal, and statutory responsibilities. (eg, Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators). ‘+ Develops positive, productive relationships wih colleagues ‘+ Demonstrates initative and postive aude in performance of utes and responsi + Accepts and inplementsconsrutive suggestions for change and grovth “4.2 Goal Setting: The intern/resident reflects on his/her practices. ‘+ Sets short and long-term professional goals based on selEassesment, reflections nd mentorsupervisor suggestions + Demonstrates initiative to meet th goals, resulting in improvement in eaching practices and student achievement 43 Professional Development: The intern/resident enhances the professional community, + Demonstrates collaborative practices by participating in all schedule district and campus professional development aetvies + Actively paticiptes in pre‘post meetings withthe Instructional Leadership Team (LT) = “44 School Community involvement: The intern/resident demonstrates initiative and leadership with students, colleagues, and community members in the school, district, and community through effective communication and outreach, # _Acively partipats ia ext des throughout the sho! (bs dy, eater duty eld ips) Traeycoaneats Loy inal fe Mthe KY feu nt establishes, communicates and maintains clear expectations for

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